62 Bible Verses about Rejoicing

Most Relevant Verses

Deuteronomy 12:7

and shall eat there before Yahweh your God, and rejoice in all whereunto ye are putting your hand, Ye, and your households, - wherewith Yahweh thy God hath blessed thee.

Deuteronomy 16:11

So shalt thou rejoice before Yahweh thy God - thou, and thy son and thy daughter and thy servant and thy handmaid, and the Levite who is within thy gates, and the sojourner, and the fatherless and the widow who are in thy midst, - in the place which Yahweh thy God shall choose, to make a habitation for his name there.

Psalm 5:11

That all may rejoice who seek refuge in thee, to times age-abiding, may shout in triumph, that thou wilt protect them, and they may leap for joy in thee who are lovers of thy Name.

Psalm 32:11

Rejoice in Yahweh and exult, O ye righteous, Yea, shout in triumph, all ye upright in heart!

Zephaniah 3:14

Sing out, O daughter of Zion, shout aloud, O Israel, - rejoice and exult with all thy heart, O daughter Jerusalem:

Luke 10:20

Notwithstanding, in this, be not rejoicing - that, the spirits, unto you submit themselves; but be rejoicing - that, your names, are inscribed in the heavens!

1 Samuel 2:1

Then prayed Hannah, and said, My heart hath leaped for joy in Yahweh, My horn is exalted in Yahweh, My mouth is opened wide, o'er my foes, Because I rejoice in thy salvation.

1 Samuel 11:15

So all the people went to Gilgal, and made Saul king there, before Yahweh, in Gilgal, and offered there sacrifices of peace-offerings before Yahweh, - and Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced there, exceedingly.

Matthew 2:10

and, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy;

Acts 8:39

But, when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, and the eunuch saw him no more; for he was going on his way rejoicing.

Philippians 3:1

For the rest, my brethren - rejoice in the Lord. To be writing, the same things, unto you, to me, is not irksome, while, for you, is safe: -

Psalm 66:1

Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth;

Psalm 67:4

Races of men, will be glad and shout for joy, Because thou wilt judge peoples with equity, And, races of men throughout the earth, thou wilt lead. Selah.

Psalm 96:1

Sing to Yahweh, a song that is new, Sing to Yahweh, all the earth;

Isaiah 29:19

And again shall the humbled in Yahweh, have joy, - And the needy of mankind in the Holy One of Israel, exult;

Job 8:20-21

Lo! GOD, will not reject a blameless man, neither will he grasp the hand of evil-doers: At length he shall fill with laughter thy mouth, and thy lips, with a shout of triumph:

Job 33:26

He made supplication unto GOD, who hath accepted him, and he hath beheld his face with a shout of triumph, Thus hath he given back to man his righteousness.

Psalm 33:1

Shout for joy, ye righteous, in Yahweh, To the upright, seemly is praise.

Psalm 64:10

The righteous man shall rejoice Yahweh, and seek refuge in him, Then shall glory - all who are upright in heart.

Psalm 68:3

But let, the righteous, be glad, let them exult before God, Yea let them rejoice with gladness.

Psalm 97:11-12

Light, is sown for the righteous one, And, for the upright in heart, rejoicing: Rejoice, ye righteous, in Yahweh, And give ye thanks, at the mention of his holiness.

Psalm 107:42

The upright seeth and is glad, And, all perverseness, hath closed her mouth.

Psalm 33:21

For, in him, shall our heart rejoice, For, in his holy Name, have we trusted.

Philippians 1:25

And, of, this, being assured, know that I shall abide, - yea abide with you all, for your advancement, and the joy of your faith;

1 Peter 1:8

Whom, not having seen, ye love, on whom, though at present not looking, but believing, ye exult with joy unspeakable and filled with glory,

Romans 5:1-2

Having, therefore, been declared righteous by faith, let us have, peace, towards God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, - Through whom also we have had, our introduction, by our faithinto this favour wherein we stand; and let us boast in hope of the glory of God.

