55 Bible Verses about Insects
Most Relevant Verses
Every winged four-footed thing which goes on the earth is disgusting to you; But of the winged four-footed things, those which have long legs for jumping on the earth you may have for food; Such as all the different sorts of locust.read more.
But all other winged four-footed things which go on the earth are disgusting to you.
Every winged thing which goes flat on the earth is unclean to you and may not be used as food.
The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer;
Then after a time he went back to take her; and turning from the road to see the dead body of the lion, he saw a mass of bees in the body of the lion, and honey there.
And the Amorites who were in the hill-country came out against you and put you to flight, rushing after you like bees, and overcame you in Seir, driving you even as far as Hormah.
They are round me like bees; but they are put out like a fire among thorns; for in the name of the Lord I will have them cut down.
And it will be in that day that the Lord will make a piping sound for the fly which is in the end of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assyria.
After whom has the king of Israel come out? for whom are you searching? for a dead dog, an insect.
Then do not let my blood be drained out on the earth away from the face of the Lord: for the king of Israel has come out to take my life, like one going after birds in the mountains.
And the Lord did so; and great clouds of flies came into the house of Pharaoh and into his servants' houses, and all the land of Egypt was made waste because of the flies.
For if you do not let my people go, see, I will send clouds of flies on you and on your servants and on your people and into their houses; and the houses of the Egyptians and the land where they are will be full of flies. And at that time I will make a division between your land and the land of Goshen where my people are, and no flies will be there; so that you may see that I am the Lord over all the earth.
He sent different sorts of flies among them, poisoning their flesh; and frogs for their destruction.
Let your eyes be lifted up to the heavens, and turned to the earth which is under them: for the heavens will go in flight like smoke, and the earth will become old like a coat, and its people will come to destruction like insects: but my salvation will be for ever, and my righteousness will not come to an end.
And the Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Let your rod be stretched out over the dust of the earth so that it may become insects through all the land of Egypt.
You blind guides, who take out a fly from your drink, but make no trouble over a camel.
And they did so; and Aaron, stretching out the rod in his hand, gave a touch to the dust of the earth, and insects came on man and on beast; all the dust of the earth was changed into insects through all the land of Egypt. And the wonder-workers with their secret arts, attempting to make insects, were unable to do so: and there were insects on man and on beast.
He gave the word, and there came the dog-fly, and insects over all the land.
It is he who is seated over the arch of the earth, and the people in it are as small as locusts; by him the heavens are stretched out like an arch, and made ready like a tent for a living-place.
There we saw those great men, the sons of Anak, offspring of the Nephilim: and we seemed to ourselves no more than insects, and so we seemed to them.
If there is no food in the land, or if there is disease, or if the fruits of the earth are damaged through heat or water, locust or worm; if their towns are shut in by their attackers; whatever trouble, whatever disease there may be:
If there is no food in the land, if there is disease, if the fruits of the earth are damaged by heat or water, locust or worm; if their towns are shut in by their attackers: whatever trouble or whatever disease there may be:
At his word the locusts came, and young locusts more than might be numbered,
There the fire will make you waste; you will be cut off by the sword: make yourself as great in number as the worms, as great in number as the locusts.
I will send hornets before you, driving out the Hivite and the Canaanite and the Hittite before your face.
And the Lord will send a hornet among them, till all the rest who have kept themselves safe from you in secret places have been cut off.
And I sent the hornet before you, driving out the two kings of the Amorites before you, not with your sword and your bow.
I will give back to you the years which were food for the locust, the plant-worm, the field-fly, and the worm, my great army which I sent among you.
Now John was clothed in camel's hair, with a leather band about him; and his food was locusts and honey.
And John was clothed in camel's hair, with a leather band about him; and his food was locusts and honey.
And the Lord said to Moses, Let your hand be stretched out over the land of Egypt so that the locusts may come up on the land for the destruction of every green plant in the land, even everything untouched by the ice-storm. And Moses' rod was stretched out over the land of Egypt, and the Lord sent an east wind over the land all that day and all the night; and in the morning the locusts came up with the east wind. And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, resting on every part of the land, in very great numbers; such an army of locusts had never been seen before, and never will be again.
He gave the increase of their fields to worms, the fruits of their industry to the locusts.
They will be cutting down her woods, for they may not be searched out; because they are like locusts, more than may be numbered.
Though a man comes to nothing like a bit of dead wood, or like a robe which has become food for the worm.
