9 Bible Verses about overwhelmed

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 1:8

Now, brothers, I want you to know about the troubles which befell me in Asia; how I was burdened altogether beyond my strength, so that I renounced all hope even of life itself.

Mark 7:37

and people were amazed beyond measure saying. "How successfully he does things! Even the deaf he makes to hear, and the dumb to speak."

Mark 4:41

Then they were awestruck, and said one to another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey him!"

2 Peter 3:6

and that by the same means the world which then existed was destroyed by a deluge of water.

Luke 1:12

And as he saw him Zachariah was troubled, and fear fell upon him.

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