
public final class GridItem.Builder

A builder of GridItem.


Public constructors

Returns an empty Builder instance.

Public methods

@NonNull GridItem

Constructs the GridItem defined by this builder.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the default size IMAGE_TYPE_LARGE.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given Badge to be displayed over the image, with the default size IMAGE_TYPE_LARGE.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder
setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image, int imageType)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given imageType.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder
setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image, int imageType, @NonNull Badge badge)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given imageType and given Badge to be displayed over the image.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder
setIndexable(boolean indexable)

Sets whether this item can be included in indexed lists.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder
setLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether the item is in a loading state.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets the OnClickListener to be called back when the grid item is clicked, or null to make the grid item non-clickable.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets a secondary text string to the grid item that is displayed below the title, with support for multiple length variants.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets a secondary text string to the grid item that is displayed below the title.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets the title of the GridItem, with support for multiple length variants.

@NonNull GridItem.Builder

Sets the title of the GridItem.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public Builder()

Returns an empty Builder instance.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem build()

Constructs the GridItem defined by this builder.


if the grid item's image is set when it is loading or vice versa, if the grid item is loading but the click listener is set, or if a badge is set and an image is not set


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the default size IMAGE_TYPE_LARGE.


if image is null

See also


Added in 1.4.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image, @NonNull Badge badge)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given Badge to be displayed over the image, with the default size IMAGE_TYPE_LARGE.

A dot badge denotes some sort of call to action or notification and is displayed in the upper right corner of the image. An icon badge gives additional context about the image and is displayed in the lower right corner.


if image or badge is null

See also


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image, int imageType)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given imageType.

For a custom CarIcon, its instance can be of TYPE_BITMAP, TYPE_RESOURCE, or TYPE_URI.

Image Sizing Guidance

If the input image's size exceeds the sizing requirements for the given image type in either one of the dimensions, it will be scaled down to be centered inside the bounding box while preserving its aspect ratio.

See CarIcon for more details related to providing icon and image resources that work with different car screen pixel densities.

@NonNull CarIcon image

the CarIcon to display

int imageType



if image is null


Added in 1.4.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setImage(@NonNull CarIcon image, int imageType, @NonNull Badge badge)

Sets an image to show in the grid item with the given imageType and given Badge to be displayed over the image.

A dot badge denotes a call to action or notification and is displayed in the upper right corner of the image. An icon badge gives additional context about the image and is displayed in the lower right corner.


if image or badge is null

See also


Added in 1.7.0-beta02
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setIndexable(boolean indexable)

Sets whether this item can be included in indexed lists. By default, this is set to true.

The host creates indexed lists to help users navigate through long lists more easily by sorting, filtering, or some other means.

For example, a media app may, by default, show a user's playlists sorted by date created. If the app provides these playlists via the SectionedItemTemplate and enables #isAlphabeticalIndexingAllowed, the user will be able to select a letter on a keyboard to jump to their playlists that start with that letter. When this happens, the list is reconstructed and sorted alphabetically, then shown to the user, jumping down to the letter. Items that are set to #setIndexable(false), do not show up in this new sorted list. Sticking with the media example, a media app may choose to hide things like "autogenerated playlists" from the list and only keep user created playlists.

Individual items can be set to be included or excluded from filtered lists, but it's also possible to enable/disable the creation of filtered lists as a whole via the template's API (eg. SectionedItemTemplate .Builder#setAlphabeticalIndexingAllowed(Boolean)).


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setLoading(boolean isLoading)

Sets whether the item is in a loading state.

If set to true, the UI shows a loading indicator where the grid item would be otherwise. The caller is expected to call invalidate and send the new template content to the host once the data is ready. If set to false, the UI shows the item contents.


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setOnClickListener(@NonNull OnClickListener onClickListener)

Sets the OnClickListener to be called back when the grid item is clicked, or null to make the grid item non-clickable.

Note that the listener relates to UI events and will be executed on the main thread using getMainLooper


if onClickListener is null


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setText(@NonNull CarText text)

Sets a secondary text string to the grid item that is displayed below the title, with support for multiple length variants.

text must conform to CarTextConstraints.TEXT_WITH_COLORS in Car API 7 and below, and CarTextConstraints.TEXT_WITH_COLORS_AND_ICON in Car API 8 and above.

Text Wrapping

This text is truncated at the end to fit in a single line below the title

if text is null


if text contains unsupported spans


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setText(@NonNull CharSequence text)

Sets a secondary text string to the grid item that is displayed below the title.

text must conform to CarTextConstraints.TEXT_WITH_COLORS in Car API 7 and below, and CarTextConstraints.TEXT_WITH_COLORS_AND_ICON in Car API 8 and above.

Text Wrapping

This text is truncated at the end to fit in a single line below the title

if text is null


if text contains unsupported spans


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setTitle(@Nullable CarText title)

Sets the title of the GridItem, with support for multiple length variants.

title must conform to CarTextConstraints.TEXT_ONLY in Car API 7 and below, and CarTextConstraints.TEXT_AND_ICON in Car API 8 and above.


if title contains unsupported spans


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull GridItem.Builder setTitle(@Nullable CharSequence title)

Sets the title of the GridItem.

title must conform to CarTextConstraints.TEXT_ONLY in Car API 7 and below, and CarTextConstraints.TEXT_AND_ICON in Car API 8 and above.


if title contains unsupported spans