103 occurrences

'High places' in the Bible

And I have destroyed your high places, and cut down your images, and have put your carcases on the carcases of your idols, and My soul hath loathed you;

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesDestruction Of Satan's WorksInadequate BurialsNo IncenseFate Of IdolatersGod Hating People

For fire hath gone out from Heshbon, A flame from the city of Sihon, It hath consumed Ar of Moab, Owners of the high places of Arnon.

Verse ConceptsBurning CitiesArnon

and it cometh to pass in the morning, that Balak taketh Balaam, and causeth him to go up the high places of Baal, and he seeth from thence the extremity of the people.

Verse ConceptsBalaams DonkeyBaal Worship, HistorySeeing People

then ye have dispossessed all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and have destroyed all their imagery, yea, all their molten images ye destroy, and all their high places ye lay waste,

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesShrinesGoldsmithsDestruction Of Satan's Works

He maketh him ride on high places of earth, And he eateth increase of the fields, And He maketh him suck honey from a rock, And oil out of the flint of a rock;

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalFoodFlintHigh PlacesOilHoneyProvision From RocksProvision Of Oil

O thy happiness, O Israel! who is like thee? A people saved by Jehovah, The shield of thy help, And He who is the sword of thine excellency: And thine enemies are subdued for thee, And thou on their high places dost tread.'

Verse ConceptsHelpfulnessHigh PlacesRefugeShieldsSpiritual Warfare, ArmourSwordsGod Being Our ShieldUnique IsraelGod HelpsGod's SwordExcellence

Zebulun is a people who exposed its soul to death, Naphtali also -- on high places of the field.

Verse ConceptsCourage, Examples OfLife DespisedRisking

And the men of Israel have seen that they are distressed, that the people hath been oppressed, and the people hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.

Verse ConceptsCavesRocksPeople In CavesHiding From PeopleCaves As Places Of Refuge

The Roebuck, O Israel, On thy high places is wounded; How have the mighty fallen!

Verse ConceptsPeople StumblingDrawbacks To Man's Power

How have the mighty fallen In the midst of the battle! Jonathan! on thy high places wounded!

Verse ConceptsPeople StumblingDrawbacks To Man's PowerKilling Named Individuals

Making my feet like hinds, And on my high places causeth me to stand,

Verse ConceptsFeetDeersHigh PlacesTypes Of FeetDeer Etc.Deer

Only, the people are sacrificing in high places, for there hath not been built a house for the name of Jehovah till those days.

Verse ConceptsSacrificing On The High Places

And Solomon loveth Jehovah, to walk in the statutes of David his father -- only, in high places he is sacrificing and making perfume --

Verse ConceptsIncense Offered AmissThose Loving GodSacrificing On The High Places

And he maketh the house of high places, and maketh priests of the extremities of the people, who were not of the sons of Levi;

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesPriests, Institution In Ot Times

and Jeroboam maketh a festival in the eighth month, in the fifteenth day of the month, like the festival that is in Judah, and he offereth on the altar -- so did he in Beth-El -- to sacrifice to the calves which he made, and he hath appointed in Beth-El the priests of the high places that he made.

Verse ConceptsNew Year, TheMonth 8the anniversary Feasts

and he calleth against the altar, by the word of Jehovah, and saith, 'Altar! altar! thus said Jehovah, Lo, a son is born to the house of David -- Josiah his name -- and he hath sacrificed on thee the priests of the high places who are making perfume on thee, and bones of man are burnt on thee.'

Verse ConceptsDivine ManifestationsSanctity Of LifeBirths ForetoldDuplicating WordsBonesBurning Idolatrous ThingsMan Of God

for the word certainly cometh to pass that he called by the word of Jehovah concerning the altar which is Beth-El, and concerning all the houses of the high places that are in cities of Samaria.'

