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CCNC 2006: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- 3rd IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2006, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 13, 2006. IEEE 2006, ISBN 1-4244-0085-6
Volume 1
- V. Michael Bove Jr.:
Message from the General Chair. iii - Heather Yu:
Greetings from the Technical Program Chair. iv - Konstantinos Papapanagiotou, Giannis F. Marias, Panagiotis Georgiadis, Stefanos Gritzalis
Performance evaluation of a distributed OCSP protocol over MANETs. 1-5 - Jim Parker, Anand Patwardhan, Anupam Joshi
Cross-layer analysis for detecting wireless misbehavior. 6-9 - Panagiotis Papadimitratos
Secure ad hoc networking. 10-14 - Bartlomiej Sieka:
Active fingerprinting of 802.11 devices by timing analysis. 15-19 - Solange Rito Lima
, Paulo Carvalho
, Vasco Freitas:
Handling concurrent admission control in multiservice IP networks. 20-24 - Bo Peng, Andrew H. Kemp, Said Boussakta:
Impact of network conditions on QoS routing algorithms. 25-29 - Ahmad R. Dhaini
, Chadi M. Assi, Abdallah Shami
Dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes in hybrid TDM/WDM passive optical networks. 30-34 - Zheng Wu, Qinghe Yin:
A heuristic for bandwidth allocation and management to maximize user satisfaction degree on multiple MPLS paths. 35-39 - Frank Haizhon Li, Yang Xiao
Contention-based QoS MAC mechanisms for VBR VoIP in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. 40-44 - Jong-ok Kim, Hideki Tode, Koso Murakami:
Enhancing MAC protocol for voice over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 45-49 - Arvind Swaminathan, Jim Martin:
Fairness issues in hybrid 802.11b/e networks. 50-54 - Hayoung Yoon, JongWon Kim, Dongyun Shin:
Dynamic admission control in IEEE 802.11e EDCA-based wireless home network. 55-59 - S. R. Subramanya, Byung K. Yi:
A system for flexible, time/space delayed content consumption using virtual content containers. 60-64 - Letian Rong, Ian S. Burnett
Adaptive resource replication in a ubiquitous peer-to-peer based multimedia distribution environment. 65-68 - S. R. Subramanya, Byung K. Yi:
Content management using personal content portfolios. 69-73 - Vlaho Kostov, Jun Ozawa, Eiichi Naito:
Platform for timely portable-push information delivery. 74-79 - Bartlomiej Sieka, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani:
Fully self-organized key agreement for ad-hoc wireless networks. 80-85 - Wen-Zhan Song
, Xiangyang Li:
Hierarchical self-routing scatternet for multihop bluetooth networks. 86-90 - Osama Bazan, Muhammad Jaseemuddin:
Routing in autonomic communications. 91-95 - Ariffin Datuk Yahaya, Tatsuya Suda:
iREX: inter-domain QoS automation using economics. 96-101 - Harumi Aoyama, Atsuo Miyata, Ryohei Ohgushi:
Latest technology for video-streaming gateway of M-stage V live - assuring video quality and usability. 102-106 - Wei-Huai Hung, Jyh-Cheng Chen:
Heterogeneous intersystem mobility (HIM) for seamless multimedia applications. 107-111 - Nadir Gaylani, Yusuf Murat Erten:
Handling NAT traversal and mobility for multimedia traffic. 112-116 - Celestino A. Corral, Shahriar Emami, Gregg Rasor:
Constructing spectral gaps in OFDM for interference mitigation. 117-121 - Ying Zhang, Qingfeng Huang:
Adaptive tree: a learning-based meta-routing strategy for sensor networks. 122-126 - Yong Xu, Xin Yao
A GA approach to the optimal placement of sensors in wireless sensor networks with obstacles and preferences. 127-131 - S. Selvakennedy, Suku Sinnappan
, Yi Shang:
Data dissemination based on ant swarms for wireless sensor networks. 132-136 - Vincent W. L. Tam, King-Yip Cheng, King-Shan Lui:
Improving localization in wireless sensor networks with an evolutionary algorithm. 137-141 - Ionut Cardei, Allalaghatta Pavan, Riccardo Bettati:
Communications quality of service for ad-hoc mobile optical free-space networks. 142-146 - Yueh-Ting Wu, Cheng-Lin Tsao, Wanjiun Liao
Epoch distance of the random waypoint model in mobile ad hoc networks. 147-151 - Alvise Bonivento, Carlo Fischione, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Randomized protocol stack for ubiquitous networks in indoor environment. 152-156 - Mudasser Iqbal, Iqbal Gondal
, Laurence Dooley:
A novel load balancing technique for proactive energy loss mitigation in ubiquitous networks. 157-162 - Jia-Chun Kuo, Wanjiun Liao
Modeling forwarding progress for one hop in wireless ad hoc networks. 163-167 - Peng Fan, James G. Haran, John F. Dillenburg, Peter C. Nelson:
Traffic model for clustering algorithms in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 168-172 - Huai-Rong Shao, Harkirat Singh, Chiu Ngo:
MAC-enabling technologies for high-throughput wireless LAN. 173-177 - Youngsam Park, Yongho Seok, Nakjung Choi, Yanghee Choi, Jean-Marie Bonnin:
Rate-adaptive multimedia multicasting over IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. 178-182 - Chi-Hong Jiang, Tzu-Chieh Tsai
Token bucket based CAC and packet scheduling for IEEE 802.16 broadband wireless access networks. 183-187 - Yuntao Shi, Jean-Marie Bonnin, Gilles Straub:
QoS issues in Wi-Fi-WMM based triple play home networks. 188-191 - Michael Luby, Mark Watson, Tiago Gasiba
, Thomas Stockhammer
, Wen Xu:
Raptor codes for reliable download delivery in wireless broadcast systems. 192-197 - Theera Kasemsap, Shun Him Wong, Xiao Su
Peer-to-peer transmission of JPEG2000 images. 198-202 - Rakesh Kothari, Aura Ganz:
MUSIK: multimedia service integration framework for smart environments. 203-207 - Hyojun Kim, Youjip Won:
MNFS: mobile multimedia file system for NAND flash based storage device. 208-212 - Clément Escoffier, Didier Donsez, Richard S. Hall:
Developing an OSGi-like service platform for .NET. 213-217 - Åke Östmark, Per Lindgren, Aart van Halteren
, Lianne Meppelink:
Service and device discovery of nodes in a wireless sensor network. 218-222 - Tomoo Mizukami, Kenjiro Cho:
Tunneling with service discovery: a remote access model and implementation. 223-227 - Dmitry A. Tkachenko, Nickolay Kornet, Alexander Lagunov, Denis Kravtsov, Andrey Kurbanov, Rajesh Khandelwal, Luyang Li:
A possible extension for iDTV platform to support interactions with home appliances. 228-232 - Janne Lahti, Kostas Pentikousis, Marko Palola:
MobiCon: mobile video recording with integrated annotations and DRM. 233-237 - Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Shyam Kapadia:
An evaluation of location-demographic replacement policies for zebroids. 238-242 - Haswani Binti Che Wook, Toshihiko Komine, Shinichiro Haruyama, Masao Nakagawa:
Visible light communication with LED-based traffic lights using 2-dimensional image sensor. 243-247 - Koichi Emura, Makoto Yasugi, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Seiya Miyazaki, Sachiko Motoike:
Creating mobile animation messages without authoring. 248-252 - Cory D. Kidd, Cynthia Breazeal:
Designing a sociable robot system for weight maintenance. 253-257 - Matthew M. H. Chan, Vincent W. L. Tam, King-Shan Lui:
BlueGame - a bluetooth enabled multi-player and multi-platform game: an experience report. 258-261 - Sadhna Ahuja, Tao Wu, Ora Lassila:
Using the semantic web to enhance the digital living experience. 262-266 - Kevin Curran
, Sheila McKinney, Fergus Burns, Gary Meredith:
Scheduled RSS feeds for streaming multimedia to the desktop using RSS enclosures. 267-271 - Zhu Liu, David C. Gibbon, Behzad Shahraray:
Multimedia content acquisition and processing in the MIRACLE system. 272-276 - David C. Gibbon, Zhu Liu, Behzad Shahraray:
The MIRACLE video search engine. 277-281 - Jennifer Golbeck, James A. Hendler
FilmTrust: movie recommendations using trust in web-based social networks. 282-286 - Yoji Yamato, Hiroshi Sunaga:
Peer-to-peer content searching method using evaluation of semantic vectors. 287-291 - Patrick Seeling
, Martin Reisslein
, Frank H. P. Fitzek:
Layered video coding offset distortion traces for trace-based evaluation of video quality after network transport. 292-296 - Sathya Narayanan, Shivendra S. Panwar:
When two-hop meets VoFi. 297-302 - Ou Yang, Jianhua Lu:
New scheduling and CAC scheme for real-time video application in fixed wireless networks. 303-307 - Norihiro Fukumoto, Hideaki Yamada, Hisashi Kawai:
Evaluation result of transmission control mechanism for multimedia streams based on the multi-RTCP scheme over multiple IP-based networks. 308-313 - Xin Liu, Jun Wang, Son T. Vuong:
A peer-to-peer framework for cost-effective on-demand media streaming. 314-318 - Eunsoo Shim, Sathya Narayanan:
On scalable multimedia messaging services in peer-to-peer networks. 319-324 - Carlo Fischione, Alvise Bonivento, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
, Fortunato Santucci
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Performance analysis of collaborative spatio-temporal processing for wireless sensor networks. 325-329 - Akhtar Rahman Al Eimon, Choong Seon Hong
, Tatsuya Suda:
EAREC: energy aware routing with efficient clustering for sensor networks. 330-335 - Jens Eliasson, Magnus Lundberg, Per Lindgren:
Time synchronous Bluetooth sensor networks. 336-340 - Xiaobing Hou, David Tipper
, Shuju Wu:
Traffic-aware gossip-based energy conservation for wireless ad hoc and sensor network routing. 341-345 - Dongkyun Kim, Joungsik Kim
, Ki-Hyung Kim:
