58 occurrences

'Supplication' in the Bible

And they say one unto another, 'Verily we are guilty concerning our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul, in his making supplication unto us, and we did not hearken: therefore hath this distress come upon us.'

Verse ConceptsGuilty ConsciencesGuilt, Human Aspects OfAfflicted Saints, Examples OfFound GuiltyPeople Without MercyWhy It HappenedHuman Awareness Of Guilt

And Pharaoh calleth for Moses and for Aaron, and saith, 'Make supplication unto Jehovah, that he turn aside the frogs from me, and from my people, and I send the people away, and they sacrifice to Jehovah.'

Verse ConceptsKings SummoningPray For UsPraying For SinnersTaking Animals

And Moses saith to Pharaoh, 'Beautify thyself over me; when do I make supplication for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to cut off the frogs from thee and from thy houses -- only in the River they do remain?'

Verse ConceptsWhen?

And Pharaoh saith, 'I send you away, and ye have sacrificed to Jehovah your God in the wilderness, only go not very far off; make ye supplication for me;'

Verse ConceptsPeople Not Far AwayPray For UsPraying For SinnersSacrificesupplication

and Moses saith, 'Lo, I am going out from thee, and have made supplication unto Jehovah, and the beetle hath turned aside from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people -- to-morrow, only let not Pharaoh add to deceive -- in not sending the people away to sacrifice to Jehovah.'

Verse ConceptsExamples Of DeceitGod's Action TomorrowThose Who Deceived

And Moses goeth out from Pharaoh, and maketh supplication unto Jehovah,

Verse ConceptsPraying For Sinners

make ye supplication unto Jehovah, and plead that there be no voices of God and hail, and I send you away, and ye add not to remain.'

Verse ConceptsPray For UsPraying For SinnersMore Than Enough

and now, bear with, I pray you, my sin, only this time, and make ye supplication to Jehovah your God, that He turn aside from off me only this death.'

Verse ConceptsNot DyingDeath PreventedForgive One AnotherPray For UsPraying For SinnersForgiveness

And he goeth out from Pharaoh, and maketh supplication unto Jehovah,

Verse ConceptsPraying For Sinners

'Then thou hast turned unto the prayer of Thy servant, and unto his supplication, O Jehovah my God, to hearken unto the cry and unto the prayer which Thy servant is praying before Thee to-day,

Verse ConceptsMercifulnessHear Prayer!Pay Attention O God!God Answering Prayersservanthoodsupplication

Then Thou hast hearkened unto the supplication of Thy servant, and of Thy people Israel, which they pray towards this place; yea, Thou dost hearken in the place of Thy dwelling, in the heavens -- and Thou hast hearkened, and hast forgiven,

Verse ConceptsHeaven, Nature OfHousesSinnersHeaven, Glimpsed By HumansGod Acts From HeavenGod Forgive!supplication

'In Thy people Israel being smitten before an enemy, because they sin against Thee, and they have turned back unto Thee, and have confessed Thy name, and prayed, and made supplication unto Thee in this house,

Verse ConceptsdefeatSin Brings Impoverishment

any prayer, any supplication that is of any man of all Thy people Israel, who know each the plague of his own heart, and hath spread his hands towards this house,

Verse ConceptsSelf Knowledgesupplication

then Thou hast heard in the heavens their prayer and their supplication, and hast maintained their cause.

Verse ConceptsGod Acts From HeavenPrayingsupplicationpetition

and they have turned it back unto their heart in the land whither they have been taken captive, and have turned back, and made supplication unto Thee, in the land of their captors, saying, We have sinned and done perversely -- we have done wickedly;

Verse ConceptsWe Have Sinned

'Then Thou hast heard in the heavens, the settled place of Thy dwelling, their prayer and their supplication, and hast maintained their cause,

Verse ConceptsGod Acts From Heaven

for Thine eyes being open unto the supplication of Thy servant, and unto the supplication of Thy people Israel, to hearken unto them in all they call unto Thee for;

Verse ConceptsHear Prayer!Pay Attention O God!

And it cometh to pass, at Solomon's finishing to pray unto Jehovah all this prayer and supplication, he hath risen from before the altar of Jehovah, from bending on his knees, and his hands spread out to the heavens,

Verse ConceptsKneelingPrayer, Practicalities OfThe Altar Of The LordLifting Hands

and these my words with which I have made supplication before Jehovah, are near unto Jehovah our God by day and by night, to maintain the cause of His servant, and the cause of His people Israel, the matter of a day in its day;

Verse ConceptsWorship Day And Night

and Jehovah saith unto him, 'I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication with which thou hast made supplication before Me; I have hallowed this house that thou hast built to put My name there -- unto the age, and Mine eyes and My heart have been there all the days.

