108 occurrences

'Clean' in the Bible

From all the clean animals you must take for yourself {seven pairs}, a male and its mate. And from the animals that [are] not clean [you must take] two, a male and its mate,

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfRitual LawAbraham, Calling And LifeSeven AnimalsUnclean SpiritsTwo AnimalsClean AnimalsMale And Female AnimalsUnclean AnimalsAnimals Having A Soulcouples

Of clean animals, and of animals which [are] not clean, and of the birds, and everything that creeps upon the ground,

Verse ConceptsTwo AnimalsClean And Unclean

he shall carry all of the bull {outside the camp} to a ceremonially clean place, to the fatty ashes' dump, and he shall burn it on wood in the fire; it must be burned up on the fatty ashes' dump.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampBurning SacrificesClean Objects

And he shall take off his garments and put on other garments, and he shall bring out the fatty ashes {outside the camp} to a ceremonially clean place,

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampChanging ClothesAshes Of SacrificesClean Objects

And the meat that touches anything unclean must not be eaten; it must be burned with fire, and as for the [clean] meat, anyone who is clean may eat the meat.

Verse ConceptsSanitation, DisinfectionTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean SpiritsForbidden FoodUnclean Animals

and to distinguish between the holy and the unholy, as well as between the unclean and the clean,

Verse ConceptsDiscernment, Nature OfPriests, Function In Ot TimesRitual LawMan DifferentiatingClean And Unclean

And the wave offering's breast section and the upper thigh of the contribution [offering] you must eat in a clean place, you and your sons and your daughters with you, because they are given [as] your allotted portion and your sons' allotted portion from the sacrifices of the {Israelites}' fellowship offerings.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersFellowship OfferingWave OfferingsAnimal Sacrifices, Heave OfferingSwingingThighs Of AnimalsPermitted To Eat Offerings

And anything on which {one of them} falls at their death shall become unclean: any object of wood or garment or skin or sackcloth--any object that has performed work--must be placed in water, and it shall be unclean until the evening, and [then] it shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsDressClean ObjectsUnclean Until Evening

Surely a spring or a cistern collecting water shall be clean, but that which touches their dead body shall become unclean.

Verse ConceptsTouching Unclean Things

And when {one of their dead bodies} falls on any {seed for sowing}, it [is] clean.

Verse ConceptsSowing Seeds

to distinguish between the unclean and the clean and between the animal that is to be eaten and the animal that must not be eaten.'"

Verse ConceptsAnimal LifeMan DifferentiatingClean And UncleanFood Defined

And [the priest] shall present it {before} Yahweh, and he shall make atonement for her, so that she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This [is] the regulation of childbearing for the male or for the female.

Verse ConceptsBleedingBirthRegulations For Men And WomenPriests Atoning

And if {she cannot afford} a sheep, then she shall take two turtledoves or two {young doves}--one as a burnt offering and one as a sin offering--and the priest shall make atonement for her, so that she shall be clean.'"

Verse ConceptsLambsPigeonsPoverty, Remedies ForBeing PoorPriests Atoning

And the priest shall examine him on the seventh day [for a] second [time], and {if} the infection has faded and the infection has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall declare him clean--it [is] an epidermal eruption; and he shall wash his garments, and so he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingSpreadingWashingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekBlemished PeopleClean ClothesDay 7

then the priest shall examine [it], and {if} the infectious skin disease covers his whole body, then he shall pronounce the afflicted person clean--all of it has turned white; he is clean.

Verse ConceptsWhite Spotsexams

and the priest shall examine him, and {if} the infection has changed to white, then the priest shall pronounce the afflicted person clean--he is clean.