An energy-efficient data gathering technique using multiple paths in wireless sensor networks. 346-350 - Faycal Bouhafs
, Madjid Merabti, Hala M. Mokhtar:
A semantic clustering routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. 351-355 - Elvis M. Vieira, Michael Bauer:
The variation in RTT of smooth TCP. 361-365 - Hamada Alshaer, Eric Horlait:
Expedited forwarding end-to-end delay budget partitioning. 366-370 - Davy Darche, René Kopp, Bertrand Mazières, Francis Lepage, Eric Gnaedinger:
Using SCTP to improve performances of hybrid broadcast/telecommunication network system. 371-375 - Dai Bin, Furong Wang, Ke Jinshui:
Performance analysis of signaling using SigComp scheme in narrowband system. 376-379 - Shiao-Li Tsao, Tai-Xing Yu:
Reducing voice over WLAN call setup delay under limited access point buffer. 380-384 - Guijin Wang, Satoshi Futemma, Masato Kawada, Eisaburo Itakura:
Practical rate control for video over WLAN. 385-389 - Minyoung Sung, Namhyun Yun:
A MAC parameter optimization scheme for IEEE 802.11e-based multimedia home networks. 390-394 - Behçet Sarikaya, Xiao (Abbot) Zheng, Timuçin Özugur:
Analysis of soft-state user tracking of wireless LAN hosts for VoIP. 395-400 - Jenq-Shiou Leu, Wei-Kuan Shih, Yuan-Po Chi:
Improving AAA message forwarding lookup latency for WLAN roaming in cellular/PWLAN environment. 401-405 - Yang Xiao
Performance analysis of an energy saving mechanism in the IEEE 802.16e wireless MAN. 406-410 - Kun-da Wu, Wanjiun Liao
Interference-efficient topology control in wireless ad hoc networks. 411-415 - Yang Li, Hong Man:
A proactive direction based routing for directional ad hoc networks. 416-420 - Kwan Shek Lau, Derek C. W. Pao
Tree-based versus gossip-based reliable multicast in wireless ad hoc networks. 421-425 - Unghee Lee, Scott F. Midkiff
, Tao Lin:
OSPF-MCDS-MC: a routing protocol for multi-channel wireless ad-hoc networks. 426-430 - Salem Hadim, Jameela Al-Jaroodi, Nader Mohamed:
Middleware issues and approaches for mobile ad hoc networks. 431-436 - Rong Yu, Gang Wang, Shunliang Mei:
Designing energy efficient routing scheme with delay constraint for wireless sensor networks. 437-441 - Sung-Min Lee, Hyun-Gyoo Yook, S. Jae Oh, Sehee Han:
Guest access: change even your mother into an effective security technician. 442-447 - Olli Karppinen, Olli Alanen, Timo Hämäläinen:
Multicast access control concept for xDSL-customers. 448-452 - Hong Zhou:
STT-vegas: a simple single-trip time based modification of Vegas. 453-457 - Min Kyu Park, Kue-Hwan Sihn, Jun Ho Jeong:
A statistical method of packet loss type discrimination in wired-wireless networks. 458-462 - Guangxi Zhu, Guoqin Ning, Renyong Wu, Xiaofeng Lu:
Load balancing based on velocity and position in multitier cellular system. 463-467 - Yean-Fu Wen, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin:
The top load balanced forest routing in mesh networks. 468-472 - Pouyan Amirshahi, S. Mohammad Navidpour, Mohsen Kavehrad:
Fountain codes for impulsive noise correction in low-voltage indoor power-line broadband communications. 473-477 - Celestino A. Corral, Shahriar Emami, Gregg Rasor:
Ultra-wideband peak and average power limits. 478-481 - Vladimir M. Vishnevsky
, Andrey I. Lyakhov, Alexander A. Safonov, Shaomin S. Mo, Alexander D. Gelman:
Beaconing in distributed control wireless PAN: problems and solutions. 482-486 - Dharmaraja Rajan:
Configuration management architecture in distributed VoIP network. 487-491 - Mehdi Sabeur, Badii Jouaber, Djamal Zeghlache
Low latency handoff for nested mobile networks. 492-496 - Sangjae Lee, Chunglae Cho, Intark Han:
Ftth residential gateway And IP tuner for IPTV service. 497-501 - Alan Brown, Mario Kolberg
, Dennis Bushmitch, Gennady Lomako, Matthew Ma:
A SIP-based OSGi device communication service for mobile personal area networks. 502-508 - Jordi Agud Ruiz, Jiang Xu, Shigeru Shimamoto:
Propagation characteristics of intra-body communications for body area networks. 509-513 - Frank T. H. den Hartog, M. E. Peeters:
A concrete example of a personal network architecture. 514-518 - Luca Negri, Jan Beutel
, Matthias Dyer:
The power consumption of Bluetooth scatternets. 519-523 - Sajjad Zarifzadeh, Amir Nayyeri, Nasser Yazdani, Caro Lucas:
Consumer oriented state aggregation using reinforcement learning approach. 524-530 - Xiaoyuan Gu, Dirk Markwardt, Lars C. Wolf, Xiaoming Fu
Principles and experiments of explicit delay control. 531-537 - Nguyen Nguyen, En-Hui Yang:
End-to-end loss discrimination for improved throughput performance in heterogeneous networks. 538-542 - HyunRyong Lee, Sungtae Moon, JongWon Kim, DaeWoo Joe:
UPnP-based QoSagent for QoS-guaranteed streaming service in home networks. 543-547 - Yang Xiao
, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Adaptive ACK schemes of the IEEE 802.15.3 MAC for the ultra-wideband system. 548-552 - Timo Lunttila, Sassan Iraji, Heikki Berg:
Advanced coding schemes for a multiband OFDM ultrawideband system towards 1 Gbps. 553-557 - Ramakant S. Komali, Allen B. MacKenzie
Distributed topology control in ad-hoc networks: a game theoretic perspective. 563-568 - Haitao Lin, Prabir Das:
A distributed overload control framework for revenue maximization in wireless switches. 569-573 - Swarup Mandal, Debashis Saha
, Mainak Chatterjee:
Pricing wireless network services using smart market models. 574-578 - N. Sai Shankar:
Pricing for spectrum usage in cognitive radios. 579-582 - Chonho Lee, Junichi Suzuki:
An autonomic adaptation mechanism for decentralized grid applications. 583-589 - Steven Davy
, Keara Barrett
, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Sven van der Meer
, Brendan Jennings
, John Strassner:
Policy-based architecture to enable autonomic communications - a position paper. 590-594 - Holger Claussen
, Lester T. W. Ho
, Hamid Reza Karimi, Francis J. Mullany, Louis G. Samuel:
I, base station: Cognisant robots and future wireless access networks. 595-599 - Maurice D. Mulvenna
, Chris D. Nugent
, Xiaoyuan Gu, Mary Shapcott, Jonathan G. Wallace
, Suzanne Martin:
Using context prediction for self-management in ubiquitous computing environments. 600-604 - Chia-Kai Liang
, Chia Chu Liu, Homer H. Chen
A robust DRM system on the DVB multimedia home platform. 605-609 - Jinhong K. Guo, Stephen Johnson, Il-Pyung Park:
An operating system security method for integrity and privacy protection in consumer electronics. 610-614 - John F. Buford, I. P. Park, Greg Perkins:
Social certificates and trust negotiation. 615-619 - Zhaoyu Liu, Dichao Peng:
True random number generator in RFID systems against traceability. 620-624 - Qiwei Wang, Haitao Zheng:
Route and spectrum selection in dynamic spectrum networks. 625-629 - Yiping Xing, Chetan Nanjunda Mathur, Mohamed A. Haleem
, Rajarathnam Chandramouli
, K. P. Subbalakshmi
Real-time secondary spectrum sharing with QoS provisioning. 630-634 - Gabriela F. Cretu, Janak J. Parekh, Ke Wang, Salvatore J. Stolfo:
Intrusion and anomaly detection model exchange for mobile ad-hoc networks. 635-639 - Rodrigo Roman, Jianying Zhou, Javier López
Applying intrusion detection systems to wireless sensor networks. 640-644
Volume 2
- V. Michael Bove Jr.:
Message for the General Chair. iii - Heather Yu:
Greetings from the Technical Program Chair. iv - Miguel Elias M. Campista
, Luís Henrique M. K. Costa
, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte:
Improving the multiple access method of CSMA/CA home networks. 645-649 - Chi-Hsiang Yeh:
Distributed collision-controlled MAC protocols without dialogues for mobile multihop networking and WLANS with crowded APs/MPs. 650-655 - Yukimasa Nagai, Yoshihiko Shirokura, Hiroyuki Nakase, Hiroshi Oguma, Yoji Isota, Fumio Ishizu, Kazuo Tsubouchi:
Implementation of 324Mbps WLAN equipment with MAC frame aggregation for high MAC-SAP throughput. 656-660 - Roger Pierre Fabris Hoefel:
Goodput and delay cross-layer analysis of IEEE 802.11a networks over block fading channels. 661-665 - Bo Sun, Zhi Chen, Ruhai Wang, Fei Richard Yu, Victor C. M. Leung
Towards adaptive anomaly detection in cellular mobile networks. 666-670 - Dijiang Huang
, Amit Sinha, Deep Medhi:
On providing confidentiality in link state routing protocol. 671-675 - Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Alberto Ferrante
, Vincenzo Piuri:
Scheduling small packets in IPSec-based systems. 676-680 - Tobias Harks, Tobias Poschwatta:
On user strategies in a network implementing congestion pricing. 681-685 - Chihong Cho, Masao Nakagawa, Honggang Zhang, Zheng Zhou:
PSWF-based direct-sequence UWB transmission using orthogonal ternary code sets. 686-690 - C. Duan, G. Pekhteryev, J. Fang, Yves-Paul Nakache, Jinyun Zhang, K. Tajima, Y. Nishioka, H. Hirai:
Transmitting multiple HD video streams over UWB links. 691-695 - Hiroyo Ogawa:
24-GHz ultra-wideband short-range impulse radar for vehicular applications. 696-700 - Anuj Batra, Jaiganesh Balakrishnan:
Improvements to the multi-band ofdm physical layer. 701-705 - Rajesh Prasad, Hongyi Wu:
Minimum-cost gateway deployment in cellular Wi-Fi networks. 706-710 - Kevin A. Kwiat:
Bringing the economic model to the human-computer interface. 711-714 - Nilanjan Banerjee, Shantanu Biswas, Suresh K. Chintada:
A game-theoretic analysis of converged cellular-VoIP services. 715-719 - Wei Wang, Xin Liu:
A framework for maximum capacity in multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks. 720-724 - Luca Sanna Randaccio, Luigi Atzori, Nicola Aste:
