30 Bible Verses about evangelising
Most Relevant Verses
But be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fully accomplish your ministry.
and, making it my aim so to proclaim the Gospel??ot where Christ was already named??hat I might not build upon another's foundation;
And every day, in the temple, and at their homes, they ceased not teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
only they desired that we should remember the poor, which very thing I was also eager to do.
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified, as also it is with you:
And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having the eternal Gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people;
And He said to them, "Going into all the world, preach the Gospel to the whole creation.
And He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
that I should be a minister of Jesus Christ to the gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering up of the gentiles may become acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
For, if I proclaim the Gospel, it is not to me a matter of boasting; for necessity is laid upon me; for woe is to me, if I proclaim not the Gospel.
And it came to pass, on one of the days, as He was teaching the people in the temple, and proclaiming the Gospel, that there came upon Him the high priests and the scribes with the elders,
And He said to them, "It is needful that I proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other cities also; because for this I was sent forth."
but, as it has been written, "Those shall see, to whom nothing was announced concerning Him; and those who have not heard shall understand."
even as it is right for me to think this in behalf of you all; because ye have me in your heart, both in my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, all of you being partakers with me of the grace.
but I declared both to those in Damascus first, and in Jerusalem, and through all the region of Judea, and to the gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance.
for powerfully was he refuting the Jews publicly, showing by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.
To me, who am less than the least of all saints, was this grace given, to proclaim, to the gentiles, the glad tidings of the unsearchable riches of Christ;
And another of the disciples said to Him, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father."
And Jesus Himself, when beginning His ministry, was about thirty years old, being, as was supposed, the Son of Joseph, the son of Heli,
And the angel, answering, said to him, "I am Gabriel, who have been standing near before God, and I was sent to speak to you, and to proclaim these glad tidings to you.
And Paul, standing up, and beckoning with his hand, said, "Men of Israel, and ye who fear God, hearken!
And he dwelt there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.
And, coming out from the prison, they entered into the house of Lidia; and, seeing the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.
Ye know this, my beloved brethren; but let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all were loosed.
And a certain woman, Lydia by name, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, who worshipped God, was listening, whose heart the Lord opened to attend to the things spoken by Paul.
For David, indeed, having served his own generation according to the will of God, fell asleep, and was added to his fathers, and saw corruption;
And the angel, whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land, lifted up his right hand to Heaven,
And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, and your house."
Through Sylvanus, our faithful brother, as I consider him, I wrote to you briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God; within which stand ye.
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