Verse ConceptsWhite Spots

But if the spot has stayed [unchanged], it has not spread, it [is] the skin sore's scar, so the priest shall declare him clean.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingAbscessscars

But if it the spot has stayed [unchanged] in its place, it has not spread on the skin and it [is] faded, [then] it is the burn-spot's swelling, so the priest shall declare him clean, because it [is] the burn-spot's scar.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingscars

And the priest shall examine the diseased area of skin on the seventh day, and {if} the diseased area has not spread on the skin and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean, and he shall wash his garments, and he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsShallownessSpreadingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekClean ClothesDay 7

But if, in his eyes, the diseased area of skin has stayed [unchanged] and black hair has grown in it, the diseased area of skin is healed--he is clean, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

Verse ConceptsThe Hair Of The BodyBlack Hair

then the priest shall examine [them], and {if} [the] spots on their body's skin [are] faded white, it [is] a skin rash; it has broken out on the skin--it [is] clean.

Verse ConceptsWhite Spots

"And if a man becomes bald, his head [is] bald, he [is] clean.

And if he becomes bald {from his forehead}, his head [is] bald, he [is] clean.

And the garment or the woven material or the fabric or any leather object that he might wash and the infection is removed from them then shall be washed second [time], and it shall be clean."

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingCordsAnimal SkinsClean Clothes

This [is] the regulation of the infectious skin disease in the wool garment or the linen or the woven material or the fabric or any leather object to declare it clean or to declare it unclean.

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal SkinsClean And UncleanUnclean Thingsmold

then the priest shall command, and he shall take two living, clean birds and {cedar wood} and {a crimson thread} and hyssop for the one who presents himself for cleansing.

Verse ConceptsColors, ScarletRed CordsCedar WoodTwo AnimalsWhilst Alive

And he shall spatter [the blood] seven times on the one who presents himself for cleansing from the infectious skin disease, and he shall declare him clean, and he shall send the living bird {into the open field}.

Verse ConceptsSprinklingSprinkling BloodSeven TimesDiseasecleansing

Then the one who presents himself for cleansing shall wash his garments, and he shall shave off all his hair, and he shall wash himself in the water; thus he shall be clean, and afterward he shall enter the camp, but he shall stay {outside his tent} [for] seven days.

Verse ConceptsQuarantiningBathing, For CleansingHealingPurity, Nature OfShavingSanitation, DisinfectionQuarantineSeven DaysWashing ClothesClean ClothesSeven Days For Legal PurposesOutside The House

{And then} on the seventh day he must shave off all his hair--he must shave his head and his beard and {his eyebrows} and all [the rest] of his hair--and he shall wash his garments, and he shall wash his body in the water; thus he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsBeardsCutting HairThe Seventh Day Of The WeekTrimming Facial HairClean ClothesDay 7

Then the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering on the altar, and the priest shall make atonement for him, and so he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsPriests Atoning

"And if the priest comes again and examines [the house] and {if} the infection has not spread in the house after being replastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the infection is healed.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingInspectingmold

And he shall send the living bird {outside the city} {into the open field}; and so he shall make atonement for the house, and it shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CityPriests Atoning

to teach {when something is unclean and when something is clean}. This [is] the regulation of the infectious skin disease."

Verse ConceptsClean And Uncleanmold

And if the person who discharges spits on [one who is] clean, then that one shall wash is garments, and he shall wash [himself] with water, and he shall be unclean until the evening.

Verse ConceptsSpittingSalivaDischargesUnclean Until Evening

" 'And when the person who discharges becomes clean from his body fluid discharge, he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing; then he shall wash his garments, and he shall wash his body with {fresh} water, and he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsNumberingFlowing WaterLaw, OtPurificationSeven DaysClean ClothesDischargesSeven Days For Legal Purposescleansing

" 'And if she is clean from her body fluid discharge, then she shall count for herself seven days, and afterward she becomes clean.