Routing multiple multicast services using genetic algorithms. 725-729 - Nakjung Choi, Jiho Ryu, Yongho Seok, Yanghee Choi, Ted Taekyoung Kwon:
Unicast-friendly multicast in IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. 730-734 - Keuntae Park, Yongjin Choi, Donggook Kim, Daeyeon Park:
MTCP: a transmission control protocol for multi-provider environment. 735-739 - Kai-Chien Chang, Wanjiun Liao
TCP fairness in ethernet over passive optical networks (EPON). 740-744 - Bin Feng, Guangxi Zhu, Wenyu Liu
Fast adaptive inter mode decision method for P slices in H.264. 745-748 - Patrick Seeling
, Martin Reisslein
Video pricing for wireless networks. 749-753 - Gianluca Bailo, Massimo Bariani, Andrea Chiappori, Fabio Sguanci:
H.264 search window size algorithm for fast and efficient video coding with single pixel precision and no background estimation for motion detection. 754-757 - Shiao-Li Tsao, Chung-Huei Huang, Tzu-Ming Lin:
Energy conserving packet transmission schemes for video and voice over WLAN. 758-762 - Nithya Gnanapandithan, Balasubramaniam Natarajan
Parallel genetic algorithm based optimal fusion in sensor networks. 763-767 - Jae-Ryong Cha, Jae-Hyun Kim:
Dynamic framed slotted ALOHA algorithms using fast tag estimation method for RFID system. 768-772 - Christopher K. Nguyen, Anup Kumar:
A wireless-sensor-network energy-efficient medium-access-control protocol with overhearing avoidance. 773-777 - Michael I. Brownfield, Kaveh Mehrjoo, Almohonad S. Fayez, Nathaniel J. Davis IV:
Wireless sensor network energy-adaptive mac protocol. 778-782 - Hong Cheng, Takako Sanda, Toyoki Ue:
Mobility support in qos signaling of multiple path sessions. 783-787 - Brijesh Kumar, Mahfuzur Rahman:
Mobility support for universal plug and play (UPnP) devices using session initiation protocol (SIP). 788-792 - Rami Langar, Samir Tohmé, Nizar Bouabdallah, Guy Pujolle:
On the analysis of micro mobile mpls access networks: the fast handoff and the forwarding chain mechanisms. 793-797 - John F. Buford, Alan Kaplan, Vipul Bhasin:
Transparent roaming between instant messaging and presence service providers in wireless networks. 798-802 - Octavio Ramirez Rojas, Jalel Ben-Othman
, Safouane Sfar:
VIP (VHE in mobile IP networks) architecture. 803-807 - Miguel A. Melnyk, Admela Jukan:
An analysis of session setup time in internet multimedia subsystem (IMS) with EV-DO (rev. a) wireless links. 808-812 - Kevin Curran
, Keith Smith:
A location based wireless tourist guide. 813-817 - Robert Brännström
, Ruwini E. Kodikara, Christer Åhlund
, Arkady B. Zaslavsky:
Mobility management for multiple diverse applications in heterogeneous wireless networks. 818-822 - Yi-Wen Lan, Jyh-Cheng Chen:
Asymptotic weighted fair queuing (AWFQ) for IEEE 802.11 point coordination function (PCF). 823-827 - Abdelbasset Trad
, Farukh Munir, Hossam Afifi:
Capacity evaluation of VoIP in IEEE 802.11e WLAN environment. 828-832 - Liang Cheng, Shivajit Mohapatra, Magda El Zarki, Nikil D. Dutt
, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
A backlight optimization scheme for video playback on mobile devices. 833-837 - Liqiao Han, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Hang Liu, Kumar Ramaswamy:
Cross layer optimization for scalable video multicast over 802.11 WLANs. 838-843 - Tomoya Urushihara, Takenori Sakamoto, Kentaro Miyano, Katsuaki Abe, Takashi Matsuoka:
Performance analysis of adaptive modulation algorithm using pseudo bit error rate on IEEE 802.11a. 844-848 - Yi-Chen Chen:
Optimum and joint-suboptimum maximum-likelihood detection for FH/BFSK in multitone jamming. 849-853 - Elias Nemer:
Effective multi-mode equalization for ATSC receivers. 854-858 - Hossein Dehghan, Sam Heidari:
Blind iterative linear cancellation of multipath for terrestrial digital television receivers. 859-863 - Derek C. W. Pao
, Cutson Liu:
Parallel tree search: an algorithmic approach for multi-field packet classification. 864-868 - Haihua Liu, Changsheng Xie, Yi Lei, Zhouhui Chen:
Moving object segmentation based on wavelet transform and fuzzy clustering. 869-873 - Dirceu Cavendish:
Consumer electronics ethernet networks. 874-882 - Geoffrey M. Garner, Feifei Feng, Eric H. S. Ryu, Kees den Hollander:
Timing and synchronization for audio/video applications in a converged residential ethernet network. 883-887 - Feifei Feng, Hyunsurk Ryu, Kees den Hollander:
End-to-end stream establishment in consumer home networks. 888-891 - Mohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri:
Optimal 3-dimensional sensor deployment strategy. 892-896 - Pouyan Amirshahi, Mohsen Kavehrad:
Broadband access over medium and low voltage power-lines and use of white light emitting diodes for indoor communications. 897-901 - Amit Dvir
, Yehuda Ben-Shimol, Yoav Ben-Yehezkel, Michael Segal
Automated antenna positioning for wireless networks. 902-906 - Özdemir Akin, Salih Ergüt, Ramesh R. Rao:
Client side active queue management for 3g cellular networks. 907-912 - J. N. Portela, Marcelo S. Alencar
Cellular network as a multiplicatively weighted voronoi diagram. 913-917 - Polychronis Koutsakis
, H. Papadakis, Moisis Vafiadis:
Downlink scheduling and call admission control for voice, video, wap and sms traffic over high capacity wireless picocellular networks. 918-922 - Marc Danzeisen, Torsten Braun
, Isabel Steiner, Marc Heissenbüttel:
Simulations on heterogeneous networking with CAHN. 923-927 - Robert Akl, Son Nguyen:
Capacity allocation in multi-cell umts networks for different spreading factors with perfect and imperfect power control. 928-932 - Osama A. Lotfallah, Sethuraman Panchanathan:
Scalable video streaming to heterogeneous receivers. 933-937 - Junaid Afzal, Thomas Stockhammer
, Tiago Gasiba
, Wen Xu:
System design options for video broadcasting over wireless networks. 938-943 - Wei Liu, E. K. Park:
Wireless video services solution and management framework. 944-948 - Ehsan Maani, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
Joint source-channel coding and power allocation for video transmission over wireless fading channels. 949-953 - Markus Kampmann, Christoph Plum:
Stream switching for 3GPP PSS compliant adaptive wireless video streaming. 954-958 - Mohamed Khalil Watfa, Sesh Commuri:
An energy efficient 3-dimensional wireless sensor cover. 959-963 - Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, Vahid R. Arbab, Mohammad Reza Pakravan:
Estimation error minimization in sensor networks with mobile agents. 964-968 - Nauman Aslam, William Robertson, Shyamala C. Sivakumar, William J. Phillips:
Reservation based medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks. 969-973 - Suet-Fei Li:
Wireless sensor actuator network for light monitoring and control application. 974-978 - Steve Warren, Emil Jovanov
The need for rules of engagement applied to wireless body area networks. 979-983 - Sasan Adibi, Shervin Erfani:
A multipath routing survey for mobile ad-hoc networks. 984-988 - Adrian Dusa, Geert Deconinck
, Ronnie Belmans:
Dependable communication middleware for residential electrical installations. 989-993 - Sari Järvinen
, Jukka-Pekka Laulajainen, Tiia Sutinen, Sami Sallinen:
QoS-Aware real-time video encoding How to Improve the User Experience of a Gaming-on-Demand Service. 994-997 - Yasuhiro Yuki, Nobuhiro Kambe, Tomoaki Maruyama, Akino Inoue:
An efficient approach for providing update information among networked appliances. 998-1002 - Paul Gilbertson, Reuben Edwards, Paul Coulton:
Converging computer and home entertainment devices in the consumer media network environment. 1003-1007 - Kuo-Wei Hsu:
Design a jini-based service broker for home networking. 1008-1012 - Yaron Weinsberg, Elan Pavlov, Yossi Amir, Gilad Gat, Sharon Wulff:
Putting it on the NIC: A case study on application offloading to a network interface card (NIC). 1013-1017 - Ahmad Hatami, Kaveh Pahlavan:
Comparative statistical analysis of indoor positioning using empirical data and indoor radio channel models. 1018-1022 - Zhizhi Zhou, Hao Wang, Jin Zhou, Li Tang, Kai Li, Weibo Zheng, Meiqi Fang:
Pigeon: a framework for testing peer-to-peer massively multiplayer online games over heterogeneous network. 1028-1032 - Qijun Gu, Kun Bai, Hai Wang, Peng Liu, Chao-Hsien Chu
Modeling of pollution in p2p file sharing systems. 1033-1037 - Szu-Lin Su, Yi-Jen Chiu:
Adaptive IQ imbalance compensation scheme with frequency offset for communication channel. 1038-1042 - Dongsong Zeng, Amir I. Zaghloul, Annamalai Annamalai, E. F. Charles LaBerge:
UWB interference to narrowband receivers. 1043-1047 - Li Zou:
Detection of the guard interval length in OFDM systems. 1048-1051 - Hung-Ta Pai:
Limited feedback for antenna selection in MIMO-OFDM systems. 1052-1056 - Eric William Burger, Ophir Frieder:
Network traffic reduction for transport of user signaling information. 1057-1062 - Eiji Kawai, Suguru Yamaguchi, Tomohisa Akafuji, Keishi Kandori:
A framework of a content distribution service synchronized with tv broadcasting programs. 1063-1067 - Jun Sung Park, Hyo Jung Song:
Fast selective intra mode decision in H.264/AVC. 1068-1072 - Kazuomi Kato, Tetsuji Yamamoto, Teruto Hirota, Masashige Mizuyama:
Embedded linux technologies to develop mobile phones for the mainstream market. 1073-1077 - Craig Janssen, Michael Pearce, Shriram Kollipara:
Appbus: providing short term memory for mobile devices. 1078-1082 - Alan Messer, Henry Song, Praveen Kumar, Phuong Nguyen, Anugeetha Kunjithapatham, Mithun Sheshagiri:
Interplay: a middleware for integration of devices, services and contents in the home networking environment. 1083-1087 - Shamim Ara Shawkat, Mohammad Shah Alam, Mitsuji Matsumoto:
An efficient selective-repeat arq scheme for half-duplex infrared links under high bit error rate conditions. 1088-1092 - John Fitzpatrick, Seán Murphy, John Murphy:
An approach to transport layer handover of VoIP over WLAN. 1093-1097 - Kevin Curran
, Aiden R. Doherty
Automated broadcast media monitoring using the google API. 1098-1102 - Eunsam Kim
, Jonathan C. L. Liu:
Efficient scheduling schemes for hd-quality content distribution. 1103-1108 - XuanTung Hoang, Younghee Lee:
Dual parent multicast graph for failure resilient peer-to-peer multimedia streaming. 1109-1113 - Qusay H. Mahmoud
, Zhixin Wang:
Customizing and delivering mobile services using software agents and CC/PP. 1114-1118 - Chi-Cheng Peter Chu, Xiaoyong Su, B. S. Prabhu, Rajit Gadh, Swetha Kurup, Sridhar Gangadharpalli, Sridhar Varadarajan:
Mobile DRM for multimedia content commerce in P2P networks. 1119-1123 - Bin B. Zhu, Yang Yang, Shipeng Li
An efficient key scheme for multiple access of JPEG 2000 and motion JPEG 2000 enabling truncations. 1124-1128 - John F. Buford, Rakesh Kumar:
Analysis of using java card for DRM master key security. 1129-1133 - Peining Tao, Ahmet M. Eskicioglu:
A method for image recovery in the DFT domain. 1134-1138 - Sang Gyoo Sim, Yun Sang Oh:
New DRM model in distributed environments. 1139-1143 - Benjamin Falchuk, David Gorton, Dave Marples:
Enabling revenue-generating digital content distribution for telecom carriers. 1144-1148 - Michel Pawlak:
Towards a digital rights management first class citizen. 1149-1152 - Jinsul Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, Won Ryu, Byung Sun Lee:
Multimedia convergence service using multi-functional systems : 3D virtual monitoring with dynamic voice and video over IP based on SIP. 1153-1157 - Alessandro Amoroso, Marco Masotti:
Lightweight steganography on smartphones. 1158-1162 - Ying Peng Que, Paul Boustead, Farzad Safaei
Minimising the computational cost of providing a mobile immersive communication environment (MICE). 1163-1167 - Silvia Mirri, Paola Salomoni, Daniele Pantieri:
RMob: transcoding rich multimedia contents through web services. 1168-1172 - Alok Nandan, Saurabh Tewari, Shirshanka Das, Leonard Kleinrock:
Modeling epidemic query dissemination in adtorrent network. 1173-1177 - Siu Fung Yeung, John C. S. Lui, Jiangchuan Liu, Jeff Yan:
Detecting cheaters for multiplayer games: theory, design and implementation[1]. 1178-1182 - Stefano Ferretti
, Claudio E. Palazzi
, Marco Roccetti
, Giovanni Pau
, Mario Gerla:
Buscar el levante por el poniente: in search of fairness through interactivity in massively multiplayer online games. 1183-1187 - Abdennour El Rhalibi, Madjid Merabti:
Interest management and scalability issues in P2P MMOG. 1188-1192 - Yanni Ellen Liu, Jing Wang, Michael Kwok, Jeff Diamond, Michel Toulouse
Capability of IEEE 802.11g networks in supporting multi-player online games. 1193-1198 - Jeremy Brun, Farzad Safaei
, Paul Boustead:
Fairness and playability in online multiplayer games. 1199-1203 - Vittorio Ghini, Stefano Cacciaguerra
, Fabio Panzieri, Paola Salomoni:
A hidden proxy for seamless & ABC multimedia mobile blogging. 1204-1208 - Marco Furini
, Vittorio Ghini:
An audio-video summarization scheme based on audio and video analysis. 1209-1213 - Stefano Cacciaguerra
, Silvia Mirri
, Paola Salomoni, Marco Pracucci:
Wandering about the city, multi-playing a game. 1214-1218 - Carsten Griwodz, Knut-Helge Vik, Pål Halvorsen:
Multicast tree reconfiguration in distributed interactive applications. 1219-1223 - Ole-Ivar Holthe, Leif Arne Rønningen:
Video browsing techniques for web interfaces. 1224-1228 - Leslie S. Liu, Roger Zimmermann
Immersive peer-to-peer audio streaming platform for massive online games. 1229-1233 - Alessandro Bazzi
, Marco Diolaiti, Claudio Gambetti, Gianni Pasolini
WLAN call admission control strategies for voice traffic over integrated 3G/WLAN networks. 1234-1238 - Mylene Pischella:
Handover probability database for optimization of mobility between UMTS and WLAN. 1239-1243 - Bo Zhou, Qi Shi, Madjid Merabti:
A framework for intrusion detection in heterogeneous environments. 1244-1248 - Nidal Nasser
A theoretical approach for service provider decision in heterogeneous wireless networks. 1249-1252 - Nicola Aste, Luigi Atzori, Luca Sanna Randaccio, Alessandro Giua
