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WEI Customer Advisory: The Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities

By David Fafel |   Jan 05, 2018

WEI is aware of the new vulnerabilities related to Intel and other CPUs which could potentially allow an attacker to gather privileged information from CPU cache and system memory, putting enterprise security at risk. The vulnerabilities are code named “Meltdown” and “Spectre." The “Meltdown” issue is reported to only affect Intel CPUs while “Spectre” is reported to affect Intel, AMD, and ARM. The impact of these vulnerabilities could extend back to CPUs from as early as 1995 (in the case of Intel).

Hardware-based Security: Battle Common Security Risks

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 19, 2017

Regardless of organizational size or industry, every company faces significant data and network security concerns today. Those concerns increase substantially for organizations that deal with protected or sensitive information in any way, including health, financial, or even basic customer data. The past decade has seen a growing number of both internal and external data security breaches in industries as diverse as healthcare, retail, entertainment, banking, and military contracting, and threats are unlikely to subside anytime soon. Organizations who act now to counter the threats of the future are the ones who have the best chance at protecting customers, employees, and brand reputations.

The Critical Role of Hardware-based Security Solutions

By Greg LaBrie |   Jan 12, 2017

How are your security protocols working? While most businesses are focusing on the type of software being used to keep cybercriminals out of the servers, Intel and its partners are working to change the face of security and working together to achieve better results.

Unleash Productivity with Data Center Modernization

By David Fafel |   Dec 27, 2016

IT departments are undergoing a drastic change as more and more data is pushed to the cloud and new technologies arise. However, those departments are also being asked to do more with increasingly shrinking budgets. So, what’s the answer? Data center modernization, which will upgrade your server infrastructure while also increasing productivity and decreasing costs.

Concerned about Password Security? Amp up data security.

By Michael Thweatt |   May 05, 2016

At least once a year, you can find a report on the web about what the most common passwords are based upon leaked data. Think of these lists as the worst passwords you can ever use. Typically, 123456 and password top the list. Coming up the path of popularity are passwords 123456 and 123456789, as people are required to enter in longer passwords. Need a mix of letters and numbers? You might want to avoid abc123 and trustno1, among many others. Nowadays, a password security alone isn’t sufficient to lock anything down. How best can you secure your system to keep the bad guys out?

Time, Costs and Solutions for Malware Attacks and APTs

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 28, 2016

As malware continues to evolve at lightning speed, it’s getting more and more difficult to prevent and identify its existence. A computer attack from the APT virus is both insidious and crippling for enterprises. Its lifecycle, if well-masked, can do some real damage in just 12 months. An Advanced Persistent Threat attack on a bank revealed that it’s a methodical attack. Here’s how it unfolded. Seasoned cybercriminals mined the bank’s social media platforms and website to identify its hosts and senior personnel. Stolen data was then used to launch phishing email campaigns and launched malware on the bank’s executives’ laptops. Undetected by antivirus software, the attack expanded throughout the business. All of this took just three months. Over the next several months, the malware had injected a code into all of the infected systems. Slowly, it stole passwords, security policies and network diagrams. The organized crime ring used this data for a more offensive attack across the company’s network. The last two months of the malware attack entailed downloading the bank card information of more than 50 million bank customers.

Get to Know the Real Threats to your Company’s Data Security

By Michael Thweatt |   Apr 14, 2016

Did you know that your data could be compromised at this moment, even if none of your security measures have sounded an alarm? As companies across the nation reported data breaches throughout the past few years, one commonality was noted: in most breaches, the data was compromised for weeks or even months before anyone noticed. When you couple that fact with some of the expectations for data security in the coming years, you realize that both internal and external security in most organizations has to evolve if it’s going to do any good.

Avoid Security Breaches with Data Protection Technology

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 12, 2016

Every few years a new encryption algorithm is released by an IT solutions provider to ensure your data stays safe. Hardware keeps improving, making older encryption algorithms easier to break. Thus, new encryption mechanisms are needed to keep your systems and data safe.

Avoiding the Advanced Persistent Threat through Hardware

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 31, 2016

Once upon a time, it was safe to turn your computer on. Nowadays, a month, week, or even day doesn’t go by where you hear about the latest system attack and zero-day exploit used to install malware and expose data from somewhere across the globe. Some news reports even say the NSA is buying these exploits to take advantage of them before they’re patched to gain access and potentially disrupt computer systems. If the US government is doing it to attack their enemy, you can be sure other governments and organized crime are doing the same to potentially get into your systems. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the least protected computer system will be found and exploited.

Beefing Up Security with Anti-Malware Defenses

By Greg LaBrie |   Feb 18, 2016


If your organization is attacked by malware, can you afford it? The repercussions are huge – money, reputation, productivity and the confidence in moving forward are all compromised. There may also be legal implications, and losses that cannot be monetized. How does an organization protect itself from malware and the growing efforts of cybercriminals?

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