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysSeven Days For Legal Purposescleansing

because on this day he shall make atonement for you to cleanse you; you must be clean from all your sins {before} Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Types OfSin, Deliverance From GodBeing Cleansed From SinForgiving Yourselfcleansing

"And [if there is] any person who eats a dead body or a mangled carcass, [whether] among the native or among the alien, then he shall wash his garments, and he shall wash [himself] with water, and he shall be unclean until the evening, and he shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingWaterAnimals Torn To PiecesCorpses Of AnimalsClean ClothesUnclean Until EveningForbidden Foodnatural Death

And you shall distinguish between the clean and the unclean animal and between the unclean and the clean bird; and you shall not defile yourselves with the animal or with the bird or with anything that moves along the ground that I have set apart for you {as unclean}.

Verse ConceptsDefilement, Ceremonial CausesMan DifferentiatingClean And UncleanAnimals Having A Soul

" '{Anyone} from Aaron's offspring, if he [is] afflicted with a skin disease or a fluid discharge, shall not eat in the sanctuary {until} he is clean; and the one who touches any unclean person or a man from whom an emission of semen goes out,

Verse ConceptsLeprosySkinSemenDischargesRules About Corpses

and {the sun sets}, and he shall be clean; then afterward he may eat from the votive offerings, because it [is] his food.

Verse ConceptsSunsetsFood For Priests Defined

But the man who [is] clean and not on a journey, and he fails to observe the Passover, that person will be cut off from the people because he did not present the offering of Yahweh on its appointed time. That man will bear his guilt.

Verse ConceptsExclusivenessThose To Be Cut Off From Israelconsequences

This [is also] for you: the contribution of their gift of the wave offerings of the children Israel. I have given them to you and your sons and your daughters with you as an eternal decree; whoever [is] clean in your house may eat it.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersWave OfferingsPerpetual StatutesAnimal Sacrifices, Wave OfferingPermitted To Eat Offerings

[The] firstfruits of all that [is] in their land that they present to Yahweh will be for you; whoever [is] clean in your house may eat it.

A clean man will gather the ashes of the heifer, and he will put [them] in a clean {place outside the camp}; it will be for the community of the {Israelites} as a requirement for waters of impurity; it [is] a purification [offering].

Verse ConceptsHoliness, Believers' Growth InAnimal Sacrifices, BurntOutside The CampMeans Of PurifyingClean ObjectsBeing Cleansed From Sin

He will purify himself on the third day, and on the seventh day he will be clean. If he does not purify himself on the third day, he will not be clean on the seventh day.

Verse Conceptscleansing

A clean person will take hyssop and dip [it] into the water and sprinkle [it] on the tent and on all the objects and persons who were there, and on one who touched the bone, or the one slain, or the dead, or the burial site.

Verse ConceptsSprinkling Water

The clean [person] will spatter the unclean on the third day and on the seventh day; and on the seventh day he will purify him, and he will wash his garments; he will bathe in the waters, and in the evening he will be clean.

Verse ConceptsEveningSprinkling WaterClean ClothesUnclean Until Evening

everything that will go through the fire--you will pass through the fire, and it will be clean, and only in waters of impurity will it be purified. Whatever does not go into the fire you will pass through the waters.

And you will wash your garments on the seventh day and be clean, and afterward you will come into the camp."

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingWashingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekClean ClothesDay 7

"But {whenever you desire} you may slaughter, and you may eat meat according to the blessing of Yahweh your God that he has given to you in all [of] your {towns}; the unclean and the clean may eat it [just] as [they would] the gazelle and as the deer.

Verse ConceptsKilling Domesticated AnimalsClean And UncleanDeer Etc.Animals Having A SoulDeerEating Meat

Surely [just] as the gazelle and the deer is eaten, so [both] the unclean and the clean together may eat it.

Verse ConceptsClean And UncleanDeer Etc.Deer

"All [of] [the] birds [that] [are] clean you may eat.

Verse ConceptsClean Food

You may eat any clean bird.

In your {towns} you shall eat it, the unclean and the clean together [may eat it], [just] as [they eat] the gazelle and as [they eat] the deer.

