33 Bible Verses about Injustice
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For I, Yahweh, love justice, hate robbery and injustice, and I will {faithfully} give their reward, and I will {make} an everlasting covenant {with} them.
What then shall we say? [There is] no injustice with God, [is there]? May it never be!
The Rock, his work [is] perfect, for all his ways [are] just; [he is] a faithful God, and {without injustice}; righteous and upright [is] he.
I saw something else under the sun: instead of justice [there was] evil; instead of righteousness [there was] wickedness.
[it] does not rejoice at unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth,
" 'You shall not do injustice in judgment; {you shall not show partiality to the powerless}; you shall not give preference {to the powerful}; you shall judge your fellow citizen with justice.
Why do you cause me to see evil [while] you look at trouble? Destruction and violence happen before me; contention and strife arise.
Is this not [the] fast I choose: to release [the] bonds of injustice, to untie [the] ropes of [the] yoke, and to let [the] oppressed go free, and {tear} every yoke to pieces?
Learn to do good! Seek justice! Rescue [the] oppressed! Defend [the] orphan! Plead for [the] widow!
Yahweh [is] righteous in her midst; he does not do wickedness. {Morning by morning} he renders his judgment; at dawn he does not fail, but an evil one knows no shame.
He who sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his anger will fail.
No, in [your] heart you plan injustices; in the land you weigh out the violence of your hands.
You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice, you have eaten the fruit of lies, because you have trusted in your strength, in the multitude of your warriors.
Woe [to the one who] builds his house without righteousness, and his upper rooms without justice. His fellow countryman, he works for nothing, and he does not give to him his wages.
if iniquity [is] in your hand, put it far away, and you must not let wickedness reside in your tents--
Therefore it is already completely a loss for you that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all impiety and unrighteousness of people, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
Please turn, let no injustice happen; indeed, turn, {my righteousness is still intact}.
Instead of your shame, a double portion, and [instead of] insult, they will rejoice [over] their portion. Therefore they will take a double portion in their land; {they shall possess everlasting joy}.
Can there be allied with you a throne of destruction, one that forms trouble based on statute?
[There is] much food [in] the field of the poor, but {it is swept away} by {injustice}.
Your eyes [are] too pure to see evil, and you are not able to look at wrongdoing. Why do you look at the treacherous? [Why] are you silent when the wicked swallows up [someone] more righteous than him?
Doing righteousness and justice is [more] acceptable to Yahweh than sacrifice.
Woe to [him who] builds a city by bloodguilt, and [who] founds a city by wickedness!
Do not be surprised if you see the poor being oppressed with violence or [do not see] justice and righteousness in the province. For one official is watched by a higher official, and [there are] even higher officials over them!
From Thematic Bible
Injustice » Sometimes attributed to God
O Yahweh, how long shall I cry for help and you will not listen? [How long] will I cry out to you, "Violence!" and you will not save?
[The] tents of [the] destroyers are at peace, and [there is] security for those who provoke God, [for those] whom God brings into his hand.
I have seen all these things in my vain life: Sometimes a righteous man perishes in [spite of] his righteousness, and sometimes a wicked man lives a long life in [spite of] his evil.
Injustice » Condemned
You shall not subvert the rights of an alien [or] an orphan, and you shall not take as pledge [the] garment of a widow.
You shall not subvert justice; you shall not {show partiality}; and you shall not take a bribe, for the bribe makes blind [the] eyes of [the] wise and misrepresents [the] words of [the] righteous.
"How long will you judge unjustly and {show favoritism to the wicked}? Selah
A man of injustice is an abomination to the righteous, but the {upright} is an abomination to the wicked.
[It is] not for the kings, O Lemuel; drinking wine [is] not for the kings, nor [is] strong drink for rulers. Or else he will drink and forget what has been decreed, and he will pervert the rights of all the {afflicted}.
Injustice » Examples of
Then the two men, {scoundrels}, came, sat opposite him, and the {scoundrels} witnessed against Naboth before the people, saying, "Naboth cursed God and the king," so they brought him outside of the city and stoned him with stones, and he died.
So the high priest Ananias ordered those standing near him to strike his mouth.
For I was surely kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and here also I have done nothing that they should put me in this pit."
But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after gain, they took bribes, and they perverted justice.
And Joseph's master took him and put him into prison, the place that the king's prisoners were confined. And he was there in prison.
Injustice » Punishment of
saying, "When will the new moon be over, so that we can sell grain? And the Sabbath, so that we can open the grain bins, that we can make [the] ephah small and make [the] shekel large, and can practice deceit [with] a set of scales of deceit?
He who augments his wealth with interest and with usury gathers it for him who is kind to the poor.
Therefore, because you trample on [the] poor and you take a grain tax from them, you built houses of dressed stone, but you will not live in them. You built vineyards of delightfulness, but you will not drink their wine.
With the death of a wicked person, hope will die, and the expectation of the godless perishes.
On account of this, will not the land tremble and will not every living [thing] in it mourn? And all of it will rise like the Nile and it will be tossed about and subside like the Nile of Egypt.
Injustice » Specially to be avoided towards » The poor
Do not rob the poor because he is poor, and do not crush the afflicted at the gate; For Yahweh will plead their case and despoil those who despoil them of life.
He who oppresses the poor [in order] to enrich himself, [or] gives to the rich, {will come to poverty}.
Injustice » The wicked » Judge with
"How long will you judge unjustly and {show favoritism to the wicked}? Selah
I saw something else under the sun: instead of justice [there was] evil; instead of righteousness [there was] wickedness.
Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice does not go forth perpetually. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted.
