102 occurrences

'Actions' in the Bible

Now, your majesty, as the LORD lives and as you live, the LORD has kept you from shedding blood and from delivering yourself by your own actions. Now, may your enemies and those seeking to do evil to your majesty be like Nabal.

Verse ConceptsSheddingRestraints From KillingNot Avenging

Blessed be your good judgment, and blessed be you, who today stopped me from shedding blood and delivering myself by my own actions.

Verse ConceptsRestraints From KillingNot Avenging

While your servant was busy here and there, the prisoner escaped." The king told him, "By your actions you've earned the proper judgment!"

Verse ConceptsBusynessNowhere To Be Found

The rest of Jeroboam's actions everything he did, including his powerful fighting and how on behalf of Israel he restored Damascus and Hamath to Judah are recorded in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel, are they not?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

Now the rest of Hezekiah's actions, as well as his glorious deeds, including how he constructed the pool and the conduit to bring water into the city, are recorded in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, are they not?

Verse ConceptsPoolsDrinking WaterHistorical BooksWater ChannelKings of judahaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

Now the rest of Josiah's actions, including everything that he did, are recorded in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, are they not?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksaccomplishments

Now the rest of Jehoiakim's actions, and everything that he undertook, are recorded in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah, are they not?

Verse ConceptsHistorical Booksaccomplishments

turning a person from his actions, keeping him from pride,

Verse ConceptsCausing People To Turn

he'll reveal their actions to them, when their transgressions have become excessive.

Verse ConceptsThings Revealed

Reward them according to their deeds; according to the evil of their actions. Reward them based on what they do; give them what they deserve.

Verse ConceptsRetributionRevenge, Examples OfPunishment of the The Wickeddeeds

LORD, my God, You have done great things: marvelous works and your thoughts toward us. There is no one who compares to you! I will try to recite your actions, even though there are too many to number.

Verse ConceptsAmazingGod, Perfection OfGuidance, God's Promises OfPlansGod, Works OfUncountableGod's ThoughtsGod's PlanTrusting God's PlanGods PlanWorking For GodThoughtsBeing BeautifulGod's Plan For UsWorking For The Lordworkingsurprisesdeeds

I will speak about the glorious splendor of your majesty as well as your awesome actions.

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfMeditationGlory Of GodHonouring GodFocusMeditation On God's Work

In spite of many daydreams, pointless actions, and empty words, it is more important to fear God.

Verse ConceptsBad DreamsDaydreamingMan's Conduct Towards GodMisleading DreamsPeople Being SilentFear God!

Go ahead and enjoy your meals as you eat. Drink your wine with a joyful attitude, because God already has approved your actions.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholMerrinessDrinking WineFoodAlcoholic BeveragesBreadJoy And HappinessFunBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifebeeralcoholismjoyfulness

"Tell the righteous that things will go well, because they will enjoy the fruit of their actions."

Verse ConceptsRighteous, TheRighteousness, Of BelieversRepaid For DeedsBlessings And ProsperityA Good Man

They have the lyre and harp, the tambourine and flute, as well as wine at their festivals, but they don't respect what the LORD is doing, nor do they consider his actions.

Verse ConceptsFlutesAmusementsBanquets, ActivitiesHarpsLyreMusical Instruments, types ofWorldly Pleasures, Leads ToDrunkenness, ResultsDissipationTambourinesLyresdrums

"Give thanks to the LORD; call on his name. Make known his actions among the nations. Proclaim that his name is exalted.

Verse ConceptsGod's Deed RevealedThank God!

both your iniquities and your ancestors' iniquities together,'' says the LORD. "Because they offered incense on the mountains and insulted me on hills, I'll measure into their laps full payment for their earlier actions."

Verse ConceptsdefianceWagesSins Of The FathersBurning SacrificesSacrificing On The High PlacesMaking Mistakes

"Whoever slaughters an ox is just like one who kills a human being; whoever sacrifices a lamb is just like one who breaks a dog's neck; whoever makes a grain offering is just like one who offers pig's blood; and whoever makes a memorial offering of frankincense is just like one who blesses an idol. Yes, these have chosen their own ways, and they take delight in their contaminated actions.

Verse ConceptsBlood Of SacrificesAtonement, in OTDelighting, Wrong Kinds OfBlood, Figurative UseMemorialPleasureAbominations, Sin IsKilling Domesticated AnimalsPigsIncense Offered AmissKilling SacrificesMaking Cereal Offerings And Libationspork

"But as for me, I know their actions and their thoughts. Come and gather all nations and languages, and they will come and see my glory.

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingGathering Other NationsMan's Thoughts

"Your lifestyles and your actions have brought these things on you. This is your calamity it is indeed bitter, for it has reached your heart!"

