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13th AAAI / 8th IAAI 1996: Portland, Oregon
- William J. Clancey, Daniel S. Weld:
Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, AAAI 96, IAAI 96, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 4-8, 1996, Volume 1. AAAI Press / The MIT Press 1996, ISBN 0-262-51091-X
- Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman, Al Milewski:
Agent Amplified Communication. 3-9 - Bruce Krulwich, Chad Burkey:
The ContactFinder Agent: Answering Bulletin Board Questions with Referrals. 10-15 - Pamela W. Jordan, Marilyn A. Walker:
Deciding to Remind During Collaborative Problem Solving: Empirical Evidence for Agent Strategies. 16-23 - Ira A. Smith, Philip R. Cohen:
Toward a Semantics for an Agent Communications Language Based on Speech-Acts. 24-31
Internet Agents
- Chung T. Kwok, Daniel S. Weld:
Planning to Gather Information. 32-39 - Alon Y. Levy, Anand Rajaraman, Joann J. Ordille:
Query-Answering Algorithms for Information Agents. 40-47 - Kenrick J. Mock:
Hybrid Hill-Climbing and Knowledge-Based Methods for Intelligent News Filtering. 48-53 - Michael J. Pazzani, Jack Muramatsu, Daniel Billsus:
Syskill & Webert: Identifying Interesting Web Sites. 54-61
Multiagent Learning
- David Carmel, Shaul Markovitch:
Learning Models of Intelligent Agents. 62-67 - M. V. Nagendra Prasad, Susan E. Lander, Victor R. Lesser:
Cooperative Learning over Composite Search Spaces: Experiences with a Multi-Agent Design System. 68-73 - Foster J. Provost, Daniel N. Hennessy:
Scaling Up: Distributed Machine Learning with Cooperation. 74-79 - Milind Tambe:
Tracking Dynamic Team Activity. 80-87
Multiagent Problem Solving
- Norman Carver, Victor R. Lesser, Robert Whitehair:
Nearly Monotonic Problems: A Key to Effective FA/C Distributed Sensor Interpretation? 88-95 - Armin R. Mikler, Vasant G. Honavar, Johnny S. Wong:
Analysis of Utility-Theoretic Heuristics for Intelligent Adaptive Network Routing. 96-101 - Vijay Rajan, James R. Slagle:
The Use of Artificially Intelligent Agents with Bounded Rationality in the Study of Economic Markets. 102-107 - Stephen J. J. Smith, Dana S. Nau, Thomas A. Throop:
Total-Order Multi-Agent Task-Network Planning for Contract Bridge. 108-113
Negotiation & Coalition
- Hung Hai Bui, Dorota H. Kieronska, Svetha Venkatesh:
Learning other Agents' Preferences in Multiagent Negotiation. 114-119 - David Carmel, Shaul Markovitch:
Incorporating Opponent Models into Adversary Search. 120-125 - Tuomas Sandholm, Victor R. Lesser:
Advantages of a Leveled Commitment Contracting Protocol. 126-133 - Onn Shehory, Sarit Kraus:
A Kernel-Oriented Model for Coalition-Formation in General Environments: Implementation and Results. 134-140
Artificial Intelligence in Art & Entertainment
- Elisabeth André
, Thomas Rist:
Coping with Temporal Constraints in Multimedia Presentation Planning. 142-147 - David B. Christianson, Sean E. Anderson, Li-wei He, David Salesin, Daniel S. Weld, Michael F. Cohen:
Declarative Camera Control for Automatic Cinematography. 148-155 - Kenneth B. Haase:
A Model of Poetic Comprehension. 156-161 - Nikitas M. Sgouros, George K. Papakonstantinou, Panayotis Tsanakas:
A Framework for Plot Control in Interactive Story Systems. 162-167
Constraint Satisfaction
Constraint Satisfaction
- Olivier Bailleux, Jean-Jacques Chabrier:
Approximate Resolution of Hard Numbering Problems. 169-174 - Hélène Fargier, Jérôme Lang, Thomas Schiex:
Mixed Constraint Satisfaction: A Framework for Decision Problems under Incomplete Knowledge. 175-180 - Gérard Verfaillie, Michel Lemaître, Thomas Schiex:
Russian Doll Search for Solving Constraint Optimization Problems. 181-187 - Richard J. Wallace:
Enhancements of Branch and Bound Methods for the Maximal Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 188-195
