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26th COMPSAC 2002: Oxford, England
- 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), Prolonging Software Life: Development and Redevelopment, 26-29 August 2002, Oxford, England, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2002, ISBN 0-7695-1727-7
Plenary I - Keynote Address
- Terrence M. S. Heng:
Prolonging Software Life. 3-6
Paper Session 1: Component Based Software Development (1)
- Jung-Hua Lo, Sy-Yen Kuo, Michael R. Lyu, Chin-Yu Huang:
Optimal Resource Allocation and Reliability Analysis for Component-Based Software Applications. 7-12 - Ralph Depke, Gregor Engels, Sebastian Thöne, M. Langham, B. Lütkemeier:
Process-Oriented, Consistent Integration of Software Components. 13-18 - Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Dov Dori, Shmuel Katz:
Open Reuse of Component Designs in OPM/We. 19-26
Paper Session 2: Software Evolution (1)
- Stuart Anderson, Massimo Felici:
Quantitative Aspects of Requirements Evolution. 27-32 - Stuart Thomason, Pearl Brereton:
Supporting Evolution and Maintenance of Components Using a Remote Service Architecture. 33-38 - Ana Belén Barragáns-Martínez
, Jorge García Duque, José Juan Pazos-Arias, Ana Fernández Vilas
, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo:
Requirements Specifications Evolution in a Multi-Perspective Environment. 39-46
Paper Session 3: Software Process (1)
- Claudine Toffolon, Salem Dakhli:
The Software Engineering Global Model. 47-52 - Carla Alessandra Lima Reis, Rodrigo Quites Reis, Heribert Schlebbe, Daltro José Nunes:
Resource Instantiation Policies for Software Process Environments. 53-58 - Rob J. Kusters
, Jos J. M. Trienekens, Wilmar Hassoldt:
On the Business Impact of Software Process Improvement. 59-66
Paper Session 4: Software Architecture for Control Systems
- Frank Lüders, Ivica Crnkovic, Andreas Sjögren:
Case Study: Componentization of an Industrial Control System. 67-74 - Shuang-Hua Yang
, L. S. Tan, X. Chen:
Requirements Specification and Architecture Design for Internet-Based Control Systems. 75-80 - Tom Thurston, Huosheng Hu:
Distributed Agent Architecture for Port Automation. 81-90
Panel Session 1
- Jonathan P. Bowen
, Kirill Bogdanov, John A. Clark, Mark Harman, Robert M. Hierons
, Paul J. Krause:
FORTEST: Formal Methods and Testing. 91-104
Paper Session 5: Internet and Gigabit Net
- Shing-Chi Cheung
, Hanif Curreem:
Rights Protection for Digital Contents Redistribution Over the Internet. 105-110 - Marco Avvenuti, Alessio Vecchio:
Internet Emulation for Java Applications through Socket Factories. 111-116 - Pi-Chung Wang
, Wei-Chun Tseng, Chia-Tai Chan, Yaw-Chung Chen:
Gigabit Packet Classification by Using Lookahead Caching. 117-124
Paper Session 6: Quality Control (1)
- Stanislaw Szejko:
Requirements Driven Quality Control. 125-130 - Houari A. Sahraoui, Mounir Boukadoum, Hassan M. Chawiche, Gang Mai, Mohamed Adel Serhani:
A Fuzzy Logic Framework to Improve the Performance and Interpretation of Rule-Based Quality Prediction Models for OO Software. 131-138 - Hong Zhu, Yanlong Zhang, Qingning Huo, Sue Greenwood:
Application of Hazard Analysis to Software Quality Modelling. 139-146
Paper Session 7: Modelling with UML
- Wuwei Shen, Kevin J. Compton, James Huggins:
A Toolset for Supporting UML Static and Dynamic Model Checking. 147-152 - Stephan Bourduas, Ferhat Khendek
, Daniel Vincent:
From MSC and UML to SDL. 153-158 - Sadahiro Isoda:
Do Actors Call Use Cases? - Solving the Problems of OOSE/UML Use-Case Relationships. 159-166
Paper Session 8: XML and Semantic Web