Verse ConceptsShrinesMan's Words Fulfilled

After this thing Jeroboam hath not turned from his evil way, and turneth back, and maketh of the extremities of the people priests of high places; he who is desirous he consecrateth his hand, and he is of the priests of the high places.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesSuperstitionConsecration

And they build -- also they -- for themselves high places, and standing-pillars, and shrines, on every high height, and under every green tree;

Verse ConceptsHillsSacred PlacesPolytheismObelisksServing Asherah

and the high places have not turned aside; only, the heart of Asa hath been perfect with Jehovah all his days,

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodHeart, And Holy SpiritHigh PlacesReformationWhole Heartedness

And he walketh in all the way of Asa his father, he hath not turned aside from it, to do that which is right in the eyes of Jehovah; only the high places have not turned aside, yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesShrinesGood Kings Examples OfIncense Offered AmissPeople Who Did RightSacrificing On The High Places

only, the high places have not turned aside, still are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.

Verse ConceptsShrinesIncense Offered Amiss

only, the high places have not turned aside -- yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.

Verse ConceptsIncense Offered Amiss

only, the high places have not turned aside -- yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places.

Verse ConceptsIncense Offered Amiss

Only, the high places have not turned aside -- yet are the people sacrificing and making perfume in high places; he hath built the high gate of the house of Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsSolomon's TempleGateways Of The TempleIncense Offered Amiss

and he sacrificeth and maketh perfume in high places, and on the heights, and under every green tree.

Verse ConceptsSacrifice, In OtShrinesIncense Offered AmissSacrificing On The High PlacesWorship At Trees

and the sons of Israel do covertly things that are not right against Jehovah their God, and build for them high places in all their cities, from a tower of the watchers unto the fenced city,

Verse ConceptsSecrecySecret SinsConcealment, Of SinActing In Secret

and make perfume there in all high places, like the nations that Jehovah removed from their presence, and do evil things to provoke Jehovah,

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesGod's Intolerance Of EvilProvoking GodIncense Offered AmissSacrificing On The High Places

and they are making each nation its gods, and place them in the houses of the high places that the Samaritans have made, each nation in their cities where they are dwelling.

Verse ConceptsSacrificing On The High Placesgroups

And they are fearing Jehovah, and make to themselves from their extremities priests of high places, and they are acting for them in the house of the high places.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Fearing God

he hath turned aside the high places, and broken in pieces the standing-pillars, and cut down the shrine, and beaten down the brazen serpent that Moses made, for unto these days were the sons of Israel making perfume to it, and he calleth it 'a piece of brass.'

Verse ConceptsAbolitionHigh PlacesLeaders, PoliticalReformationShrinesThe Bronze SnakeSnakesStonesDestruction Of Satan's WorksObelisksAbandoning IdolsBronze For IdolsMemorabilia

'And when ye say unto me, Unto Jehovah our God we have trusted, is it not He whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah hath turned aside, and saith to Judah and to Jerusalem, Before this altar do ye bow yourselves in Jerusalem?

Verse ConceptsShrines

and he turneth and buildeth the high places that Hezekiah his father destroyed, and raiseth altars for Baal, and maketh a shrine, as did Ahab king of Israel, and boweth himself to all the host of the heavens, and serveth them.

Verse ConceptsFalse GodsFalse ReligionBowingAltars, PaganBuilding AltarsList Of Kings Of IsraelServing Asherah

And he hath caused to cease the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah have appointed, (and they make perfume in high places, in cities of Judah and suburbs of Jerusalem,) and those making perfume to Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of the heavens.

Verse ConceptsConstellationsHigh PlacesMoonPriests, Institution In Ot TimesShrinesIncense Offered AmissIdolatrous Worship Of The Moon

And he bringeth in all the priests out of the cities of Judah, and defileth the high places where the priests have made perfume, from Geba unto Beer-Sheba, and hath broken down the high places of the gates that are at the opening of the gate of Joshua, head of the city, that is on a man's left hand at the gate of the city;

Verse ConceptsGatesGovernorsHigh Places

only, the priests of the high places come not up unto the altar of Jehovah in Jerusalem, but they have eaten unleavened things in the midst of their brethren.