Data Consistency
- Assef Chmeiss, Philippe Jégou:
Path-Consistency: When Space Misses Time. 196-201 - Eugene C. Freuder, Charles D. Elfe:
Neighborhood Inverse Consistency Preprocessing. 202-208 - Jean-Charles Régin:
Generalized Arc Consistency for Global Cardinality Constraint. 209-215 - Thomas Schiex, Jean-Charles Régin, Christine Gaspin, Gérard Verfaillie:
Lazy Arc Consistency. 216-221
Game-Tree Search
- Subir Bhattacharya, Amitava Bagchi:
Searching Game Trees Under Memory Constraints. 222-227 - Matthew L. Ginsberg:
Partition Search. 228-233 - Aske Plaat, Jonathan Schaeffer, Wim Pijls, Arie de Bruin:
Exploiting Graph Properties of Game Trees. 234-239 - Weixiong Zhang:
Forward Estimation for Game-Tree Search. 240-245
Phase Transition
- Ian P. Gent, Ewan MacIntyre, Patrick Prosser, Toby Walsh:
The Constrainedness of Search. 246-252 - David M. Pennock, Quentin F. Stout:
Exploiting a Theory of Phase Transitions in Three-Satisfiability Problems. 253-258 - Tuomas Sandholm:
A Second Order Parameter for 3SAT. 259-265 - Dan R. Vlasie:
The Very Particular Structure of the Very Hard Instances. 266-270
Search Control
- John L. Bresina:
Heuristic-Biased Stochastic Sampling. 271-278 - Sven Koenig, Reid G. Simmons:
Easy and Hard Testbeds for Real-Time Search Algorithms. 279-285 - Richard E. Korf:
Improved Limited Discrepancy Search. 286-291 - Yury V. Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela M. Veloso, Reid G. Simmons:
Efficient Goal-Directed Exploration. 292-297
Search & Learning
- Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., Daniel P. Miranker:
A Complexity Analysis of Space-Bounded Learning Algorithms for the Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 298-304 - Toru Ishida, Masashi Shimbo:
Improving the Learning Efficiencies of Realtime Search. 305-310 - Gerhard Kainz, Hermann Kaindl:
Dynamic Improvements of Heuristic Evaluations during Search. 311-317 - Mohammed H. Sqalli, Eugene C. Freuder:
Inference-Based Constraint Satisfaction Supports Explanation. 318-325
Stochastic Search
- James Bowen, Gerry V. Dozier:
Constraint Satisfaction Using A Hybrid Evolutionary Hill-Climbing Algorithm That Performs Opportunistic Arc and Path Revision. 326-331 - Byungki Cha, Kazuo Iwama:
Adding New Clauses for Faster Local Search. 332-337 - Jeremy Frank:
Weighting for Godot: Learning Heuristics for GSAT. 338-343 - Thomas Haynes:
Duplication of Coding Segments in Genetic Programming. 344-349 - Kalev Kask, Rina Dechter:
A Graph-Based Method for Improving GSAT. 350-355 - Andrew J. Parkes, Joachim P. Walser:
Tuning Local Search for Satisfiability Testing. 356-362 - Andrea Schaerf:
Tabu Search Techniques for Large High-School Timetabling Problems. 363-368 - Jian Zhang, Hantao Zhang:
Combining Local Search and Backtracking Techniques for Constraint Satisfaction. 369-374
Temporal Reasoning
- Christian Bessière:
A Simple Way to Improve Path Consistency Processing in Interval Algebra Networks. 375-380 - James P. Delgrande, Arvind Gupta:
A Representation for Efficient Temporal Reasoning. 381-388 - Thomas Drakengren, Peter Jonsson:
Maximal Tractable Subclasses of Allen's Interval Algebra: Preliminary Report. 389-394 - Gerard Ligozat:
A New Proof of Tractability for ORD-Horn Relations. 395-401
- Paul T. Baffes, Raymond J. Mooney:
A Novel Application of Theory Refinement to Student Modeling. 403-408 - Christopher Rhodes Eliot III, Beverly Park Woolf:
A Simulation-Based Tutor that Reasons about Multiple Agents. 409-415 - James C. Lester, Bruce W. Porter:
Scaling Up Explanation Generation: Large-Scale Knowledge Bases and Empirical Studies. 416-423 - Brian A. Stone, James C. Lester:
Dynamically Sequencing an Animated Pedagogical Agent. 424-431
Information Retrieval & Natural Language Processing
