21 Bible Verses about Learning
Most Relevant Verses
It was good for me to be afflicted
so that I could learn Your statutes.
Instruction from Your lips is better for me
than thousands of gold and silver pieces. י YodYour hands made me and formed me;
give me understanding
so that I can learn Your commands.
I long for You in the night;
yes, my spirit within me diligently seeks You,
for when Your judgments are in the land,
the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
But if the wicked man is shown favor,
he does not learn righteousness.
In a righteous land he acts unjustly
and does not see the majesty of the Lord.
And our people must also learn to devote themselves to good works for cases of urgent need, so that they will not be unfruitful.
“When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable customs of those nations.
You are to eat a tenth of your grain, new wine, and oil, and the firstborn of your herd and flock, in the presence of Yahweh your God at the place where He chooses to have His name dwell, so that you will always learn to fear the Lord your God.
It is to remain with him, and he is to read from it all the days of his life, so that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to observe all the words of this instruction, and to do these statutes.
Then their children who do not know the law will listen and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”
But Laban said to him, “If I have found favor in your sight, stay. I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.”
Then the Jews were amazed and said, “How does He know the Scriptures, since He hasn’t been trained?”
I don’t say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
For whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction, so that we may have hope through endurance and through the encouragement from the Scriptures.
From Thematic Bible
Learning » Whose ways you should not learn
Don't make friends with an angry man, and don't be a companion of a hot-tempered man, or you will learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.
"When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable customs of those nations. No one among you is to make his son or daughter pass through the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or a familiar spirit, or inquire of the dead. read more.
Everyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and the Lord your God is driving out the nations before you because of these detestable things. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. Though these nations you are about to drive out listen to fortune-tellers and diviners, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do this.
This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the way of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, although the nations are terrified by them, for the customs of the peoples are worthless. Someone cuts down a tree from the forest; [it is] worked by the hands of a craftsman with a chisel. He decorates it with silver and gold. It is fastened with hammer and nails, so it won't totter. read more.
Like scarecrows in a cucumber patch, their idols cannot speak. They must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them for they can do no harm- and they cannot do any good.
Learning » The reward for learning of the lord
At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to infants. Yes, Father, because this was Your good pleasure. All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son desires to reveal Him. read more.
"Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
Then all your children will be taught by the Lord, their prosperity will be great, and you will be established on [a foundation of] righteousness. You will be far from oppression, you will certainly not be afraid; you will be far from terror, it will certainly not come near you.
If they will diligently learn the ways of My people
Learning » What to learn
Gather the people-men, women, children, and foreigners living within your gates-so that they may listen and learn to fear the Lord your God and be careful to follow all the words of this law. Then their children who do not know [the law] will listen and learn to fear the Lord your God as long as you live in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess."
Seek justice.
Correct the oppressor.
Defend the rights of the fatherless.
Plead the widow’s cause.
Moses summoned all Israel and said to them, “Israel, listen to the statutes and ordinances I am proclaiming as you hear them today. Learn and follow them carefully.
Learning » The reward for learning the works of the heathen
but mingled with the nations and adopted their ways. They served their idols, which became a snare to them.
Learning » What increases learning
and pleasant speech
Learning » When the world will learn righteousness
Trust in the Lord forever, because in Yah, the Lord, is an everlasting rock! For He has humbled those who live in lofty places- an inaccessible city. He brings it down; He brings it down to the ground; He throws it to the dust. Feet trample it, the feet of the humble, the steps of the poor. read more.
The path of the righteous is level; You clear a straight path for the righteous. Yes, Lord, we wait for You in the path of Your judgments. Our desire is for Your name and renown. I long for You in the night; yes, my spirit within me diligently seeks You, for when Your judgments are [in] the land, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
Learning » Those that learn of the lord
Jesus answered them, "Stop complaining among yourselves. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. It is written in the Prophets: And they will all be taught by God. Everyone who has listened to and learned from the Father comes to Me-
Topics on Learning
Fruitless Learning
Ephesians 5:11Don’t participate in the fruitless
Learning From God
John 6:45Learning From Jesus
Matthew 11:29Learning From Other People
Philippians 4:9Do what you have learned and received
Learning From The Holy Spirit
John 14:26Learning From The Past
Romans 15:4For whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction,
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