48 Bible Verses about Hurt And Betrayal
Most Relevant Verses
For even thy brethren and the house of thy father, Even they! have betrayed thee, Even they, have cried after thee with full voice, - Do not trust in them, though they speak unto thee fair words.
The Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, according as it is written concerning him, - But alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man, is being delivered up: Well, had it been for him, if, that man, had not been born!
For it is, not an enemy, that reproacheth me, Or I could bear it, - Not one that hath hated me, who, against me, hath magnified himself, Or I might hide myself from him;
But it is, thou, a man esteemed as mine equal, mine associate, and mine acquaintance;
And, being exceedingly grieved, they began to be saying to him, each one - Can it be, I, Lord?
Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but lavished are the kisses of an enemy.
Even the man whom I used to salute, in whom I put confidence, who used to eat my bread, - hath magnified his heel against me!
It profiteth him, if, a mill-stone, is hung about his neck, and he is cast into the sea, than that he cause, one, of these little ones, to stumble.
And, brother, will deliver up, brother, unto death, and, father, child, - and, children, will rise up, against parents, and will put them to death.
If I had thought, I will relate it thus, Lo! the circle of thy sons, had I betrayed.
And ye will be hated by all, because of my name, - but, he that endureth throughout, the same, shall be saved.
He that goeth about talebearing, revealeth a secret, but, he that is faithful in spirit, concealeth a matter.
A brother estranged, is worse than a strong city, - and, contentions, are as the bar of a citadel.
But, Jesus, said to him - Judas! with a kiss, the Son of Man, dost thou deliver up?
For they sleep not, unless they can do mischief, - They rob themselves of their sleep, if they cannot cause someone to stumble,
So, is a man who deceiveth his neighbour, and saith, Was not, I, in sport?
And, he that falleth on this stone, will be sorely bruised; but, on whomsoever it may fall, it will utterly destroy him.
Thy contention, urge thou with thy neighbour, and, the secret of another, do not reveal:
So that together have we been wont to find sweetness in counsel, In the house of God, used we to walk in the throng.
And David went forth to meet them, and responded, and said to them, If, peaceably, ye are come unto me, to help me, I shall have towards you, a heart for unity, - but, if to betray me to mine adversaries, there being no violence in my hands, may the God of our fathers see and rebuke!
Beware! do not despise one of these little ones; For I say unto you - that, their messengers in the heavens, do, continually, behold the face of my Father in the heavens.
Yet ye say, For what cause? Because, Yahweh, hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, with whom, thou, hast dealt treacherously, though, she, was thy consort, and thy covenant wife.
for he was teaching his disciples and saying unto them, The Son of Man, is to be delivered up, into the hands of men, and they will slay him, - and, being slain, after three days, will he arise.
Do not go forth to strive in haste, - lest thou know not what to do in the latter end thereof, when thy neighbour, hath put thee to shame.
Alexander the coppersmith, of much baseness towards me, hath given proof, - the Lord will render unto him according to his works. -
And when the ox of one man thrusteth the ox of his neighbour so that it dieth, then shall they sell the live ox and divide the silver thereof, and the dead ox also, shall they divide,
Deception, speak they, every one with his neighbour, - with lips uttering smooth things - with a heart and a heart, do they speak.
Desolations on them! Let them go down into hades alive, For, wicked doings, are at home within them.
This man therefore had possessed himself of a field out of the reward of unrighteousness, - and falling headlong burst asunder in the midst, and forth gushed all his bowels;
Lest he that heareth expose thee, and, the report concerning thee, turn not away.
Then, Jesus saith unto them - All ye, will find cause of stumbling in me, during this night; for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and, the sheep of the flock, will be scattered abroad;
For, jealousy, is the rage of a man, nor will he spare, in the day of avenging;
Do not give what is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, - lest once they trample, them, down with their feet, and, turning, tear, you.
And, then, will many be caused to stumble, and, one another, will deliver up, and will hate one another;
Thou wouldst sit down - Against thine own brother, wouldst thou speak, Against thine own mother's son, wouldst thou expose a fault: -
And, Jonathan, son of Saul, had a son, lame of his feet, - five years old, was he, when tidings came in of Saul and Jonathan from Jezreel, so his nurse took him up, and fled, and it came to pass, when she started up to flee, that he fell and was lamed, and, his name, was, Mephibosheth.
And he doeth great signs, so that, even fire, he causeth to be coming down unto the earth before men;
Searching into what particular, or what manner, of season the Spirit of Christ which was in them was pointing to, when witnessing beforehand as to - The sufferings, for Christ, and the glories, after these, -
And it came to pass, when Hushai the Archite, the friend of David, came in unto Absolom, that Hushai said unto Absolom: Long live the king! Long live the king!
O Sword! awake against my shepherd, even against the man that is my companion, urgeth Yahweh of hosts, - Smite the shepherd, and let the flock, be scattered, Howbeit I will turn back my hand over the little ones.
Which is not, another, only there are, some, that are troubling you, and wishing to change the glad-message of the Christ.
And as soon as he causeth her to drink, the water, then shall it be, that, if she have fallen into uncleanness and committed unfaithfulness against her husband, as soon as the deadly water that causeth a curse hath entered into her, so soon shall her womb swell and her thigh fall away, - thus shall the woman be-come a curse in the midst of her people.
Now, the counsel of Ahithophel which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had enquired at the oracle of God, - so, was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both to David, and also to Absolom.