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Views from outside contributors on issues relevant to Sun-Times readers.

Triumphalist rhetoric like what we’ve heard from the president makes it impossible to see things, including ourselves, as they really are. And that invites disaster, including war.
The head of the Alliance for the Great Lakes explains how Trump administration EPA cuts will hurt clean water programs, such as lead service line replacement and initiatives to reduce “forever chemicals” in drinking water.
Two examples from a former transit executive: Renaming SouthWest Service as the Orland Park Line and the Union Pacific North Line as North Shore Line.
Doctors, nurses and other health care workers need better security and other protections against violent crime in ER spaces, the president of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians writes. Pending legislation would help.
The financially strained school district cannot take on more debt that threatens to rob students of much-needed resources, a former principal and a parent write.
The Consul General of Israel to the Midwest reflects on the horrors of Oct. 7, the way forward in the Middle East and ending antisemitism.
The Cubs will play their season opener in Tokyo vs. the Los Angeles Dodgers on March 18-19. A baseball tour in Japan in 1934 hit it big thanks to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and others.
Destructive weather is becoming more common due to global warming, yet the president is attacking the National Weather Service and other scientific agencies.
A proposed law in Illinois would automate record-sealing and make it easier for people with nonviolent records to land work.
It’s common for a worker to do the job of three or four people because of staffing issues. Nursing home operators must be held accountable for better salaries and working conditions.
Illinois can still reach its clean energy goals, but our state’s congressional delegation must support the investments made under the Inflation Reduction Act.
The Educational Choice for Children Act would benefit private and religious schools and higher-income families.
Some athletes are making millions, which was impossible just five years ago under the association’s archaic and exploitive rules.
Humans are wired for connection, and acts of kindness and generosity can lead to happier times, a psychologist who volunteers at a Chicago nonprofit writes.
History shows Franklin D. Roosevelt was the impetus for the 22nd Amendment on presidential term limits.
Lawmakers must address underfunding to avoid service cuts and keep buses and trains running on time, a UIC urban planning expert writes.
If you’re an Illinois employee who started working after Jan. 1, 2011, you’re contributing a lot toward your pension. But you’ll get very little in return.
Instead of acting as members of a co-equal branch of government, GOP legislators would rather try to go viral by berating mayors in sanctuary cities, the head of the Illinois ACLU writes.
Gun violence, school closures — and now, deportation threats. Schools are no longer secure and welcoming spaces for students and families. Who will fight to change that?
Durbin wants to sunset Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects websites and apps from liability for user posts. But a repeal would torpedo independent news sites.