- Harry M. Sneed:
Using XML to Integrate Existing Software Systems into the Web. 167-172 - Edith C. H. Ngai, Pat Pik-Wah Chan, Edward Yau, Michael R. Lyu:
XVIP: An XML-Based Video Information Processing System. 173-178 - Daniel Gayo-Avello, Darío Álvarez Gutiérrez:
The Cooperative Web: A Complement to the Semantic Web. 179-186
Paper Session 9: Communication and Networking
- Yuping Yang, M. Howard Williams:
Personalized Redirection of Communication. 187-192 - Chia-Chen Kuo, Ping Ting, Ming-Syan Chen, Jeng-Chun Chen:
Design and Implementation of a Network Application Architecture for Thin Clients. 193-198 - Sarmistha Neogy, Anupam Sinha, Pradip Kumar Das:
Distributed Checkpointing Using Synchronized Clocks. 199-206
Panel Session 2
- Stephen S. Yau, Maarten Boasson, William C. Chu, Dick B. Simmons:
Entrepreneurship in Software Industry. 207-210
Paper Session 10: UML Application and Requirement Engineering
- Frederick T. Sheldon, Kshamta Jerath, Young-Jik Kwon, Young-Wook Baik:
Case Study: Implementing a Web Based Auction System Using UML and Component-Based Programming. 211-216 - Amjad Hudaib, Carlo Montangero:
A UML Profile to Support the Formal Presentation of Software Architecture. 217-223 - Atsushi Ohnishi, Hong Hui Zhang, Hiroshi Fujimoto:
Transformation and Integration Method of Scenarios. 224-232
Paper Session 11: Ubiquitous Computing, Middleware and Embedded Systems
- Stephen S. Yau, Yu Wang, Fariaz Karim:
Development of Situation-Aware Application Software for Ubiquitous Computing Environment. 233-238 - Wenbing Zhao, Louise E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith:
On Bootstrapping Replicated CORBA Applications. 239-245 - Shengru Tu, Gongqin Li, Paul Augustin:
Strategies for Integration of a Non-OO EIS and the J2EE Framework. 246-254
Paper Session 12: Software Engineering Profession and Methodology
- J. Barrie Thompson:
Closing the Circle on Software Engineering Professionalism and Free Movement of Labour. 255-264 - Marie-Pierre Gervais:
Towards an MDA-Oriented Methodology. 265-270 - Marco Casassa Mont
, Adrian Baldwin, Yolanta Beres, Keith Harrison, Martin Sadler, Simon Shiu:
Reducing Risks of Widespread Faults and Attacks for Commercial Software Applications: Towards Diversity of Software Components. 271-278
Industry Session 1: Software Process and Quality
- Sergey Baranov, Vsevolod Kotlyarov, Julia V. Kapitonova, Alexander A. Letichevsky, Vladislav A. Volkov:
Requirement Capturing and 3CR Approac. 279-283 - Jian-Wei Wang, Tachun Lin
, Hwai-Jong Hsu, Feng-Jian Wang:
Constructing an EJB Application in a WFMS. 284-286 - Joachim Wegener, André Baresel, Harmen Sthamer:
Suitability of Evolutionary Algorithms for Evolutionary Testing. 287-289 - Masahiro Yamamoto:
Program C Editor through Voice Input. 290-292 - Hiroshi Suganuma, Norikazu Kijima, Takeshi Nii, Kinya Nakamura:
Preliminary Case Study on Software Reuse with Object Persistency Framework. 293-298
Paper Session 13: Measurement and Metrics
- Takeo Imai, Yoshio Kataoka, Tetsuji Fukaya:
Evaluating Software Maintenance Cost Using Functional Redundancy Metrics. 299-306 - W. Eric Wong, Swapna S. Gokhale, Joseph Robert Horgan:
Measuring Distance between Program Features. 307-312 - Miguel Goulão
, Fernando Brito e Abreu
The Quest for Software Components Quality. 313-320
Paper Session 14: Testing (1)
- Wei-Tek Tsai, Yinghui Na, Raymond A. Paul, F. Lu, Akihiro Saimi:
Adaptive Scenario-Based Object-Oriented Test Frameworks for Testing Embedded Systems. 321-326 - Tsong Yueh Chen, Jianqiang Feng, T. H. Tse:
Metamorphic Testing of Programs on Partial Differential Equations: A Case Study. 327-333 - Robert M. Hierons
, T.-H. Kim, Hasan Ural:
Expanding an Extended Finite State Machine to aid Testability. 334-342
Panel Session 3
- J. Barrie Thompson:
Are We At Last Seeing Global Movements Towards Software Engineering Professionalism?. 343-350
Paper Session 15: Program Slicing and Analysis
- Yoga Sivagurunathan, Mark Harman, Bala Sivagurunathan:
Slice-Based Dynamic Memory Modelling - A Case Study. 351-356 - Martin P. Ward
Program Slicing via FermaT Transformations. 357-362 - Robert John Walters:
A Graphically Based Language for Constructing, Executing and Analysing Models of Software Systems. 363-372
Paper Session 16: Process (2)
- Rodrigo Quites Reis, Carla Alessandra Lima Reis, Heribert Schlebbe, Daltro José Nunes:
Early Experiences on Promoting Explicit Separation of Details to Improve Software Processes Reusability. 373-378 - Manoranjan Satpathy, Rachel Harrison:
A Typed Generic Process Model for Product Focused Process Improvement. 379-384 - Gwen Salaün, Michel Allemand, J. Christian Attiogbé:
A Method to Combine any Process Algebra with an Algebraic Specification Language: the p-Calculus Example. 385-392
Paper Session 17: Web Based Systems (1)
- Emilia Mendes, Nile Mosley, Steve Counsell:
The Application of Case-Based Reasoning to Early Web Project Cost Estimation. 393-398 - Yang Li, Zhan Cui, Hongji Yang, Hewijin Christine Jiau:
Tolerating Changes in A Design P ychology Based Web Page Wrapper. 399-404 - Vangalur S. Alagar, Olga Ormandjieva:
Reliability Assessment of WEB Applications. 405-414
Paper Session 18: Software Evolution (2)
- Ian Warren, Jane Ransom:
Renaissance: A Method to Support Software System Evolution. 415-420 - Ettore Merlo, Michel R. Dagenais, P. Bachand, J. S. Sormani, Sara Gradara, Giuliano Antoniol:
Investigating Large Software System Evolution: The Linux Kernel. 421-426 - Christos Tjortjis
, Nicolas Gold, Paul J. Layzell, Keith H. Bennett:
From System Comprehension to Program Comprehension. 427-434
Paper Session 19: Architecture for Development
- Markku Sääksjärvi:
Software Application Platforms: From Product Architecture to Integrated Application Strategy. 435-443 - Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Franck Luthon:
A Distributed Architecture for Cooperative and Adaptative Multimedia Applications. 444-449 - Feng Chen, Qianxiang Wang, Hong Mei, Fuqing Yang:
An Architecture-Based Approach for Component-Oriented Development. 450-458
Plenary II - Keynote Address
- C. A. R. Hoare:
Assertions in Modern Software Engineering Practice. COMPSAC 2002: 459-462
Industry Session 2: Software Tools
- Dave McComb, Simon Robe, Simon Hoare, Stew Crawford-Hines:
Dependency Analysis and Visualization as Tools to Prolong System Life. 463-465 - Tim Stanbrook:
TRIZ for Software Process Improvement . 466-468 - He Guo, Feng Chen, Yuxin Wang, Yuanyuan Sun:
A Reusable Software Architecture Model for Manufactory Management Information System. 469-471 - David N. Card:
Managing Software Quality with Defects. 472-474 - Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira, Alexandre Marcos Lins de Vasconcelos, Ana Cristina Rouiller:
ToolManager: A Tool for Management of CASE Tools. 475-480
Paper Session 20: Web Based Systems (2)
- Giuseppe A. Di Lucca
, Massimiliano Di Penta
, Anna Rita Fasolino
An Approach to Identify Duplicated Web Pages. 481-486 - Choochart Haruechaiyasak, Mei-Ling Shyu, Shu-Ching Chen, Xiuqi Li:
Web Document Classification Based on Fuzzy Association. 487-492 - Jay van Zyl:
Application Assembly Using Web Services. 493-500
Paper Session 21: Service Based Software
- Ahmed Elfatatry, Paul J. Layzell:
Software as a Service: A Negotiation Perspective. 501-506 - Adrian Baldwin, Simon Shiu, Marco Casassa Mont
Trust Services: A Framework for Service-Based Solutions. 507-513 - Teruyoshi Zenmyo, Hélène Arfaoui, Kinji Mori:
Autonomous Real-Time Navigation Based on Work Load Situation in Demand-Oriented Information Service System. 514-524
Panel Session 4
- Simon Rogerson
Knowledge Transfer from University to Industry. 525-534
Paper Session 22: Quality Control (2)
- Alessandro Bianchi, Danilo Caivano, Giuseppe Visaggio:
Quality Models Reuse: Experimentation on Field. 535-540 - Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko
, Olga Tarasyuk
, Vladimir V. Sklyar
, V. Yu. Dubnitsky:
The Method of Software Reliability Growth Models Choice Using Assumptions Matrix. 541-546 - Chris J. Harrison, Omar M. Sallabi:
A Persistent Programming Environment for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts. 547-556
Paper Session 23: Component Based Software Development (2)
- Jinmin Hu, Paul W. P. J. Grefen:
Component Based System Framework for Dynamic B2B Interaction. 557-562 - P. D. Johnson:
Mining Legacy Systems for Business Components: An Architecture for an Integrated Toolkit. 563-571 - Avraam Chimaris, George A. Papadopoulos
Control-Driven Coordination Based Assembling of Components. 572-580
Paper Session 24: Agent Based and Intelligent Systems
- Jim-Min Lin, Zeng-Wei Hong, Guo-Ming Fang:
MADSS: A Multi-Agent Based Distributed Scripting System. 581-586 - Antonella Di Stefano, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Corrado Santoro, Emiliano Tramontana:
Extending Applications Using Reflective Assistant Agents. 587-594 - Jane Cleland-Huang, Carl K. Chang, Yujia Ge:
Supporting Event Based Traceability through High-Level Recognition of Change Events. 595-602
Paper Session 25: Web Application and Pattern Language
- Chanwit Kaewkasi, Wanchai Rivepiboon:
WWM: A Practical Methodology for Web Application Modeling. 603-608 - Wolf-Gideon Bleek, Martti Jeenicke, Ralf Klischewski:
Developing Web-Based Applications through e-Prototyping. 609-614 - Rosana T. V. Braga, Paulo César Masiero:
A Process for Framework Construction Based on a Pattern Language. 615-622
Paper Session 26: Application Framework and Concurrency
- Douglas Samuel Kirk, Marc Roper, Murray Wood
Defining the Problems of Framework Reuse. 623-626 - Atsushi Kumazaki, Masami Noro, Han-Myung Chang, Yoshinari Hachisu:
An Application Framework for TCP/IP Applications. 627-634 - Sang-Wook Kim, Wan Choi, Byoung-Ho Kim:
Design and Implementation of the Concurrency Control Manager in the Main-Memory DBMS Tachyon. 635-644
Paper Session 27: Formal Methods (1)
- Huiqun Yu, Xudong He, Yi Deng, Lian Mo:
A Formal Method for Analyzing Software Architecture Models in SAM. 645-652 - Jin Song Dong, Shaoying Liu:
The Semantics of Extended SOFL. 653-658 - Ana Fernández Vilas, José Juan Pazos-Arias, Rebeca P. Díaz Redondo, Ana Belén Barragáns-Martínez:
Formalizing Incremental Design in Real-time Area: SCTL/MUS-T. 659-666
Paper Session 28: Mobile Computing
- Farhad Arbab, Frank S. de Boer, Juan Guillen Scholten, Marcello M. Bonsangue
MoCha: A Middleware Based on Mobile Channels. 667-673 - Schahram Dustdar
, Harald C. Gall
Towards a Software Architecture for Distributed and Mobile Collaborative Systems. 674-679 - Wai Yip Lum, Francis C. M. Lau:
A QoS-Sensitive Content Adaptation System for Mobile Computing. 680-688
Paper Session 29: Software Maintenance