Verse ConceptsClean And UncleanDeer Etc.Deer

"If [there] is among you a man that is not clean because of a seminal emission {during the night}, he shall go outside the camp; he shall not come within the camp.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampSemen

But Saul said nothing on that day, for he thought, "{Something happened to him}. He [is] not [ceremonially] clean; surely he [is] not clean."

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfIndividuals Being SilentPeople Being Unclean

Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go, you must wash seven times in the Jordan, then your flesh shall return to you, and you shall be clean."

Verse ConceptsMessengers Sent OutBodyMedicineMessengerRivers And StreamsWashingMiracles Of ElishaSeven TimesIn The Jordan

Are not the Abana and the Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all of the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them that I may be clean?" Then he turned and left in anger.

Verse ConceptsRivers And StreamsUnbelief, Examples OfAngry People

But his servants came near and spoke to him and said, "My father, [if] the prophet had spoken a difficult thing to you to do, would you not have done [it]? [Why not] even when he says to you, 'Wash and you shall be clean'?"

Verse ConceptsServants, GoodNamed Prophets Of The LordExamples Of Good Servants

So he went down and plunged into the Jordan seven times, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh returned as the flesh of a small boy, and he was clean.

Verse ConceptsSeven TimesHealing LepersIn The Jordanrejuvenation

For [there were] many in the assembly who did not consecrate themselves, so the Levites [were] over the killing of the Passover sacrifices for all who [were] not clean, to consecrate [them] to Yahweh.

For the priests and Levites together had consecrated themselves; all of them were clean. And they slaughtered the Passover sacrifice for all of the returned exiles, for their brothers the priests, and for themselves.

Verse ConceptsLambsPurificationPurifying OneselfKilling Sacrifices

For you say, 'My teaching [is] pure, and I am clean in your sight.'

Verse ConceptsSound DoctrinePlea Of Innocence

Look, he does not trust his holy ones, and [the] heavens are not clean in his eyes.

Verse Conceptsdistrust

But [the] righteous holds on to his way, and {he who has clean hands} increases in strength.

Verse ConceptsProgressSpiritual VitalitySpiritual ProgressPersevering To The EndMoving On

'I [am] clean, without transgression; I [am] pure, and [there is] no guilt in me.

Verse ConceptsClean, Spiritual UsePride, Examples OfPlea Of InnocenceGuiltdisobedience

The same fate [comes] to everyone: to the righteous and to the wicked, to the good and to the wicked, to the clean and to the unclean, to those who sacrifice and to those who do not sacrifice. As [with] the good [man], so also to the sinner; [as with] those who swear an oath, so [also] those who fear oaths.

Verse ConceptsApparent InjusticeNot Swearing OathsClean And Unclean

and bring all your countrymen from all the nations [as] an offering to Yahweh on horses and chariots and in litters and on mules and camels, to {my holy mountain}, Jerusalem," says Yahweh, "just as the sons of Israel bring [an] offering in a clean vessel [to] the house of Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsMulesCartsHorsesJerusalem, Significance OfRight SacrificesJerusalem In Millennial Kingdomrejuvenation

And [as for] your birth, {on the day you were born} your umbilical cord was not cut, and {you were not thoroughly washed clean with water}, and {you were not thoroughly rubbed with salt}, and {you were not carefully wrapped in strips of cloth}.

Verse ConceptsClothWrapping A BabyMidwifeMedicineSaltSanitation, DisinfectionBabiesSevering Body PartsNew BornSournessJesus Birthnegativitycutting

Its priests treat my law violently, and they profane my holy objects; they do not distinguish between holy object and what is unholy, or between the clean and the unclean. They do not teach the difference, and they hide their eyes from my Sabbaths, and [so] I am profaned in the midst of them.

Verse ConceptsAtonement, in OTHoliness,  Worldly SeparationPriests, Function In Ot TimesUnfaithfulness, To GodCorrupt PriestsClean And UncleanSabbath ViolatedThey Do Not Keep CommandsLack Of Holiness

In your uncleanness [is] obscene conduct, because I cleansed you, but you were not clean from your uncleanness; you will not be clean again until {I fully vent my rage} on you.

