21 Bible Verses about Growth In Grace
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A wise man, will hear, and will increase learning, and a, discreet man, wise counsels, will acquire,
But, the path of the righteous, is as the light of dawn, - going on and brightening, unto meridian day.

But, not as the fault, so, alsothe decree of favour, for, if, by the fault of the one, the many died, much more, the favour of God and the free-gift in favour, by the one man Jesus Christ, unto the many superabounded;
Law, however, gained admission, in order that the fault might abound, but, where the sin abounded, the favour greatly superabounded:
What then shall we say? are we still to continue in sin that favour may abound?
Much more, then, having now been declared righteous by his blood, shall we be saved through him from the anger.
For, if being enemies we were reconciled unto God through the death of his Son, much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.
For, if, by the fault of the one, death reigned through the one, much more, they who the superabundance of the favour and of the free-gift ofthe righteousness do receive, in life, shall reign through the one, Jesus Christ.
As new-born babes, for the pure milk that is for the mind, eagerly crave, that, thereby, ye may grow unto salvation: -
But be growing in the favour and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: - unto whom be the glory, both now and unto a day that abideth.
But, pursuing truth - may, in love, grow into him in all things, - who is the head, Christ, -
For the rest, brethren, we request and exhort you, in our Lord Jesus, that, even as ye received from us, how ye must needs walk and please God, - even as ye also do walk, that ye would abound still more.
So as to walk worthily of the Lord, unto all pleasing, in every good work, bearing fruit, and growing in the personal knowledge of God,
Not, as to the things without measure, boasting ourselves in other men's toils, but having, hope - your faith, growing - among you, to be enlarged, according to our limit for something beyond, -
We are bound, to be giving thanks, unto God, continually, concerning you, brethren, even as it is, meet; because your faith groweth exceedingly, and the love of each one of you all one to another aboundeth,
And, of, this, being assured, know that I shall abide, - yea abide with you all, for your advancement, and the joy of your faith;
And, you, may the Lord cause to abound and excel in your love one toward another, and toward all, - even as, we, do toward you:
And, in fact, ye are doing it unto all the brethren who arein the whole of Macedonia; but we exhort you, brethren, to abound still more,
who shall in anywise not receive manifold in this season, and, in the age that is coming, life age-abiding.
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