47 Bible Verses about Enemies
Most Relevant Verses
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
By the power of the Lord, those who take arms against you will be overcome before you: they will come out against you one way, and will go in flight from you seven ways.
And you will put to flight those who are against you, and they will be put to death by your swords.
For if, when we were haters of God, the death of his Son made us at peace with him, much more, now that we are his friends, will we have salvation through his life;
Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you.
I go after my haters and overtake them; not turning back till they are all overcome.
But it is you who have been our saviour from those who were against us, and have put to shame those who had hate for us.
But be loving to those who are against you and do them good, and give them your money, not giving up hope, and your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the Most High: for he is kind to evil men, and to those who have hard hearts.
But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you,
When evil-doers, even my haters, came on me to put an end to me, they were broken and put to shame.
Do not be glad at the fall of your hater, and let not your heart have joy at his downfall:
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
My hate for them is complete; my thoughts of them are as if they were making war on me.
And the Lord your God will put all these curses on those who are against you, and on your haters who put a cruel yoke on you.
When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his haters be at peace with him.
And you, who in the past were cut off and at war with God in your minds through evil works, he has now made one
Your hand will make a search for all your haters; your right hand will be hard on all those who are against you.
But if you truly give ear to his voice, and do whatever I say, then I will be against those who are against you, fighting those who are fighting you.
Let God be seen, and let his haters be put to flight; let those who are against him be turned back before him.
The Lord said to my lord, Be seated at my right hand, till I put all those who are against you under your feet.
If your hater is in need of food, give him bread; and if he is in need of drink, give him water:
For this cause you will become servants to those whom the Lord your God will send against you, without food and drink and clothing, and in need of all things: and he will put a yoke of iron on your neck till he has put an end to you.
Do not be glad because of my sorrow, O my hater: after my fall I will be lifted up; when I am seated in the dark, the Lord will be a light to me.
And as for those who were against me, who would not have me for their ruler, let them come here, and be put to death before me.
That I will certainly give you my blessing, and your seed will be increased like the stars of heaven and the sand by the seaside; your seed will take the land of those who are against them;
From Thematic Bible
Compassion and sympathy » Exercise towards » Enemies
But as for me, when they were ill I put on the clothing of sorrow: I went without food and was sad, and my prayer came back again to my heart.
Enemies » Duty to enemies
If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
If I was glad at the trouble of my hater, and gave cries of joy when evil overtook him;
Do not be glad at the fall of your hater, and let not your heart have joy at his downfall:
Enemies » How to treat your enemies
But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you, Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you.
If your hater is in need of food, give him bread; and if he is in need of drink, give him water: For so you will put coals of fire on his head, and the Lord will give you your reward.
If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him If you see the ass of one who has no love for you bent down to the earth under the weight which is put on it, you are to come to its help, even against your desire.
You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you: But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Enemies » Of God, their punishment
So may destruction come on all your haters, O Lord; but let your lovers be like the sun going out in his strength. And for forty years the land had peace.
Full of glory, O Lord, is the power of your right hand; by your right hand those who came against you are broken.
If I make sharp my shining sword, and my hand is outstretched for judging, I will give punishment to those who are against me, and their right reward to my haters.
Let God be seen, and let his haters be put to flight; let those who are against him be turned back before him.
Keep in mind the voice of your haters; the outcry of those who come against you goes up every day.
Enemies » God delivers from
Then we went away from the river of Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month, to go to Jerusalem; and the hand of our God was on us, and he gave us salvation from our haters and those who were waiting to make an attack on us by the way.
The Lord has taken an oath by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Truly, I will no longer give your grain to be food for your haters; and men of strange countries will not take the wine for which your work has been done:
So the Lord sent Jerubbaal and Barak and Jephthah and Samuel and took you out of the power of those who were fighting against you on every side, and made you safe.
He makes me free from my haters; I am lifted up over those who come up against me: you have made me free from the violent man.
Salvation from those who are against us, and from the hands of those who have hate for us;
Enemies » Pray for deliverance from
Then crying out to the Lord, they said, We have done evil, because we have been turned away from the Lord, worshipping the Baals and the Astartes: but now, make us safe from those who are against us and we will be your servants.
Take me out of the hands of the cruel ones, O my God; keep me safe from those who come up against me.
O God, let the voice of my grief come to your ear: keep my life from the fear of those who are against me.
