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ICIP 2001: Thessaloniki, Greece
- Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2001, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 7-10, 2001. IEEE 2001, ISBN 0-7803-6725-1
Volume 1
- George Metakides:
Challenges for a human-centered information society. 1-2 - Michael Elad, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
On sparse signal representations. 3-6 - Emmanuel J. Candès:
The curvelet transform for image denoising. 7 - Albert Cohen, Basarab Matei:
Compact representation of images by edge adapted multiscale transforms. 8-11 - Erwan Le Pennec, Stéphane Mallat:
Bandelet representations for image compression. 12 - Michael T. Orchard:
On modeling location uncertainty in images. 13 - Pier Luigi Dragotti, Minh N. Do
, Rahul Shukla, Martin Vetterli:
On the compression of two-dimensional piecewise smooth functions. 14-17 - Aleksandra Mojsilovic, Bernice E. Rogowitz:
Capturing image semantics with low-level descriptors. 18-21 - Yanping Du, James Ze Wang:
A scalable integrated region-based image retrieval system. 22-25 - Patrick Lambert, Horia Grecu:
Image retrieval by partial queries. 26-29 - Nagaaki Ohyama, Toshio Uchiyama, Masahiro Yamaguchi, Naoki Mukawa, Hiroshi Kaneko:
Multispectral image retrieval using vector quantization. 30-33 - Yunqiang Chen, Xiang Sean Zhou, Thomas S. Huang:
One-class SVM for learning in image retrieval. 34-37 - Ebroul Izquierdo, Jun Feng:
A hierarchical approach for low-access latency image indexing and retrieval. 38-41 - Janghyun Yoon, Nikil Jayant:
Relevance feedback for semantics based image retrieval. 42-45 - Jing Peng:
A multi-class relevance feedback approach to image retrieval. 46-49 - Josef Kittler, Kieron Messer, Mohammad Sadeghi:
Segmentation of lip pixels for lip tracker initialisation. 50-53 - Kostas Haris, Serafim N. Efstratiadis, Nikolaos Maglaveras:
Hierarchical image segmentation based on contour dynamics. 54-57 - Mohammed Ali Roula, Abbes Amira, Ahmed Bouridane, Peter Milligan, Paul Sage:
A novel technique for unsupervised texture segmentation. 58-61 - Mark Everingham, Barry T. Thomas:
Supervised segmentation and tracking of nonrigid objects using a "mixture of histograms" model. 62-65 - Bill Kapralos, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Evangelos E. Milios, John K. Tsotsos:
Eyes 'n ears face detection. 66-69 - Xiuwen Liu, DeLiang L. Wang, Anuj Srivastava:
Image segmentation using local spectral histograms. 70-73 - Heesung Kwon, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
An adaptive segmentation algorithm using iterative local feature extraction for hyperspectral imagery. 74-77 - Nilanjan Ray, Joebob P. Havlicek, Scott T. Acton, Marios S. Pattichis:
Active contour segmentation guided by AM-FM dominant component analysis. 78-81 - Julius Kusuma, Lance Doherty, Kannan Ramchandran:
Distributed compression for sensor networks. 82-85 - Iván Kopilovic, Dietmar Saupe, Raouf Hamzaoui:
Progressive fractal coding. 86-89 - Shih Tsung Liang, Jiann-Shu Lee:
Design and modeling of the generally adopted progressive image transmission regulator and its application. 90-93 - Thomas Guionnet, Christine Guillemot, Stéphane Pateux:
Embedded multiple description coding for progressive image transmission over unreliable channels. 94-97 - Vladimir Stankovic
, Dietmar Saupe, Raouf Hamzaoui:
Rate-distortion unequal error protection for fractal image codes. 98-101 - Thomas Stockhammer, Christian Weiss:
Channel and complexity scalable image transmission. 102-105 - Glen P. Abousleman, Sumohana S. Channappayya, Lina J. Karam
Image coding for transmission over multiple noisy channels using punctured convolutional codes and trellis-coded quantization. 106-109 - Pierre Seigneurbieux, Zixiang Xiong:
Progressive trellis-coded space-frequency quantization for wavelet image coding. 110-113 - Dmitry Markman, David Malah:
Hyperspectral image coding using 3D transforms. 114-117 - Maya R. Gupta, Robert M. Gray:
Color conversions using maximum entropy estimation. 118-121 - Alberto Albiol, Luis Torres, Edward J. Delp:
Optimum color spaces for skin detection. 122-124 - Joost van de Weijer
, Theo Gevers:
Color mode filtering. 125-128 - Adriana Dumitras, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Color image-based angular map-driven snakes. 129-132 - Luca Lucchese, Sanjit K. Mitra:
A new method for color image equalization. 133-136 - Todd A. Ell, Stephen J. Sangwine:
Hypercomplex Fourier transforms of color images. 137-140 - John William Glotzbach, Ronald W. Schafer, Klaus Illgner:
A method of color filter array interpolation with alias cancellation properties. 141-144 - Guorong Xuan, Wei Zhang, Peiqi Chai:
EM algorithms of Gaussian mixture model and hidden Markov model. 145-148 - Isabelle Corouge
, Christian Barillot:
Use of a probabilistic shape model for non-linear registration of 3D scattered data. 149-152 - Anuj Srivastava, Xiuwen Liu, Ulf Grenander:
Analytical models for reduced spectral representations of images. 153-156 - Haiying Guan, Chin-Seng Chua, Yeong-Khing Ho:
3D hand pose retrieval from a single 2D image. 157-160 - Xiang Sean Zhou, Baback Moghaddam, Thomas S. Huang:
ICA-based probabilistic local appearance models. 161-164 - Paul R. Hill, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah:
Statistical wavelet subband modelling for texture classification. 165-168 - George J. Mamic, Mohammed Bennamoun
Automatic Bayesian knot placement for spline fitting. 169-172 - Gloria Menegaz
DWT based non-parametric texture modeling. 173-176 - Panayotis Partsinevelos, Anthony Stefanidis, Peggy Agouris:
Automated spatiotemporal scaling for video generalization. 177-180 - Yonghong Xie, Qiang Ji:
Effective line detection with error propagation. 181-184 - Mark A. Robertson, Robert L. Stevenson:
DCT quantization noise in compressed images. 185-188 - Ahmadreza Hedayat, Aria Nosratinia:
Rate allocation criteria in source-channel coding of images. 189-192 - Qigong Zheng, Tapas Kanungo:
Morphological degradation models and their use in document image restoration. 193-196 - Kie B. Eom:
Long-correlation image models for textures with circular and elliptical correlation structures. 197-200 - André Jalobeanu, Josiane Zerubia, Nick G. Kingsbury:
Image deconvolution using hidden Markov tree modeling of complex wavelet packets. 201-204 - Bernhard Fröba, Thorsten Kastner
, Walter Zink, Christian Kiiblbeck:
Real-time active shape models for face segmentation. 205-208 - Anne Guérin-Dugué, Christophe Biernacki, Jeanny Hérault:
Statistical modelling for image retrieval using a biological model of the perceptive colour space. 209-212 - Gil Michael, Moshe Porat:
Image reconstruction from localized Fourier magnitude. 213-216 - Philip J. Bones, Nicholas D. Blakeley, Rick P. Millane:
Image recovery from irregularly located spectral samples. 217-220 - Ronaldo de Freitas Zampolo, Rui Seara, Orlando José Tobias:
Evolutionary programming in image restoration via reduced order model Kalman filtering. 221-224 - Christian Bräuer-Burchardt, Klaus Voss:
A new algorithm to correct fish-eye- and strong wide-angle-lens-distortion from single images. 225-228 - Cabir Vural, Damon L. Tull:
Identification of causal non-minimum phase blurs using output cumulants. 229-232 - Mila Nikolova:
Smoothing of outliers in image restoration by minimizing regularized objective functions with nonsmooth data-fidelity terms. 233-236 - Maurizio Pilu:
Undoing page curl distortion using applicable surfaces. 237-240 - Bruno Aiazzi, Luciano Alparone, Stefano Baronti:
Blind image estimation through fuzzy matching pursuits. 241-244 - SangKyu Kang, Jihong Min, Joon Ki Paik:
Segmentation-based spatially adaptive motion blur removal and its application to surveillance systems. 245-248 - Korrai Deergha Rao, Eugene I. Plotkin, M. N. S. Swamy:
Image restoration using a hybrid approach based on DWT and SMKF. 249-252 - Andrei Rares, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Jan Biemond:
Complex event classification in degraded image sequences. 253-256 - Patrick L. Combettes
Convex set theoretic image recovery with inexact projection algorithms. 257-260 - Sinan Gezici, Ismail Yilmaz, Ömer Nezih Gerek, A. Enis Çetin:
Image denoising using adaptive subband decomposition. 261-264 - Domenico Tegolo, Francesco Isgrò:
Scratch detection and removal from static images using simple statistics and genetic algorithms. 265-268 - George A. Triantafyllidis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Michael G. Strintzis:
Blocking artifact reduction in frequency domain. 269-272 - Hakan Öktem, Karen O. Egiazarian, Vladimir Katkovnik, Jaakko Astola:
Local adaptive transform based image denoising with varying window size. 273-276 - Mila Nikolova, Michael K. Ng:
Fast image reconstruction algorithms combining half-quadratic regularization and preconditioning. 277-280 - Stavros A. Karkanis, George D. Magoulas
, Dimitrios K. Iakovidis, Dimitrios E. Maroulis, Dimitris A. Karras
Evaluation of textural feature extraction schemes for neural network-based interpretation of regions in medical images. 281-284 - John McCloskey, Rachel Cassidy, Philip J. Morrow:
Estimating fluid flow velocities: an image analysis approach. 285-288 - Jason H. Rife, Stephen M. Rock:
Visual tracking of jellyfish in situ. 289-292 - Bento A. Brázio Correia, Roger Davies, Paulo Heleno, João Dinis:
VIP3D - an application of image processing technology for quality control in the food industry. 293-296 - Gaetano Baldini, Paola Campadelli, Raffaella Lanzarotti, Pietro Piccoli:
Automatic monitoring of waste-water in industrial plants basins. 297-300 - Masutoshi Kitaichi, Motohiko Hikoji, Miho Katagiri, Sadashi Sawamura, Takao Aoki:
A study on a radiation management system visualizing health risks from ionizing particles by CG technology. 301-304 - Fátima L. S. Nunes, Homero Schiabel
, Rodrigo Henrique Benatti, Ricardo C. Stamato, Maurício Cunha Escarpinati, Cláudio Eduardo Góes:
A method to contrast enhancement of digital dense breast images aimed to detect clustered microcalcifications. 305-308 - Farzad Kamalabadi:
High-throughput hyperspectral imaging with tomographic reconstruction for weak signal sources. 309-312 - Yoshiki Kawata, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Noriyuki Moriyama, Mitsuru Kubo, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Akira Kubota:
The results in the clinical trial of CAD system for lung cancer using helical CT images. 313-316 - G. Cuartero, Vincent Galy, Ulf Nehrbass, Vannary Meas-Yedid, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin:
Three dimensional spot detection by multiscale analysis. 317-320 - Yasuo Yamashita, Mitsuhiro Kubota:
Imaging of elastic modulus of incompressible biological soft tissue from a knowledge of displacement measurements. 321-324 - Constantinos S. Pattichis
, Christina I. Christodoulou, Marios Pattichis
, Marios Pantziaris, Andrew Nicolaides:
An integrated system for the assessment of ultrasonic imaging atherosclerotic carotid plaques. 325-328 - Fernando Tadeo Rico, Teresa Alvarez
, Yolanda Martin, Susana Pérez, Francisco Santos, Susana González, José Luis Arribas, Pastora Vega:
Classification of microorganisms using image processing techniques. 329-332 - Hiroyuki Hase, Masaaki Yoneda, Takefumi Kasamatsu, Jien Kato:
A proposal for a face plane. 333-336 - Sasadara Kaluwahandi, Yoshiaki Tadokoro:
Portable traveling support system using image processing for the visually impaired. 337-340 - Tetsuya Yuasa, Balasigamani Devaraj, Shinji Tanosaki, Hiroshi Taniguchi, Takao Akatsuka:
Reconstruction method for compensation of surface effects in transillumination laser CT. 341-344 - João M. Sanches
, Jorge S. Marques:
3D reconstruction from log-compressed Rayleigh images. 345-348 - Lucio Marcenaro, Carlo S. Regazzoni
, Gianni Vernazza:
Image stabilization algorithms for video-surveillance applications. 349-352 - J. Stepan, Marcel Jirina:
Moving object tracking in the sequence of images acquired from non-stationary camera. 353-356 - Hankyu Moon, Rama Chellappa, Azriel Rosenfeld:
Tracking of human activities using shape-encoded particle propagation. 357-360 - Rafael García, Xavier Cufí, Joan Batlle:
Detection of matchings in a sequence of underwater images through texture analysis. 361-364 - Christopher Haworth, Andrew M. Peacock, David S. Renshaw:
Performance of reference block updating techniques when tracking with the block matching algorithm. 365-368 - Jin-Sung Lee, Kwang-Yeon Rhee, Seong-Dae Kim:
Moving target tracking algorithm based on the confidence measure of motion vectors. 369-372 - Margarida Silveira
, Moisés Piedade:
MRF-motion segmentation based on dominant motion estimation and the detection of uncovered regions. 373-376 - Weiguo Zheng, Ishfaq Ahmad, Ming Lei Liou:
Adaptive motion search with elastic diamond for MPEG-4 video coding. 377-380 - Markus Latzel, John K. Tsotsos:
A robust motion detection and estimation filter for video signals. 381-384 - Yunqiang Chen, Thomas S. Huang:
Hierarchical MRF model for model-based multi-object tracking. 385-388 - Qigang Gao, Alan Parslow, Mao Tan:
Perceptual motion tracking from image sequences. 389-392 - Sascha Spors, Rudolf Rabenstein, Norbert Strobel:
Joint audio-video object tracking. 393-396 - Boris Marendic, Nikolas P. Galatsanos, Diane Bless:
New active contour algorithm for tracking vibrating vocal folds. 397-400 - Ruoyu Roy Wang, Yunqiang Chen, Thomas S. Huang:
Basis pursuit for tracking. 401-404 - Ediz Polat, Mohammed Yeasin, Rajeev Sharma:
Detecting and tracking body parts of multiple people. 405-408 - Xinding Sun, Jonathan Foote, Don Kimber, B. S. Manjunath:
Recording the region of interest from FlyCam panoramic video. 409-412 - Frédéric Jurie, Michel Dhome:
Real time tracking of 3D objects with occultations. 413-416 - Akio Yoneyama, Yasuyuki Nakajima, Hiromasa Yanagihara, Masaru Sugano:
An efficient transcoding from MPEG-2 to MPEG-1. 417-420 - Chia-Wen Lin, Yuh-Ruey Lee:
Fast algorithms for DCT-domain video transcoding. 421-424 - Kai-Tat Fung, Yui-Lam Chan, Wan-Chi Siu:
Dynamic frame skipping for high-performance transcoding. 425-428 - YongQing Liang, Yap-Peng Tan:
A new content-based hybrid video transcoding method. 429-432 - Tamer Shanableh, Mohammed Ghanbari:
Transcoding architectures for DCT-domain heterogeneous video transcoding. 433-436 - John G. Apostolopoulos, Susie J. Wee:
Secure scalable streaming enabling transcoding without decryption. 437-440 - Yingwei Chen, Zhun Zhong:
Picture-wise resource allocation in MPEG-2 decoding. 441-444 - Walid S. Ibrahim Ali, Kees van Zon:
Optimizing a random system of cascaded video processing modules by parallel evolution modeling. 445-448 - Leiming Qian, Douglas L. Jones:
Minimax disappointment criterion for video broadcasting. 449-452 - Richard J. Radke, Peter J. Ramadge, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Tomio Echigo:
Using view interpolation for low bit rate video. 453-456 - Iain E. Garden Richardson, Yafan Zhao
Adaptive algorithms for variable-complexity video coding. 457-460 - João Valentim, Paulo J. L. Nunes, Fernando Pereira:
An alternative complexity model for the MPEG-4 video verifier mechanism. 461-464 - Mark A. Masry, Sheila S. Hemami:
An analysis of subjective quality in low bit rate video. 465-468 - Kwang-deok Seo, Jae-kyoon Kim:
Fast motion vector refinement for MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 transcoding with spatial down-sampling in DCT domain. 469-472 - Yan Lu, Wen Gao, Feng Wu:
Sprite generation for frame-based video coding. 473-476 - Wen-Nung Lie, Ying-Hsiang Chen:
Dynamic rate control for MPEG-2 bit stream transcoding. 477-480 - C. Andrew Segall, Passant V. Karunaratne, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
A rate-distortion optimal video pre-processing algorithm. 481-484 - Somnath Sengupta, John M. Hannah, Peter M. Grant:
Enhancing selected facial features in very low bit rate video sequences. 485-488 - Vivek A. Sujan, Michael P. Mulqueen:
Image identification using the segmented Fourier transform and competitive training in the HAVNET neural network. 489-492 - Alexandros Dimou, Gunther Jager, Panagiotis Frangos:
Adaptive edge enhancement in SAR images training on the data vs. training on simulated data. 493-496 - Christina I. Christodoulou, Silas C. Michaelides, Constantinos S. Pattichis
, Kyriakos Kyriakou:
Classification of satellite cloud imagery based on multi-feature texture analysis and neural networks. 497-500 - Bogdan Raducanu, Manuel Graña:
On the application of morphological heteroassociative neural networks. 501-504 - Stefania Gentili:
Information update on neural tree networks. 505-508 - Hamed Shah-Hosseini, Reza Safabakhsh:
TAPCA: time adaptive self-organizing maps for adaptive principal components analysis. 509-512 - Marius Tico, Vesa Onnia
, Jukka Saarinen:
Feature selection method using neural network. 513-516 - Marcello Salmeri, Arianna Mencattini, Adelio Salsano, Emanuele Ricci:
Noise estimation in digital images using fuzzy processing. 517-520 - Petros Maragos, Vassilis Tzouvaras
, Giorgos B. Stamou:
Synthesis and applications of lattice image operators based on fuzzy norms. 521-524 - Sandor Z. Der, LipChen Alex Chan, Nasser M. Nasrabadi:
Joint compression and discrimination algorithm for clutter rejection. 525-528 - Sergio Di Bona, Ovidio Salvetti:
An efficient method to map a regular mesh into a 3D neural network. 529-532 - Eiji Nakamura, Tatsuto Murayama, Katsutoshi Sawada, Hisato Okuizumi:
RLGS profile segmentation via a SVM. 533-536 - A. Giani, Paul R. White, W. B. Collis, M. Weston:
Exploiting input space symmetries in video deinterlacing using radial basis function networks. 537-540 - Claudio Sacchi, Carlo S. Regazzoni
, Gianluca Gera, Gian Luca Foresti:
Use of neural networks for behaviour understanding in railway transport monitoring applications. 541-544 - Jacek Kowalski, Tomasz Kacprzak:
Cellular neural network based weighted median filter for real time image processing. 545-548 - Dirk Feiden, Ronald Tetzlaff
Iterative annealing: a new efficient optimization method for cellular neural networks. 549-552 - Tatsumi Watanabe, Akio Kojima, Yasuhiro Kuwahara, Toshiharu Kurosawa:
High quality color correction method combining neural networks with genetic algorithms. 553-556 - Henri Maître, Francis J. M. Schmitt, Christian Lahanier:
15 years of image processing and the fine arts. 557-561 - Alessia De Rosa, A. M. Bonacchi, Vito Cappellini, Mauro Barni:
Image segmentation and region filling for virtual restoration of artworks. 562-565 - George K. Tsolis, Dimitris K. Tsolis
