文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the brain structure that bring up this time is out of the question at all.

2014年09月14日 21時08分50秒 | 日記

That for Asahi Shimbun, was also published 16 times during the 32 years the bullshit story of Yoshida Seiji, this has become an international reputation is a clear fact.

Against Japan and the Japanese, is an unspeakable defamation, if China and South Korea, this is the doings such as those accused of subversion.

And if you think that at a later '32, whether apologized this finally, in the same sentence, (in the same mouth), that the comfort women were present is the problem, dignity of women has been affected is such, is the problem, the brain structure that bring up this time is out of the question at all.

They equal to be in the lower half from the middle of my classmate, but human beings of my alma mater, is in these editorial committee members, I am proud, that not even one person.

Now, actually, against the people of 100 dozens recently been forced as US military comfort women, which was filed in Korea, why, editorialist who in an editorial yesterday, had written to, one of just word also did not also written, it is a brain out of the question at all.

the true factor that they caused the mistake.

2014年09月14日 15時12分04秒 | 日記

Asahi Shimbun this morning, Asahi is in "voice" column, I knew that it began to publish criticism from readers.

Also it is voice column yesterday. I know that so editorial yesterday, had written about the apology conference president.

Editorialist I knew that continues to have like, such as "What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh", the true factor that they caused the mistake.

They, or was the situation what is the Korean Peninsula around the time Japan has achieved the Meiji Restoration, eventually, international situation when Japan annexed the Korean Peninsula or how was, between the great powers say between Japan and Russia and China, the people of the Korean Peninsula, did they want to be with any country,

After the Meiji Restoration, in the world, how Japan had won in quick succession Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, what was seen,

For Asian countries, such as how was the existence in particular,

Then from Japan annexed Korea, do you went to what,

Recently, in particular, whether it was colonized Korea has started to say, the great powers of Europe and the United States, such as was done,

Japan did the so-called, the colonial, the Korean Peninsula, or as the nation one keeps, at once, do you modernized,

You had better know properly, the truth of this kind of history is good.

I despise them who were in the lower half from the middle of my classmate.

Sense of justice and humanitarian filled with the deception, who said (do not know its stupidity) that you are in the position to the highest-paid of Japan, it unfolds, it is better to say that small citizen has, his evil of deception.

You guys should do, South Korea is for the convenience of the government maintain their own, they have continued conduct regime of former is using this, it would be to put an end immediately, the name of fascism education say anti-Japanese education Rhee began.

I despise the morons that do not even know that friendship true of Japan and South Korea is impossible otherwise.

I knew for the first time recently, that in South Korea, you guys have been described as such, "conscience of Japan," but, so-to-day feelings of Korea or became well, and has continued to perform in the United States, "motion to drop the status value and Japan's international", "comfort women erected", or was stopped,

At all, in fact the opposite, in inverse proportion to that you guys are described as such is the conscience of Japan, anti-Japanese propaganda against Japan they might have been getting badly.

You guys would not notice forever that editorial of you guys, have fueled this. I despise such you guys.

I recommend as a subscriber for many years. The Asahi Shimbun, the editorial committee members, and a tuned the employees to this, for example, those who start the Asahi newspaper editorials, was spun off is good.

My soul was been subscribed to Asahi Shimbun that write articles like to introduce in the next chapter. Every day, and tell you exactly the reality of the country, the correspondent and overseas such portions, should break up in such a newspaper. Of course, for me to continue the subscription is a newspaper such as the following.

Daikakuji 3

you do have to fight to the bitter end.

2014年09月14日 14時08分51秒 | 日記

Now, the editorial committee members of the Asahi Shimbun, knowledge of people around the world have been tuning their, as a smart ass, the more stunning, the deception for history and a sense of justice, you should know.

What class system when Japan annexed Korean Peninsula, did exist in Korean Peninsula? If the search in Wikipedia, it can be seen immediately. Fascists in South Korea, as long as you have not deleted.

For over 1,000 years, it was present is class discrimination system no exaggeration at all to say to the Korean Peninsula, one of the world's worst.

That the status of prostitutes were among them, moreover, that even the prostitutes, it was class system that has been subdivided,

Japan annexed the Korean Peninsula Did not the modern state the peninsula,

At this time, anywhere other than Japan this detestable class system precisely, as something that contradicts the modern state, by performing a change their name, did it  break through this stretch is, or was the country,

Editorial committee members of the Asahi Shimbun, had said in an editorial of the above now, the existence of comfort women, that Thing's a problem, you do not stop that you pursue this and so on.

