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Is There A Better Way To Consume Disaster Recovery?

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 23, 2023

When recording a significant event where every moment matters, would you choose a video camera or a standard camera? A video camera, complete with expansive memory, makes frame-by-frame recording possible. In contrast, a standard camera only takes occasional photos and fails to capture the in-between moments that define an event in its entirety.

How Zerto Can Protect Your Data From Cyberattacks

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 15, 2022

In the last few years, technology has continued to surge ahead, with many of these new developments taking cybersecurity to new heights. Unfortunately, the same technologies are being used by a growing number of hackers intent on monetizing your personal and professional data. This comes in the form of targeting both traditional and non-traditional devices such as edge devices and virtual cities.

HPE Introduces a Less Stressful Approach to Backups

By Shane Garrett |   Nov 11, 2021

It seems like we never have enough time to get everything done that we need to do during our time off. Before you know it, the weekend’s over and there’s still items left on our ‘to-do’ list. That’s certainly the way it is for enterprise backups. If you’re a backup administrator, you know the routine too well. Full and incremental backups take an enormous amount of time. They also consume a lot of resources and bandwidth. Because of their negative impact on production environments, we schedule backup jobs during off-peak hours. The problem is that window just never seems to be quite long enough and with burgeoning data repositories and an expanding application portfolio, that window seems to only get smaller. Face it, scheduling backups in the hope they complete in time without interfering with one another is stressful. Administrators can only hope the last backup job completes before users begin to trickle in Monday morning. If not, users will be competing with those same backup jobs for network bandwidth and server utilization resources and the help desk phones begin to ring.

Solution Brief - Backup and Disaster Recovery

How to Experience IT Resilience with Zerto

By Jay Cardin |   Feb 21, 2019

How resilient is your organization from an IT perspective? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines resilience as, “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” With the digital transformations of so many companies today, resiliency to change and disruption needs to be a priority. What does resilience mean for the enterprise today? It means having the ability to seamlessly adapt to change while enduring and responding to unplanned events such as:

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