, Theodore S. Papatheodorou:
A watermarking environment and a metadata digital image repository for the protection and management of digital images of the Hellenic cultural heritage. 566-569 - Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong
, Roberto Cipolla:
Reconstruction of sculpture from uncalibrated image profiles. 570-573 - Marco Andreetto, Riccardo Bernardini, Guido Maria Cortelazzo, Luca Lucchese:
Towards automatic modeling of 3D cultural heritage. 574-577 - Gabriele Guidi, Massimiliano Pieraccini, Stefano Ciofi, V. Damato, Jean-Angelo Beraldin, Carlo Atzeni:
Tridimensional digitizing of Donatello's Maddalena. 578-581 - Gabriele Baggiani, Carlo Colombo, Alberto Del Bimbo:
Advanced man-machine interface for cultural heritage. 582-585 - Nikos Nikolaidis
, Ioannis Pitas:
Digital image processing in painting restoration and archiving. 586-589 - Marc Cavazza, Steven J. Mead:
Virtual art galleries: a new kind of cultural objects? 590-593 - Sumit Kumar Nath, Eric Dubois:
A new method for removal of edge artifacts using a 2D extrapolated discrete wavelet transform with biorthogonal wavelets. 594-597 - Yi Wan, Robert D. Nowak:
A wavelet-based statistical model for image restoration. 598-601 - David B. H. Tay:
A class of lifting based integer wavelet transform. 602-605 - Manuela Feilner, Mathews Jacob, Michael Unser:
Orthogonal quincunx wavelets with fractional orders. 606-609 - Yu-Ping Wang, Qiang Wu, Kenneth R. Castleman, Zixiang Xiong:
Image enhancement using multiscale oriented wavelets. 610-613 - Justin K. Romberg, Hyeokho Choi, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Multiscale edge grammars for complex wavelet transforms. 614-617 - Rutger L. van Spaendonck, Felix C. A. Fernandes, C. Sidney Burrus:
A directional, shift insensitive, low-redundancy, wavelet transform. 618-621 - Juan Liu, Pierre Moulin:
Approximation-theoretic analysis of translation invariant wavelet expansions. 622-625 - Yunqiang Chen, Thomas S. Huang, Yong Rui:
Optimal radial contour tracking by dynamic programming. 626-629 - Shiloh L. Dockstader, A. Murat Tekalp:
Multi-view spatial integration and tracking with Bayesian networks. 630-633 - Boaz Cohen, Its'hak Dinstein:
Detection of the presence of aliasing in digital image sequences. 634-637 - Rozenn Dahyot
, Pierre Charbonnier, Fabrice Heitz:
Unsupervised statistical detection of changing objects in camera-in-motion video. 638-641 - Rama Chellappa, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury:
Robust estimation of depth and motion using stochastic approximation. 642-645 - C. Andrew Segall, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Application of the motion vector constraint to the regularized enhancement of compressed video. 646-649 - S. A. Vigus, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah:
Video object tracking using region split and merge and a Kalman filter tracking algorithm. 650-653 - Hajime Nagahara, Yasushi Yagi, Masahiko Yachida:
Resolution improving method from multi-focal omnidirectional images. 654-657 - Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Evagelia Triantafillou, Michael G. Strintzis:
Region-based color image indexing and retrieval. 658-661 - Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo, Pietro Pala:
Description and retrieval of 3D cellular structures. 662-665 - Sehwan Kim, Woontack Woo, Yo-Sung Ho:
Image retrieval using multi-scale color clustering. 666-669 - Dean S. Messing, Peter van Beek, James H. Errico:
The MPEG-7 colour structure descriptor: image description using colour and local spatial information. 670-673 - Eiji Kasutani, Akio Yamada:
The MPEG-7 color layout descriptor: a compact image feature description for high-speed image/video segment retrieval. 674-677 - Kimmo Fredriksson, Esko Ukkonen:
Faster template matching without FFT. 678-681 - Guoping Qiu, S. Sudirman:
Color image coding, indexing and retrieval using binary space partitioning tree. 682-685 - Jérôme Fournier, Matthieu Cord, Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet:
Back-propagation algorithm for relevance feedback in image retrieval. 686-689 - Jovan G. Brankov, Yongyi Yang, Miles N. Wernick:
Tomographic image reconstruction using content-adaptive mesh modeling. 690-693 - Frédéric Barbaresco:
3D echographic data segmentation and carotid artery turbulences mapping by Doppler velocimetry by a common approach based on. 694-697 - Koichi Ogawa, Jin Ohta:
Accurate image reconstruction with the source space tree algorithm (SSTA) for Compton CT. 698-701 - Pavel Kisilev, Michael Zibulevsky, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Wavelet representation and total variation regularization in emission tomography. 702-705 - Bradley P. Sutton
, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
A min-max approach to the multidimensional nonuniform FFT: application to tomographic image reconstruction. 706-709 - Shu-Yen Wan
, Eric Nung:
Seed-invariant region growing: its properties and applications to 3-D medical CT images. 710-713 - Jérémie Mattout, Jean Daunizeau, Mélanie Pélégrini-Issac, Habib Benali:
Statistical method for source localization in MEG/EEG tomographic reconstruction problem. 714-717 - Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Charles Soussen:
Closed surface reconstruction in X-ray tomography. 718-721 - Dinh-Tuan Pham:
Image segmentation using probabilistic fuzzy c-means clustering. 722-725 - Yu-Hua Gu, Vasile Gui:
Colour image segmentation using adaptive mean shift filters. 726-729 - Luciano Silva, Olga Regina Pereira Bellon, Paulo F. U. Gotardo:
Edge-based image segmentation using curvature sign maps from reflectance and range images. 730-733 - Sokratis Makrogiannis
, Iris Vanhamel, Hichem Sahli, Spiros Fotopoulos:
Scale space segmentation of color images using watersheds and fuzzy region merging. 734-737 - Jie Wei:
Image segmentation using situational DCT descriptors. 738-741 - Georgios A. Stefanou, Simon P. Wilson:
Image segmentation using the double Markov random field, with application to land use estimation. 742-745 - Luca Lucchese, Sanjit K. Mitra:
Color segmentation through independent anisotropic diffusion of complex chromaticity and lightness. 746-749 - Mark Kalman, Isaac Keslassy
, Daniel Wang, Bernd Girod:
Classification of compound images based on transform coefficient likelihood. 750-753 - Angel Domingo Sappa, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Michel Devy:
Improving a genetic algorithm segmentation by means of a fast edge detection technique. 754-757 - Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi:
Improved image thresholding for object extraction in IR images. 758-761 - Bing Ma, Sridhar Lakshmanan
, Alfred O. Hero III:
A robust Bayesian multisensor fusion algorithm for joint lane and pavement boundary detection. 762-765 - Francisco L. Valverde, Nicolás Guil, José Muñoz, Robert M. Nishikawa
, Kunio Doi:
An evaluation criterion for edge detection techniques in noisy images. 766-769 - Sanghoon Lee, Melba M. Crawford:
Unsupervised classification using spatial region growing segmentation and fuzzy training. 770-773 - Toshinao Ishii, Kazuo Kyuma:
An image segmentation and tracking method by segment scanning wave propagation network. 774-777 - Dimo T. Dimov:
Using an exact performance of Hough transform for image text segmentation. 778-781 - Wu Wei, Mingjun Wang, Zhongxiang Huang:
An automatic method of location for number-plate using color features. 782-785 - Steven Haker, Guillermo Sapiro, Allen R. Tannenbaum, Donald Washburn:
Missile tracking using knowledge-based adaptive thresholding. 786-789 - Naohiro Furukawa, Masakazu Fujio, Hiroshi Sako:
The constellation matching and its application. 790-793 - Amit Chakraborty:
A fast method for identifying graphical objects in large engineering drawings. 794-797 - Radovan Stojanovic, George D. Papadopoulos, Panagiotis Mitropulos, Manos J. Georgoudakis, Robert Alcock, Igor Djurovic:
An approach for automated inspection of wood boards. 798-801 - Robert L. Davis:
Screening of wide area search reconnaissance imagery. 802-805 - Ingo Redeke:
Image & Graphic Reader. 806-809 - Wey-Shiuan Hwang, Juyang Weng:
Incremental hierarchical discriminating regression for indoor visual navigation. 810-813 - Mehran Azimi, Panos Nasiopoulos, Rabab Kreidieh Ward:
New interactive services for digital TV. 814-817 - Karen Su, Deepa Kundur, Dimitrios Hatzinakos:
A content dependent spatially localized video watermark for resistance to collusion and interpolation attacks. 818-821 - Francisco Eugenio, Ferran Marqués, Javier Marcello:
Pixel and sub-pixel accuracy in satellite image georeferencing using an automatic contour matching approach. 822-825 - Laurent M. Mugnier
, Guy Le Besnerais:
Transfer function estimation for spaceborne telescopes. 826-829 - Frédéric Barbaresco, Bernard Monnier:
Rain clouds tracking with radar image processing based on morphological skeleton matching. 830-833 - Matthew L. Hill, Vittorio Castelli, Chung-Sheng Li, Yuan-Chi Chang, Lawrence D. Bergman, John R. Smith, Barbara J. Thompson:
Solarspire: querying temporal solar imagery by content. 834-837 - Stefan Mayer:
Constrained optimization of building contours from high-resolution ortho-images. 838-841 - N. Benblidia, Fabien Lahoche, Isabelle Herlin:
Use of topographic information to improve a land cover classification image-preliminary results. 842-845 - Mona Ghassemian:
Multi-sensor image fusion using multirate filter banks. 846-849 - Keun Ho Kim, Min Jeong Kwon, Hyun Wook Park:
An effective preprocessing method for fast hierarchical maximum intensity projection. 850-853 - Philippe Thévenaz, Michael Unser:
High-quality isosurface rendering with exact gradient. 854-857 - Andreas F. Koschan, SunHo Lee, Mongi A. Abidi:
Finding objects in a 3D environment by combining distance measurement and color indexing. 858-861 - Juliana F. Camapum Wanderley, Mark H. Fisher:
Multiscale color and texture invariants for image recognition. 862-865 - Paulo Carvalho, Amâncio Santos
, Bernardete Ribeiro, António Dourado:
On the estimation of spectral data: a genetic algorithm approach. 866-869 - Xin Chen, Sam Kwong
, Ju-fu Feng:
Lossy and lossless compression for color-quantized images. 870-873 - María Vanrell, Felipe Lumbreras
, Albert Pujol, Ramón Baldrich, Josep Lladós, Juan José Villanueva:
Colour normalisation based on background information. 874-877 - Rastislav Lukac, Stanislav Marchevsky:
Adaptive vector LUM smoother. 878-881 - Junping Zhang, Ye Zhang, Tingxian Zhou:
Classification of hyperspectral data using support vector machine. 882-885 - Fatih Murat Porikli:
Accurate detection of edge orientation for color and multi-spectral imagery. 886-889 - Ramesh Neelamani, Ricardo L. de Queiroz, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Compression color space estimation of JPEG images using lattice basis reduction. 890-893 - Soo-Chang Pei, Jian-Jiun Ding, Ja-Han Chang:
Color pattern recognition by quaternion correlation. 894-897 - Armando Malanda-Trigueros, Fernando Calleja-Garde, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal:
A genetic algorithm for noisy channel color quantization design. 898-901 - Steve De Backer, Paul Scheunders
Multispectral image fusion and merging using multiscale fundamental forms. 902-905 - Da Deng, Nikola K. Kasabov:
An evolving localised learning model for on-line image colour quantisation. 906-909 - Jingqi Yan, Xin Yang, Pengfei Shi:
Constrained quantization algorithm for color images. 910-913 - Mila Jovovic
Space-color quantization of multispectral images in hierarchy of scales. 914-917 - Seishi Takamura, Naoki Kobayashi:
Constructing a uniform color space for visually lossless color representation and image coding. 918-921 - George Economou, A. Fotinos, Sokratis Makrogiannis
, Spiros Fotopoulos:
Color image edge detection based on nonparametric density estimation. 922-925 - Xiaoyi Tang, Avideh Zakhor:
Matching pursuits multiple description coding for wireless video. 926-929 - David L. Robie, Russell M. Mersereau:
Video error correction using steganography. 930-933 - Jianfei Cai, Chang Wen Chen:
Use of pre-interleaving for video streaming over wireless access networks. 934-937 - Kyeong Ho Yang, Dong Wook Kang, A. Farid Faryar:
Efficient intra refreshment and synchronization algorithms for robust transmission of video over wireless networks. 938-941 - Seishi Takamura, Naoki Kobayashi:
MPEG-2 one-pass variable bit rate control algorithm and its LSI implementation. 942-945 - Shahram Shirani, Michael Gallant, Faouzi Kossentini:
Standard-compliant multiple description video coding. 946-949 - Julián Cabrera, José Ignacio Ronda, Antonio Ortega:
Stochastic rate-control of video coders for wireless channels. 950-953 - Jérôme Viéron, Christine Guillemot:
Source adaptive TCP-compatible rate control for video over the Internet. 954-957 - Yiftach Eisenberg, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Randall Berry, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Minimizing transmission energy in wireless video communications. 958-961 - Bernd Girod, Niko Färber, Eckehard G. Steinbach:
Adaptive playout for low latency video streaming. 962-965 - Susie J. Wee, John G. Apostolopoulos:
Unbalanced multiple description video communication using path diversity. 966-969 - Jayashree Karlekar:
Content based robust video coding for videoconferencing. 970-973 - Rui Zhang, Shankar L. Regunathan, Kenneth Rose:
Prescient mode selection for robust video coding. 974-977 - Amy R. Reibman
, Hamid Jafarkhani, Yao Wang, Michael T. Orchard:
Multiple description video using rate-distortion splitting. 978-981 - Raviv Nathan, Ram Zamir:
Multiple description video coding with un-quantized prediction loop. 982-985 - Irene Cheng, Anup Basu:
QoS based video delivery with foveation. 986-989 - Yen-Chi Lee, Yucel Altunbasak, Russell M. Mersereau:
