'Acceptable' in the Bible
But Aaron replied to Moses, “See, today they presented their sin offering and their burnt offering before the Lord. Since these things have happened to me, if I had eaten the sin offering today, would it have been acceptable in the Lord’s sight?”
“When a man presents a fellowship sacrifice to the Lord to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering from the herd or flock, it has to be unblemished to be acceptable; there must be no defect in it.
You may sacrifice as a freewill offering any animal from the herd or flock that has an elongated or stunted limb, but it is not acceptable as a vow offering.
“When an ox, sheep, or goat is born, it must remain with its mother for seven days; from the eighth day on, it will be acceptable as a gift, a fire offering to the Lord.
They summon the peoples to a mountain;there they offer acceptable sacrifices.For they draw from the wealth of the seasand the hidden treasures of the sand.
May the words of my mouthand the meditation of my heartbe acceptable to You,Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Doing what is righteous and justis more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
I will bring them to My holy mountainand let them rejoice in My house of prayer.Their burnt offerings and sacrificeswill be acceptable on My altar,for My house will be called a house of prayerfor all nations.”
Will the fast I choose be like this:A day for a person to deny himself,to bow his head like a reed,and to spread out sackcloth and ashes?Will you call this a fastand a day acceptable to the Lord?
All the flocks of Kedar will be gathered to you;the rams of Nebaioth will serve youand go up on My altar as an acceptable sacrifice.I will glorify My beautiful house.
What use to Me is frankincense from Shebaor sweet cane from a distant land?Your burnt offerings are not acceptable;your sacrifices do not please Me.
“The deceiver is cursed who has an acceptable male in his flock and makes a vow but sacrifices a defective animal to the Lord. For I am a great King,” says Yahweh of Hosts, “and My name will be feared among the nations.
but in every nation the person who fears Him and does righteousness is acceptable to Him.
Whoever serves Christ in this way is acceptable to God and approved by men.
to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, serving as a priest of God’s good news. My purpose is that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Pray that I may be rescued from the unbelievers in Judea, that the gift I am bringing to Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints,
Food will not make us acceptable to God. We are not inferior if we don’t eat, and we are not better if we do eat.
For He says:I heard you in an acceptable time,and I helped you in the day of salvation.Look, now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation.
For if the eagerness is there, it is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
you yourselves, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
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