Enemies » Loving your enemies
Do not be glad at the fall of your hater, and let not your heart have joy at his downfall:
You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you: But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you; So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; for his sun gives light to the evil and to the good, and he sends rain on the upright man and on the sinner. read more.
For if you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? do not the tax-farmers the same? And if you say, Good day, to your brothers only, what do you do more than others? do not even the Gentiles the same? Be then complete in righteousness, even as your Father in heaven is complete.
But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you, Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you. If a man gives you a blow on one side of your face, then let the other side be turned to him; from him who takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe. read more.
Give to everyone who comes with a request, and if a man takes away your property, make no attempt to get it back again. Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you have love for those who have love for you, what credit is it to you? for even sinners have love for those who have love for them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is it to you? for even sinners do the same. And if you let those have the use of your money, from whom you are hoping to get it back, what credit is it to you? even sinners do so to sinners, hoping to get back as much as they gave. But be loving to those who are against you and do them good, and give them your money, not giving up hope, and your reward will be great and you will be the sons of the Most High: for he is kind to evil men, and to those who have hard hearts.
Enemies » The last enemy that shall be destroyed
And because the children are flesh and blood, he took a body himself and became like them; so that by his death he might put an end to him who had the power of death, that is to say, the Evil One; And let those who all their lives were in chains because of their fear of death, go free.
For his rule will go on till he has put all those who are against him under his feet. The last power to come to an end is death. For, as it says, He has put all things under his feet. But when he says, All things are put under him, it is clear that it is not said about him who put all things under him. read more.
And when all things have been put under him, then will the Son himself be under him who put all things under him, so that God may be all in all.
Enemies » Prayer for
And Jesus said, Father, let them have forgiveness, for they have no knowledge of what they are doing. And they made division of his clothing among them by the decision of chance.
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
And going down on his knees, he said in a loud voice, Lord, do not make them responsible for this sin. And when he had said this, he went to his rest.
Enemies » The lives of, to be spared
Look! you have seen today how the Lord gave you up into my hands even now in the hollow of the rocks: and some would have had me put you to death, but I had pity on you: for I said, Never will my hand be lifted up against my lord, who has been marked with the holy oil.
And the king said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? Let him go on cursing, for the Lord has said, Put a curse on David, and who then may say, Why have you done so? And David said to Abishai and to all his servants, You see how my son, the offspring of my body, has made designs against my life: how much more then may this Benjamite do so? Let him be, and let him go on cursing; for the Lord has given him orders.
Enemies » Should be » Assisted
If your hater is in need of food, give him bread; and if he is in need of drink, give him water:
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
Enemies » Who not to consider an enemy
And if any man does not give attention to what we have said in this letter, take note of that man, and keep away from him, so that he may be shamed. Have no feeling of hate for him, but take him in hand seriously as a brother.
Enemies » God defends against
For you have been my secret place, and my high tower from those who made war on me.
Enemies » The friendship of, deceitful
And Joab said to Amasa, Is it well, my brother? And with his right hand he took him by the hair of his chin to give him a kiss. But Amasa did not see danger from the sword which was now in Joab's left hand, and Joab put it through his stomach so that his inside came out on to the earth, and he did not give him another blow. So Joab and his brother Abishai went on after Sheba, the son of Bichri.
Enemies » Should be » Overcome by kindness
Then Saul said, I have done wrong: come back to me, David my son: I will do you no more wrong, because my life was dear to you today truly, I have been foolish and my error is very great.
Enemies » Rejoice not at the failings of
Do not be glad at the fall of your hater, and let not your heart have joy at his downfall:
Enemies » Whose enemies are at peace with him
When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his haters be at peace with him.
Enemies » The kisses of an enemy
The wounds of a friend are given in good faith, but the kisses of a hater are false.
Enemies » The goods of, to be taken care of
If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him If you see the ass of one who has no love for you bent down to the earth under the weight which is put on it, you are to come to its help, even against your desire.
Enemies » Made to be at peace with saints
When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his haters be at peace with him.
Enemies » Should be » Loved
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Enemies » Praise God for deliverance from
And has taken us out of the hands of our haters: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
Enemies » Desire not the death of
And God said to him, Because your request is for this thing, and not for long life for yourself or for wealth or for the destruction of your haters, but for wisdom to be a judge of causes;
Enemies » Be affectionately concerned for
But as for me, when they were ill I put on the clothing of sorrow: I went without food and was sad, and my prayer came back again to my heart.
