10 occurrences

'Ordinary' in the Bible

The labor of a fool so wearies him [because he is ignorant] that he does not even know how to go to a city.

Verse ConceptsCompassesNot Knowing WhereThe Work Of FoolsstruggleStrugglesWorking Hard And Not Being Lazy

Then the Lord said to me, “Take for yourself a large tablet [for public display] and write on it in ordinary characters: Belonging to Maher-shalal-hash-baz.

Verse ConceptsPensScrollsTabletsWritingSpeedAlphabetMaking The Message Clear

“Israel was holy [something set apart from ordinary purposes, consecrated] to the Lord,The first fruits of His harvest [in which no outsider was allowed to share].All who ate of it [injuring Israel] became guilty;Evil came on them,” says the Lord.’”

Verse ConceptsHarvestSowing And ReapingA Holy NationMetaphorical FirstfruitsHolinessFirst fruits

Behold now [listen very carefully], I have stretched out My hand against you, reduced your portion, and handed you over to the desire of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your infamous behavior.

Verse ConceptsLewdnessStretching OutEvil DesiresPeople Being HatedShame Of Bad ConductThey Committed ImmoralityGod Will Cause DefeatGreedbehavior

You did not [even] anoint My head with [ordinary] oil, but she has anointed My feet with [costly and rare] perfume.

Verse ConceptsAnointing With OilGuestsOintmentAnointed By PeopleCare Of FeetAnointing Oil

“Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and [the money] given to the poor?”

Verse ConceptsDenariusMoney, Uses OfOintmentWagesGiving To The PoorWorthValueFeeding The Poor

You are still worldly [controlled by ordinary impulses, the sinful capacity]. For as long as there is jealousy and strife and discord among you, are you not unspiritual, and are you not walking like ordinary men [unchanged by faith]?

Verse ConceptsArguingDiscordJealousyDramaWarfare, Nature OfCarnalitySin, Consequences OfFruits Of SinDivision Among ChristiansSpiritual ImmaturityQuarrelsWeakness In DivisionDislikingSins Of The FleshLike People By NatureAvoiding JealousyFighting One Another

For when one of you says, “I am [a disciple] of Paul,” and another, “I am [a disciple] of Apollos,” are you not [proving yourselves unchanged, just] ordinary people?

Verse ConceptsApollosSchismsLike MenOpportunityactingfollowing

But the child of the slave woman was born according to the flesh and had an ordinary birth, while the son of the free woman was born in fulfillment of the promise.

Verse ConceptsGod's Promise To AbrahamLife In A Material WorldThe Promise Of A Babyslaverysarah

But as at that time the child [of ordinary birth] born according to the flesh persecuted the son who was born according to [the promise and working of] the Spirit, so it is now also.

Verse ConceptsConcubinesPersecution, Nature OfLife In A Material WorldThe Promise Of A BabyPersecutionSatanic Hatred

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Average (1 instance)
Ordinary (37 instances)