Verse ConceptsHeart, DivineHoliness, Believers' Growth InHoliness, As Set Apart For GodHoliness, Purpose OfPrayer, Answers ToReceptivenessWatchfulness, DivineGod Answered PrayerGod Pays AttentionA Place For God's Namesupplication

And he turneth and sendeth a third head of fifty and his fifty, and the third head of fifty goeth up, and cometh in, and boweth on his knees over-against Elijah, and maketh supplication unto him, and speaketh unto him, 'O man of God, let be precious, I pray thee, my soul and the soul of thy servants -- these fifty -- in thine eyes.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsKneelingBeggingFiftiesKept Alive By MenThird PersonMan Of God

'And Thou hast turned unto the prayer of Thy servant, and unto his supplication, O Jehovah my God, to hearken unto the cry and unto the prayer that Thy servant is praying before Thee,

And if Thy people Israel is smitten before an enemy, because they sin against Thee, and they have turned back and confessed Thy name, and prayed and made supplication before Thee in this house --

Verse Conceptsdefeat

any prayer, any supplication that is for any man, and for all Thy people Israel, when they know each his own plague, and his own pain, and he hath spread out his hands towards this house:

Verse ConceptsStretching Out

then Thou hast heard from the heavens their prayer and their supplication, and hast maintained their cause.

and they have turned it back unto their heart in the land whither they have been taken captive, and have turned back, and made supplication unto Thee in the land of their captivity, saying, We have sinned, we have done perversely, and have done wickedly;

and prayeth unto Him, and He is entreated of him, and heareth his supplication, and bringeth him back to Jerusalem, to his kingdom, and Manasseh knoweth that Jehovah -- He is God.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerThose who returned from exile

and the copy of the writing of the law that had been given in Shushan to destroy them he hath given to him, to shew Esther, and to declare it to her, and to lay a charge on her to go in unto the king, to make supplication to him, and to seek from before him, for her people.

Verse ConceptsCopies Of DocumentsPeople Showing MercyThe King's Orders

And Esther addeth, and speaketh before the king, and falleth before his feet, and weepeth, and maketh supplication to him, to cause the evil of Haman the Agagite to pass away, and his device that he had devised against the Jews;

Verse ConceptsSalutationsJews Under Threat

If thou dost seek early unto God, And unto the Mighty makest supplication,

Verse ConceptsPrayer, Described AsAnswered Promises

Whom, though I were righteous, I answer not, For my judgment I make supplication.

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfJudgesBe Merciful!

To my servant I have called, And he doth not answer, With my mouth I make supplication to him.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsServants, BadBeggingOthers Not AnsweringExamples Of Bad Servants

Thou dost make supplication unto Him, And He doth hear thee, And thy vows thou completest.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PromisesMaking VowsGod Answers PrayerGod Answering Prayers

He maketh supplication unto God, And He accepteth him. And he seeth His face with shouting, And He returneth to man His righteousness.

Verse ConceptsAcceptance, Of WorshipAcceptance, divineJoy, Of IsraelPleasing GodRejoicingDivine FavourAnswered PromisesGod Answers Prayer

Unto Thee, O Jehovah, I call, And unto Jehovah I make supplication.

Verse ConceptsI Praysupplication

To the Overseer with stringed instruments. -- An instruction, by David. Give ear, O God, to my prayer, And hide not from my supplication.

Verse ConceptsPsalms As PrayersMusicMusical Instruments, types ofGod HidingHear Prayer!Pay Attention O God!ventinginstrumentssupplication

My supplication cometh in before Thee, According to Thy saying deliver Thou me.

Verse ConceptsHear Prayer!supplication

if so be their supplication doth fall before Jehovah, and they turn back each from his evil way, for great is the anger and the fury that Jehovah hath spoken concerning this people.'

Verse ConceptsPrayer, Described AsGod Answers PrayerFree Moral AgencyAnger And Forgivenesssupplicationpetition

And now, hearken, I pray thee, my lord, O king, let my supplication fall, I pray thee, before thee, and cause me not to return to the house of Jonathan the scribe, that I die not there.'

Verse ConceptsPossibility Of Death

then thou hast said unto them, I am causing my supplication to fall before the king, not to cause me to return to the house of Jonathan, to die there.'

Verse ConceptsImportunity, Towards People

and they say unto Jeremiah the prophet, 'Let, we pray thee, our supplication fall before thee, and pray for us unto Jehovah thy God, for all this remnant; for we have been left a few out of many, as thine eyes do see us;

Verse ConceptsRemnantFew PeoplePray For Ussupplicationpetition

and he saith unto them, 'Thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, unto whom ye sent me, to cause your supplication to fall before Him:

and now, hearken, O our God, unto the prayer of Thy servant, and unto his supplication, and cause Thy face to shine on Thy sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's sake.

Verse ConceptsPleasing GodDivine FavourGod Giving LightHear Prayer!Pay Attention O God!petition

And while I am speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and causing my supplication to fall before Jehovah my God, for the holy mount of my God,

Verse ConceptsFasting, Reasons ForSin ConfessedGod Answering Prayersconfessinggabriel

Yea, he is a prince unto the Messenger, And he overcometh by weeping, And he maketh supplication to Him, At Bethel He doth find him, And there He doth speak with us,

Verse ConceptsFinding GodBe Merciful!God SpeakingWrestlingStrugglesmanhood

and the messenger said unto him, 'Fear not, Zacharias, for thy supplication was heard, and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name John,

Verse ConceptsBarren WomenAnswered PrayerChildbirthHeraldAngel, AnnouncementsBirths ForetoldGod Naming PeopleGod Answered Prayer

and by their supplication in your behalf, longing after you because of the exceeding grace of God upon you;

Verse ConceptsGrace, Description OfThe Grace Given To MenPraying For Otherssupplication

For I have known that this shall fall out to me for salvation, through your supplication, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus,

Verse ConceptsMinistry, In The ChurchMissionaries, Support ForIntercessory PrayerThe Spirit Of ChristGod ProvidingPray For UsWorking Togetherdeliverance

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 76

Usage: 77

Chanan (Aramaic) 
Usage: 2

Usage: 84

Usage: 25

תּחנוּנה תּחנוּן 
Usage: 18

Usage: 19

Usage: 1