Verse ConceptsThe Altar Of The Lord

And the high places that are on the front of Jerusalem, that are on the right of the mount of corruption, that Solomon king of Israel had built to Ashtoreth abomination of the Zidonians, and Chemosh abomination of Moab, and to Milcom abomination of the sons of Ammon, hath the king defiled.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsFalse GodsHillsAbominations, Idolatry IsPolluting The LandServing Asherah

And also all the houses of the high places that are in the cities of Samaria, that the kings of Israel made to provoke to anger, hath Josiah turned aside, and doth to them according to all the deeds that he did in Beth-El.

Verse ConceptsSamaritansreuniting

And he slayeth all the priests of the high places who are there by the altars, and burneth the bones of man upon them, and turneth back to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsCremationHigh PlacesKilling PriestsBones

and he establisheth to him priests for high places, and for goats, and for calves, that he made --

Verse ConceptsCalvesShrinesGolden CalvesThirty

and turneth aside the altars of the stranger, and the high places, and breaketh the standing-pillars, and cutteth down the shrines,

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesShrinesDestruction Of Satan's WorksObelisks

and he turneth aside out of all cities of Judah the high places and the images, and the kingdom is quiet before him.

yet the high places have not turned aside from Israel; only, the heart of Asa hath been perfect all his days.

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to GodReformationSacrifice, In OtGrandmothers

and his heart is high in the ways of Jehovah, and again he hath turned aside the high places and the shrines out of Judah.

Verse ConceptsDesires For HolinessHigh PlacesLoyaltyShrinesRenewed Heart

Only, the high places have not turned aside, and still the people have not prepared their heart for the God of their fathers.

Verse ConceptsComplacencyHalf Heartedness

also, he hath made high places in the mountains of Judah, and causeth the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit whoredom, and compelleth Judah.

Verse ConceptsGuidance, Need For God'sSpiritual Harlotry

and sacrificeth and maketh perfume in high places, and on the heights, and under every green tree.

Verse ConceptsShrines

And in every city and city of Judah he hath made high places to make perfume to other gods, and provoketh Jehovah, God of his fathers.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesProvoking GodShrinesTown

And at the completion of all this, gone out have all Israel who are found present to the cities of Judah, and break the standing-pillars, and cut down the shrines, and break down the high places and the altars, out of all Judah and Benjamin, and in Ephraim and Manasseh, even to completion, and all the sons of Israel turn back, each to his Possession, to their cities.

Verse ConceptsAbolitionHigh PlacesLeaders, PoliticalReformationSacrifice, In OtStonesAnnihilationDestruction Of Satan's WorksObelisks

Hath not Hezekiah himself turned aside His high places, and His altars, and speaketh to Judah and to Jerusalem, saying, Before one altar ye bow yourselves, and on it ye make perfume?

Verse ConceptsHigh Places

and he turneth and buildeth the high places that Hezekiah his father hath broken down, and raiseth altars for Baalim, and maketh shrines, and boweth himself to all the host of the heavens, and serveth them.

Verse ConceptsBuilding Altars

but still the people are sacrificing in high places, only -- to Jehovah their God.

Verse ConceptsShrines

and his prayer, and his entreaty, and all his sin, and his trespass, and the places in which he had built high places, and established the shrines and the graven images before his being humbled, lo, they are written beside the matters of Hozai.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerUnfaithfulness, To God

And in the eighth year of his reign (and he yet a youth), he hath begun to seek to the God of David his father, and in the twelfth year he hath begun to cleanse Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, and the shrines, and the graven images, and the molten images.

Verse ConceptsChildren, Good Examples OfPurgingYouthful Devotionteenager

Your remembrances are similes of ashes, For high places of clay your heights.

Verse ConceptsClayAshes

Also, now, lo, in the heavens is my witness, And my testifier in the high places.

Verse ConceptsAppealing To GodThe Witness Of God

The rule and fear are with Him, Making peace in His high places.