It is a sentence that has been proven to be they totally, it has been ruining the world.

But, more than that they have stated so, not in the second World War, as a story of right now, in Korea, they, as forced as comfort women of Korea Army, or as comfort women of the United States Army, for sued the state compensation to the Korean government, the people of the comfort women more than 100 people in South Korea, you do have to fight to the bitter end.

Alternatively, it is the same now, is happening everywhere in the world, even for sexual assault against women. There is a need for countries around the world that continues to do this, as contrary to human rights and humanitarian, keep writing.

I recommend the provoking see every day such a paper surface is not fulfilled, please, and then spun off.

In another paper surface, life, you guys is should it fulfill you guys, its sublime role.

Cul intelligents sont de faire une guerre, génie apporter la paix.

2014年09月14日 14時02分00秒 | 日記

Je pensais à moi et éditorialiste notre Asahi Shimbun a été dans la moitié inférieure du milieu de mon camarade de classe.

La vie et les difficultés que mon épreuve que Dieu a donné à moi, la vie de la paix et de la sécurité que le cours d'élite qui a été promis ¥ 10,000,000 ou revenu annuel plus qu'ils ne se déplacent vers l'avant,

Ensuite, j'ai remarqué.

Le vrai génie, il a continué à contribuer au développement et au progrès de l'humanité, mais que les êtres humains de la catégorie dite, appelée smart ass, cela est venu à tromper les choses toujours.

Il remarque la vérité, découvrir la vérité, inventer, ensemble, c'est les faits et gestes de génie.

J'affirme au monde en même temps, le génie, il n'y a aucun intérêt.

Il ne peut pas voir la vérité, il est de cacher la vérité, de mentir sur la vérité, soi-disant petit malin qui est venu continuer de le faire est.

En conséquence, les êtres humains ont été répétées guerre.

Cul intelligents sont de faire une guerre, génie apporter la paix.


Best of Toji mai


Ass intelligenti sono per fare una guerra, genio portare la pace.

2014年09月14日 14時01分32秒 | 日記

Stavo pensando a me e editorialista nostro Asahi Shimbun era nella metà inferiore della metà del mio compagno di classe.

La vita e le difficoltà come il mio calvario che Dio ha dato a me, la vita di pace e sicurezza come il corso d'elite che è stato promesso ¥ 10.000.000 o più reddito annuo che si muovono in avanti,

Poi ho notato.

Il vero genio, egli ha continuato a contribuire allo sviluppo e al progresso del genere umano, ma che gli esseri umani della cosiddetta categoria, chiamato intelligente culo, questo è venuto da indurre in errore le cose sempre.

E 'nota la verità, scoprire la verità, inventare, tutto, questo è gli atti del genio.

Affermo al mondo, allo stesso tempo, il genio, non vi è alcun interesse personale.

Non può vedere la verità, che è quello di nascondere la verità, di mentire circa la verità, cosiddetta coglione che è venuto continuare a fare questo è.

Come risultato, gli esseri umani sono stati ripetuti guerra.

Ass intelligenti sono per fare una guerra, genio portare la pace.


Best of Toji maggio


Culo inteligentes son para hacer una guerra, genio traer la paz.

2014年09月14日 14時00分51秒 | 日記

Yo estaba pensando en mí y editorialista nuestra Asahi Shimbun estaba en la mitad inferior de la mitad de mi compañero de clase.

La vida y las penurias como mi terrible experiencia que Dios me ha dado, la vida de la paz y la seguridad, el curso de élite que se ha prometido ¥ 10 millones o más ingreso anual que se movieron hacia delante,

Entonces me di cuenta.

El verdadero genio, no ha dejado de contribuir al desarrollo y progreso de la humanidad, pero que los seres humanos de la categoría llamada, llamada culo inteligente, este vino como para engañar a las cosas siempre.

Se da cuenta de la verdad, descubre la verdad, de inventar, de todo, esto es las obras de genio.

Yo afirmo que el mundo, al mismo tiempo, el genio, no hay interés propio.

No puede ver la verdad, es ocultar la verdad, a mentir sobre la verdad, la llamada culo inteligente que vino seguir haciendo esto.

Como resultado de ello, los seres humanos se han repetido guerra.

Culo inteligentes son para hacer una guerra, genio traer la paz.


