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1st ICPS 2018: Saint Petersburg, Russia
- IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, ICPS 2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 15-18, 2018. IEEE 2018, ISBN 978-1-5386-6531-2
- Maxim Ya. Afanasev, Yuri V. Fedosov, Anastasiya A. Krylova, Sergey A. Shorokhov:
An application of blockchain and smart contracts for machine-to-machine communications in cyber-physical production systems. 13-19 - Ioan Szilagyi, Patrice Wira:
An intelligent system for smart buildings using machine learning and semantic technologies: A hybrid data-knowledge approach. 20-25 - Philippe Lalanda, Jhonny Mertz, Ingrid Nunes
Autonomic caching management in industrial smart gateways. 26-31 - Josef Frysak, Claudia Kaar, Christian Stary:
Benefits and pitfalls applying RAMI4.0. 32-37 - Stanislav I. Tomashevich, Boris R. Andrievsky, Alexander L. Fradkov:
Formation control of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles with data exchange over a packet erasure channel. 38-43 - Ali Hussnain, Borja Ramis Ferrer
, Jose L. Martinez Lastra
Towards the deployment of cloud robotics at factory shop floors: A prototype for smart material handling. 44-50 - Udo Kannengiesser
, Harald Müller:
Towards viewpoint-oriented engineering for Industry 4.0: A standards-based approach. 51-56 - Fabian Hölzke
, Peter Danielis, Frank Golatowski
, Dirk Timmermann
A fusion approach for the localization of humans in factory environments. 59-64 - Thomas Frühwirth
, Wolfgang Kastner, Lukas Krammer:
A methodology for creating reusable ontologies. 65-70 - Guodong Wang, Mohamed Amin Ben Sassi, Radu Grosu:
A multi-bias recurrent neural network for modeling milling sensory data. 71-78 - Gaoyuan Mu, Qingshan She, Zhuo Tian, Haitao Gan, Peng Jiang:
A multi-task collaborative learning method based on auxiliary training and geometric constraints. 79-84 - Fuguo Xu
, Tielong Shen:
A traffic-in-loop simulation system for validation of emission control strategy in diesel engine. 85-90 - Daniele De Martini, Guido Benetti, Tullio Facchinetti:
Cyber/physical interplay in the real-time scheduling for peak load optimization of electric loads. 97-102 - Stavros Tripakis
Data-driven and model-based design. 103-108 - Maximilian Engelsberger, Thomas Greiner:
Dynamic management of cloud- and fog-based resources for cyber-physical production systems with a realistic validation architecture and results. 109-114 - Hermann Haskamp, Florian Orth, Jeffrey Wermann, Armando Walter Colombo:
Implementing an OPC UA interface for legacy PLC-based automation systems using the Azure cloud: An ICPS-architecture with a retrofitted RFID system. 115-121 - Sascha Einspieler, Benjamin Steinwender
, Wilfried Elmenreich:
Integrating time-triggered and event-triggered traffic in a hard real-time system. 122-128 - Zhuo Zhang, Huiping Li, Yongbo Li
L2-L∞ output-feedback distributed control for multi-vehicle networks. 129-134 - Salvatore Cavalieri, Marco Giuseppe Salafia
, Marco Stefano Scroppo:
Mapping OPC UA AddressSpace to OCF resource model. 135-140 - Vasiliy Pinkevich, Alexey Platunov:
Model-driven functional testing of cyber-physical systems using deterministic replay techniques. 141-146 - Darina Schulze, Holger Zipper, Ulrich Jumar:
Modelling and simulation of the interference behaviour in industrial wireless communication. 147-152 - Paul-Lou Benedick, Jérémy Robert, Yves Le Traon
, Sylvain Kubler
O-MI/O-DF vs. MQTT: A performance analysis. 153-158 - Andrei Munteanu, Riccardo Muradore
, Massimo Merro, Paolo Fiorini:
On cyber-physical attacks in bilateral teleoperation systems: An experimental analysis. 159-166 - Xiaoyu Chen, Lening Wang, Canran Wang, Ran Jin:
Predictive offloading in mobile-fog-cloud enabled cyber-manufacturing systems. 167-172 - Giuseppe Settanni, Florian Skopik, Anjeza Karaj, Markus Wurzenberger, Roman Fiedler:
Protecting cyber physical production systems using anomaly detection to enable self-adaptation. 173-180 - Dong-Qing He, Hong-Bo Wang, Peng-Fei Li:
Robot path planning using improved rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm. 181-186 - Sergey A. Vrazhevsky
