22 Bible Verses about epiphany

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 2:12

and, being instructed by dream, not to return unto Herod, by another way, retired they unto their own country.

Ezekiel 1:28

as the appearance of the bow which is in a cloud on a day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about, that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh, and when I saw, I fell upon my face, and heard a voice of one speaking.

2 Timothy 4:1

I adjure thee before God, and Christ Jesus - Who is about to be judging living and dead, - both as to his forthshining and his kingdom,

1 Timothy 6:14

That thou keep the commandment without spot, free from reproach, until the forthshining of our Lord Jesus Christ -

Isaiah 64:1

Would that thou hadst rent the heavens, hadst come down,

Habakkuk 2:2

Then Yahweh answered me, and said, Write the vision, Yea, make it plain on tablets, that one may swiftly read it;

2 Timothy 1:10

But hath now been made manifest through means of the forthshining of our Saviour Christ Jesus, - Who, indeed, hath abolished death, and hath thrown light upon life and incorruptibility, through means of the glad-message:

Matthew 2:1

Now, when, Jesus, was born in Bethlehem of Judaea, in the days of Herod the king, lo! wise men from eastern parts, came into Jerusalem:

Isaiah 60:4

Lift up - round about - thine eyes and see, They all, have gathered themselves together - have come to thee, - Thy sons, from afar shall come, And thy daughters, on the side, shall he carried.

Habakkuk 3:9

To nakedness, is bared thy bow, oaths of chastisement - song! Selah. With rivers, thou dost cleave open the land.

Matthew 2:10

and, seeing the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy;

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