21 Bible Verses about God Trapping

Most Relevant Verses

Isaiah 8:14

For he is the sanctifying, and stone to stumble at, the rock to fall upon, a snare and net to both the houses: to Israel, and the inhabiters of Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 50:24

I myself have laid wait for thee, and thou art taken. Unawares art thou trapped and snared. For why, thou hast provoked the LORD unto anger:

Ezekiel 12:13

My line will I spread out upon him, and catch him in my net, and carry him to Babylon, in the land of the Chaldeans: which he shall not see, and yet shall he die there.

Ezekiel 17:20

I will cast my net about him, and catch him in my yarn. To Babylon will I carry him: there will I punish him, because of the great offense that he made me.

Ezekiel 32:3

Thus sayeth the LORD God: I will spread my net over thee, namely, a great multitude of people: these shall drive thee into my yarn,

Hosea 7:12

but while they be going here and there, I shall spread my net over them, and draw them down as the fowls of the air. And according as they have been warned, so will I punish them.

Lamentations 1:13

{Mem} From above hath he sent down a fire into my bones: and it burned them cruelly. He hath laid a net for my feet, and thrown me wide open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must ever be mourning.

Job 19:6

know this then: that it is God which hath handled me so violently, and hath compassed me about with his net.

Psalm 66:11

Thou hast brought us into captivity, and laid trouble upon our loins.

Proverbs 29:6

The sin of the wicked is his own snare, but the righteous shall be glad and rejoice.

Job 18:8-10

For his feet shall be taken in the net, and he is at his wits end. His foot shall be holden in the gilder, and the thirsty shall catch him. The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a pitfall in the way.

Ecclesiastes 9:12

For man knoweth not his time, but like as the fish are taken with the angle and as the birds are caught with the snare: Even so are men taken in the perilous time, when it cometh suddenly upon them.

Job 22:10

Therefore art thou compassed about with snares on every side, and suddenly vexed with fear.

Proverbs 22:5

Spears and snares are in the way of the froward; but he that will keep his soul, let him flee from such.

Psalm 69:22

Let their table be made a snare to take themselves withal; and let the things that should have been for their wealth be unto them an occasion of falling.

Amos 3:5

Doth a bird fall in a snare upon the earth where no fouler is? Taketh a man his snare up from the ground, afore he catch somewhat?

Isaiah 24:17

Fearfulness, the pit, and the snare are upon thee, O thou that dwellest upon the earth.

Jeremiah 48:43

Fear, pit, and snare shall come upon thee, O Moab, sayeth the LORD.

Isaiah 24:18

It will come to pass, that whoso escapeth the terrible cry, shall fall in to the pit. And if he come out of the pit, he shall be taken with the snare. For the windows above shall be opened, and the foundations of the earth shall move.

Jeremiah 48:44

Whoso escapeth the fear, shall fall in the pit: and whoso getteth out of the pit, shall be taken in the snare. For I will bring a year of visitation upon Moab, sayeth the LORD.

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