, Igor Furtat, Artem Kremlev:
Robust output control for nonlinear MIMO plants using modified backstepping algorithm. 187-192 - Sándor Plósz, Pál Varga:
Security and safety risk analysis of vision guided autonomous vehicles. 193-198 - Denise Ratasich, Thomas Preindl
, Konstantin Selyunin, Radu Grosu:
Self-healing by property-guided structural adaptation. 199-205 - Kevin Nagorny, Sebastian Scholze
, M. Ruhl, Armando W. Colombo:
Semantical support for a CPS data marketplace to prepare Big Data analytics in smart manufacturing environments. 206-211 - Min Su Kim, Yong Joon Choi, In Seok Park, NamWoong Kong, Minho Lee, PooGyeon Park
Sensitivity analysis on a neural network for analyzing the camber in hot rolling process. 212-216 - Sameeksha Katoch, Gowtham Muniraju, Sunil Rao, Andreas Spanias, Pavan K. Turaga
, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Mahesh K. Banavar, Devarajan Srinivasan
Shading prediction, fault detection, and consensus estimation for solar array control. 217-222 - Thomas Nägele
, Jozef Hooman, Tim Broenink, Jan F. Broenink:
CoHLA: Design space exploration and co-simulation made easy. 225-231 - Kleanthis Thramboulidis, Danai C. Vachtsevanou
, Alexandros Solanos:
Cyber-physical microservices: An IoT-based framework for manufacturing systems. 232-239 - Yuchen Jiang, Kuan Li, Shen Yin
Cyber-physical system based factory monitoring and fault diagnosis framework with plant-wide performance optimization. 240-245 - Ghazanfar Ali, Hassan Ebrahimi, Jerrin Pathrose, Hans G. Kerkhoff:
Design and implementation of a dependable CPSoC for automotive applications. 246-251 - Jacek Zavisa, Arndt Lüder, Ambra Calà:
Designing cooperating multi-agent systems - An extended design methodology. 252-257 - Paulo Renato Oliveira, Manuel Meireles, Cláudio Maia
, Luís Miguel Pinho
, Gonçalo Gouveia, João Esteves:
Emulation-in-the-loop for simulation and testing of real-time critical CPS. 258-263 - Imane Lamrani, Ayan Banerjee
, Sandeep K. S. Gupta:
HyMn: Mining linear hybrid automata from input output traces of cyber-physical systems. 264-269 - Mohammad Jbair, Bilal Ahmad
, Mus'ab H. Ahmad, Robert Harrison:
Industrial cyber physical systems: A survey for control-engineering tools. 270-276 - Fabian Westbrink, Gavneet Singh Chadha, Andreas Schwung
Integrated IPC for data-driven fault detection. 277-282 - Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Felix Ocker, Eva-Maria Neumann
Maturity variations of PLC-based control software within a company and among companies from the same industrial sector. 283-290 - Natalia Demkovich, Eugeny Yablochnikov, Grigory Abaev:
Multiscale modeling and simulation for industrial cyber-physical systems. 291-296 - Luca Santinelli, David Doose, Guy Durrieu, Frédéric Boniol, Charles Lesire-Cabaniols, Christophe Grand
Schedulability analysis for mixed critical cyber physical systems. 297-303 - Dmitry Bazylev
, Slobodan N. Vukosavic
, Alexey A. Bobtsov
, Anton A. Pyrkin
, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
, Romeo Ortega
Sensorless control of PM synchronous motors with a robust nonlinear observer. 304-309 - Peng-Fei Li, Hong-Bo Wang, Dong-Qing He:
Ship weather routing based on improved ant colony optimization algorithm. 310-315 - Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Marco Konersmann
, Thomas Aicher, Juliane Fischer
, Felix Ocker, Michael Goedicke:
Supporting evolution of automated material flow systems as part of CPPS by using coupled meta models. 316-323 - Sven Dominka, Dominik Ertl, Michael Dübner, Romana Wiesinger, Hermann Kaindl:
Taming and optimizing feature interaction in software-intensive automotive systems. 324-329 - Haojiao Liang, Huiping Li, Jian Gao, Deming Xu:
Unilateral trajectory tracking control of autonomous underwater vehicles with system constraints. 330-335 - Luís Neto
, Anders L. Madsen
, Nicolaj Søndberg-Jeppesen, Ricardo Silva, João Reis
, Peter McIntyre, Gil Gonçalves
A component framework as an enabler for industrial cyber physical systems. 339-344 - Paul Steffen Kleppe, Andreas Fagerhaug Dalen, Webjørn Rekdalsbakken:
A novel way of efficient adaption of orthopaedic braces using 3D technology. 345-350 - Saúl Langarica, Christian Ruffelmacher, Felipe Núñez:
An industrial internet platform for real-time fault detection in industrial motors. 351-356 - Johannes Zenkert
, Mareike Dornhöfer
, Christian Weber
, Charly Ngoukam, Madjid Fathi:
Big data analytics in smart mobility: Modeling and analysis of the Aarhus smart city dataset. 363-368 - Oleg I. Borisov
, Vladislav S. Gromov
, Sergey A. Kolyubin
, Anton A. Pyrkin
, Nikolay Y. Dema, Vladimir I. Salikhov, Igor V. Petranevsky
, Alexey O. Klyunin, Sergey V. Shavetov, Alexey A. Bobtsov
Case study on human-free water heaters production for industry 4.0. 369-374 - Stefanie Strobl, David Hofbauer, Christoph Schmittner, Silia Maksuti, Markus Tauber
, Jerker Delsing:
Connected cars - Threats, vulnerabilities and their impact. 375-380 - Gerasimos G. Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano
, Patrice Wira, Masoud Abbaszadeh:
Control of turbocharged ship diesel engines using a nonlinear optimal control method. 381-386 - Jonny Herwan
, Seisuke Kano, Oleg Ryabov, Hiroyuki Sawada, Nagayoshi Kasashima:
Cyber-physical system architecture for machining production line. 387-391 - Fabiano R. Corrêa:
Cyber-physical systems for construction industry. 392-397 - Irina N. Kolosok, Elena S. Korkina
Decomposition of power system state estimation problem as a method to tackle cyber attacks. 398-403 - Wei-chen Lee, Hsu-cheng Cheng, Ching-Chih Wei
Development of a machining monitoring and chatter suppression device. 404-408 - Han Guo, Meng-Kun Liu:
Induction motor faults diagnosis using support vector machine to the motor current signature. 417-421 - Zhongde Chen, Zhiying Zeng, Guang Shu, Qijun Chen:
Kinematic solution and singularity analysis for 7-DOF redundant manipulators with offsets at the elbow. 422-427 - Ren C. Luo, Hao Wang, Mong-Hsun Kuo:
Low cost solution for calibration in absolute accuracy of an industrial robot for iCPS applications. 428-433 - Olga L. Ibryaeva
, Pavel Taranenko
, Michael Tombs, Feibiao Zhou, Manus P. Henry
Matrix pencil method for coriolis metering with liquid/gas flow II: Experimental results. 434-439 - Olga L. Ibryaeva
, Aleksandr Semenov, Manus P. Henry
Measurement validation for ICPS: Matrix pencil method for coriolis metering with liquid/gas flow. 440-445 - Zhiying Zeng, Zhongde Chen, Guang Shu, Qijun Chen:
Optimization of analytical inverse kinematic solution for redundant manipulators using GA-PSO algorithm. 446-451 - Manus P. Henry
, Vladimir V. Sinitsin
Prism signal processing for machine condition monitoring I: Design and simulation. 452-457 - Manus P. Henry
, Vladimir V. Sinitsin
Prism signal processing for machine condition monitoring II: Experimental data and fault detection. 458-463 - Jian Wang, Aleksandr Y. Krasnov
, Sergey A. Chepinskiy
, Huimin Liu, Yifan Chen, Sergey A. Kholunin:
Trajectory control in presence of disturbances and moving obstacles without velocity measure. 464-469 - Jian Wang, Aleksandr Y. Krasnov
, Sergey A. Chepinskiy
, Huimin Liu, Yifan Chen, Kirill A. Artemov:
Trajectory control without velocity measure under influence of disturbances. 470-475 - Ivan I. Borisov, Oleg I. Borisov
, Vladislav S. Gromov
, Sergey M. Vlasov
, Sergey A. Kolyubin
Versatile Gripper as Key Part For Smart Factory. 476-481 - Pedro Alexandre Prates, Ricardo Mendonça, André Lourenço, Francisco Marques
, João Pedro Matos-Carvalho
, José Barata
Vision-based UAV detection and tracking using motion signatures. 482-487 - Elena Mäkiö-Marusik, Bilal Ahmad
, Robert Harrison, Juho Mäkiö, Armando Walter:
Competences of cyber physical systems engineers - Survey results. 491-496 - Stefan Wilker, Marcus Meisel, Albert Treytl
, Thilo Sauter
, Michael Rathmair, Susanne Schidler, Kurt Leonhartsberger, Bettina Frantes:
eNDUSTRIE 4.0 - A future-technologies qualification network for local businesses. 497-502 - Irina Makarova
, Ksenia Shubenkova
, Polina Buyvol
, Vadim G. Mavrin, Eduard M. Mukhametdinov
Interaction between education and business in digital era. 503-508 - Amin Shahraki
