891 occurrences

'Cometh' in the Bible

And it cometh to pass at the end of days that Cain bringeth from the fruit of the ground a present to Jehovah;

Abel and CainAbraham, Testing And Victoryprocess

And it cometh to pass that mankind have begun to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters have been born to them,

People MultiplyingPeople BeginningBuilding Relationships

And it cometh to pass, after the seventh of the days, that waters of the deluge have been on the earth.

Seven Days

And it cometh to pass, at the end of forty days, that Noah openeth the window of the ark which he made,

The Number FortyForty DaysMore Than One MonthThe Act Of Opening

and the dove cometh in unto him at even-time, and lo, an olive leaf torn off in her mouth; and Noah knoweth that the waters have been lightened from off the earth.

OlivesBreaking SticksKnowing FactsWaters SubsidingOlive TreesFloodsRainbow

And it cometh to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, in the first of the month, the waters have been dried from off the earth; and Noah turneth aside the covering of the ark, and looketh, and lo, the face of the ground hath been dried.

Before The FloodMonth 2The Act Of OpeningOpening Walls

and it cometh to pass, in their journeying from the east, that they find a valley in the land of Shinar, and dwell there;

Facing EastLiving In The Land

And Jehovah cometh down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men have builded;

God Going DownGod Seeing The Wicked

and it cometh to pass as he hath drawn near to enter Egypt, that he saith unto Sarai his wife, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have known that thou art a woman of beautiful appearance;

Beauty, In WomenWomen's BeautyBeauty Of NatureTrust In RelationshipsThe Beauty Of NatureBeing Beautifulsarah

And it cometh to pass, at the entering of Abram into Egypt, that the Egyptians see the woman that she is exceeding fair;

Relationships With Boyfriend

And Abram tenteth, and cometh, and dwelleth among the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and buildeth there an altar to Jehovah.

AltarsTreesBuilding AltarsOaks

And it cometh to pass in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goyim,

Babylon, History Of

And one who is escaping cometh and declareth to Abram the Hebrew, and he is dwelling among the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner, and they are Abram's allies.

AlliancesAbraham, Characteristics OfAllegiancesOaksOthers Who FledTelling Of Happenings

And lo, the word of Jehovah is unto him, saying, 'This one doth not heir thee; but he who cometh out from thy bowels, he doth heir thee;'

God, Faithfulness OfAbrahamBody

And it cometh to pass -- the sun hath gone in, and thick darkness hath been -- and lo, a furnace of smoke, and a lamp of fire, which hath passed over between those pieces.

FurnacesLampsPassing ThroughSmokeCandlesAnimal Sacrifices, BurntSunsetsGod Appearing In FireGod Is LightDarkness Of NightWeedsmoking

And it cometh to pass when he hath brought them out without, that he saith, 'Escape for thy life; look not expectingly behind thee, nor stand thou in all the circuit; to the mountain escape, lest thou be consumed.'

EscapingFuturedoubt, results ofExamples Of EscapingHesitationLooking BackwardEscaping To MountainsOutside The CityLooking Back

And it cometh to pass, in God's destroying the cities of the circuit, that God remembereth Abraham, and sendeth Lot out of the midst of the overthrow in the overthrowing of the cities in which Lot dwelt.

MemoriesRememberingAbraham, Testing And VictoryAbraham, Calling And LifeDivine RemembranceDestruction Of CitiesGod Remembering His PeopleBringing People Out Of Other Places

And it cometh to pass, on the morrow, that the first-born saith unto the younger, 'Lo, I have lain yesterday-night with my father: we cause him to drink wine also to-night, and go thou in, lie with him, and we preserve from our father -- a seed.'

Firstborn Daughters

And God cometh in unto Abimelech in a dream of the night, and saith to him, 'Lo, thou art a dead man, because of the woman whom thou hast taken -- and she married to a husband.'

Bad DreamsDreamsDreams, Examples OfNightDeath As PunishmentTransferring WivesDirect Communication Through Dreams

and it cometh to pass, when God hath caused me to wander from my father's house, that I say to her, This is thy kindness which thou dost with me: at every place whither we come, say of me, He is my brother.'


