15 Bible Verses about Laying On Of Hands

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 4:40

So when the sun was set, all who had any indisposed with various diseases, brought them to him; and laying his hands severally on each of them, he cured them.

Acts 8:17

Then they laid their hands upon them, and they received the Holy Ghost.

Acts 6:6

whom they presented before the apostles: and having prayed, they laid their hands upon them.

Acts 28:8

And it so happened that the father of Publius was then confined to his bed with an attack of fever and dysentery: unto whom Paul went in, and after praying, laid his hands upon him, and healed him.

Matthew 19:15

And when he had laid his hands upon them, he departed thence.

Mark 6:5

And he could not do there any miracle, except that laying his hands on a few sick persons he cured them.

Mark 7:32

And they bring him a deaf man, who could scarcely articulate; and they entreat him to put his hand upon him.

Mark 16:18

they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly potion, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover health.

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Laying on of hands » In healing

Acts 28:8

And it so happened that the father of Publius was then confined to his bed with an attack of fever and dysentery: unto whom Paul went in, and after praying, laid his hands upon him, and healed him.

Mark 7:32

And they bring him a deaf man, who could scarcely articulate; and they entreat him to put his hand upon him.

Mark 16:18

they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly potion, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover health.

Mark 6:5

And he could not do there any miracle, except that laying his hands on a few sick persons he cured them.

More verses: Luke 4:40

Laying on of hands » In consecration of offerings

Laying on of hands » In blessing

Matthew 19:15

And when he had laid his hands upon them, he departed thence.

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