26th COMPSAC 2002: Oxford, England


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Plenary I - Keynote Address

Paper Session 1: Component Based Software Development (1)

Paper Session 2: Software Evolution (1)

Paper Session 3: Software Process (1)

Paper Session 4: Software Architecture for Control Systems

Panel Session 1

Paper Session 5: Internet and Gigabit Net

Paper Session 6: Quality Control (1)

Paper Session 7: Modelling with UML

Paper Session 8: XML and Semantic Web

Paper Session 9: Communication and Networking

Panel Session 2

Paper Session 10: UML Application and Requirement Engineering

Paper Session 11: Ubiquitous Computing, Middleware and Embedded Systems

Paper Session 12: Software Engineering Profession and Methodology

Industry Session 1: Software Process and Quality

Paper Session 13: Measurement and Metrics

Paper Session 14: Testing (1)

Panel Session 3

Paper Session 15: Program Slicing and Analysis

Paper Session 16: Process (2)

Paper Session 17: Web Based Systems (1)

Paper Session 18: Software Evolution (2)

Paper Session 19: Architecture for Development

Plenary II - Keynote Address

Industry Session 2: Software Tools

Paper Session 20: Web Based Systems (2)

Paper Session 21: Service Based Software

Panel Session 4

Paper Session 22: Quality Control (2)

Paper Session 23: Component Based Software Development (2)

Paper Session 24: Agent Based and Intelligent Systems

Paper Session 25: Web Application and Pattern Language

Paper Session 26: Application Framework and Concurrency

Paper Session 27: Formal Methods (1)

Paper Session 28: Mobile Computing

Paper Session 29: Software Maintenance

Paper Session 30: Formal Methods (2)

Industry Session 3: Software Reuse and Evolution

Paper Session 31: Frameworks

Paper Session 32: Management (1)

Paper Session 33: File System and Information Management

Panel Session 5

Paper Session 34: Testing (2)

Paper Session 35: System Development with Java

Paper Session 36: Compression, Pattern Matching and Genetic Algorithm

Paper Session 37: Management (2)

Paper Session 38: Code Coupling, Information Retrieval and Scheduling

COMPSAC 2002 Workshops

Workshop 1: Web Security and the Semantic Web

Workshop 2: Dependable On-Line Upgrading of Distributed Systems

Workshop 3: Cooperative Supports for Distributed Software Engineering Processes

Workshop 4: Foundation of Data Mining via Granular and Rough Computing