Enemies » Of saints, God will destroy
Enemies » Christ prayed for his
And Jesus said, Father, let them have forgiveness, for they have no knowledge of what they are doing. And they made division of his clothing among them by the decision of chance.
Enemies » Should be » Prayed for
And going down on his knees, he said in a loud voice, Lord, do not make them responsible for this sin. And when he had said this, he went to his rest.
Enemies » Who is the enemy of God
O you who are false to God, do you not see that the friends of this world are not God's friends? Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.
Enemies » Rejoice not at the misfortunes of
If I was glad at the trouble of my hater, and gave cries of joy when evil overtook him;
Enemies » Curse them not
(For I did not let my mouth give way to sin, in putting a curse on his life;)
Judgments » Different kinds of » Enemies
So Gad came to David, and gave him word of this and said to him, Are there to be three years when there is not enough food in your land? or will you go in flight from your haters for three months, while they go after you? or will you have three days of violent disease in your land? take thought and say what answer I am to give to him who sent me.
Love to man » Should be exhibited, toward » Enemies
But he said in answer, You are not to put them to death; have you any right to put to death those whom you have not taken prisoner with your sword and your bow? put bread and water before them, so that they may have food and drink and go to their master.
But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him If you see the ass of one who has no love for you bent down to the earth under the weight which is put on it, you are to come to its help, even against your desire.
Redemption » Is from » Enemies
And he took them safely out of the hands of their haters, and kept them from the attacks of those who were against them. And the waters went over their haters; all of them came to an end.
Salvation » Is deliverance from » Enemies
That we, being made free from the fear of those who are against us, might give him worship,
Salvation from those who are against us, and from the hands of those who have hate for us;
War » Figurative » Is against » Enemies
My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.
For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.
Warfare of saints » Is against » Enemies
My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.
For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.
Topics on Enemies
All Enemies Under God's Feet
1 Corinthians 15:25For his rule will go on till he has put all those who are against him under his feet.
Courage, In Facing Enemies
Philippians 1:28Having no fear of those who are against you; which is a clear sign of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;
Duties To Enemies
Romans 12:20But if one who has hate for you is in need of food or of drink, give it to him, for in so doing you will put coals of fire on his head.
Enemies Of God
Philippians 3:18For there are those, of whom I have given you word before, and do so now with sorrow, who are haters of the cross of Christ;
Enemies Surrounding
Psalm 57:4My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword.
Enemies, Christian Response To
Acts 7:60And going down on his knees, he said in a loud voice, Lord, do not make them responsible for this sin. And when he had said this, he went to his rest.
enemies, of believers
John 15:18-19If you are hated by the world, keep in mind that I was hated by the world before you.
enemies, of Israel and Judah
Exodus 1:8-11Now a new king came to power in Egypt, who had no knowledge of Joseph.
enemies, of Jesus Christ
Matthew 2:13-20And when they had gone, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, saying, Get up and take the young child and his mother, and go into Egypt, and do not go from there till I give you word; for Herod will be searching for the young child to put him to death.
Fear Of Enemies
Deuteronomy 28:66Your very life will be hanging in doubt before you, and day and night will be dark with fears, and nothing in life will be certain:
Fighting Enemies
Judges 1:1Now after the death of Joshua, the children of Israel made request to the Lord, saying, Who is to go up first to make war for us against the Canaanites?
Forgiving Ones Enemies
Exodus 23:4-5If you come across the ox or the ass of one who is no friend to you wandering from its way, you are to take it back to him
God Saving From Enemies
Psalm 44:7But it is you who have been our saviour from those who were against us, and have put to shame those who had hate for us.
Loving Your Enemies
Matthew 5:44But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;
Making Peace With Enemies
Proverbs 16:7When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his haters be at peace with him.
Many Enemies
Deuteronomy 20:1When you go out to war against other nations, and come face to face with horses and war-carriages and armies greater in number than yourselves, have no fear of them: for the Lord your God is with you, who took you up out of the land of Egypt.
Overcoming Enemies
Genesis 22:17That I will certainly give you my blessing, and your seed will be increased like the stars of heaven and the sand by the seaside; your seed will take the land of those who are against them;
Protection From Enemies
Psalm 59:1Take me out of the hands of the cruel ones, O my God; keep me safe from those who come up against me.
Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
James 4:4O you who are false to God, do you not see that the friends of this world are not God's friends? Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.
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