Power management in iBSS wireless networks: selective awakening of doze stations. 1253-1257 - Madhusudhan R. Musku, Anthony T. Chronopoulos
, Dimitrie C. Popescu:
Joint rate and power control using game theory. 1258-1262 - Hassan Hassan, Jean-Marie Garcia, Olivier Brun:
Session scheduling in sip based network. 1263-1267 - Young Sil Choi, Illsoo Sohn, Kwang Bok Lee:
A novel decentralized time slot allocation algorithm in dynamic TDD system. 1268-1272 - Dimitris Vassis, George Kormentzas:
Throughput analysis for IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks under the hidden terminal problem. 1273-1276 - Stan Moyer:
When applications can roam freely. 1277 - Jean Baronas:
New models for standards development in the ce industry. 1278 - Stephen Palm:
Who owns the home network? 1279 - Stan Moyer:
The home gateway initiative. 1280 - Patrick Mannion:
Integrating UWB in consumer devices. 1281 - Sameer S. Kulkarni, Syed Lutfi Ali:
Redefining connectivity: unifying mobile communication with the internet. 1282-1283 - Ling-Jyh Chen
, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, Mario Gerla:
USHA: a simple and practical seamless vertical handoff solution. 1284-1285 - Ellen Badinelli:
Scanavert: detection and alarm against ingredient harm. 1286-1287 - Patrice Hirtzlin, Samuel Guillouard:
Demonstration of a multiple hd video stream wireless transmission. 1288-1289 - Walter Dan Stiehl, Jeff Lieberman, Cynthia Breazeal, Louis Basel, Roshni Cooper, Heather Knight, Levi Lalla, Allan Z. Maymin, Scott Purchase:
The huggable: a therapeutic robotic companion for relational, affective touch. 1290-1291 - Hideo Yoshimi, Nobuyuki Enomoto, Chinryu Sai, Kazuo Takagi, Atsushi Iwata:
Proposal & demonstration of a new remote home-access system, softwire. 1292-1293 - Shin Saito, Kuniaki Kurihara, Masaaki Isozu, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Keiji Akiyama, Satoshi Konya:
Wireless (UWB) multi-hop CE network demonstration. 1294 - Nobuhide Nishiyama, Kenichi Nishikawa, Yoshihiro Nakamura, Fumihiko Ito:
Knowledge base design for network service composition using semantic web languages. 1295-1296 - Andreas Arnold, Thomas Stockhammer
, Wen Xu, Junaid Afzal, Christian Buchner:
Demonstration of MBMS video streaming over GERAN. 1297-1298 - Hossein Dehghan, Sam Heidari:
Demonstration of a terrestrial tv receiver with optimized equalizer. 1299-1300 - Tony Sun, Ling-Jyh Chen
, Arbi J. Sarkissian, Guang Yang, Simon Han, Mario Gerla:
Path capacity estimation in IEEE 802.15.4 enabled wireless sensor network via senprobe. 1301-1302 - Gennady Lomako, I. P. Park, Stephen Johnson:
Cryptographic consumer electronic devices filesystems performance. 1303-1304 - Ole-Ivar Holthe, Leif Arne Rønningen:
Web browser plug-in prototype for advanced graphics and multimedia. 1305-1306 - Taleb Moazzeni:
A wireless propagation channel model with meteorological quantities using neural networks. 1307-1309 - Jun Wang, Hui Deng, Pengyu He:
Cross-antenna decoding for the LDPC coded space-time system. 1310-1311 - A. Karygiannis, E. Antonakakis:
mLab: An ad hoc network test bed. 1312-1313 - Jennifer Golbeck:
Filmtrust: movie recommendations from semantic web-based social networks. 1314-1315 - Thomas Roslak
Navigation for visually impaired - leveraging ad hoc RF environmental sensing. 1316-1317 - Jinsul Kim, Hyun-Woo Lee, Won Ryu, Hyunsang Ahn, Seongju Jang, Minsu Hahn:
Pervasive application system with convergence network : using VoIP/MMoIP services. 1318-1319 - Changseok Bae, Yuk Ying Chung, Xiaoming Chen, Ahmed Fawzi Otoom
A new error resilient coding schemes for the home entertainment video. 1320-1321 - Yuk Ying Chung, Xiaoming Chen:
A study of clustering algorithm for wavelet-based image retrieval system. 1322-1323 - Marcin Matuszewski, Nicklas Beijar, Juuso Lehtinen, Tuomo Hyyryläinen:
Mobile peer-to-peer content sharing application. 1324-1325 - Oladayo Salami, H. Anthony Chan:
Iterative probabilistic scheduling of IP traffic. 1326-1327 - Shoshana Loeb, Benjamin Falchuk, Mark W. Garrett, Abdelhakim Hafid, K. Kim, K. R. Krishnan, David Shallcross:
Impact of services on network capacity: tool for seamless integration of service and network modeling. 1328-1329 - Yuki Yokohata, Yoji Yamato, Michiharu Takemoto, Erika Tanaka, Kenya Nishiki, Takeshi Okuda, Yuuichi Teranishi:
Context-aware content-provision service for shopping malls based on ubiquitous service-oriented network framework and authentication and access control agent framework. 1330-1331 - Mario Kolberg
, Evan H. Magill:
Programming a PVR with pen and paper. 1332-1333 - Gustavo Marfia
, Daniela Maniezzo, Giovanni Pau
Fast-FMS: fast multimedia across 3g mobile networks. 1334

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