37 Bible Verses about Lord's Supper

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1 Corinthians 11:26

For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.

1 Corinthians 11:20

Therefore, when you come together, it is not really to eat the Lord’s Supper.

1 Corinthians 11:23-25

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said, “This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after supper He also took the cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant established by My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

Matthew 26:26-28

As they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Mark 14:22-24

As they were eating, He took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them, and so they all drank from it. He said to them, “This is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many.

Luke 22:17-20

Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He said, “Take this and share it among yourselves. For I tell you, from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” And He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” read more.
In the same way He also took the cup after supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant established by My blood; it is shed for you.

1 Corinthians 11:21

For at the meal, each one eats his own supper ahead of others. So one person is hungry while another gets drunk!

John 20:26

After eight days His disciples were indoors again, and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace to you!”

Mark 14:22

As they were eating, He took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is My body.”

Luke 24:30

It was as He reclined at the table with them that He took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them.

John 6:11

Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were seated—so also with the fish, as much as they wanted.

1 Corinthians 11:25

In the same way, after supper He also took the cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant established by My blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

Matthew 26:27-28

Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Mark 14:23-24

Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them, and so they all drank from it. He said to them, “This is My blood that establishes the covenant; it is shed for many.

Luke 22:20

In the same way He also took the cup after supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant established by My blood; it is shed for you.

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch. You are indeed unleavened, for Christ our Passover has been sacrificed. Therefore, let us observe the feast, not with old yeast or with the yeast of malice and evil but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

John 11:50

You’re not considering that it is to your advantage that one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish.”

Numbers 9:12

they may not leave any of it until morning or break any of its bones. They must observe the Passover according to all its statutes.

Matthew 26:26-27

As they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them and said, “Drink from it, all of you.

Mark 14:22-23

As they were eating, He took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is My body.” Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He gave it to them, and so they all drank from it.

1 Corinthians 11:20-21

Therefore, when you come together, it is not really to eat the Lord’s Supper. For at the meal, each one eats his own supper ahead of others. So one person is hungry while another gets drunk!

Mark 14:25

I assure you: I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it in a new way in the kingdom of God.”

Luke 22:16

For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”

1 Corinthians 11:27-32

Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy way will be guilty of sin against the body and blood of the Lord. So a man should examine himself; in this way he should eat the bread and drink from the cup. For whoever eats and drinks without recognizing the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. read more.
This is why many are sick and ill among you, and many have fallen asleep. If we were properly evaluating ourselves, we would not be judged, but when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord, so that we may not be condemned with the world.

1 Corinthians 11:23

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread,

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1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Now in giving the following instruction I do not praise you, since you come together not for the better but for the worse.

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