文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Media around the world in response to the news of the Asahi Shimbun, it has reported so.

2014年09月09日 15時21分20秒 | 日記

The following is from the feature article 9.11 issues of Weekly Shincho, page 135.

Then, immediately after that, the pressure in the pressure suppression chamber of Unit 2 goes to zero along with the impact sound, Yoshida Director, "Each team is retracted, leaving the minimum number!" cry and, evacuation is began along the procedure that had been decided.

It is the report which is the exact opposite to the fact.

To me that I know the facts of these sites, the Asahi, "Withdrawal of instruction violation", that, why write that the exact opposite, and could not understand.

And I have read carefully the articles of the Asahi Shimbun, was surprised further.

In its testimony Yoshida, Asahi called "withdrawal by the instruction violation" is it did not exist and the "fact" claim.

If you say instruction violation, by Yoshida director, "Do not go to 2F", that is, that the instruction of "please stay in 1F premises" is out, it was conveyed to men is essential requirement.

Ignore it, the men, with "withdrawal to 2F", for the first time; "Instruction violation" is the holds.

However, Yoshida testimony article in question Asahi convey is, "I really, I do not say go to 2F. Here at the roughness of the telephone game also,. Once you have a story you are doing a story that people either 2F If you had to go, and the retreat, called to prepare the car, the driver, human beings that you message is, I was an indication that you go to Fukushima second " there is a thing.

However, even after reading the article much, this fact is transmitted to men specifically, it has been denied, that the staff member had withdrawn to 2F is than "no".

On the contrary, Mr. Yoshida testified "that more was better" and for saving to the 2F.

That is, from the beginning, "90% of the staff member withdrew with an instruction violation" evidence that is, even in the Yoshida testimony message of the Asahi Shimbun, it "did not exist".

Reports Asahi, could imagine that this is trip Yoshida working papers up with his own words, but those, "withdrawal by the instruction violation" is not satisfied even the word ending.

And asked to comment in early August, Sankei Shimbun was obtained in the "Yoshida working papers", I was asked to read the full text of the written statement.

Among them, to come out repeatedly that either far from that in the instruction violation subordinates was "withdrawal", and praised the courage of his men, were directed to 2F by preparing the bus further.

"I just said that no human relationship (author Note = At that time, the staff member who many in the field except that it was left to 1F) that because Evacuates"

"I did you arrange the bus trying to save up to 2F"

"Towards the .2F that was retracted by bus"

Such testimony is Yoshida's come out one after another.

  (This is ... What)

I read a written statement Yoshida, trampled the spirit of Yoshida, anger has been sprung on the method of Asahi demean his men.

This kind of journalism is, whether good exist really.

As I had expected, Yoshida-san, had this praise, the men in the working papers. "It was really impressed, is to try to go to the scene everyone"

When I saw the Yoshida testimony to praise his subordinates to try to go still in the field that might lose their lives, the Asahi Shimbun that you are trying to show contempt for the persistently them, I was lost for words.

“It had fled from Nuclear power plant workers became panic is contrary to instruction”

Media around the world in response to the news of the Asahi Shimbun, it has reported so.

Some of them, there was also media that "This is a Japanese version of" Sinking of the MV Sewol "" he said.

So the Asahi might be satisfied.

However, it has newspaper that you are trying to show contempt for the Japanese by distort the facts, I think the future, and not supposed to survive in Japan.

I hope that the president of the Asahi Shimbun "summons to the National Assembly" will be realized as soon as possible.

by Mr. Kadota Ryusho

it is a popular page yesterday

2014年09月09日 14時03分01秒 | 日記




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 The Time of Civilization Daikakuji 7