1 Chronicles 16:10

Boast yourselves in his holy name, Joyful be the heart of them who are seeking Yahweh.

Psalm 40:16

Let all them be glad and rejoice in thee, who are seekers of thee. Let them say continually - Yahweh be magnified! who are lovers of thy salvation.

Psalm 70:4

Let all them be glad and rejoice in thee, Yea, let them, who are seekers of thee, - say continually, God be magnified! Who are lovers of thy salvation.

Psalm 105:3

Make your boast in his holy Name, Joyful be the heart of them who are seeking Yahweh.

Zechariah 10:7

And they shall be as the mighty one of Ephraim, and their heart, shall rejoice, as through wine, - yea, their children, shall see and rejoice, their heart, shall exult, in Yahweh.

From Thematic Bible

Rejoicing » Instances of

1 Samuel 11:15

So all the people went to Gilgal, and made Saul king there, before Yahweh, in Gilgal, and offered there sacrifices of peace-offerings before Yahweh, - and Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced there, exceedingly.

Matthew 2:10

and, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy;

1 Samuel 2:1

Then prayed Hannah, and said, My heart hath leaped for joy in Yahweh, My horn is exalted in Yahweh, My mouth is opened wide, o'er my foes, Because I rejoice in thy salvation.

More verses: Acts 8:39 Luke 1:47

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » In evil forbidden

Job 31:29

If rejoiced in the misfortune of him that hated me, or exulted when calamity found him; -

Psalm 35:19

Let not them who are falsely my foes rejoice over me, As for them who hate me without cause, let them not wink the eye!

1 Corinthians 13:6

Rejoiceth not over unrighteousness, but rejoiceth in sympathy with truth, -

More verses: Obadiah 1:12

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Famine

Habakkuk 3:17-18

Though, the fig-tree, should not blossom, and there be no sprouting in the vines, the yield of the olive, should have deceived, and, the fields, not have brought forth food, - the flock, have been consumed out of the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, Yet, I, in Yahweh, will rejoice, - I will exult in the God of my salvation.

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Poverty

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Imprisonment

Acts 16:23

and, laying upon them many stripes, they thrust them into prison, charging the prison-keeper, safely, to be keeping them:

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Fiery trials

1 Peter 4:12-13

Beloved! be not held in surprise by the burning among you, which, for putting you to the proof, is befalling you, as though a, surprising, thing were happening unto you; But, in so far as ye are taking fellowship in the Christ's sufferings, rejoice! in order that, in the revealing of his glory also, ye may rejoice with exultation:

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Loss of property

Rejoicing » In tribulation, examples of » Persecution

Acts 5:41

They, therefore, went rejoicing from the presence of the high-council; in that they had been accounted worthy, in behalf of The Name, to suffer dishonour.

Topics on Rejoicing

Eating Drinking And Rejoicing

Deuteronomy 12:7

and shall eat there before Yahweh your God, and rejoice in all whereunto ye are putting your hand, Ye, and your households, - wherewith Yahweh thy God hath blessed thee.

Future Rejoicing In God

Psalm 86:4

Rejoice the soul of thy servant, For, unto thee, O My Lord, my soul, do I lift.

Rejoicing In God's Word

Psalm 119:162

Joyful am I over thy word, Like the finder of spoil in abundance.

Rejoicing In God's Works

Psalm 92:4

For thou hat made me glad, O Yahweh, in thy doing, In the works of thy hands, will I shout for joy.

Rejoicing In Relief

Psalm 105:38

Egypt rejoiced when they went out, For the dread of them had fallen upon them.

Rejoicing In Success

Esther 8:15

And, Mordecai, went forth from the presence of the king, in royal apparel, of blue and white, with a large diadem of gold, and a mantle of fine linen and purple, - and, the city Shusan, was bright and joyful.

Stopping Rejoicing

Jeremiah 7:34

So will I cause to cease, From the cities of Judah, and, From the streets of Jerusalem, The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, The voice of the bridegroom, and The voice of the bride, - For, a desolation, shall the land become.

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