, Øystein Haugen:
Social ethics in Internet of Things: An outline and review. 509-516 - Anton Ivaschenko, Anastasia Khorina, Pavel Sitnikov:
Accented visualization by augmented reality for smart manufacturing aplications. 519-522 - Frederik Gosewehr, Jeffrey Wermann, Waldemar Borsych, Armando Walter Colombo:
Apache camel based implementation of an industrial middleware solution. 523-528 - Rizwan Parveen
, Shubham Pradhan, Neena Goveas:
Design and feasibility study of health related devices using COTS components. 529-533 - André Hennecke, Martin Ruskowski
Design of a flexible robot cell demonstrator based on CPPS concepts and technologies. 534-539 - Ana Cachada
, Flavia Pires
, José Barbosa
, Paulo Leitão
, Ambra Calà:
Petri nets methodology for the design and control of migration processes towards industry 4.0. 540-545 - Chao-Lung Yang, Hendri Sutrisno
, Nai-Wei Lo, Zhi-Xuan Chen, Ching-Chih Wei
, Han-Wei Zhang, Chin-Teng Lin
, Chen-Lung Wei, Shang-Heng Hsieh:
Streaming data analysis framework for cyber-physical system of metal machining processes. 546-551 - Alexandre Philippot, Bernard Riera, Vinay Kunreddy, Serge Debernard:
Advanced tools for the control engineer in Industry 4.0. 555-560 - Guillaume Tartare, Xianyi Zeng
, Ludovic Koehl:
Development of a wearable system for monitoring the firefighter's physiological state. 561-566 - Johanna Carolin Kubenke, Andreas M. Kunz
Efficiency measurement of IT support for information retrieval at manual workplaces. 567-572 - Rongkai Wang
, Zhezhuang Xu
, Renxu Xie, Xing Liu, Shih-Hau Fang:
Improving face-to-machine proximity estimation with neighbor relations in mobile industrial human machine interaction. 573-578 - Maxim Vorobyov, Alexander Bubovich
, Ilya Galkin:
Initial in-the-field evaluation of wheelchair's machine-to-human haptic feedback with 3D printed vibration actuator. 579-584 - Sho Yokota
, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Daisuke Chugo, Akihiro Matsumoto:
Modeling of human body movement on personal mobility interface using LIDAR. 585-590 - Ryo Kohara, Masahiro Iwaki, Daisuke Chugo, Satoshi Muramatsu, Sho Yokota
, Hiroshi Hashimoto:
Posture adjustment according to load inclination for a passive-type assistive wheelchair. 591-596 - Frédéric Vanderhaegen, Jimenez Victor:
The amazing human factors and their dissonances for autonomous Cyber-Physical&Human Systems. 597-602 - Patrick Millot, Mathieu Mouchel, Christopher Paglia:
The human operator as the ultimate barrier to cyber attacks. 603-608 - Giulia Lotti, Valeria Villani, Nicola Battilani, Cesare Fantuzzi:
Towards an integrated approach for supporting the workers in Industry 4.0. 609-614 - Marie-Pierre Pacaux-Lemoine, Quentin Berdal
, Simon Enjalbert
, Damien Trentesaux
Towards human-based industrial cyber-physical systems. 615-620 - Makoto Itoh, Huiping Zhou, Satoshi Kitazaki:
What may happen or what you should do? Effects of knowledge representation regarding necessity of intervention on driver performance under level 2 automated driving. 621-626 - Usman Muhammad, Borja Ramis Ferrer
, Wael M. Mohammed
, Jose L. Martinez Lastra
An approach for implementing key performance indicators of a discrete manufacturing simulator based on the ISO 22400 standard. 629-636 - Alberto Villalonga
, Gerardo Beruvides, Fernando Castaño, Rodolfo E. Haber
Industrial cyber-physical system for condition-based monitoring in manufacturing processes. 637-642 - Alexander Filonenko, Kang-Hyun Jo
Fast fire flame detection on videos using AdaBoost and parallel processing. 645-650 - Giorgia Dalpiaz, Alessandro Longo, Matteo Nardello
, Roberto Passerone, Davide Brunelli
A battery-free non-intrusive power meter for low-cost energy monitoring. 653-658 - Dibin Zhu, Itzayana Duarte-Rabelo, Ivo Netali Ayala-Garcia
, Andrey Somov:
An electromagnetic in-shoe energy harvester using wave springs. 659-663 - Alexey Vl. Filimonov, Andrey Somov:
Wireless power transfer to the sensors integrated in a wall. 664-669 - Stefano Spinelli
, Andrea Cataldo, Giacomo Pallucca, Alessandro Brusaferri
A distributed control architecture for a reconfigurable manufacturing plant. 673-678 - Nikolaos Tzanis