Verse ConceptsSinnersFruits Of SinNature Of The HeartActing For Oneself

You are great in regards to your purposes and mighty in regards to your works. Your eyes are open to everything that people do, and will reward each one according to their ways and just as their actions deserve.

Verse ConceptsGod, Greatness Ofdiscipline, divineReward, DivineGod, All knowingGod Seeing All PeopleGod's CounselMighty OneRepaid For Deeds

You'll remember all your practices and evil actions by which you've become defiled. You'll loathe yourselves because of all the evil things you've done.

Verse ConceptsCharacter Of SaintsPeople RememberingPeople Polluting Themselves

"Their actions hinder them from turning to their God, because a spirit of fornication is in their midst, and the LORD they do not know.

Verse ConceptsForgetting GodSpiritual HarlotryIngratitudeProstitutionSalvation, Necessity And Basis OfSpirit, Emotional Aspects OfDecadenceNot Returning To God

It never occurs to them that I remember all their sin. Now their actions have caught up with them, and they have my attention.

Verse ConceptsGod, All knowingGod's Knowledge Of PeopleAbsence Of ThoughtSin, And God's CharacterSin, Known To GodExposure Of SinThings SurroundingGod Remembering Sin

When this happens, you will not be ashamed of your actions by which you sinned against me, because I will remove from among you those who revel in pride. Arrogance will have no place in my holy mountain.

Verse ConceptsMillenniumPride, Results OfSelf Righteousness, Nature OfStubbornness, Consequences OfPride, OriginHaughtinessThe Proud Will Be Abased

Don't be like your ancestors, to whom the former prophets proclaimed: "This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "It's time to turn from your evil lifestyles and from your evil actions," "but they would neither listen nor pay attention to me,'" declares the LORD.'

Verse ConceptsLearning From The PastImpenitence, Warnings AgainstIndifferencePast, TheEvil WaysNot Like PeopleFathersBeing A Good Father

But my words and my statutes that I gave as commands to my servants the prophets did they not overwhelm your ancestors? And they returned to me: "The LORD of the Heavenly Armies acted toward us just as he planned to do in keeping with our lifestyles and in keeping with our actions.'"

Verse ConceptsGod Spoke By The ProphetsRepaid For DeedsSigns Of RepentanceGod's Will Be Done

"But I have a greater testimony than John's, because the actions that the Father has given me to complete the very actions that I am doing testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me.

Verse ConceptsThe Completion Of RedemptionCompletionWitnesses, To Jesus ChristDoing God's WorksGod Giving To The SonInteraction Of Father And Son

So they asked him, "What sign are you going to do so that we may see it and believe in you? What actions are you performing?

Verse ConceptsSeeking SignsCuriosityJesus Christ, Temptation OfReasons For Faith In ChristSigns Performed By ChristSeeking A SignTesting God

So his brothers told him, "You should leave this place and go to Judea, so that your disciples can see the actions that you're doing,

Verse ConceptsChrist's Earthly FamilyChrist's WorkOther References To The DisciplesHalf brothersSiblingscriticism

You are doing your father's actions." They told him, "We're not illegitimate children. We have one Father, God himself."

Verse ConceptsImitating Wicked PeopleAvoid Immorality

Jesus answered them, "I have told you, but you don't believe it. The actions that I do in my Father's name testify on my behalf,

Verse ConceptsAffirmative ActionWitnesses, To Jesus ChristSkepticismNot Believing The GospelRelationship Of Father And SonIn God's NameBelieving In Yourself

Jesus replied to them, "I've shown you many good actions from my Father. For which of them are you going to stone me?"

Verse ConceptsKnowing God, Nature OfDoing God's WorksFear Of StoningThe Father

If I hadn't done among them the actions that no one else did, they wouldn't have any sin. But now they have seen and hated both me and my Father.

Verse ConceptsMiracles, Responses ToEquality With GodWitnesses, To Jesus ChristThose Who Saw GodUnique ChristDoing God's WorksFather And Son AlikeHating GodRelationship Of Father And Son

What, then, is there to boast about? That has been eliminated. On what principle? On that of actions? No, but on the principle of faith.

Verse ConceptsSalvation, Boasting ImpossiblePride, Evil OfSelf Righteousness, And The GospelJustification By FaithBoasting ExcludedFaithFaith KjvBoastinglaw

Likewise, David also speaks of the blessedness of the person whom God regards as righteous apart from actions:

Verse ConceptsReckoningWorks Of The LawRighteousness imputed

according to his calling and not by actions), Rebecca was told, "The older child will serve the younger one."