Verse ConceptsReverence, And God's NatureStabilitydominion

Save me from the mouth of a lion: -- And -- from the horns of the high places Thou hast answered me!

Verse ConceptsHornsMouthsDeliverance From LionsWild OxUnicorns

Set your heart to her bulwark, Consider her high places, So that ye recount to a later generation,

Verse ConceptsTeaching ChildrenHer Strength

And make Him angry with their high places, And with their graven images make Him zealous,

Verse ConceptsAbhorGod, Suffering OfGod, Zeal OfGod, JealousGod Opposes Idolatry

Praise ye Jah! Praise ye Jehovah from the heavens, Praise ye Him in high places.

Verse ConceptsPraise The Lord!

At the head of high places by the way, Between the paths she hath stood,

Verse ConceptsPaths

She hath sent forth her damsels, She crieth on the tops of the high places of the city:

And she hath sat at the opening of her house, On a throne -- the high places of the city,

He hath set the fool in many high places, And the rich in a low place do sit.

Verse ConceptsThe Work Of FoolsDrawbacks To RichesFoolsBeing GayGay Marriagedignity

To enter into cavities of the rocks, And into clefts of the high places, Because of the fear of Jehovah, And because of the honour of His excellency, In His rising to terrify the earth.

Verse ConceptsEarth, Judgment OfPeople In CavesTremblingTerror Of God

Fled away hath Madmenah, The inhabitants of the high places have hardened themselves.

He hath gone up to Bajith and Dibon, The high places -- to weep, On Nebo and on Medeba Moab howleth, On all its heads is baldness, every beard cut off.

Verse ConceptsBaldness, Figurative UseBaldnessBeardsHeadsHigh PlacesKnives

He high places doth inhabit, Strongholds of rock are his high tower, His bread hath been given, his waters stedfast.

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodWaterFortsStones For ProtectionPeople Providing Food

'And dost thou say unto me, Unto Jehovah our God we have trusted? is it not He, whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah hath turned aside, and saith to Judah and to Jerusalem, Before this altar ye do bow yourselves?

Verse ConceptsShrinesDespisersRight Sacrifices

I open on high places rivers, And in midst of valleys fountains, I make a wilderness become a pond of water, And a dry land become springs of water.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual RenewalBarren, LandPoolsRunning Water From GodRivers As Places Of PrayerRiversChristmas TreeChange And Growthlakes

To say to the bound, Go out, To those in darkness, Be uncovered. On the ways they feed, And in all high places is their pasture.

Verse ConceptsComing Out Of DarknessGod Freeing Captives

Then dost thou delight thyself on Jehovah, And I have caused thee to ride on high places of earth, And have caused thee to eat the inheritance of Jacob thy father, For the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken!

Verse ConceptsDelighting, Right Kinds OfDeerTrust In Relationshipssoaringrejuvenation

Lift thine eyes to the high places, and see, Where hast thou not been lain with? On the ways thou hast sat for them, As an Arab in a wilderness, And thou defilest the land, By thy fornications, and by thy wickedness.

Verse ConceptsNomadsUsing RoadsPolluting The LandSpiritual HarlotrySex Between NationsThings On High

A voice on high places is heard -- weeping, Supplications of the sons of Israel, For they have made perverse their way, They have forgotten Jehovah their God.

Verse ConceptsForgettingWeepingConviction Of Sinimpulsiveness

At that time it is said of this people, And of Jerusalem: 'A dry wind of high places in the wilderness,' The way of the daughter of My people, (Not for winnowing, nor for cleansing,)

Verse ConceptseastWeather, As God's JudgmentWinnowingHot WeatherClean ObjectsDirection

Cut off thy crown, and cast it away, And lift up on high places lamentation, For Jehovah hath rejected, And He leaveth the generation of His wrath.

