9 Bible Verses about Dust On The Head

Most Relevant Verses

Revelation 18:19

And they put dust on their heads, and were sad, weeping and crying, and saying, Sorrow, sorrow for the great town, in which was increased the wealth of all who had their ships on the sea because of her great stores! for in one hour she is made waste.

Revelation 18:18

And crying out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What town is like the great town?

Amos 2:7

Crushing the head of the poor, and turning the steps of the gentle out of the way: and a man and his father go in to the same young woman, putting shame on my holy name:

2 Samuel 1:2

On the third day a man came from Saul's tents, with his clothing out of order and earth on his head: and when he came to David, he went down on the earth and gave him honour.

2 Samuel 15:32

Now when David had come to the top of the slope, where they gave worship to God, Hushai the Archite came to him in great grief with dust on his head:

Joshua 7:6

Then Joshua, in great grief, went down on the earth before the ark of the Lord till the evening, and all the chiefs of Israel with him, and they put dust on their heads.

Job 2:12

And lifting up their eyes when they were still far off, it did not seem that the man they saw was Job because of the change in him. And they gave way to bitter weeping, with signs of grief, and put dust on their heads.

Lamentations 2:10

The responsible men of the daughter of Zion are seated on the earth without a word; they have put dust on their heads, they are clothed in haircloth: the heads of the virgins of Jerusalem are bent down to the earth.

Ezekiel 27:30

And their voices will be sounding over you, and crying bitterly they will put dust on their heads, rolling themselves in the dust:

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Mourning » Dust on the head

Joshua 7:6

Then Joshua, in great grief, went down on the earth before the ark of the Lord till the evening, and all the chiefs of Israel with him, and they put dust on their heads.

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Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain