122 occurrences

'Right' in the Bible

If therefore your eye, even the right eye, is a snare to you, tear it out and away with it; it is better for you that one member should be destroyed rather than that your whole body should be thrown into Gehenna.

Verse ConceptsBodily LimbsBlindness, SymbolicHell, Punishment OfSelf DenialSelf DisciplinePriorityEyes, GuardedProfitable ThingsPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEyes HarmedOther Right PartsThe Entrance Of SinUseful ThingsAbusive RelationshipsHellEyesInfidelityLust Of The Eyes

And if your right hand is a snare to you, cut it off and away with it; it is better for you that one member should be destroyed rather than that your whole body should go into Gehenna.

Verse ConceptsBodily LimbsSending Things AwayCausing Others To StumbleCutting Off Hands And FeetEvil For The Right HandThe Entrance Of SinUseful ThingsWorry And StressInfidelityLosing Someonecutting

where there was a man with a shrivelled arm. And they questioned Him, "Is it right to cure people on the Sabbath?" Their intention was to bring a charge against Him.

Verse ConceptsFaultsLimbs WitheredQuestioning ChristDiseased HandsJesus HealingThe Sabbath And ChristFinding Fault With JesusJesus Healing On Sabbath

"It is not right," He said, "to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

Verse ConceptsFood Is FittingBreadGood ChildrenKidsPetshumor

Then came some of the Pharisees to Him to put Him to the proof by the question, "Has a man a right to divorce his wife whenever he chooses?"

Verse Conceptsdivorce, in OTdivorce, amongst believersTestingJewish SectsSnares Laid For ChristTesting ChristDivorce PermittedPharisees Concerned About ChristWhy People Did Things

To these also he said, "'You also, go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.'

Verse ConceptsServants, Working Conditions OfMetaphorical Vineyards

Have I not a right to do what I choose with my own property? Or are you envious because I am generous?'

Verse ConceptsEvil EyesDo Not Be StingyMoney Blessingsmagic

"What is it you desire?" He asked. "Command," she replied, "that these my two sons may sit one at your right hand and one at your left in your Kingdom."

Verse ConceptsAmbition, negative aspects ofLove, Abuse OfSelfishness, Shown InUnwise PrayersTwo SonsRight DesiresMothers And SonsUnconditional Love

"You shall drink out of my cup," He said, "but a seat at my right hand or at my left it is not for me to allot, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."

Verse ConceptsCups, Figurative UseRelationship Of Father And Son

and will make the sheep stand at His right hand, and the goats at His left.

Verse ConceptsRight Sides

"I am He," replied Jesus. "But I tell you that, later on, you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Omnipotence, and coming on the clouds of the sky."

Verse ConceptsLast ThingsRight Hand Of GodSittingSon Of ManSecond Coming Of ChristRight SidesAssentingMaranathaAccompanying The Second ComingAll Authority Has Been Given To Jesusmath

They twisted a wreath of thorny twigs and put it on His head, and they put a sceptre of cane in His right hand, and kneeling to Him they shouted in mockery, "Long live the King of the Jews!"

Verse ConceptsIndignities Suffered By ChristCrown Of ThornsFigures Of SpeechBowingCrowns, Worn ByKneelingSceptreThornsPlaitingChrist's Right HandChrist Is King Of IsraelMocking ChristSpoken Greetings

For John had repeatedly told Herod, "You have no right to be living with your brother's wife."

Verse ConceptsFaultsevil, believers' responses toSaying RepeatedlyMarriage ControlledTransferring Wives

"Let the children first eat all they want," He said; "it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstPeople Providing FoodSalvation For IsraelGood ChildrenFamily FirstKidsPetsFeeding The Poor

"Allow us," they replied, "to sit one at your right hand and the other at your left hand, in your glory."

Verse ConceptsSittingSelfishness, Examples OfSelf Exaltation

but as to sitting at my right hand or at my left, that is not mine to give: it will be for those for whom it is reserved."

Verse ConceptsA Place Prepared

"I am," replied Jesus, "and you and others will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the divine Power, and coming amid the clouds of the sky."

Verse ConceptsGod, Power OfLast ThingsRight Hand Of GodSon Of ManThe Existence Of ChristRight SidesAssentingCloud of gloryThe Second Comingclouds

Upon entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at their right hand, clothed in a long white robe. They were astonished and terrified.

Verse ConceptsVisionWhiteWhite And Bright ClothesRight SidesEntering TombsJesus TombWhite Cloths

So the Lord Jesus after having thus spoken to them was taken up into Heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

Verse ConceptsGospel, Historical Foundation OfJesus Christ, Ascension OfExaltation Of ChristRight SidesGoing To Heaven

it has seemed right to me also, after careful investigation of the facts from their commencement, to write for you, most noble Theophilus, a connected account,

Verse ConceptsBooksWritingOrderly PatternsBeginning Of SalvationBeing Found OutOrderly AccountsFrom The BeginningWriting The New Testament

Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense;

Verse ConceptsAngel of the LordStandingGod Appearinggabriel

On another Sabbath He had gone to the synagogue and was teaching there; and in the congregation was a man whose right arm was withered.

Verse ConceptsEntering The TempleLimbs WitheredChrist TeachingDiseased HandsEvil For The Right HandOn The Sabbath

whereupon the people came out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus, and they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were terrified.

Verse ConceptsFeetExorcismsevil, victory overDemons, Delivered FromClothing OneselfSitting At The FeetRegaining SanityFear Of ChristLooking And Seeing

"A right answer," said Jesus; "do that, and you shall live."

Verse ConceptsWorks Of The Law

So they put a question to Him. "Rabbi," they said, "we know that you say and teach what is right and that you make no distinctions between one man and another, but teach God's way truly.

Verse ConceptsFlatteryKnowing God's WaysPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristWay, TheMinisters, Way They Should TeachKnowingChrist TeachingTeaching The Way Of GodGod's Word Is True

Why, David himself says in the Book of Psalms, "'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand

Verse ConceptsRight Hand Of GodSittingRight SidesComposersChrist Is Lord

And one of them struck a blow at the High Priest's servant and cut off his right ear.

Verse ConceptsSevering Body Parts

But from this time forward the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of God's omnipotence."

Verse ConceptsClaimsDivinity Of ChristRight Hand Of GodSittingSon Of ManExaltation Of ChristRight Sides

When they reached the place called 'The Skull,' there they nailed Him to the cross, and the criminals also, one at His right hand and one at His left.

Verse ConceptsBody Of Christ, Physical DeathDeath penaltyCrucifixion, Of ChristPainTortureCalvarySkullsChrist Was KilledCrucifiedOthers CrucifiedBurying placesassertivenesscrucifixion

"Are we not right," answered the Jews, "in saying that you are a Samaritan and are possessed by a demon?"

Verse ConceptsAccused Of Being DemonisedDemonic Influence

Simon Peter, however, having a sword, drew it, and, aiming at the High Priest's servant, cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

Verse ConceptsHigh Priest, In NtPeter, The DiscipleRashnessVindictivenessSevering Body PartsOther Right PartsRiverscutting

"Throw the net in on the right hand side," He said, "and you will find fish." So they threw the net in, and now they could scarcely drag it along for the quantity of fish.

Verse ConceptsNetsMiracles Of ChristRight SidesCatch Of FishFish

For David says in reference to Him, "'I constantly fixed my eyes upon the Lord, because He is at my right hand in order that I may continue unshaken.

Verse ConceptsGod With ChristNot MovedRight SidesPeople Shaking

For David did not ascend into Heaven, but he says himself, "'The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand

Verse Conceptsenemies, of Jesus ChristMelchizedekRight Hand Of GodRight SidesChrist And HeavenChrist Is LordChrist Overcoming

No part or lot have you in this matter, for your heart is not right in God's sight.

Verse ConceptsGod And The HeartMinistry

said, "You who are full of every kind of craftiness and unscrupulous cunning--you son of the Devil and foe to all that is right--will you never cease to misrepresent the straight paths of the Lord?

Verse ConceptsSatan, Agents OfShrewdnessDenunciationsMischiefChildren Of EvilTwistingStraight PathsMen DeceivingChildren Of The DevilEnemies Of GodDemonic Influence

If, however, I have done wrong and have committed any offence for which I deserve to die, I do not ask to be excused that penalty. But if there is no truth in what these men allege against me, no one has the right to give me up to them as a favour. I appeal to Caesar."

Verse ConceptsCivil authoritiesDeath penaltyGovernmentResigned To DeathNo Escape

Unable to agree among themselves, they at last left him, but not before Paul had spoken a parting word to them, saying, "Right well did the Holy Spirit say to your forefathers through the Prophet Isaiah:

Verse ConceptsInspiration Of The Holy Spirit, Purpose OfSpeaking By The SpiritNamed Prophets Of The Lord

whereas glory, honour and peace will be given to every one who does what is good and right--to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.

Verse ConceptsFavouritismTo The Jew FirstDoing GoodGod Bestowing GloryThe Gospel To Jew And Gentile

All have turned aside from the right path; they have every one of them become corrupt. There is no one who does what is right--no, not so much as one."

Verse ConceptsCharacter Of WickedPeople Going AstrayUseless PeopleNot Going GoodNo One Available

and no longer lend your faculties as unrighteous weapons for Sin to use. On the contrary surrender your very selves to God as living men who have risen from the dead, and surrender your several faculties to God, to be used as weapons to maintain the right.

Verse ConceptsPersonal ConsecrationBodily LimbsSurrenderingDedication In NtBodyHealthHoliness Of The SaintsResurrection, SpiritualRighteousness, As FaithSatan, Resistance ToSin, Causes OfBeing DevoutUnburied BodiesContinuing In SinOur ResurrectionThe Surrendered lifeSurrenderTaking Care Of Your Bodyinstruments

For judges and magistrates are to be feared not by right-doers but by wrong-doers. You desire--do you not? --to have no reason to fear your ruler. Well, do the thing that is right, and then he will commend you.

Verse ConceptsCommendationRulersSecurityTaxationMagistratesFear Is DueFearDoing The Right ThingBeing ScaredRespecting Authoritybehaviorterrorism

But if a father stands firm in his resolve, being free from all external constraint and having a legal right to act as he pleases, and in his own mind has come to the decision to keep his daughter unmarried, he will do well.

Verse ConceptsIntelligenceUnmarriedPositive Thinkingactingsteadfastvirginity

Have we not a right to claim food and drink?

Verse ConceptsFood Is Fittingpoop

Have we not a right to take with us on our journeys a Christian sister as our wife, as the rest of the Apostles do--and the Lord's brothers and Peter?

Verse ConceptsPeter, The ApostleBachelorsCompanionshipChrist's Earthly FamilyMarriage AllowedThe Apostles In ActionChristians Being Called Brothers

If other teachers possess that right over you, do not we possess it much more? Yet we have not availed ourselves of the right, but we patiently endure all things rather than hinder in the least degree the progress of the Good News of the Christ.

Verse ConceptsCoveting, prohibition ofControlling PeopleSuffering For The GospelAvoid Being HinderedEnduringHindrances

I should be right glad were you all to speak in 'tongues,' but yet more glad were you all to prophesy. And, in fact, the man who prophesies is superior to him who speaks in 'tongues,' except when the latter can interpret in order that the Church may get a blessing.

Verse ConceptsProphecy, In NtBuilding Up The ChurchInterpreting LanguageEach Local ChurchRight DesiresProphecyProphecies concerningLanguageThe church

But this will happen to each in the right order--Christ having been the first to rise, and afterwards Christ's people rising at His return.

Verse ConceptsSecond Coming Of Christ, The PurposeChrist, Names ForChrist The BeginningMetaphorical FirstfruitsOur ResurrectionThe Second Comingorder

And our prayer to God is that you may do nothing wrong; not in order that our sincerity may be demonstrated, but that you may do what is right, even though our sincerity may seem to be doubtful.

Verse ConceptsCauses of failure inPraying For Othersexams

when He displayed it in Christ by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His own right hand in the heavenly realms,

Verse ConceptsSittingChurch AgeExaltation Of ChristRight SidesGod Raising ChristChrist And HeavenAll Authority Has Been Given To JesusThe power of Christ

although I myself might have some excuse for confidence in outward ceremonies. If any one else claims a right to trust in them, far more may I:

Verse ConceptsSelf RespectLiving For The MaterialConfidenceSelf EsteemTrusting Otherseffort

This is right, and is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour,

Verse ConceptsChrist, Names ForPraying For Others

So also the right actions of some are evident to the world, and those that are not cannot remain for ever out of sight.

Verse ConceptsThings Manifestdeeds

In the same way exhort aged women to let their conduct be such as becomes consecrated persons. They must not be slanderers nor enslaved to wine-drinking. They must be teachers of what is right.

Verse ConceptsAddictionsMentoringAlcoholBeing A Womendrinking, abstention fromSlanderTemperanceAlcohol ConsumptionCharacters Of Old PeopleTeaching In The ChurchNot Too Much WineWomen's Rolesgossiping

for, as you know, a man of that description has turned aside from the right path and is a sinner self-condemned.

Verse ConceptsTwisted Wayscondemnationcorruption

praying as I do, that their participation in your faith may result in others fully recognizing all the right affection that is in us toward Christ.

Verse ConceptsAcknowledge, Faith In ChristFellowship, Among BelieversFruits Of RighteousnessSharingpartnershiprecognition

Now in connexion with what we have been saying the chief point is that we have a High Priest who has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God's Majesty in the heavens,

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfGod, Sovereignty OfRight Hand Of GodThroneHeaven, God's ThroneMessianic Titles, High PriestRight SidesChrist And HeavenRivers

this Priest, on the contrary, after offering for sins a single sacrifice of perpetual efficacy, took His seat at God's right hand,

Verse ConceptsAtonement, Made OnceSittingChrist, The High PriestOnceRight SidesOnly Once

We Christians have an altar from which the ministers of the Jewish Tent have no right to eat.

Verse ConceptsAltarsMinistry, Nature OfTypes Of ChristAltars, In HeavenThe TabernacleServing The Church

Bible Theasaurus

Compensate (7 instances)
Conscientious (8 instances)
Correct (48 instances)
Equal (81 instances)
Rectify (1 instance)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 36

Usage: 4

Usage: 32

Usage: 19

Usage: 4

Usage: 206

turn to the right
Usage: 1

Usage: 127

Usage: 14

Usage: 139

Usage: 26

Usage: 14

Usage: 119

Usage: 217

Usage: 3

Usage: 3

מישׁר מישׁור 
Usage: 23

Usage: 421

Usage: 4

Usage: 41

Tsidqah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 1

Usage: 157

Usage: 1

Usage: 57

Usage: 83

Usage: 35

Usage: 10

Usage: 4

Usage: 79

Usage: 12

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

be in right mind , be sober , be sober minded , soberly
Usage: 6