- Eric Bloedorn, Inderjeet Mani, T. Richard MacMillan:
Machine Learning of User Profiles: Representational Issues. 433-438 - Eric A. Domeshek, Smadar Kedar, Andrew S. Gordon:
Interactive Information Retrieval Systems with Minimalist Representation. 439-446 - Kevin Knight:
Learning Word Meanings by Instruction. 447-454 - Ted Pedersen, Mehmet Kayaalp, Rebecca F. Bruce:
Significant Lexical Relationships. 455-460
Knowledge-Based Systems
- Robin D. Burke, Kristian J. Hammond, Benjamin C. Young:
Knowledge-Based Navigation of Complex Information Spaces. 462-468 - Yolanda Gil, Eric Melz:
Explicit Representations of Problem-Solving Strategies to Support Knowledge Acquisition. 469-476 - John Kingston, Nigel Shadbolt, Austin Tate:
CommonKADS Models for Knowledge-Based Planning. 477-482 - Vibhu O. Mittal, Johanna D. Moore:
Detecting Knowledge Base Inconsistencies Using Automated Generation of Text and Examples. 483-488
Knowledge Compilation
- James M. Crawford, Daniel Dvorak, Diane J. Litman, Anil Mishra, Peter F. Patel-Schneider:
Path-Based Rules in Object-Oriented Programming. 490-497 - Alvaro del Val:
Approximate Knowledge Compilation: The First Order Case. 498-503 - Pierre Marquis, Samira Sadaoui:
A New Algorithm for Computing Theory Prime Implicates Compilations. 504-509 - Robert Schrag:
Compilation for Critically Constrained Knowledge Bases. 510-515
Knowledge Representation
- Christopher Bailey-Kellogg, Feng Zhao, Kenneth Yip:
Spatial Aggregation: Language and Applications. 517-522 - Alan Bundy, Fausto Giunchiglia, Roberto Sebastiani, Toby Walsh:
Computing Abstraction Hierarchies by Numerical Simulation. 523-529 - Robert C. Holte, M. B. Perez, Robert M. Zimmer, Alan J. MacDonald:
Hierarchical A*: Searching Abstraction Hierarchies Efficiently. 530-535 - Reiko Tsuneto, Kutluhan Erol, James A. Hendler, Dana S. Nau:
Commitment Strategies in Hierarchical Task Network Planning. 536-542
Description Logics & Probabilistic Reasoning
- Hideki Isozaki, Hirofumi Katsuno:
A Semantic Characterization of an Algorithm for Estimating Others' Beliefs from Observation. 543-549 - Renwei Li, Luís Moniz Pereira:
What Is Believed Is What Is Explained (Sometimes). 550-555 - Paolo Liberatore, Marco Schaerf:
The Complexity of Model Checking for Belief Revision and Update. 556-561 - Yan Zhang, Norman Y. Foo:
Updating Knowledge Bases with Disjunctive Information. 562-568
Description Logics & Probabilistic Reasoning
- Daphne Koller, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Irrelevance and Conditioning in First-Order Probabilistic Logic. 569-576 - Alon Y. Levy, Marie-Christine Rousset:
The Limits on Combining Recursive Horn Rules with Description Logics. 577-584 - Alon Y. Levy, Marie-Christine Rousset:
Verification of Knowledge Bases Based on Containment Checking. 585-591 - Robert A. Weida:
Closed Terminologies in Description Logics. 592-599
Knowledge Bases & Context
- Sasa Buvac:
Quantificational Logic of Context. 600-606 - Adnan Darwiche:
Utilizing Knowledge-Base Semantics in Graph-Based Algorithms. 607-613 - John O. Everett, Kenneth D. Forbus:
Scaling up Logic-Based Truth Maintenance Systems via Fact Garbage Collection. 614-620 - Fabio Massacci:
Contextual Reasoning Is NP-Complete. 621-626
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- David W. Etherington, James M. Crawford:
Toward Efficient Default Reasoning. 627-632 - Akira Fusaoka:
Situation Calculus on a Dense Flow of Time. 633-638 - Christoph S. Herrmann, Michael Thielscher:
Reasoning about Continuous Processes. 639-644 - Hudson Turner:
Splitting a Default Theory. 645-651
Reasoning about Action
- Chitta Baral, Alfredo Gabaldon, Alessandro Provetti:
Formalizing Narratives Using Nested Circumscription. 652-657 - Giuseppe De Giacomo, Xiao Jun Chen:
Reasoning about Nondeterministic and Concurrent Actions: A Process Algebra Approach. 658-663 - G. Neelakantan Kartha:
On the Range of Applicability of Baker's Approach to the Frame Problem. 664-669 - Fangzhen Lin:
Embracing Causality in Specifying the Indeterminate Effects of Actions. 670-676
Case-Based Reasoning
- Richard Alterman, Daniel Griffin:
Improving Case Retrieval by Remembering Questions. 678-683 - David B. Leake, Andrew Kinley, David C. Wilson:
Acquiring Case Adaptation Knowledge: A Hybrid Approach. 684-689 - Hideo Shimazu, Yosuke Takashima:
Detecting Discontinuities in Case-Bases. 690-695 - William A. Stubblefield, George F. Luger:
Source Selection for Analogical Reasoning: An Empirical Approach. 696-702
Decision Trees
- Hussein Almuallim, Yasuhiro Akiba, Shigeo Kaneda:
An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Optimal Gain-Ratio Multiple-Split Tests on Hierarchical Attributes in Decision Tree Learning. 703-708 - William W. Cohen:
Learning Trees and Rules with Set-Valued Features. 709-716 - Jerome H. Friedman, Ron Kohavi, Yeogirl Yun:
Lazy Decision Trees. 717-724 - J. Ross Quinlan:
Bagging, Boosting, and C4.5. 725-730
- Vincent Corruble, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia:
The Discovery of the Causes of Leprosy: A Computational Analysis. 731-736 - Tsuyoshi Murata, Masamichi Shimura:
Machine Discovery Based on Numerical Data Generated in Computer Experiments. 737-742 - John Yen, Bogju Lee, James C. Liao:
Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic for Metabolic Modeling. 743-749 - Jan M. Zytkow, Paul J. Fischer:
Incremental Discovery of Hidden Structure: Applications in Theory of Elementary Particles. 750-756
Enhancing Efficiency
- Subbarao Kambhampati:
Formalizing Dependency Directed Backtracking and Explanation Based Learning in Refinement Search. 757-762 - Jihie Kim, Paul S. Rosenbloom:
Learning Efficient Rules by Maintaining the Explanation Structure. 763-770 - Robert E. Wray III, John E. Laird, Randolph M. Jones:
Compilation of Non-Contemporaneous Constraints. 771-778
Fundamental Issues
- Jonathan Gratch:
Sequential Inductive Learning. 779-786 - Roni Khardon:
Learning to Take Actions. 787-792 - Robert K. Lindsay, Annie S. Wu:
Testing the Robustness of the Genetic Algorithm on the Floating Building Block Representation. 793-798
Inductive Learning
- Carla E. Brodley, Mark A. Friedl:
Identifying and Eliminating Mislabeled Training Instances. 799-805 - Yuh-Jyh Hu, Dennis F. Kibler:
Generation of Attributes for Learning Algorithms. 806-811 - Stefan Kramer:
Structural Regression Trees. 812-819
Knowledge Bases
- Chun-Nan Hsu, Craig A. Knoblock:
Discovering Robust Knowledge from Dynamic Closed World Data. 820-827 - Bing Liu, Wynne Hsu:
Post-Analysis of Learned Rules. 828-834 - Kenneth S. Murray:
KI: A Tool for Knowledge Integration. 835-842
- Tara A. Estlin, Raymond J. Mooney:
Multi-Strategy Learning of Search Control for Partial-Order Planning. 843-848 - Laurie H. Ihrig, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Design and Implementation of a Replay Framework Based on a Partial Order Planner. 849-854 - Steven Minton:
Is There Any Need for Domain-Dependent Control Information?: A Reply. 855-862 - Tim Oates, Paul R. Cohen:
Searching for Planning Operators with Context-Dependent and Probabilistic Effects. 863-868
Reinforcement Learning
- Sean P. Engelson:
Learning Robust Plans for Mobile Robots from a Single Trial. 869-874 - Sridhar Mahadevan:
An Average-Reward Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Computing Bias-Optimal Policies. 875-880 - DoKyeong Ok, Prasad Tadepalli
Auto-Exploratory Average Reward Reinforcement Learning. 881-887 - Justinian P. Rosca, Dana H. Ballard:
Evolution-Based Discovery of Hierarchical Behaviors. 888-894

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