Lo mejor de Toji mayo


Smart ass sind, um einen Krieg zu machen, Genie Frieden bringen.

2014年09月14日 14時00分21秒 | 日記

Ich dachte an mich und unsere Leitartikler Asahi Shimbun war in der unteren Hälfte von der Mitte meiner Mitschüler.

Leben und Not als meine Tortur, die Gott mir gegeben hat, Leben in Frieden und Sicherheit als die Elite, die natürlich versprochen 10 Millionen Yen mehr Jahreseinkommen sie sich vorwärts zu bewegen,

Dann bemerkte ich.

Das wahre Genie, hat er weiterhin auf die Entwicklung und den Fortschritt der Menschheit beitragen, sondern dass die Menschen von der so genannten Kategorie, genannt smart ass, kam dieser, um die Dinge immer irrezuführen.

Er merkt, die Wahrheit, die Wahrheit zu entdecken, zu erfinden, ist dies die Taten des Genies.

Ich versichere, der Welt zur gleichen Zeit, das Genie, gibt es keine Eigeninteresse.

Es kann nicht die Wahrheit sehen, es ist, die Wahrheit zu verbergen, um die Wahrheit zu liegen, so genannte Smart Ass, die weiterhin zu tun, das ist gekommen.

Als Ergebnis haben die Menschen immer wieder Krieg.

Smart ass sind, um einen Krieg zu machen, Genie Frieden bringen.


Best of Toji Mai


Espertinho está a fazer uma guerra, gênio trazer a paz.

2014年09月14日 13時59分48秒 | 日記

Eu estava pensando em mim e editorialista nosso Asahi Shimbun estava na metade inferior do meio do meu colega.

A vida e as dificuldades como minha provação que Deus me deu, a vida de paz e segurança, como o curso de elite que foi prometido ¥ 10.000.000 ou mais renda anual que se moveu para a frente,

Então eu notei.

O verdadeiro gênio, ele continuou a contribuir para o desenvolvimento eo progresso da humanidade, mas que os seres humanos da categoria chamada, chamada espertinho, este veio a induzir em erro as coisas sempre.

Ele percebe a verdade, descobrir a verdade, inventar, tudo, isto é as obras de gênio.

Eu afirmo para o mundo, ao mesmo tempo, o gênio, não há interesse próprio.

Ele não pode ver a verdade, é para esconder a verdade, a mentira sobre a verdade, a chamada espertinho que veio continuar a fazer isso é.

Como resultado, os seres humanos têm sido repetidos guerra.

Espertinho está a fazer uma guerra, gênio trazer a paz.


O melhor de Toji maio



2014年09月14日 13時59分21秒 | 日記














2014年09月14日 13時58分53秒 | 日記













스마트 엉덩이는

2014年09月14日 13時58分25秒 | 日記

나를 생각하고 우리의 아사히 신문은 내 동급생의 중간에서 아래쪽에 있었다 논설 위원되었다.

하나님이 나에게 주신 내 시련과 같은 삶과 고난, 1천만엔 또는 앞으로 이동 않았다 더 많은 연간 수입을 약속 된 엘리트 코스로 평화와 안전의 생활,

그 때 나는 알아 차렸다.

진정한 천재, 그는 개발과 인류의 발전에 기여하는 것을 계속하고 있지만 스마트 엉덩이라는 소위 범주의 인간이 항상 일을 오도로했다.

그것은 모두가이 천재의 행위이며, 발명, 진실을 발견, 진실을 통지.

나는 동시에 세계에 긍정, 천재, 아니 자신의 이익이 없다.

그것은이가 앞으로도 계속 함께 스마트 엉덩이 소위, 진실에 대한 거짓말, 진실을 숨기는 것입니다, 진실을 볼 수 없습니다.

그 결과, 인간은 전쟁을 반복하고있다.

스마트 엉덩이는 천재 평화를 가져, 전쟁을 할 수 있습니다.


5월 도지의 베스트


Умные задницу должны сделать войну,

2014年09月14日 13時57分50秒 | 日記

Я думал обо мне, автор статей наш Асахи симбун был в нижней половине с середины моей одноклассницей.

Жизнь и трудности, как мой испытания, что Бог дал мне, жизнь мира и безопасности в элитном конечно, что обещанной 10 миллионов йен или больше годового дохода они двигаться вперед,

Тогда я заметил.