Verse ConceptsGenerationsHairsLamentingMourningRejection Of God, Results OfSongsBarbersAnger Of God, ConsequencesCutting HairAccompaniments Of Mourning

And have built the high places of Tophet, That are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, To burn their sons and their daughters with fire, Which I did not command, Nor did it come up on My heart.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfBalaams DonkeyFalse GodsChild sacrificeAbsence Of ThoughtShrines

On all high places in the plain have spoilers come in, For the sword of Jehovah is consuming, From the end of the land even unto the end of the land, There is no peace to any flesh.

Verse ConceptsSafetyThose Who DestroyNo Peace

And wild asses have stood on high places, They have swallowed up wind like dragons, Consumed have been their eyes, for there is no herb.

Verse ConceptsFamine, Characteristics OfHaving No BreathWild Donkeys

O My mountain in the field -- thy strength, All thy treasures -- for a prey I give, Thy high places for sin in all thy borders.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesTreasureborders

And if ye do not hearken unto me to sanctify the day of rest, And so as not to bear a burden, And to come in at the gates of Jerusalem on the day of rest, Then I have kindled a fire in its gates, And it hath consumed the high places of Jerusalem, And it is not quenched!'

Verse ConceptsSabbath, In OtBurning JerusalemSabbath Observed

and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons with fire, burnt-offerings to Baal, that I commanded not, nor spake of, nor did it come up on My heart.

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of ThoughtSanctity Of LifeShrinesBaal Worship, Nature OfChild sacrificeSacrificeKids

'Micah the Morashtite hath been prophesying in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and he saith unto all the people of Judah, saying: Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Zion is a plowed field, and Jerusalem is heaps, And the mountain of the house is for high places of a forest.

Verse ConceptsForestsProphecy, Methods Of OtZion, As A SymbolArchaeologyProphesyingDestruction Of JerusalemMetaphorical PloughingNamed Prophets Of The Lord

And they build the high places of Baal, that are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come up on my heart to do this abomination, so as to cause Judah to sin.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsFalse GodsChild sacrificeHigh PlacesAbsence Of ThoughtShrinesValleys

And thou hast said: Mountains of Israel, Hear ye a word of the Lord Jehovah: Thus said the Lord Jehovah To the mountains, and to the hills, To the streams, and to the valleys, Lo, I, I am bringing in against you a sword, And I have destroyed your high places.

Verse ConceptsWar As God's Judgment

In all your dwellings the cities are laid waste, And the high places are desolate, So that waste and desolate are your altars, And broken and ceased have your idols, And cut down have been your images, And blotted out have been your works.

Verse ConceptsAbolish, Evil ThingsDestruction Of CitiesDestruction Of Satan's WorksUseless LabourOne's DeedsAbandoning Idols

And thou dost take of thy garments, And dost make to thee spotted high-places, And dost go a-whoring upon them, They are not coming in -- nor shall it be!

Verse ConceptsUnique EventsColorwhores

And I have given thee into their hand, And they have thrown down thine arch, And they have broken down thy high places, And they have stript thee of thy garments, And they have taken thy beauteous vessels, And they have left thee naked and bare.

Verse ConceptsNakednessDestruction Of Satan's WorksPeople Stripping PeopleTo Be Given Into One's Handsjewelry

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Because the enemy said against you, Aha, and the high places of old for a possession have been to us,

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To GodEternal WorldTaking Possession

and He saith unto me: 'Son of man, the place of My throne, And the place of the soles of My feet, Where I dwell in the midst of the sons of Israel to the age, Defile no more do the house of Israel My holy name, They, and their kings, by their whoredom, And by the carcases of their kings -- their high places.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfCarcass, Figurative UseHigh PlacesNames And Titles For The ChurchGod Living With UsProfaning God's NameSpiritual HarlotryCare Of FeetRules About Corpses

And destroyed have been high places of Aven, the sin of Israel. Thorn and bramble go up on their altars, And they have said to hills, Cover us, And to heights, Fall upon us.