Make no store of wealth for yourselves on earth, where it may be turned to dust by worms and weather, and where thieves may come in by force and take it away. But make a store for yourselves in heaven, where it will not be turned to dust and where thieves do not come in to take it away:
How much more those living in houses of earth, whose bases are in the dust! They are crushed more quickly than an insect;
His house has no more strength than a spider's thread, or a watchman's tent.
By the weight of your wrath against man's sin, the glory of his form is wasted away; truly every man is but a breath. (Selah.)
See, the Lord God is my helper; who will give a decision against me? truly, all of them will become old like a robe; they will be food for the worm.
For like a coat they will be food for the insect, the worm will make a meal of them like wool: but my righteousness will be for ever, and my salvation to all generations.
And so to Ephraim I am like a wasting insect, and a destruction to the children of Judah.
Give what property you have in exchange for money, and give the money to the poor; make for yourselves money-bags which will not get old, wealth stored up in heaven which will be yours for ever, where thieves will not come nor worms put it to destruction.
Whose support is cut off, and whose hope is no stronger than a spider's thread.
They give birth to snake's eggs, and make spider's threads: whoever takes their eggs for food comes to his death, and the egg which is crushed becomes a poison-snake.
The night-spirit has two daughters, Give, give. There are three things which are never full, even four which never say, Enough:
For if you will not let my people go, tomorrow I will send locusts into your land:
But they gave no attention to Moses, and some of them kept it till the morning and there were worms in it and it had an evil smell: and Moses was angry with them.
There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are very wise: The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer; The conies are only a feeble people, but they make their houses in the rocks;read more.
The locusts have no king, but they all go out in bands; You may take the lizard in your hands, but it is in kings' houses.
What the worm did not make a meal of, has been taken by the locust; and what the locust did not take, has been food for the plant-worm; and what the plant-worm did not take, has been food for the field-fly.
But make a store for yourselves in heaven, where it will not be turned to dust and where thieves do not come in to take it away:
For they came up regularly with their oxen and their tents; they came like the locusts in number; they and their camels were without number; and they came into the land for its destruction.
From Thematic Bible
Insects » Locusts » Moths
Make no store of wealth for yourselves on earth, where it may be turned to dust by worms and weather, and where thieves may come in by force and take it away.
How much more those living in houses of earth, whose bases are in the dust! They are crushed more quickly than an insect;
His house has no more strength than a spider's thread, or a watchman's tent.
See, the Lord God is my helper; who will give a decision against me? truly, all of them will become old like a robe; they will be food for the worm.
Though a man comes to nothing like a bit of dead wood, or like a robe which has become food for the worm.
Insects » Flies
Dead flies make the oil of the perfumer give out an evil smell; more valued is a little wisdom than the great glory of the foolish.
He sent different sorts of flies among them, poisoning their flesh; and frogs for their destruction.
He gave the word, and there came the dog-fly, and insects over all the land.
For if you do not let my people go, see, I will send clouds of flies on you and on your servants and on your people and into their houses; and the houses of the Egyptians and the land where they are will be full of flies.
Insects » Bees
And it will be in that day that the Lord will make a piping sound for the fly which is in the end of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assyria.
And the Amorites who were in the hill-country came out against you and put you to flight, rushing after you like bees, and overcame you in Seir, driving you even as far as Hormah.
Then after a time he went back to take her; and turning from the road to see the dead body of the lion, he saw a mass of bees in the body of the lion, and honey there.
They are round me like bees; but they are put out like a fire among thorns; for in the name of the Lord I will have them cut down.
Insects » Grasshoppers » Hornets
And I sent the hornet before you, driving out the two kings of the Amorites before you, not with your sword and your bow.
I will send hornets before you, driving out the Hivite and the Canaanite and the Hittite before your face.
And the Lord will send a hornet among them, till all the rest who have kept themselves safe from you in secret places have been cut off.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Fly
Dead flies make the oil of the perfumer give out an evil smell; more valued is a little wisdom than the great glory of the foolish.
And it will be in that day that the Lord will make a piping sound for the fly which is in the end of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assyria.
And at that time I will make a division between your land and the land of Goshen where my people are, and no flies will be there; so that you may see that I am the Lord over all the earth.
Insects » Fed by God
There is the great, wide sea, where there are living things, great and small, more than may be numbered.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Grasshopper
For they came up regularly with their oxen and their tents; they came like the locusts in number; they and their camels were without number; and they came into the land for its destruction.
Is it through you that he is shaking like a locust, in the pride of his loud-sounding breath?
