15 Bible Verses about Every Morning
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The loyal love of Yahweh does not cease; his compassions do not come to an end. [They] are new in the morning, great is your faithfulness.
O Yahweh, in [the] morning you will hear my voice. In [the] morning I will set forth [my case] to you and I will watch.
But as for me, I will sing [of] your strength, and I will hail your loyal love in the morning, because you have been my [high] stronghold and a refuge in my {time} of trouble.
Yahweh, be gracious to us, we wait for you. Be our arm in the mornings, indeed our salvation in [the] time of trouble.
Yahweh [is] righteous in her midst; he does not do wickedness. {Morning by morning} he renders his judgment; at dawn he does not fail, but an evil one knows no shame.
The Lord Yahweh has given me [the] tongue of pupil, to know how to help [the] weary [with] a word. He awakens {morning by morning}, awakens an ear for me to listen as [do] the pupils.
And they took from Moses all the contributions that the {Israelites} had brought for the work of the service for the sanctuary in order to do it, and they still brought to him voluntary offerings {every morning}.
And they lodged all around the house of God, for upon them [was] a responsibility. And {they had charge of opening [the house of God] every morning}.
O house of David, thus says Yahweh, "Execute judgment in the morning, justice, and deliver [the] one who has been seized from [the] hand of [the] oppressor, lest my wrath goes forth like the fire and it burns, and there is no [one who] quenches [it] because of the evil of your deeds.
{Each morning}, I will destroy all [the] wicked of [the] land, cutting off from the city of Yahweh all evildoers.
{As often as it passes through}, it will take you, for {morning by morning} it will pass through, in the day and in the night, and understanding [the] message will be only terror."
And Moses said to them, "Let no one leave any of it until morning." But they did not listen to Moses. Some people left [some] of it until morning, and it bred worms and stank. And Moses was angry with them. And they gathered it morning by morning, {each according to what he could eat}, and it melted [when] the sun was hot.
"And on it Aaron will turn fragrant incense into smoke; {each morning} when he tends the lamps, he will turn it into smoke.
And [they were] to stand {every morning}, thanking and praising Yahweh, and likewise in the evening,
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Altar of incense » Priest » Burned » Incense » Every morning » Every evening
"And on it Aaron will turn fragrant incense into smoke; {each morning} when he tends the lamps, he will turn it into smoke. And when Aaron sets up the lamps {at twilight}, he will turn it into smoke--incense of continuity--before Yahweh throughout your generations.
the Burnt offering » Was offered » Every morning » Every evening
"And this is what you shall offer on the altar: Two {one-year-old} male lambs {every day} continually. The first lamb you will offer in the morning, and the second lamb you will offer {at twilight}. And a tenth of finely milled flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of beaten oil, and a fourth of a hin of wine as a libation with the first lamb. read more.
And the second lamb you will offer {at twilight}; you will offer a grain offering and its libation like that of the morning for a fragrance of appeasement, an offering made by fire for Yahweh. [It will be] a burnt offering of continuity throughout your generations [at] the entrance of the tent of assembly before Yahweh, where I will meet with you to speak to you there.
Candlestick » Of the tabernacle » Trimmed » Every morning
"And on it Aaron will turn fragrant incense into smoke; {each morning} when he tends the lamps, he will turn it into smoke.
Lambs » Offered in sacrifice » Every morning » Every evening
"And this is what you shall offer on the altar: Two {one-year-old} male lambs {every day} continually. The first lamb you will offer in the morning, and the second lamb you will offer {at twilight}.
Manna » Gathered » Every morning
And they gathered it morning by morning, {each according to what he could eat}, and it melted [when] the sun was hot.
God's Mercy » Described as » New » Every morning
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