5th ICONIP 1998: Kitakyushu, Japan

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Volume 1

Opening Lecture

Keynote Lecture 1

Special Panel 1: The 21st Century of the Brain

Dynamic Brain 1

From Neuroscience / Neural Computation Research to Profitable Products

Statistical & Mathematical Analysis of Networks

Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks

Robotics & Control

Brain Imaging in Cognition and Behavior 1

Image & Signal Processing

Dynamic Brain 2

Distributed Processing Systems 1

Neuro Dynamics & Unsupervised Learning

Reinforcement Learning 1

Pattern Recognition

Early Vision 1

Brain Imaging in Cognition and Behavior 2

Image Processing

Poster Session 1: Vision

Cognitive Systems



Statistical & Mathematical Analysis of Networks

Neuro Dynamics & Unsupervised Learning

Hardware Implementation of Neural Networks

Volume 2

Keynote Lecture 2

Plenary Lecture 1

Plenary Lecture 2

Dynamic Brain 3

Selection and Optimization of Neural Architectures 1

Early Vision 2 and Self Organization

Distributed Processing Systems 2

Other Applications

Independent Component Analysis and Related Problems 1

Soft Computing & Optimization & Learning

Dynamic Brain 4

Selection and Optimization of Neural Architectures 2

Early Vision 3

Reinforcement Learning 2

Sensory Motor Integration

Independent Component Analysis and Related Problems 2

Knowledge & Rule Extraction

Poster Session 2: Mathematical Theory of Brain Functions

Soft Computing & Optimization & Learning


Image Processing

Pattern Recognition

Robotics & Control

Other Applications

Volume 3

Plenary Lecture 3

Special Panel Session 2

Dynamic Brain 5

Learning 1

Neurobiological Basis of Brain Function 1

Single Neuron Model and Temporal Coding

Attentive Vision

Neural Basis of Hearing - Towards New Experiments and Models of Auditory Processing


Dynamic Brain 6

Learning 2

Neurobiological Basis of Brain Function 2

Non-Linear Dynamics and Associative Memory

Cognitive Mechanisms

Neural Basis of Hearing - Towards new Experiments and Models of Auditory Processing

Distributed Processing Systems 3

Poster Session 3: Neuro-biological Basis of Brain Functions


Distributed Processing Systems