Verse ConceptsLewdnessPurity, Moral And SpiritualAfflictions Of The WickedPurgingPeople Being Unclean

And they will teach my people [the difference] between what is holy and what is unholy, and [the difference] between unclean and clean they must show them.

Verse ConceptsHoliness,  Worldly SeparationPriests, Function In Ot TimesTeachersMan DifferentiatingClean And UncleanTeaching The Way Of GodDiscernment

And I said, "Let them put a clean headband on his head." And they put a clean headband on his head, and they clothed him [with] garments. And the angel of Yahweh [was] standing [by].

Verse ConceptsHead coveringClothing OthersHeadgearClean Clothes

His winnowing shovel [is] in his hand, and he will clean out his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the storehouse, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

Verse ConceptsHell, Description OfNames For HeavenHell, As An ExperienceForksSin, God's Judgment OnThreshing FloorToolsWinnowingWicked Described AsEternal JudgmentLight As ChaffReapingBurning PlantsGod's StorehousesWeed

And behold, a leper approached [and] worshiped him, saying, "Lord, if you are willing, you are able to make me clean."

Verse ConceptsBowingKneelingCleansing The BodyChrist WillingHealing Cancercancer

Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also.

Verse ConceptsMiracles Of ChristCleaningFirst ActionsInside And OutThe Inward BeingCleanlinessPurityFocusInner Beautycleansingmathpharisees

And a leper came to him, entreating him and kneeling down, saying to him, "If you are willing, you are able to make me clean."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsChrist Willing

And becoming angry, he stretched out his hand [and] touched [him], and said to him, "I am willing; be made clean."

Verse ConceptsCompassionSympathyTendernessChrist's HandsTouching For HealingChrist Willing

And immediately the leprosy went away from him and he was made clean.

Verse ConceptsHow Healing Came

For it does not enter into his heart but into his stomach, and goes out into the latrine"--[thus] declaring all foods clean.

Verse ConceptsRitualEntering The MouthDefecationClean ObjectsClean FoodFood PermittedOther References To The Heartcleansing

His winnowing shovel [is] in his hand, to clean out his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his storehouse, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."

Verse ConceptsEternal DeathExhortation, Objects OfThreshing FloorToolsWinnowingGathering FoodReapingBurning PlantsGod's Storehousesgirlfriends

And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was made clean except Naaman the Syrian."

Verse ConceptsLeprosyPredestination, Of PersonsRelations With ForeignersOnly One PersonHealing LepersIndividual ProphetsMany In IsraelTimes Of Peoplesyria

And it happened that while he was in one of the towns, {there was} a man {covered with leprosy}. And [when he] saw Jesus, he fell down on [his] face [and] begged him, saying, "Lord, if you are willing, you are able to make me clean."

Verse ConceptsBeggarsProstrationBowing Before MessiahChrist Willing

And extending [his] hand he touched him, saying, "I am willing; be clean." And immediately the leprosy went away from him.

Verse ConceptsBodyTouchThe I Will's of ChristChrist's HandsTouching For HealingChrist Willing

Jesus said to him, "The one who has bathed {only needs} to wash [his] feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not all [of you]."

Verse ConceptsBathing, For CleansingPurity, Moral And SpiritualClean FeetCare Of Feetcleansing

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 18

Usage: 7

Usage: 6

Usage: 17

Usage: 11

Usage: 8

be clean , pure , purer
Usage: 4

Usage: 238

Usage: 1

Usage: 11

טהר טהור 
Usage: 95

Usage: 1

Usage: 94

Usage: 13

Usage: 69

Usage: 44

נקיא נקי 
Usage: 43

נקּין נקּיון 
Usage: 5

Usage: 51

Usage: 41

Usage: 63

תּמריק תּמרק תּמרוּקo 
Usage: 4

Usage: 5

Usage: 21

Usage: 9