And it cometh to pass at that time that Abimelech speaketh -- Phichol also, head of his host -- unto Abraham, saying, 'God is with thee in all that thou art doing;

CommanderAbraham, In SocietyAbraham, The Friend Of GodAbraham, Testing And VictoryGod With YouGod With Specific PeopleA Mans Reputation

And it cometh to pass after these things that God hath tried Abraham, and saith unto him, 'Abraham;' and he saith, 'Here am I.'

AbrahamAbraham, Characteristics OfTrialsAbraham, Testing And VictoryBehold Me!Temptation

And it cometh to pass after these things that it is declared to Abraham, saying, 'Lo, Milcah hath borne, even she, sons to Nahor thy brother:

Abraham, Testing And Victory

And it cometh to pass, before he hath finished speaking, that lo, Rebekah (who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, wife of Nahor, brother of Abraham) is coming out, and her pitcher on her shoulder,

Shouldersequipping, physicalWater ContainersWhile Still SpeakingCarrying Other Loads

and the young person is of very good appearance, a virgin, and a man hath not known her; and she goeth down to the fountain, and filleth her pitcher, and cometh up.

BeautifulAbsence Of SexWomen's BeautyBeauty Of Nature

And it cometh to pass when the camels have finished drinking, that the man taketh a golden ring (whose weight is a bekah), and two bracelets for her hands (whose weight is ten bekahs of gold),

BraceletsNosesOrnamentsRingsGold OrnamentsJewelleryTwo OrnamentsHalf Of ThingsWeights Of Gold

yea, it cometh to pass, when he seeth the ring, and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and when he heareth the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, 'Thus hath the man spoken unto me,' that he cometh in unto the man, and lo, he is standing by the camels by the fountain.

JewelleryNamed Sisters

And it cometh to pass, when the servant of Abraham hath heard their words, that he boweth himself towards the earth before Jehovah;

Prayer, Practicalities Of

And it cometh to pass after the death of Abraham, that God blesseth Isaac his son; and Isaac dwelleth by the Well of the Living One, my Beholder.

Blessed By God

and the first cometh out all red as a hairy robe, and they call his name Esau;

Being FirstOuter GarmentsHairy PeopleRed BodiesTwin BrothersColorHair

And Jacob boileth pottage, and Esau cometh in from the field, and he is weary;

Cooking, Types Of FoodYielding To TemptationVegetablesWeedcookingprepping

And it cometh to pass, when the days have been prolonged to him there, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looketh through the window, and seeth, and lo, Isaac is playing with Rebekah his wife.

Looking Through WindowsAfter A Long TimeSportshugs

and Abimelech commandeth all the people, saying, 'He who cometh against this man or against his wife, dying doth die.'

Touching To HarmDeath Penalty For KillingThe King's Orders

And it cometh to pass during that day that Isaac's servants come and declare to him concerning the circumstances of the well which they have digged, and say to him, 'We have found water;'

Finding ThingsTelling What People Did

And it cometh to pass that Isaac is aged, and his eyes are too dim for seeing, and he calleth Esau his elder son, and saith unto him, 'My son;' and he saith unto him, 'Here am I.'

Blindness, Causes OfOld Age, DisabilitiesEyes, Affected BydisabilitiesOld Age, Attainment OfVisionWeakness, PhysicalDimness Of VisionBehold Me!Others Summoning

And he cometh in unto his father, and saith, 'My father;' and he saith, 'Here am I; who art thou, my son?'

Who Is This?Behold Me!

And Jacob cometh nigh unto Isaac his father, and he feeleth him, and saith, 'The voice is the voice of Jacob, and the hands hands of Esau.'

VoicesContact With PeopleRecognising Thingscheaters

and he cometh nigh, and kisseth him, and he smelleth the fragrance of his garments, and blesseth him, and saith, 'See, the fragrance of my son is as the fragrance of a field which Jehovah hath blessed;

People KissingNosesContact With PeopleBlessed By GodPeople Who Blessed Others

And it cometh to pass, as Isaac hath finished blessing Jacob, and Jacob is only just going out from the presence of Isaac his father, that Esau his brother hath come in from his hunting;

Going Outside

and it cometh to pass when Jacob hath seen Rachel, daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the flock of Laban his mother's brother, that Jacob cometh nigh and rolleth the stone from off the mouth of the well, and watereth the flock of Laban his mother's brother.