, Nikolaos Andriopoulos
, Grigorios Proiskos, Michael K. Birbas, Alexios N. Birbas, Efthymios Housos
Computationally efficient representation of energy grid-cyber physical system. 679-683 - Giuseppe Landolfi
, Andrea Barni
, Silvia Menato
, Franco Antonio Cavadini, Diego Rovere, Giovanni Dal Maso
Design of a multi-sided platform supporting CPS deployment in the automation market. 684-689 - Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Kashif Gulzar, Valeriy Vyatkin, Rongwei Ma, Alexander Hopsu, Henri Makkonen, Atte Korhonen, Long Tran Phu:
Distributed control architecture for dynamic reconfiguration: Flexible assembly line case study. 690-695 - Mauro Isaja
, John Soldatos
Distributed ledger technology for decentralization of manufacturing processes. 696-701 - Michele Ciavotta
, Andrea Bettoni
, Gabriele Izzo:
Interoperable meta model for simulation-in-the-loop. 702-707 - Theofanis P. Raptis
, Andrea Passarella
, Marco Conti:
Maximizing industrial IoT network lifetime under latency constraints through edge data distribution. 708-713 - Ambra Calà, Arndt Lüder, Filippo Boschi, Giacomo Tavola
, Marco Taisch:
Migration towards digital manufacturing automation - An assessment approach. 714-719 - Jumyung Um
, Jens Popper, Martin Ruskowski
Modular augmented reality platform for smart operator in production environment. 720-725 - Sandeep Patil
, Dmitrii Drozdov
, Gulnara Zhabelova, Valeriy Vyatkin:
Refactoring of IEC 61499 function block application - A case study. 726-733 - Katyayani Kiranmayee Kolluru, Cristina Paniagua
, Jan van Deventer, Jens Eliasson, Jerker Delsing, Rance J. DeLong:
An AAA solution for securing industrial IoT devices using next generation access control. 737-742 - Ani Bicaku, Silia Maksuti, Csaba Hegedüs, Markus Tauber
, Jerker Delsing, Jens Eliasson:
Interacting with the arrowhead local cloud: On-boarding procedure. 743-748 - Ani Bicaku, Christoph Schmittner, Markus Tauber
, Jerker Delsing:
Monitoring Industry 4.0 applications for security and safety standard compliance. 749-754 - Csaba Hegedüs, Pál Varga, Attila Franko:
Secure and trusted inter-cloud communications in the arrowhead framework. 755-760 - An Ngoc Lam
, Øystein Haugen:
Supporting IoT semantic interoperability with autonomic computing. 761-767 - Lisa Underberg, Rüdiger Kays, Steven Dietrich, Gerhard Fohler
Towards hybrid wired-wireless networks in industrial applications. 768-773 - Hasan Derhamy, Mattias Andersson, Jens Eliasson, Jerker Delsing:
Workflow management for edge driven manufacturing systems. 774-779 - Dmitry Levshun
, Andrey Chechulin
, Igor V. Kotenko
A technique for design of secure data transfer environment: Application for I2C protocol. 789-794 - Vasiliy M. Krundyshev
, Maxim O. Kalinin
, Peter D. Zegzhda
Artificial swarm algorithm for VANET protection against routing attacks. 795-800 - Alexei Suleimanov, Maksim Abramov, Alexander L. Tulupyev
Modelling of the social engineering attacks based on social graph of employees communications analysis. 801-805 - Sarah Haas, Thomas Ulz, Christian Steger
Secured action authorization for industrial mobile robots. 806-811 - Thomas Ulz, Thomas Pieber, Christian Steger, Sarah Haas, Rainer Matischek:
Secured remote configuration approach for industrial cyber-physical systems. 812-817 - Daria S. Lavrova, Maria A. Poltavtseva, Anna A. Shtyrkina
Security analysis of cyber-physical systems network infrastructure. 818-823 - Chenglu Jin, Saeed Valizadeh, Marten van Dijk
Snapshotter: Lightweight intrusion detection and prevention system for industrial control systems. 824-829 - Evgeny Pavlenko
, Dmitry P. Zegzhda:
Sustainability of cyber-physical systems in the context of targeted destructive influences. 830-834 - Roman Demidov, Alexander I. Pechenkin:
Vector representation of machine instructions for vulnerability assessment of digital infrastructure components. 835-840 - Maxim Kolomeets
, Andrey Chechulin
, Igor V. Kotenko
Visual analysis of CAN bus traffic injection using radial bar charts. 841-846

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