Истинный гений, он продолжает вносить свой вклад в развитие и прогресс человечества, но, что люди из так называемой категории, называемой шикарная попка, это стало вводить в заблуждение то, всегда.

Он замечает правду, узнать правду, изобретать, все, это и есть деяния гения.

Я утверждаю, в мир, в то же время, гений, нет корысти.

Он не может видеть правду, это, чтобы скрыть правду, врать о правде, так называемый умный осел, кто пришел продолжать делать это.

В результате, люди были повторены войну.

Умные задницу должны сделать войну, гений принести мир.


Лучший из Toji мая


Fundul inteligente sunt pentru a face un război,

2014年09月14日 13時57分15秒 | 日記

M-am gândit la mine și editorialist Asahi Shimbun noastră a fost în jumătatea inferioară din mijlocul de colegul meu.

Viața și greutăți ca calvar mea pe care Dumnezeu a dat la mine, viață de pace și securitate ca cursul de elita care a fost promis 10 milioane de yeni sau mai multe venituri anuale au facut merge mai departe,

Apoi am observat.

Adevărat geniu, el a continuat să contribuie la dezvoltarea și progresul omenirii, dar că ființele umane ale așa-numita categorie, numită fund inteligent, aceasta a venit ca să inducă în eroare lucrurile mereu.

Se observă adevărul, de a descoperi adevărul, inventa, toate, aceasta este faptele de geniu.

Afirm cu lumea, în același timp, geniul, nu există nici un interes propriu.

Ea nu poate vedea adevărul, aceasta este de a ascunde adevărul, să mintă în legătură cu adevărul, așa-numitul fund inteligent, care a venit continua să facă acest lucru este.

Ca rezultat, ființele umane au fost repetate de război.

Fundul inteligente sunt pentru a face un război, geniu aduce pace.


Cel mai bun de Toji mai


Smart asilas yra padaryti karo, genijus

2014年09月14日 13時56分16秒 | 日記

Aš galvojau man ir Rašomąja redakcijos mūsų "Asahi Shimbun" buvo apatinėje viduriu mano klasiokas.

Gyvenimas ir sunkumų, kaip mano išbandymas, kad Dievas davė man gyvenimą taikai ir saugumui, kaip elito žinoma, kad buvo žadėta 10.000.000 ¥ ar daugiau metinių pajamų jie judėti į priekį,

Tada aš pastebėjau.

Tiesa genijus, jis ir toliau prisidėti prie vystymosi ir žmonijos progresu, bet kad žmogaus būtybės vadinamosios kategorijos, vadinamas protingas asilas, tai atėjo kaip klaidinti dalykus visada.

Ji pastebi, tiesą, atrasti tiesą, išrasti, visi, tai yra genijus daiktelis.

Patvirtinu, kad pasaulyje tuo pačiu metu, genijus, yra ne savanaudiškumas.

Ji negali matyti tiesos, tai slėpti tiesą, meluoti apie tiesą, vadinamasis protingas asilas, kuris atėjo ir toliau daryti tai.

Kaip rezultatas, žmonės buvo pakartotas karą.

Smart asilas yra padaryti karo, genijus taiką.


Geriausios Toji gegužė


Smart ass ir padarīt karu, ģēnijs nest mieru.

2014年09月14日 13時55分47秒 | 日記

Es biju domājis par mani un editorialist mūsu Asahi Shimbun bija apakšējā daļā no vidus mana klasesbiedrene.

Dzīve un grūtības, kā mans pārbaudījums, ka Dievs ir devis man, dzīve miera un drošības, kā arī elites, protams, ka ir apsolījis ¥ 10000000 vai vairākos gada ienākumiem viņi virzīties uz priekšu,

Tad es pamanīju.

Patiess ģēnijs, viņš turpināja veicināt attīstību un progresu cilvēces, bet to, ka cilvēki, kas tā saucamo kategorijā, ko sauc smart ass, tas nāca kā maldināt lietas vienmēr.

Tā pamana patiesību, atklāt patiesību, izgudrot, viss, tas ir dari par ģēniju.

Es apstiprina pasaulē, tajā pašā laikā, ģēnijs, nav pašlabumu.

To nevar redzēt patiesību, tas ir, lai slēptu patiesību, melot par patiesību, tā saukto smart ass, kas atnāca turpina to darīt, ir.

Tā rezultātā, cilvēki ir atkārtoti karu.

Smart ass ir padarīt karu, ģēnijs nest mieru.


Best of Toji maijs