RollingPossessing Sheep

And it cometh to pass, when Laban heareth the report of Jacob his sister's son, that he runneth to meet him, and embraceth him, and kisseth him, and bringeth him in unto his house; and he recounteth to Laban all these things,

People KissingArmsKissingIndividuals RunningNamed Sisters

And it cometh to pass in the evening, that he taketh Leah, his daughter, and bringeth her in unto him, and he goeth in unto her;

Marital SexMarital Sex BetweenExchange Of Individuals

And it cometh to pass in the morning, that lo, it is Leah; and he saith unto Laban, 'What is this thou hast done to me? for Rachel have I not served with thee? and why hast thou deceived me?'

MorningWhat Do You Do?Those Who Deceived

And Jacob cometh in from the field at evening; and Leah goeth to meet him, and saith, 'Unto me dost thou come in, for hiring I have hired thee with my son's love-apples;' and he lieth with her during that night.

HiringMarital SexMeeting PeopleMarital Sex Between

And it cometh to pass, when Rachel hath borne Joseph, that Jacob saith unto Laban, 'Send me away, and I go unto my place, and to my land;

Returning to their landPeople Sending People

and my righteousness hath answered for me in the day to come, when it cometh in for my hire before thy face; -- every one which is not speckled and spotted among my goats, and brown among my lambs -- it is stolen with me.'

HonestyBlack AnimalsBlemished CreaturesBlack And White

and setteth up the rods which he hath peeled in the gutters in the watering troughs (when the flock cometh in to drink), over-against the flock, that they may conceive in their coming in to drink;

Animals MatingWater ContainersPolesSkinning

And it cometh to pass at the time of the flock conceiving, that I lift up mine eyes and see in a dream, and lo, the he-goats, which are going up on the flock, are ring-streaked, speckled, and grisled;

Animals MatingAnimal ReproductionBlemished CreaturesBlack And White

And God cometh in unto Laban the Aramaean in a dream of the night, and saith to him, 'Take heed to thyself lest thou speak with Jacob from good unto evil.'

DreamsDreams, Examples OfNightSpeech, DivineWarning IndividualsDirect Communication Through Dreams

and he seeth that he is not able for him, and he cometh against the hollow of his thigh, and the hollow of Jacob's thigh is disjointed in his wrestling with him;

disabilitiesInjuryTouchWeakness, PhysicalDislocatingThighsTouching To HarmWrestlingmuscles

And Jacob cometh in to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, in his coming from Padan-Aram, and encampeth before the city,

Boldness Examples OfAltars, Built ByCamp, Of Israel

And Hamor cometh -- Shechem his son also -- unto the gate of their city, and they speak unto the men of their city, saying,

Business At The Gateway

And it cometh to pass, on the third day, in their being pained, that two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brethren, take each his sword, and come in against the city confidently, and slay every male;

The Third Day Of The WeekExterminationDeath Of All MalesPhysical PainTwo SonsPleasurablenessMassacres

And Jacob cometh in to Luz which is in the land of Canaan (it is Bethel), he and all the people who are with him,

and it cometh to pass, in her being sharply pained in her bearing, that the midwife saith to her, 'Fear not, for this also is a son for thee.'


And it cometh to pass in the going out of her soul (for she died), that she calleth his name Ben-Oni; and his father called him Benjamin;

AfterlifePainSuffering, Nature OfBlessings For The Right HandPeople With Apt NamesIntermediate StateMothers DeathDeath Of A ChildDeath Of A MotherDeath Of A Father

and it cometh to pass in Israel's dwelling in that land, that Reuben goeth, and lieth with Bilhah his father's concubine; and Israel heareth.

IncestConcubinesThe Number TwelveImmorality, Examples Of SexualExtra Marital Sex ExamplesTwelve Beingssex

And Jacob cometh unto Isaac his father, at Mamre, the city of Arba (which is Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac have sojourned.


and he saith to him, 'Go, I pray thee, see the peace of thy brethren, and the peace of the flock, and bring me back word;' and he sendeth him from the valley of Hebron, and he cometh to Shechem.