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Bee
And it will be in that day that the Lord will make a piping sound for the fly which is in the end of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee which is in the land of Assyria.
Then after a time he went back to take her; and turning from the road to see the dead body of the lion, he saw a mass of bees in the body of the lion, and honey there.
They are round me like bees; but they are put out like a fire among thorns; for in the name of the Lord I will have them cut down.
Insects » Locusts » Spiders
They give birth to snake's eggs, and make spider's threads: whoever takes their eggs for food comes to his death, and the egg which is crushed becomes a poison-snake.
Whose support is cut off, and whose hope is no stronger than a spider's thread.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Moth
How much more those living in houses of earth, whose bases are in the dust! They are crushed more quickly than an insect;
His house has no more strength than a spider's thread, or a watchman's tent.
See, the Lord God is my helper; who will give a decision against me? truly, all of them will become old like a robe; they will be food for the worm.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Ant
The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer;
Insects » Ants
The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer;
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Lice
He gave the word, and there came the dog-fly, and insects over all the land.
And the Lord said to Moses, Say to Aaron, Let your rod be stretched out over the dust of the earth so that it may become insects through all the land of Egypt.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Caterpillar
And the goods taken in war will be got together like the massing of young locusts; men will be rushing on them like the rushing of locusts.
He gave the increase of their fields to worms, the fruits of their industry to the locusts.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Spider
Whose support is cut off, and whose hope is no stronger than a spider's thread.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Cankerworm
What the worm did not make a meal of, has been taken by the locust; and what the locust did not take, has been food for the plant-worm; and what the plant-worm did not take, has been food for the field-fly.
There the fire will make you waste; you will be cut off by the sword: make yourself as great in number as the worms, as great in number as the locusts. Let your traders be increased more than the stars of heaven:
Insects » Clean and unclean (ceremonially speaking)
Every winged thing which goes flat on the earth is unclean to you and may not be used as food.
But of the winged four-footed things, those which have long legs for jumping on the earth you may have for food; Such as all the different sorts of locust. But all other winged four-footed things which go on the earth are disgusting to you. read more.
By these you will be made unclean; anyone touching their dead bodies will be unclean till evening: Whoever takes away the dead body of one of them is to have his clothing washed, and will be unclean till evening.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Earthworm
They will take dust as their food like a snake, like the things which go flat on the earth; they will come shaking with fear out of their secret places: they will come with fear to the Lord our God, full of fear because of you.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Palmerworm
What the worm did not make a meal of, has been taken by the locust; and what the locust did not take, has been food for the plant-worm; and what the plant-worm did not take, has been food for the field-fly.
I have sent destruction on your fields by burning and disease: the increase of your gardens and your vine-gardens, your fig-trees and your olive-trees, has been food for worms: and still you have not come back to me, says the Lord.
Insects » Divided into » Unclean and abominable
But all other winged four-footed things which go on the earth are disgusting to you. By these you will be made unclean; anyone touching their dead bodies will be unclean till evening:
Insects » Divided into » Clean and fit for food
But of the winged four-footed things, those which have long legs for jumping on the earth you may have for food; Such as all the different sorts of locust.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Hornet
And the Lord will send a hornet among them, till all the rest who have kept themselves safe from you in secret places have been cut off.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Bald locust
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Locust
And the Lord said to Moses, Let your hand be stretched out over the land of Egypt so that the locusts may come up on the land for the destruction of every green plant in the land, even everything untouched by the ice-storm. And Moses' rod was stretched out over the land of Egypt, and the Lord sent an east wind over the land all that day and all the night; and in the morning the locusts came up with the east wind.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Beetle
Insects » Created by God
And God said, Let the earth give birth to all sorts of living things, cattle and all things moving on the earth, and beasts of the earth after their sort: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after its sort, and the cattle after their sort, and everything moving on the face of the earth after its sort: and God saw that it was good.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Flea
After whom has the king of Israel come out? for whom are you searching? for a dead dog, an insect.
Insects » Fleas
After whom has the king of Israel come out? for whom are you searching? for a dead dog, an insect.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Gnat
You blind guides, who take out a fly from your drink, but make no trouble over a camel.
Insects » Gnats
You blind guides, who take out a fly from your drink, but make no trouble over a camel.
Insects » Mentioned in scripture » Maggot
But they gave no attention to Moses, and some of them kept it till the morning and there were worms in it and it had an evil smell: and Moses was angry with them.
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