22 Bible Verses about Relationships With Boyfriend
Most Relevant Verses
Now, concerning the things whereof ye wrote, it were, good, for a man, not to touch, a woman;
then shalt thou bring her into the midst of thy house, - and she shall shave her head and pare her nails;
Unto the wife, let the husband render what is her due, and, in like manner, the wife also, unto the husband, -
When brethren dwell together, and one of them dieth, having, no son, the wife of the dead shall not marry outside to a stranger, - her husband's brother, shall go in unto her, and take her unto him to wife and do for her as a husband's brother.
Also, a woman with whom man lieth carnally, then shall they bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.
when once the householder shall rouse himself, and lock the door, and ye begin to stand, outside, and to knock at the door, saying - Lord! open to us; and he shall answer and say unto you - I know you not, whence ye are.
And, when a man enticeth a virgin who is not betrothed, and lieth with her, he shall, surely pay a purchase-price, that she may be his wife.
Do not trust in a friend, do not put confidence in an associate, - from her that lieth in thy bosom, keep thou the doors of thy mouth;
When a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then shall, both, of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman, so shalt thou consume the wicked thing out of Israel.
Who forsaketh the friend of her youth, and, the covenant of her God, hath forgotten;
Who hath found a wife, hath found a blessing, and hath obtained favour from Yahweh.
And Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, - who is called Christ.
But, if in the house of her husband, she vowed, or bound a bond upon her soul. with an oath;
And, you, may the Lord cause to abound and excel in your love one toward another, and toward all, - even as, we, do toward you:
The same thing, esteem, in yourselves, which also, in Christ Jesus, ye esteem , -
And, any man, who taketh his brother's wife, impurity, it is, - the shame of his brother, hath he uncovered - childless, shall they remain.
Now the birth, of Jesus Christ, was, thus: His mother Mary having been betrothed to Joseph, - before they came together, she was found with child by the Holy Spirit.
And so it was when Abram entered into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman, that fair, was she exceedingly.
and Isaac came forth to meditate in the field at the approach of evening, - so he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo! camels, coming in.
For, jealousy, is the rage of a man, nor will he spare, in the day of avenging;
And unto no dead person, shall they go in. to defile themselves,- Save that for father or for mother or for son or for daughter, for brother or for sister who hath belonged to no husband they may defile themselves.
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