CareCare, HumanPeople Sending People

And they say one unto another, 'Lo, this man of the dreams cometh;

And it cometh to pass, when Joseph hath come unto his brethren, that they strip Joseph of his coat, the long coat which is upon him,

Fine ClothesPeople Stripping PeopleMulti ColouredColor

And it cometh to pass, at that time, that Judah goeth down from his brethren, and turneth aside unto a man, an Adullamite, whose name is Hirah;

People VisitingAt The Same Time

And it cometh to pass about three months after, that it is declared to Judah, saying, 'Tamar thy daughter-in-law hath committed fornication; and also, lo, she hath conceived by fornication:' and Judah saith, 'Bring her out -- and she is burnt.'

ProstitutionPunishment, Legal Aspects OfSexual Sin, Nature OfTwo To Four MonthsBurning PeopleDeath Penalty For Sexual SinTelling Of People's Situations

And it cometh to pass in the time of her bearing, that lo, twins are in her womb;


and it cometh to pass in her bearing, that one giveth out a hand, and the midwife taketh and bindeth on his hand a scarlet thread, saying, 'This hath come out first.'

CrimsonBeing FirstMidwifeStretching OutFirstborn SonsCordsRed Cordsstories

And it cometh to pass as he draweth back his hand, that lo, his brother hath come out, and she saith, 'What! thou hast broken forth -- on thee is the breach;' and he calleth his name Pharez;

The Act Of OpeningOpening The WombPeople With Apt Names

And it cometh to pass from the time that he hath appointed him over his house, and over all that he hath, that Jehovah blesseth the house of the Egyptian for Joseph's sake, and the blessing of Jehovah is on all that he hath, in the house, and in the field;

PromotionInside And OutAuthority Delegated To PeopleBlessing Through God's People

And it cometh to pass after these things, that his lord's wife lifteth up her eyes unto Joseph, and saith, 'Lie with me;'

InvitationsLooking At People For EvilOther WivesSexual Union IntendedsexResisting Temptationmistress

And it cometh to pass at her speaking unto Joseph day by day, that he hath not hearkened unto her, to lie near her, to be with her;

Importunity, Towards PeopleAbsence Of SexNot With PeopleSaying Repeatedly

and it cometh to pass about this day, that he goeth into the house to do his work, and there is none of the men of the house there in the house,

Business, ExamplesEntering HousesGone Away

And it cometh to pass when she seeth that he hath left his garment in her hand, and fleeth without,

Going OutsideAbandoning ThingsOutside The House

and it cometh to pass, when he heareth that I have lifted up my voice and call, that he leaveth his garment near me, and fleeth, and goeth without.'

Going OutsideAbandoning ThingsOutside The House

and it cometh to pass, when I lift my voice and call, that he leaveth his garment near me, and fleeth without.'

Going OutsideAbandoning ThingsOutside The House

And it cometh to pass when his lord heareth the words of his wife, which she hath spoken unto him, saying, 'According to these things hath thy servant done to me,' that his anger burneth;

PrisonersTelling What People DidNamed People Angry With Others

And it cometh to pass, after these things -- the butler of the king of Egypt and the baker have sinned against their lord, against the king of Egypt;

CupbearerBakersArts And Crafts, Types ofOffenceButlersWronging Other People

And Joseph cometh in unto them in the morning, and seeth them, and lo, they are morose;

Other Sad People

And it cometh to pass, on the third day, Pharaoh's birthday, that he maketh a banquet to all his servants, and lifteth up the head of the chief of the butlers, and the head of the chief of the bakers among his servants,

Banquets, ReasonsBanquets, Events CelebratedGuestsMealsBirthdaysBirthdays CelebratedLifting Headscelebrating

And it cometh to pass, at the end of two years of days that Pharaoh is dreaming, and lo, he is standing by the River,

Sleep, PhysicalTwo Years

And it cometh to pass in the morning, that his spirit is moved, and he sendeth and calleth all the scribes of Egypt, and all its wise men, and Pharaoh recounteth to them his dream, and there is no interpreter of them to Pharaoh.

Divination, Practiced ByMorningRestlessnessWisdom, Human NatureMagiciansWise MenKings SummoningNo One AvailableTelling Dreams

and it cometh to pass, as he hath interpreted to us so it hath been, me he put back on my station, and him he hanged.'