Verse ConceptsFreshness Of YouthLimitations Of Old PeopleServing PeopleServing

For I am bold enough to tell you only about what the Messiah has accomplished through me in bringing gentiles to obedience. By my words and actions,

Verse ConceptsCurbing SpeechMere TalkObeying The Gospel

Does God supply you with the Spirit and work miracles among you because you do the actions of the Law or because you believe what you heard?

Verse ConceptsGrace, And Holy SpiritMiracles, Nature OfSending Of The Holy SpiritGod Giving His SpiritMiraclesevangelizing

Certainly all who depend on the actions of the Law are under a curse. For it is written, "A curse on everyone who does not obey everything that is written in the Book of the Law!"

Verse ConceptsCurses, DivineAtonementBook of the LawAffirmative ActionBible, Names OfTrusting In WorksThe Curse Of The LawUnder The LawWorks Of The LawBreaking The Ten Commandmentslawcursesobeying

She must be well known for her good actions as a woman who has raised children, welcomed strangers, washed the saints' feet, helped the suffering, and devoted herself to doing good in every way.

Verse ConceptsFoot washingFeet Washingethics, personalProperty, HousesReputationSaintsAfflicted, Duty To ThemHospitalityWives, DressTravellersLoving ForeignersClean FeetCare Of FeetDoing GoodRaising ChildrenHelping Those In NeedPetsGrandmothers

In the same way, good actions are obvious, and those that are not cannot remain hidden.

Verse ConceptsThings Manifestdeeds

This saying is trustworthy. I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have put their faith in God may devote themselves to good actions. These things are good and helpful to other people.

Verse ConceptseagernessProfitsWork, And RedemptionProfitable ThingsFaithful SayingsBelief In GodDo Good!Useful ThingsWorks Of FaithAnxiety And StressWork Ethic

even though they had seen my actions for 40 years. That is why I was indignant with that generation and said, "They are always going astray in their hearts, and they have not known my ways.'

Verse ConceptsKnowing God's WaysWay, TheHeart, Of Unregenerate PeoplePeople Going Astray

even though his actions had been finished since the creation of the world. Somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day as follows: "On the seventh day God rested from all his actions,"

Verse ConceptsHolidayThe Seventh Day Of The WeekDay 7Sabbaths Instituted

because the one who enters God's rest has himself rested from his own actions, just as God did from his.

Verse ConceptsWorks Of The LawstruggleRestStruggles

What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not prove it with actions? This kind of faith cannot save him, can it?

Verse ConceptsFaith, As Basis Of SalvationClaimsProfitsWork, And RedemptionFaith That WorksUseless ReligionThings Which Cannot SaveWorks Of Faith

But someone may say, "You have faith, and I have actions." Show me your faith without any actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions.

Verse ConceptsFaith That WorksWorks Of FaithFaith KjvKeeping FaithHaving FaithLove Shown By DeedsJudging Others Actionsdeeds

Our ancestor Abraham was justified by his actions when he offered his son Isaac on the altar, wasn't he?

Verse ConceptsAncestorsAbraham, New Testament ReferencesJustified By WorksWorks Of Faith

You see that his faith worked together with what he did, and by his actions his faith was made complete.

Verse ConceptsFaith That WorksWorks Of FaithWorking TogetherHaving Faith

Likewise, Rahab the prostitute was justified through actions when she welcomed the messengers and sent them away on a different road, wasn't she?

Verse ConceptsProstitutionSpiesWelcoming Other PeopleJustified By WorksWorks Of Faith

for as long as that righteous man lived among them, day after day he was being tortured in his righteous soul by what he saw and heard in their lawless actions

Verse ConceptsLawlessnessPainUnceasingContinual Hardship

But this is to your credit: You hate the actions of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

Verse ConceptsHatredGod Hating ThingsHating Evil

"I know what you've been doing. You are known for being alive, but you are dead. Be alert, and strengthen the things that are left, which are about to die. I note that your actions are incomplete before my God.

Verse ConceptsSleep, SpiritualLukewarmnessHuman ImperfectionVigilanceStrength Of PeopleNearness Of DeathDeath Looms NearWake Up!Be Strong!Incomplete Worksrevelationdeeds

"I know your actions, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot.

Verse ConceptsInstabilityChrist Knowing About PeopleOne's DeedsSelf Worthlukewarm

The rest of the people who survived these plagues did not repent from their evil actions or stop worshiping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see, hear, or walk.

Verse ConceptsDeafnessFalse ReligionDemons, Evil Work Ofdemons, Kinds ofGoldStonesWoodIdolatry Consists OfAtheism, Description OfBrassImpotence Of IdolsIdols Not SeeingIdol WorshipIdolatryUnhearingWorshipping The DevilWood And StoneBronze For IdolsRepentance

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