- Houari A. Sahraoui, Petko Valtchev
, Idrissa Konkobo, Shiqiang Shen:
Object Identification in Legacy Code as a Grouping Problem. 689-696 - William C. Chu, Chih-Wei Lu, Chih-Hung Chang
, Yeh-Ching Chung, Yueh-Min Huang, Baowen Xu
Software Maintainability Improvement: Integrating Standards and Models. 697-702 - Lerina Aversano
, Gerardo Canfora
, Andrea De Lucia
, Silvio Stefanucci:
Understanding SQL through Iconic Interfaces. 703-710
Paper Session 30: Formal Methods (2)
- Kim Yong Chun, Dang Van Hung:
Specification and Verification of Spatial Data Types with B-Toolkit. 711-716 - Ugo A. Buy, Gaurav Singal:
Toward Efficient Algorithms for Generating Compact Petri Nets from Labeled Transition Systems. 717-722 - Antonella Santone, Gigliola Vaglini:
A Tableau-Based Procedure for Model Checking Programs. 723-730
Industry Session 3: Software Reuse and Evolution
- Richard C. Millham
An Investigation: Reengineering Sequential Procedure-Driven Software into Object-Oriented Event-Driven Software through UML Diagrams. 731-733 - V. S. Phanindra, Mala Murugappan, Gargi Keeni:
Process Diagnostics. 734-737 - Christian Zirpins, Giacomo Piccinelli:
Interaction-Driven Definition of e-Business Processes. 738-740 - Jean-Philippe Bernardy:
Reviving Pacbase COBOL-Generated Code. 741-743 - Kenneth Boness, Rachel Harrison:
A Data Collection Case Study Supporting Requirements Oriented Prediction and Management in Software Developments. 744-748
Paper Session 31: Frameworks
- Juha Savolainen, Juha Kuusela:
Framework for Goal Driven System Design. 749-746 - Deron Liang, Chen-Liang Fang, Jichiang Tsai:
A Nested Invocation Suppression Framework for Active Replication Fault-Tolerant CORBA. 757-762 - Frederick V. Ramsey, James J. Alpigini:
A Simple Mathematically Based Framework for Rule Extraction from an Arbitrary Programming Language. 763-772
Paper Session 32: Management (1)
- Gerardo Canfora
, Sandro Manzo, Vincenzo Fabio Rollo, Maria Luisa Villani
ContentP2P: A Peer-to-Peer Content Management System. 773-778 - Daniel Rodríguez
, Rachel Harrison, Manoranjan Satpathy, José Javier Dolado
An Investigation of Prediction Models for Project Management. 779-784 - Shaosong Xu, Hoh Peter In, Martin S. Feather:
A Shared Information System Architecture for Integrating Risk Management Tools: A Case Study. 785-792
Paper Session 33: File System and Information Management
- Hsiao-Ping Tsai, Jiun-Long Huang, Cheng-Ming Chao, Ming-Syan Chen, Cheen Liao:
SIFA: A Scalable File System with Intelligent File Allocation. 793-798 - Harumasa Tada, Osamu Honda, Masahiro Higuchi:
A File Naming Scheme Using Hierarchical-Keywords. 799-804 - Erica Y. Yang, Jie Xu, Keith H. Bennett:
Private Information Retrieval in the Presence of Malicious Failures. 805-812
Panel Session 5
- Stephanie Farbman White
System-Level Issues and Approaches in Software Development. 813-822
Paper Session 34: Testing (2)
- Sahra Sedigh-Ali
, Arif Ghafoor, Raymond A. Paul:
Temporal Modeling of Software Test Coverage. 823-828 - Tsuneo Yamaura, Akira K. Onoma, Wei-Tek Tsai:
Hypothesis Testing for Module Test in Software Development. 829-834 - Sami Beydeda, Volker Gruhn:
Class Specification Implementation Graphs and their Application in Regression Testing. 835-842
Paper Session 35: System Development with Java
- Sérgio Soares, Paulo Borba:
Concurrency Control with Java and Relational Databases. 843-849 - Cinzia Bernardeschi
, Nicoletta De Francesco, Giuseppe Lettieri
Using Standard Verifier to Check Secure Information Flow in Java Bytecode. 850-855 - Imed Hammouda, Kai Koskimies:
Generating a Pattern-Based Application Development Environment for Enterprise JavaBeans. 856-866
Paper Session 36: Compression, Pattern Matching and Genetic Algorithm
- Haifeng Shen, Chengzheng Sun:
A Log Compression Algorithm for Operation-based Version Control Systems. 867-872 - Meng-Hang Ho, Hsu-Chun Yen:
A Dictionary-Based Compressed Pattern Matching Algorithm. 873-878 - Baowen Xu
, Yu Guan, Zhenqiang Chen, Karl R. P. H. Leung:
Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Schema Migration. 879-886
Paper Session 37: Management (2)
- Hoh Peter In, David L. Olson, Tom Rodgers:
Multi-Criteria Preference Analysis for Systematic Requirements Negotiation. 887-892 - Jenq-Haur Wang
, Tzao-Lin Lee:
Enhanced Intranet Management in a DHCP-Enabled Environment. 893-898 - Maarten van Steen
, Gerco Ballintijn:
Achieving Scalability in Hierarchical Location Services. 899-906
Paper Session 38: Code Coupling, Information Retrieval and Scheduling
- James Westland Cain, Rachel Jane McCrindle:
An Investigation into the Effects of Code Coupling on Team Dynamics and Productivity. 907-913 - Xiuqi Li, Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Borko Furht:
An Effective Content-Based Visual Image Retrieval System. 914-919 - Ke Ding, Beihong Jin, Jun Wei, Yulin Feng:
New Model and Scheduling Protocol for Transactional Workflows. 920-932
COMPSAC 2002 Workshops
Workshop 1: Web Security and the Semantic Web
- Bhavani Thuraisingham, Elena Ferrari
Web and Information Security: Workshop Summary. 933 - Dongwan Shin
, Gail-Joon Ahn
, Joon S. Park:
An Application of Directory Service Markup Language (DSML) for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). 934-939 - Frans A. Lategan, Martin S. Olivier
A Chinese Wall Approach to Privacy Policies for the Web. 940-944 - Elisa Bertino, Elena Ferrari
, Andrea Perego
Ma X : An Access Control System for Digital Libraries and the Web. 945-950 - James Joshi, Elisa Bertino, Arif Ghafoor:
Hybrid Role Hierarchy for Generalized Temporal Role Based Access Control Model. 951-956 - James Bret Michael:
On the Response Policy of Software Decoys: Conducting Software-Based Deception in the Cyber Battlespace. 957-962 - Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Data and Applications Security: Developments and Directions. 963-965 - Tsau Young Lin:
Placing the Chinese Walls on the Boundary of Conflicts - Analysis of Symmetric Binary Relations. 966-974
Workshop 2: Dependable On-Line Upgrading of Distributed Systems
- Alexander B. Romanovsky
, Iain Smith:
Dependable On-Line Upgrading of Distributed Systems. 975-976 - Mark E. Segal:
Online Software Upgrading: New Research Directions and Practical Considerations. 977-981 - Louise E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith, L. A. Tewksbury:
Online Upgrades Become Standard. 982-988 - Chryssa Dislis:
Improving Service Availability via Low-Outage Upgrades. 989-993 - James Huw Evans:
Dynamic On-line Object Update in the Grumps System. 994-999 - Cliff B. Jones
, Alexander B. Romanovsky, Ian Welch:
A Structured Approach to Handling On-Line Interface Upgrades. 1000-1005 - Chang Liu, Debra J. Richardson:
Using RAIC for Dependable On-line Upgrading of Distributed Systems. 1006-1011 - Robert Pawel Bialek:
The Architecture of a Dynamically Updatable, Component-Based System. 1012-1016 - Premysl Brada
Metadata Support for Safe Component Upgrades. 1017-1021 - Raju Pandey, Scott Malabarba, Tim Stapko, Brant Hashii:
Dynamically Evolvable Distributed Systems. 1022-1027 - J. Jenny Li, Xueshan Shan:
A Case Study of Dependable Software Upgrade with Distributed Components. 1028-1033 - F. van de Laar, Michel R. V. Chaudron
A Dynamic Upgrade Mechanism Based on Publish/Subscribe Interaction. 1034-1037 - Marcin Solarski, Hein Meling:
Towards Upgrading Actively Replicated Servers On-the-Fly. 1038-1046
Workshop 3: Cooperative Supports for Distributed Software Engineering Processes
- Gerardo Canfora
, Andrea De Lucia
Workshop on Cooperative Supports for Distributed Software Engineering Processes. 1047-1048 - Matteo Gaeta
, Pierluigi Ritrovato:
Generalised Environment for Process Management in Cooperative Software Engineering. 1049-1053 - Lerina Aversano
, Aniello Cimitile, Pierpaolo Gallucci, Maria Luisa Villani
FlowManager: A Workflow Management System Based on Petri Nets. 1054-1059 - Lerina Aversano
, Sergio Betti, Eugenio Pompella, Silvio Stefanucci:
Applying Workflow Management to Support Massive Maintenance. 1060-1064 - Jin Sa, Elena Maslova:
A Unified Process Support Framework for Global Software Development. 1065-1070 - Filippo Lanubile
, Teresa Mallardo:
Tool Support for Distributed Inspection. 1071-1076 - Pierre Fernand Tiako:
Maintenance in Joint Software Development. 1077-1080 - Cornelia Boldyreff, David Nutter, Stephen Rank:
Active Artefact Management for Distributed Software Engineerin. 1081-1086 - Seth Bowen, Frank Maurer
Designing a Distributed Software Development Support System Using a Peer-to-Peer Architecture. 1087-1092 - Anita Sarma
, André van der Hoek:
Palantír: Coordinating Distributed Workspaces. 1093-1097 - Maria Teresa Baldassarre
, Danilo Caivano
, Corrado Aaron Visaggio
, Giuseppe Visaggio
A Decision Model Supporting Cooperative Work as an Experience Package. 1098-1103 - Christos Tjortjis
, Georgios A. Dafoulas, Paul J. Layzell, Linda A. Macaulay:
A Model for Selecting CSCW Technologies for Distributed Software Maintenance Teams in Virtual Organisations. 1104-1108 - Ping Jiang, Quentin Mair:
An Actor-Oriented Approach to Distributed Product Management Systems. 1109-1114 - Engin Kirda, Harald C. Gall
, Pascal Fenkam, Gerald Reif:
MOTION: A Peer-to-Peer Platform for Mobile Teamwork Support. 1115-1117 - Seth Bowen, Frank Maurer
Process Support and Knowledge Management for Virtual Teams Doing Agile Software Development. 1118-1122
Workshop 4: Foundation of Data Mining via Granular and Rough Computing
- Shusaku Tsumoto, Tsau Young Lin, James F. Peters:
Foundations of Data Mining via Granular and Rough Computing. 1123-1124 - Zdzislaw Pawlak:
Theorize with Data Using Rough Sets. 1125-1128 - Roman Slowinski
, Salvatore Greco
, Benedetto Matarazzo:
Mining Decision-Rule Preference Model from Rough Approximation of Preference Relation. 1129-1134 - James F. Peters, Zdzislaw Pawlak, Andrzej Skowron
A Rough Set Approach to Measuring Information Granules. 1135-1139 - Sheela Ramanna, James F. Peters, Tae-Chon Ahn:
Software Quality Knowledge Discovery: A Rough Set Approach. 1140-1145 - Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse, Zdzislaw S. Hippe:
Postprocessing of Rule Sets Induced from a Melanoma Data Set. 1146-1151 - Tsau Young Lin:
Issues in Modeling for Data Mining. 1152-1157 - Tetsuya Murai, Michinori Nakata, Yoshiharu Sato:
Association Rules and Non-Classical Logics. 1158-1163 - Andrzej Bargiela, Witold Pedrycz, Kaoru Hirota:
Logic-Based Granular Prototyping. 1164-1169 - Shoji Hirano, Xiaoguang Sun, Shusaku Tsumoto:
On Similarity Measures for Cluster Analysis in Clinical Laboratory Examination Databases. 1170-1175 - Shusaku Tsumoto:
Rule and Matroid Theory. 1176-1181

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