Reinstating PeoplePeople Hung To Death

And Pharaoh sendeth and calleth Joseph, and they cause him to run out of the pit, and he shaveth, and changeth his garments, and cometh in unto Pharaoh.

DungeonsPrisonersShavingPrisonsAccommodationsChanging ClothesIndividuals RunningClean ClothesKings SummoningPeople Set Free By PeopleEtiquette

And to Joseph were born two sons before the year of famine cometh, whom Asenath daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of On, hath borne to him,

Two Sons

And it cometh to pass, they are emptying their sacks, and lo, the bundle of each man's silver is in his sack, and they see their bundles of silver, they and their father, and are afraid;

SilverEmptyingIndeterminate Sums Of Money

and it cometh to pass, when they have finished eating the corn which they brought from Egypt, that their father saith unto them, 'Turn back, buy for us a little food.'

Buying FoodEnd Of Actions

and it cometh to pass, when we have come in unto the lodging-place, and open our bags, that lo, each one's money is in the mouth of his bag, our money in its weight, and we bring it back in our hand;

InnsThe Act Of OpeningOpening ContainersStaying Temporarily

And Joseph cometh into the house, and they bring to him the present which is in their hand, into the house, and bow themselves to him, to the earth;

SalutationsBowing Before Joseph

And Judah -- his brethren also -- cometh in unto the house of Joseph, and he is yet there, and they fall before him to the earth;

Bowing Before Joseph

And Judah cometh nigh unto him, and saith, 'O, my lord, let thy servant speak, I pray thee, a word in the ears of my lord, and let not thine anger burn against thy servant -- for thou art as Pharaoh.

Equivalent People

'And it cometh to pass, that we have come up unto thy servant my father, that we declare to him the words of my lord;

Telling What People Said

And Israel journeyeth, and all that he hath, and cometh in to Beer-Sheba, and sacrificeth sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac;

RefugeesSacrifice, In Ot

And Joseph cometh, and declareth to Pharaoh, and saith, 'My father, and my brethren, and their flock, and their herd, and all they have, have come from the land of Canaan, and lo, they are in the land of Goshen.'

Telling Of Movements

And it cometh to pass, after these things, that one saith to Joseph, 'Lo, thy father is sick;' and he taketh his two sons with him, Manasseh and Ephraim.

DeathbedsSuffering, Causes OfSuffering, Nature OfGoing TogetherSick Individuals

And the midwives say unto Pharaoh, 'Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women, for they are lively; before the midwife cometh in unto them -- they have borne!'

VigourNot Like PeopleBirthWomen WorkingHaving A Babychildbearing

and it cometh to pass, because the midwives have feared God, that He maketh for them households;

Reverence, And BlessingIndividuals Fearing God

And a daughter of Pharaoh cometh down to bathe at the River, and her damsels are walking by the side of the River, and she seeth the ark in the midst of the weeds, and sendeth her handmaid, and she taketh it,

Bathing, For RefreshmentRiver BanksPeople Sending People

And it cometh to pass, in those days, that Moses is grown, and he goeth out unto his brethren, and looketh on their burdens, and seeth a man, an Egyptian, smiting a man, a Hebrew, one of his brethren,

VisitingGrowing UpForced Labourempathymanhood

And it cometh to pass during these many days, that the king of Egypt dieth, and the sons of Israel sigh because of the service, and cry, and their cry goeth up unto God, because of the service;

BeggarsMonotonyPeace, Human Search ForPrayer, As Asking GodSuffering, HardshipSuffering, Of The InnocentCaptivity, Of IsraelCrying To GodMoving UpwardsCries Of Distress To GodMaking SlavesDeath Of Office HoldersParents Prayer For Their Childrenprocess

And Moses hath been feeding the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, priest of Midian, and he leadeth the flock behind the wilderness, and cometh in unto the mount of God, to Horeb;

Fathers, Responsibilities OfAppearances Of God In OtDesertsMoses, Significance OfShepherds, As OccupationsAngels, Ot AppearancesFathers In LawsIsrael In The WildernessWest SidesPasturing The FlockThose Who Kept Stock

And it cometh to pass in the way, in a lodging place, that Jehovah meeteth him, and seeketh to put him to death;

InnsOpposition, To Sin And EvilMeeting GodGod KillingStaying TemporarilyGod Killing Individuals

