79 Bible Verses about eagerness

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1 Chronicles 12:8

And of the Gadite there have been separated unto David, to the fortress, to the wilderness, mighty of valour, men of the host for battle, setting in array target and buckler, and their faces the face of the lion, and as roes on the mountains for speed:

Nehemiah 3:20

After him hath Baruch son of Zabbai hastened to strengthen a second measure from the angle unto the opening of the house of Eliashib the high priest.

Ezra 5:8

To Darius the king, all peace! be it known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the great house of God, and it is built with rolled stones, and wood is placed in the walls, and this work is done speedily, and prospering in their hand.

Proverbs 31:13

She hath sought wool and flax, And with delight she worketh with her hands.

Acts 20:16

for Paul decided to sail past Ephesus, that there may not be to him a loss of time in Asia, for he hasted, if it were possible for him, on the day of the Pentecost to be at Jerusalem.

1 Thessalonians 2:17

And we, brethren, having been taken from you for the space of an hour -- in presence, not in heart -- did hasten the more abundantly to see your face in much desire,

Zephaniah 3:7

I have said: Only, ye do fear Me, Ye do accept instruction, And her habitation is not cut off, All that I have appointed for her, But they have risen early, They have corrupted all their doings.

Psalm 56:6

They assemble, they hide, they watch my heels, When they have expected my soul.

Proverbs 1:11-12

If they say, 'Come with us, we lay wait for blood, We watch secretly for the innocent without cause, We swallow them as Sheol -- alive, And whole -- as those going down to the pit,

Mark 6:25

and having come in immediately with haste unto the king, she asked, saying, 'I will that thou mayest give me presently, upon a plate, the head of John the Baptist.'

Galatians 4:17-18

they are zealous for you -- yet not well, but they wish to shut us out, that for them ye may be zealous; and it is good to be zealously regarded, in what is good, at all times, and not only in my being present with you;

Philippians 3:6

according to zeal persecuting the assembly! according to righteousness that is in law becoming blameless!

2 Chronicles 15:15

and rejoice do all Judah concerning the oath, for with all their heart they have sworn, and with all their good-will they have sought Him, and He is found of them, and Jehovah giveth rest to them round about.

Psalm 42:1-2

To the Overseer. -- An Instruction. By sons of Korah. As a hart doth pant for streams of water, So my soul panteth toward Thee, O God. My soul thirsted for God, for the living God, When do I enter and see the face of God?

Psalm 63:1

A Psalm of David, in his being in the wilderness of Judah. O God, Thou art my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, Thirsted for Thee hath my soul, Longed for Thee hath my flesh, In a land dry and weary, without waters.

Proverbs 23:17

Let not thy heart be envious at sinners, But -- in the fear of Jehovah all the day.

Acts 26:7

to which our twelve tribes, intently night and day serving, do hope to come, concerning which hope I am accused, king Agrippa, by the Jews;

2 Corinthians 7:11

for, lo, this same thing -- your being made sorry toward God -- how much diligence it doth work in you! but defence, but displeasure, but fear, but longing desire, but zeal, but revenge; in every thing ye did approve yourselves to be pure in the matter.

Hebrews 6:11

and we desire each one of you the same diligence to shew, unto the full assurance of the hope unto the end,

Isaiah 58:2

Seeing -- Me day by day they seek, And the knowledge of My ways they desire, As a nation that righteousness hath done, And the judgment of its God hath not forsaken, They ask of me judgments of righteousness, The drawing near of God they desire:

Psalm 78:34-37

If He slew them, then they sought Him, And turned back, and sought God earnestly, And they remember that God is their rock, And God Most High their redeemer. And -- they deceive Him with their mouth, And with their tongue do lie to Him,read more.
And their heart hath not been right with Him, And they have not been stedfast in His covenant.

Isaiah 48:1

Hear ye this, O house of Jacob, Who are called by the name of Israel, And from the waters of Judah came out, Who are swearing by the name of Jehovah, And of the God of Israel make mention, Not in truth nor in righteousness.

2 Corinthians 8:7

but even as in every thing ye do abound, in faith, and word, and knowledge, and all diligence, and in your love to us, that also in this grace ye may abound;

1 Peter 3:13

and who is he who will be doing you evil, if of Him who is good ye may become imitators?

Psalm 110:3

Thy people are free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Titus 3:8

Stedfast is the word; and concerning these things I counsel thee to affirm fully, that they may be thoughtful, to be leading in good works -- who have believed God; these are the good and profitable things to men,

Romans 1:15

so, as much as in me is, I am ready also to you who are in Rome to proclaim good news,

2 Peter 1:15

and I will be diligent that also at every time ye have, after my outgoing, power to make to yourselves the remembrance of these things.

Acts 18:25

this one was instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in the Spirit, was speaking and teaching exactly the things about the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John;

Philippians 1:20

according to my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, and in all freedom, as always, also now Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death,

Mark 12:37

therefore David himself saith of him Lord, and whence is he his son?' And the great multitude were hearing him gladly,

Acts 10:33

at once, therefore, I sent to thee; thou also didst do well, having come; now, therefore, are we all before God present to hear all things that have been commanded thee by God.'

Mark 10:17

And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, 'Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

Matthew 19:16

And lo, one having come near, said to him, 'Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have life age-during?'

Luke 18:18

And a certain ruler questioned him, saying, 'Good teacher, what having done -- shall I inherit life age-during?'

Luke 2:15

And it came to pass, when the messengers were gone away from them to the heavens, that the men, the shepherds, said unto one another, 'We may go over indeed unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that hath come to pass, that the Lord did make known to us.'

Luke 21:38

and all the people were coming early unto him in the temple to hear him.

John 4:40

When, then, the Samaritans came unto him, they were asking him to remain with them, and he remained there two days;

Acts 13:42

And having gone forth out of the synagogue of the Jews, the nations were calling upon them that on the next sabbath these sayings may be spoken to them,

Exodus 35:21-22

and they come in -- every man whom his heart hath lifted up, and every one whom his spirit hath made willing -- they have brought in the heave-offering of Jehovah for the work of the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments. And they come in -- the men with the women -- every willing-hearted one -- they have brought in nose-ring, and ear-ring, and seal-ring, and necklace, all golden goods, even every one who hath waved a wave-offering of gold to Jehovah.

1 Chronicles 29:9

And the people rejoice because of their offering willingly, for with a perfect heart they have offered willingly to Jehovah; and also David the king hath rejoiced -- great joy.

2 Corinthians 8:11

and now also finish doing it, that even as there is the readiness of the will, so also the finishing, out of that which ye have,

Philippians 1:3-4

I give thanks to my God upon all the remembrance of you, always, in every supplication of mine for you all, with joy making the supplication,

Numbers 25:11

'Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, hath turned back My fury from the sons of Israel, by his being zealous with My zeal in their midst, and I have not consumed the sons of Israel in My zeal.

1 Kings 19:14

And he saith, 'I have been very zealous for Jehovah, God of Hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant, Thine altars they have thrown down, and Thy prophets they have slain by the sword, and I am left, I, by myself, and they seek my life -- to take it.'

2 Kings 10:16

and saith, 'Come with me, and look on my zeal for Jehovah;' and they cause him to ride in his chariot.

Luke 12:40

and ye, then, become ye ready, because at the hour ye think not, the Son of Man doth come.'

Romans 8:19

for the earnest looking out of the creation doth expect the revelation of the sons of God;

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