Injustice » Covetousness leads to
They take a bribe among you in order to shed blood; and you take usury, and you make gain [from] your neighbors by extortion, and [so] you have forgotten me, {declares} the Lord Yahweh.
They covet fields and seize [them], and houses, and they take [them] away. They oppress a man and his house; a man and his inheritance.
"For from the smallest of them to the greatest of them, {everyone} makes profit for unlawful gain. And from the prophet to the priest, {everyone} practices deceit.
Injustice » Brings a curse
'Cursed be the one who deprives [the] alien, [the] orphan, and [the] widow of justice.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'
'Cursed be the one who moves the boundary [marker] of his neighbor.' And all the people shall say, 'Amen.'
Injustice » Forbidden
" 'You shall not do injustice in judgment; {you shall not show partiality to the powerless}; you shall not give preference {to the powerful}; you shall judge your fellow citizen with justice.
" 'You shall not commit injustice in regulation, in measurement, in weight, or volume.
Injustice » God » Abominates
Stone and stone, measure and measure, {both of them} [are] an abomination of Yahweh.
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, the two of them [are] both abominations of Yahweh.
Injustice » The wicked » Practice, without shame
Have they acted ashamed, for they have committed a detestable thing? Not at all, nor were they ashamed; they did not know to feel humiliated. {Therefore} they will fall among [those who] fall at the time I punish them, they will stumble," says Yahweh.
"For from the smallest of them to the greatest of them, {everyone} makes profit for unlawful gain. And from the prophet to the priest, {everyone} practices deceit.
Injustice » God » Approves not of
{to deprive one of justice} before the face of the Most High; to subvert a person in a legal dispute --the Lord has not found delight [in these things].
Injustice » Saints should » Bear, patiently
Therefore it is already completely a loss for you that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?
Injustice » Exemplified » Pilate
So Pilate, [when he] saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but instead an uproar was developing, took water [and] washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this man. You see to [it]!" And all the people answered [and] said, "His blood [be] on us and on our children!" Then he released Barabbas for them, but [after] he had Jesus flogged, he handed [him] over so that he could be crucified.
Injustice » God » Regards
Do not be surprised if you see the poor being oppressed with violence or [do not see] justice and righteousness in the province. For one official is watched by a higher official, and [there are] even higher officials over them!
Injustice » Specially to be avoided towards » The stranger and fatherless
" 'You will not mistreat an alien, and you will not oppress him, because you were aliens in the land of Egypt. " 'You will not afflict any widow or orphan.
Injustice » Saints should » Hate
A man of injustice is an abomination to the righteous, but the {upright} is an abomination to the wicked.
Injustice » Intemperance leads to
Or else he will drink and forget what has been decreed, and he will pervert the rights of all the {afflicted}.
Injustice » Exemplified
And Joseph's master took him and put him into prison, the place that the king's prisoners were confined. And he was there in prison.
Injustice » Exemplified » Sons of samuel
But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after gain, they took bribes, and they perverted justice.
Injustice » Specially to be avoided towards » Servants
"If I have rejected my male or female slave's case when their complaint [was] against me, then what shall I do when God rises up? And when he enquires, how shall I answer him?
Injustice » Saints should » Take no vengeance for
But I say to you, do not resist the evildoer, but whoever strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other to him also.
Injustice » Saints should » Testify against
Do you really speak [what is] right [when] silent? [Do] you judge fairly the children of humankind? No, in [your] heart you plan injustices; in the land you weigh out the violence of your hands.
Injustice » Exemplified » Judas
saying, "I have sinned [by] betraying innocent blood!" But they said, "What [is that] to us? You see to [it]!"
Injustice » Exemplified » Jews
And justice is pushed back, and righteousness stands afar; for truth stumbles in the public square, and straightforwardness is unable to enter,
Injustice » The wicked » Deal with
[Though the] wicked person is shown compassion, he does not learn righteousness; he acts unjustly in [the] land [of] uprightness, and he does not see the majesty of Yahweh.
Injustice » Exemplified » Ahab, 1ki 21:10
Injustice » A bad example leads to
You will not {follow} a majority for evil, and you will not testify concerning a legal dispute to turn aside after a majority to pervert [justice].
Injustice » Exemplified » Festus
And [when] two years had passed, Felix received as successor Porcius Festus. And [because he] wanted to do a favor for the Jews, Felix left Paul behind {as a prisoner}.
Injustice » God » Provoked to avenge
"Because of [the] oppression of [the] afflicted, because of [the] groaning of [the] poor, now I will rise up," Yahweh says. "I shall put [them] in [the] safety [for which] they long."
Injustice » Of the least kind, condemned
"The one who [is] faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and the one who [is] dishonest in very little is also dishonest in much.
Injustice » God » Hears the cry of those who suffer
Behold, the wages that were held back by you from the workers who reap your fields cry out, and the cries of the reapers have come to the ears of the Lord of hosts.
Strife » Leads to » Injustice
Why do you cause me to see evil [while] you look at trouble? Destruction and violence happen before me; contention and strife arise. Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice does not go forth perpetually. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore justice goes forth perverted.
Topics on Injustice
Apparent Injustice
Job 12:6[The] tents of [the] destroyers are at peace, and [there is] security for those who provoke God, [for those] whom God brings into his hand.
Injustice, Examples Of
Mark 7:9-13And he said to them, "You splendidly ignore the commandment of God so that you can keep your tradition.
Injustice, Hated By God
Proverbs 6:16-19There are six [things] Yahweh hates, and seven [things are] abominations of his soul:
Injustice, Nature And Source Of
Psalm 64:6{They carefully plot} injustices [saying], "We have perfected {the perfect plot}!" Both [the] {inner thought} and heart of man [are] deep.
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