Related Words

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 6

come together , go with , come with , resort , come , come with Trans , company with , accompany , assemble with
Usage: 31

go out , come , depart , go , go forth , come out , come forth ,
Usage: 164

believe , commit unto , commit to trust , be committed unto , be put in trust with , be commit to one's trust , believer
Usage: 163

come , come to , come unto , go to , go unto , draw near ,
Usage: 79

company with , keep company , have company with
Usage: 3

Usage: 93

Usage: 19

Usage: 157

`alal (Aramaic) 
bring in , come in , went in , bring , went , come
Usage: 11

Usage: 2

Usage: 11

צלח צלח 
Usage: 66

Q@reb (Aramaic) 
Usage: 9

Usage: 12

go up , come up , ascend , ascend up , climb up , spring up , grow up , come , enter , arise , rise up , , vr ascend
Usage: 63

be , come to pass , be made , be done , come , become , God forbid , arise , have , be fulfilled , be married to , be preferred , not tr , , vr done
Usage: 531

Usage: 5

draw nigh , be at hand , come nigh , come near , draw near ,
Usage: 28

enter , go , come in , go in , enter in , come , arise
Usage: 120

Usage: 26

sit , come , go aboard , take 9 , come into , enter into
Usage: 6

come , go , , vr come
Usage: 424

come upon , come , stand , stand by ,
Usage: 20

Usage: 63

Usage: 13

Usage: 26

shall , should , would , to come , will , things to come , not tr ,
Usage: 90

Usage: 2

Usage: 4

Usage: 30

pass away , pass , pass by , pass over , transgress , past , go , come forth , come
Usage: 13

be hanged , be bound with , be compassed with , be compassed about with Trans
Usage: 2

Usage: 6

Usage: 7

Usage: 3

fill , be come , be fully come
Usage: 3

lack , be behind , want , come short , be in want , fail , come behind , be destitute ,
Usage: 13

Usage: 541

Usage: 16

אחר אחור 
Usage: 41

'amar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 71

אמרה אמרה 
Usage: 37

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 2

Usage: 2504

אתא אתה 
Usage: 21

אתא אתה 
'athah (Aramaic) 
Usage: 16

Usage: 114

Usage: 4

Usage: 587

Usage: 33

גּח גּיח 
Usage: 6

Usage: 18

Usage: 1142

Usage: 1438

Usage: 30

Usage: 63

Usage: 22

Usage: 30

Usage: 24

way , goings , companies , walk , vr way
Usage: 6

go , walk , come , ...away , ...along ,
Usage: 1545

Usage: 165

המן המון 
Usage: 83

Usage: 73

Usage: 39

חבל חבל 
Usage: 62

Usage: 29

Usage: 7

Chabar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 3

Usage: 12

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 1

Usage: 3

Usage: 238

Usage: 1

Usage: 7

Usage: 142

Usage: 41

Usage: 127

Usage: 31

Ta`am (Aramaic) 
Usage: 5

T@`em (Aramaic) 
Usage: 25

give , go to , Bring , ascribe , come on , give out , Set , take
Usage: 34

go , walk , come , depart , ...away , follow , get , lead , brought , carry , bring ,
Usage: 0

Usage: 41

....out , ....forth , bring , come , proceed , go , depart ,
Usage: 1068

Usage: 38

Usage: 1

K@nath (Aramaic) 
Usage: 7

All Translations
A Conservative Version
American Bible Union New Testament
American Standard Version
An Understandable Version
Anderson New Testament
Bible in Basic English
Common New Testament
Daniel Mace New Testament
Darby Translation
Emphatic Diaglott Bible
Godbey New Testament
Goodspeed New Testament
Holman Bible
International Standard Version
John Wesley New Testament
Julia Smith Translation
King James 2000
King James Version
Lexham Expanded Bible
Living Oracles New Testament
Modern King James verseion
Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale
Moffatt New Testament
Montgomery New Testament
NET Bible
New American Standard Bible
New Heart English Bible
Noyes New Testament
Sawyer New Testament
The Emphasized Bible
Thomas Haweis New Testament
Twentieth Century New Testament
Weymouth New Testament
Williams New Testament
World English Bible
Worldwide English (NT)
Worrell New Testament
Worsley New Testament
Youngs Literal Translation