A temporal error concealment method for MPEG coded video using a multi-frame boundary matching algorithm. 990-993 - Lisimachos P. Kondi, Stella N. Batalama, Dimitrios A. Pados, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Joint source-channel coding for scalable video over DS-CDMA multipath fading channels. 994-997 - Hyung-Ji Lee, Wan-Su Lee, Jae-Ho Chung:
Face recognition using Fisherface algorithm and elastic graph matching. 998-1001 - Hazem M. El-Bakry:
Fast cooperative modular neural nets for human face detection. 1002-1005 - Haizhou Ai, Luhong Liang, Guangyou Xu:
Face detection based on template matching and support vector machines. 1006-1009 - Hichem Sahbi, Nozha Boujemaa:
Robust matching by dynamic space warping for accurate face recognition. 1010-1013 - Frank Wallhoff, Gerhard Rigoll, Payman Moallem:
A novel hybrid face profile recognition system using the FERET and MUGSHOT databases. 1014-1017 - Javad Haddadnia, Karim Faez:
Neural network based face recognition with moment invariants. 1018-1021 - Sanun Srisuk, Werasak Kurutach:
New robust Hausdorff distance-based face detection. 1022-1025 - Nikoletta Bassiou, Constantine Kotropoulos, T. Kosmidis, Ioannis Pitas:
Frontal face detection using support vector machines and back-propagation neural networks. 1026-1029 - Albert Pujol, Juan José Villanueva, José Luis Alba:
Efficient computation of face shape similarity using distance transform eigendecomposition and valleys. 1030-1033 - Jason Brand, John S. D. Mason:
Skin probability map and its use in face detection. 1034-1037 - Jason Brand, John S. D. Mason, Mark Pawlewski:
Face detection in colour images. 1038-1041 - Bisser Raytchev, Hiroshi Murase:
Unsupervised face recognition from image sequences. 1042-1045 - Rein-Lien Hsu, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb
, Anil K. Jain:
Face detection in color images. 1046-1049 - Mukesh C. Motwani, Qiang Ji:
3D face pose discrimination using wavelets. 1050-1053 - Ioan Buciu, Constantine Kotropoulos, Ioannis Pitas:
Combining support vector machines for accurate face detection. 1054-1057 - Montse Pardàs, Marcos Losada:
Facial parameter extraction system based on active contours. 1058-1061 - Marc Gelgon:
Using face detection for browsing personal slow video in a small terminal and worn camera context. 1062-1065 - Charalambos Strouthopoulos, Nikos Papamarkos, Antonios Atsalakis, Christodoulos Chamzas:
Locating text in color documents. 1066-1069 - Liying Fan, Chew Lim Tan, Lixin Fan:
Edge-preserving prefiltering for document image binarization. 1070-1073 - Zheng Zhang, Chew Lim Tan:
Restoration of images scanned from thick bound documents. 1074-1077 - Ossama El Badawy, Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, Khaled Hassanein, Mohamed S. Kamel:
Image data mining from financial documents based on wavelet features. 1078-1081 - Mauro Barni, Franco Bartolini, Vito Cappellini, Alessandro Piva, Filippo Salucco:
Text based geometric normalization for robust watermarking of digital maps. 1082-1085 - Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela, Giovanni Guzmán Lugo, Rafael Sotelo Rangel:
Counting the number of blobs in an image. 1086-1089 - Yu Tao, Thomas R. Ioerger, Yuan Yan Tang:
Extraction of rotation invariant signature based on fractal geometry. 1090-1093 - Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Michael C. Fairhurst:
Optimisation of multiple classifier systems using genetic algorithms. 1094-1097 - Nikos Liolios, Nikos Fakotakis, George K. Kokkinakis:
Improved document skew detection based on text line connected-component clustering. 1098-1101 - Ergina Kavallieratou, Doru-Cristian Balcan, Maria-Florina Popa, Nikos Fakotakis:
Handwritten text localization in skewed documents. 1102-1105 - Yuan-Kai Wang, Kuo-Chin Fan, Yau-Tarng Juang, Tai-Hong Chen:
Using hidden Markov model for Chinese business card recognition. 1106-1109 - Jean-Luc Nougaret, M. Ohinori:
An information appliance capable of seamless screen-display atop printed matter: towards paper-anchored hypertext and multimedia. 1110-1113 - Weihua Huang, Chew Lim Tan, Sam Yuan Sung, Yi Xu:
Word shape recognition for image-based document retrieval. 1114-1117 - Yue Lu, Chew Lim Tan, Liying Fan, Weihua Huang:
Similarity measure for CCITT Group 4 compressed document images. 1118-1121 - Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas, Snow H. Tseng, David A. Kosiba:
A robust and efficient algorithm for bilevel document block classification. 1122-1125 - Rui Zhang, Xiaoqing Ding:
Offline handwritten numeral recognition using orthogonal Gaussian mixture model. 1126-1129 - Xiaoyan Zhu, Yifan Shi:
A new algorithm for handwritten character recognition. 1130-1133
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