50 Bible Verses about Resolving Conflict

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Matthew 18:16

But, if he do not hearken, take with thee, yet one or two, that, at the mouth of two witnesses or three, every declaration, maybe established;

Matthew 5:25

Be making agreement with thine adversary, quickly, while thou art with him, in the way, - lest once thine adversary deliver thee up unto the judge, and the judge, unto the officer, and, into prison, thou be cast.

Proverbs 18:18

The lot causeth, contentions, to cease, and, the mighty, it parteth.

Luke 22:24

And it came to pass that there was, a rivalry also, among them, as to which of them seemed to be greater than the rest .

Genesis 13:8

So then Abram said unto Lot Pray let not cause of strife arise betwixt me and thee, or betwixt my herdmen and thy herdmen; for brethren, are we.

Acts 15:6

And the Apostles and Elders were gathered together to see about this matter.

Proverbs 23:29

Who hath woe? Who hath outcry of pain? Who hath contentions? Who hath complaining? Who hath needless wounds? Who hath dullness of eyes?

Psalm 11:3

When the pillars are overthrown, What could, a righteous man, do?

Matthew 1:19

Moreover, Joseph her husband, being, righteous, and yet unwilling to expose her, - intended, privately, to divorce her.

Luke 14:31

Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him.

Psalm 11:4

Yahweh, is in his holy temple As for Yahweh, in the heavens, is his throne, His eyes, behold - His eyelashes test the sons of men.

Ezekiel 44:24

And in a controversy, They shall stand up for justice, With my judgments, shall they judge it, And my laws and my statutes in all mine appointed assemblies, shall they observe, And my sabbaths, shall they hallow.

Ezekiel 3:14

So the Spirit lifted me up, and took me away, - and I went bitterly, in the rage of my spirit, but the hand of Yahweh upon me was strong.

Luke 12:13

And one from amongst the multitude said unto him - Teacher! bid my brother divide with me the inheritance.

Proverbs 25:9

Thy contention, urge thou with thy neighbour, and, the secret of another, do not reveal:

Psalm 11:6

He will rain upon the lawless live-coals, Fire and brimstone and a burning wind, are the portion of their cup.

Nehemiah 6:9

For, they all, were seeking to put us in fear, saying, Their hands will slacken from the work, and it will not be accomplished. Now, therefore, strengthen thou my hands!

Daniel 11:17

Then will he set his face to enter, with the might of all his kingdom, and, equitable terms with him, will make, - and, a daughter of women, will he give him to corrupt her, but she will not remain, nor, his, shall she become.

Genesis 13:7

And there arose a strife betwixt the herdmen of Abram, and the herdmen of Lot. Now the Canaanite and the Perizzite, were then dwelling in the land.

Matthew 8:29

and lo! they cried aloud, saying, What have we in common with thee, O Son of God? Hast thou come hither, before the right time, to torment us?

Joshua 5:14

And he said - Nay, but, I, as prince of the host of Yahweh, have, now, come. So Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and worshipped, and said unto him, What is my lord speaking unto his servant?

Daniel 11:18

Then will he turn his face to the Coastlands, and will capture many, - but a commander, will bring to an end, his reproach against himself, that, his reproach, return not unto him.

Matthew 21:23

And, when he, entered, the temple, the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people, came unto him as he was teaching, saying, By what authority, these things, art thou doing? and, who, to thee, gave, this authority?

2 Samuel 21:15

And the Philistines had yet again a war with Israel, - so David went down, and his servants with him, and fought the Philistines, and David became faint.

Psalm 11:2

For lo! the lawless, bend the bow They have fixed their arrow upon the string, To shoot in the darkness at the upright in heart:

Psalm 11:1

In Yahweh, have I sought refuge. How can ye say to my soul, Flee to a mountain like a little bird;

John 13:27

And, after the morsel, then, entered, Satan, into that man. Jesus, therefore, saith unto him - What thou art doing, do quickly!

Job 3:14

With kings, and counselors of the earth, who had built them pyramids:

Psalm 11:7

For righteous is Yahweh Righteousness, he loveth, the upright, shall behold his face.

Galatians 1:14

And was making advancement, in Judaism, above many contemporaries in my nation, being, surpassingly zealous, of my paternal instructions.

Acts 15:2

And, when Paul and Barnabas had had no little dissension and discussion with them, it was arranged that Paul and Barnabas and certain others from among them should go up unto the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem concerning this question,

Acts 20:25

And, now, lo! I, know that, no more, shall ye see my face, - ye all, among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom.

Matthew 1:20

But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, - Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of the , Holy, Spirit.

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