Verse ConceptsJerusalem, Significance OfSuicideThornsBarren, LandThistlesDestruction Of Satan's WorksEscaping To MountainsDesire For Death

For, lo, the former of mountains, and creator of wind, And the declarer to man what is His thought, He is making dawn obscurity, And is treading on high places of earth, Jehovah, God of Hosts, is His name!

Verse ConceptsGod, Activity OfEarth, Creation OfGod, The CreatorHigh Placesdarkness, naturalRevelation, Through CreationSoldiersWindGod On HighGod WalkingGod Dispensing WindGod's ThoughtsGod As A WarriorHis Name Is The LordWhat Else God CreatedEclipse

Sworn hath the Lord Jehovah by Himself, An affirmation of Jehovah, God of Hosts: I am abominating the excellency of Jacob, And his high places I have hated, And I have delivered up the city and its fulness.

Verse ConceptsGod As A WarriorGod Hating ThingsGod Opposes The Proud

And desolated have been high places of Isaac, And sanctuaries of Israel are wasted, And I have risen against the house of Jeroboam with a sword.'

Verse ConceptsRuinsSanctuaryDestruction Of Satan's WorksGod's Sword

For lo, Jehovah is going out from His place, And He hath come down, And hath trodden on high places of earth.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesGod Going Down

Bible Theasaurus

High-Places (2 instances)

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 54

`illay (Aramaic) 
the most High , most high , high
Usage: 10

Usage: 53

Usage: 42

Usage: 17

above , most High , on high
Usage: 6

Usage: 10

on high , height , high , be exalted
Usage: 5

Usage: 103

בּעלי בּמות 
Ba`aley Bamowth 
lords of the high places
Usage: 0

Usage: 4

Usage: 4

Usage: 9

Usage: 13

מחבא מחבא 
Usage: 2

Usage: 8

מענה מעונה 
Usage: 9

נוה נוה 
Usage: 35

סתרה סתר 
Usage: 36

Usage: 33

length , long , ever , as long as , high
Usage: 95

exalt , ... up , haughty , higher , high , above , height , proud , upward
Usage: 34

Usage: 4

Usage: 17

גּבוהּ גּבהּ 
Usage: 37

גּדל גּדול 
Usage: 528

Usage: 140

`elyown (Aramaic) 
the most High
Usage: 4

Usage: 45

up , exalt , high , offer , give , heave , extol , lofty , take , tall , higher ,
Usage: 189

רם רוּם 
Usage: 7

Usage: 0

Usage: 20

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

above , up , high , brim
Usage: 8

of the high priest
Usage: 1

Usage: 118

Usage: 18

Usage: 22

Usage: 12

Usage: 2

Usage: 22

Usage: 345

'athar (Aramaic) 
Usage: 8

Usage: 2053

Usage: 3

גּבלה גּבוּלה 
Usage: 10

Usage: 8

Usage: 4

Usage: 36

Usage: 7

Usage: 77

Usage: 7

Usage: 29

Usage: 1

hand , by , consecrate , him , power , them , places , tenons , thee , coast , side ,
Usage: 1612

Usage: 0

Usage: 1081

Usage: 17

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 5

משׁב מושׁב 
Usage: 44

Usage: 1

Usage: 7

מישׁר מישׁור 
Usage: 23

Usage: 17

Usage: 2

מנחה מנוּחה 
Usage: 21

Usage: 17

Usage: 10

מעין מעוןo 
Usage: 19

Usage: 5

Usage: 19

Usage: 4

Usage: 10

מצדה מצוּדה מצוּד 
Usage: 22

Usage: 5

מקּדשׁ מקדּשׁ 
Usage: 75

מקמה מקומה מקם מקום 
Usage: 401

Usage: 2

Usage: 6

Usage: 1

Usage: 139

Usage: 7

Usage: 12

נוח נוּח 
Usage: 1

N@chath (Aramaic) 
Usage: 6

Usage: 9

Usage: 164

Usage: 5

Usage: 16

Usage: 2

Usage: 32