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8th IPPS 1994: Cancún, Mexico
- Howard Jay Siegel:
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Parallel Processing, Cancún, Mexico, April 1994. IEEE Computer Society 1994, ISBN 0-8186-5602-6
Keynote Address
Interconnection Networks
- Susan R. Dickey, Allan Gottlieb, Yue-Sheng Liu:
Interconnection Network Switch Architectures and Combining Strategies. 4-9 - Lynn Choi, Andrew A. Chien:
Integrating Networks and Memory Hierarchies in a Multicomputer Node Architecture. 10-17 - Sajal K. Das, Aisheng Mao:
A Theoretical Network Model and the Hamming Cube Networks. 18-22 - Majed Z. Al-Hajery, Kenneth E. Batcher:
Low Cost Complexity of a General Multicast Network. 23-29 - Ronald Fernandes, Arkady Kanevsky:
Generalized Ring Interconnection Networks. 30-34 - Hussein M. Alnuweiri:
Synchronous Bus Arbitration with Constant Logic Per Module. 35-41
- Paolo A. G. Sivilotti:
A Verified Integration of Parallel Programming Paradigms in CC++. 44-50 - Lorie M. Liebrock, Ken Kennedy:
Parallelization of Linearized Applications in Fortran D. 51-60 - John Thornley:
Integrating Functional and Imperative Parallel Programming: CC++ Solutions to the Salishan Problems. 61-67 - Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder:
Accommodating Polymorphic Data Decompositions in Explicitly Parallel Programs. 68-74 - Allen D. Malony, Bernd Mohr, Peter H. Beckman, Dennis Gannon, Shelby X. Yang, François Bodin:
Performance Analysis of pC++: A Portable Data-Parallel Programming System for Scalable Parallel Computers. 75-84
Computational Geometry
- Madhusudan Nigam, Sartaj Sahni:
Computational Geometry on a Reconflgurable Mesh. IPPS 1994: 86-93 - Stephan Olariu, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Time-Optimal Proximity Algorithms on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting. 94-101 - Sumanta Guha:
An Optimal Mesh Computer Algorithm for Constralned Delaunay Triangulation. 102-109 - Dharmavani Bhagavathi, Venkatavasu Bokka, Himabindu Gurla, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing, Ivan Stojmenovic, Jingyuan Zhang:
Time-Optimal Visibility-Related Algorithms on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting. 110-114 - Raghu Karinthi, Kankanahalli Srinivas, George Almási:
A Parallel Algorithm for Computing Polygon Set Operations. 115-119 - Myung Hee Kim, Oscar H. Ibarra:
Transformations Between Boundary Codes, Run Length Codes, and Linear Quadtrees. 120-125
Memory Issues
- Cong Fan, Ajay Gupta, Jiuqiang Liu:
Latin Cubes and Parallel Array Access. 128-132 - Ambuj K. Singh:
A Framework for Programming Using Non-Atomic Variables. 133-140 - Nagi Aboulenein, James R. Goodman, Stein Gjessing, Philip J. Woest:
Hardware Support for Synchronization in the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI). 141-150 - Zhiyuan Li:
Software Assistance for Directory-Based Caches. 151-157 - Karin Petersen, Kai Li:
An Evaluation of Multiprocessor Cache Coherence Based on Virtual Memory Support. 158-164 - Peter S. Magnusson, Anders Landin, Erik Hagersten:
Queue Locks on Cache Coherent Multiprocessors. 165-171 - Jim Pierce, Trevor N. Mudge:
The Effect of Speculative Execution on Cache Performance. 172-179
- F. Hamelin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Thierry Priol:
A Multi-Paradigm Object Oriented Parallel Environment. 182-186 - Chinhyun Kim, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
A Direct Array Injection Technique in a Fine-Grain Multithreading Execution Model. 187-194 - Nelson L. Passos, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Steven C. Bass:
Schedule-Based Multi-Dimensional Retiming on Data Flow Graphs. 195-199 - Mary Jean Harrold:
Perforining Data Flow Testing in Parallel. 200-207 - Joseph Hummel, Alexandru Nicolau, Laurie J. Hendren:
A Language for Conveying the Aliasing Properties of Dynamic, Pointer-Based Data Structures. 208-216 - Nadia Tawbi
Estimation of Nested Loops Execution Time by Integer Arithmetic in Convex Polyhedra. 217-221
Graph Algorithms
- Danny Z. Chen, D. T. Lee:
Solving the All-Pair Shortest Path Problem on Interval and Circular-Arc Graphs. 224-228 - Myung Ho Kim, Chang-Sung Jeong, Myung-Soo Kim:
An Optimal Parallel Matching Algorithm for a Convex Bipartite Graph on a Mesh-Connected Computer. 229-233 - Phillip G. Bradford, Gregory J. E. Rawlins, Gregory E. Shannon:
Efficient Matrix Chain Ordering in Polylog Time. 234-241 - Anestis A. Toptsis:
Parallel Bidirectional Heuristic Search with Dynamic Process Re-Direction. 242-247 - Zhi Cheng Li:
Solving Static Optimal Matching Problem in Heterogeneous Processing with Generalized Stable Marriage Algorithms. 248-252 - Wen K. Lee, Kien A. Hua, Sheau-Dong Lang:
On Random Sampling for Parallel Simulated Annealing. 253-257
Machine Architectures
- Henk L. Muller, Paul W. A. Stallard, David H. D. Warren, Sanjay Raina:
Parallel Evaluation of a Parallel Architecture by Means of Calibrated Emulation. 260-267 - Craig B. Stunkel, Dennis G. Shea, Bülent Abali, Monty Denneau, Peter H. Hochschild, Douglas J. Joseph, Ben J. Nathanson, Mickey Tsao, Philip R. Varker:
Architecture and Implementation of Vulcan. 268-274 - N. Ranganathan, Bharadwaj Parthasarathy, Ken Hughes:
A Parallel Algorithm and Architecture for Robot Path Planning. 275-279 - Makoto Taiji, Junichiro Makino, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Daiichiro Sugimoto:
GRAPE-4: A Teraflops Massively Parallel Special-Purpose Computer System for Astrophysical itN-body Simulations. 280-287 - Herbert H. J. Hum, Kevin B. Theobald, Guang R. Gao:
Building Multithreaded Architectures with Off-the-Shelf Microprocessors. 288-294 - Kumar N. Ganapathy, Benjamin W. Wah:
Optimizing General Design Objectives in Processor-Array Design. 295-302
Compiler Optimizaztion
- Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh, Xianzhi Fan, Philip A. Wilsey, Debra A. Hensgen:
Variable Instruction Issue for Efficient MIMD Interpretation on SIMD Machines. 304-310 - Gitu Jain, Balkrishna Ramkumar, Jon G. Kuhl:
A Control Strategy Based on Heuristic Techniques for the Parallel Execution of Logic Programs. 311-315 - Ali R. Hurson, Joford T. Lim, Krishna M. Kavi, Behrooz A. Shirazi:
Loop Allocation Scheme for Multithreaded Dataflow Computers. 316-322 - Zheng Lin, Songnian Zhou:
Decoupling Parallel and Sequential Codes: The Pyramid Approach. 323-328 - Robert Barry, Paraskevas Evripidou:
Extracting Parallelism in Fortran by Translation to a Single Assignment Intermediate Form. 329-334 - J. Ramanujam:
Optimal Software Pipelining of Nested Loops. 335-342
- Lynn M. Stauffer, Daniel S. Hirschberg:
PRAM Algorithms for Static Dictionary Compression. 344-348 - Joseph F. JáJá, Kwan Woo Ryu, Uzi Vishkin:
Sorting Strings and Constructing Digital Search Trees in Parallel. 349-356 - Pou-Yah Wu, Julian Chuen-Liang Chen:
Parallel Extended GCD Algorithm. 357-361 - Sajal K. Das, Kwang Bae Min, Ranette H. Halverson:
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Tree-Related Problems Using the Parentheses Matching Strategy. 362-367 - Sergei Gorlatch, Christian Lengauer:
Systematic Development of an SPMD Implementation Schema for Mutually Recursive Divide-and-Conquer Specifications. 368-375 - Uzi Vishkin:
Can Parallel Algorithms Enhance Serial Implementation? 376-385
Parallel Processing Systems
- Vijay P. Bhatkar:
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing PARAM Parallel Supercomputer: Architecture, Programming Environment, and Applications. 388-389 - John R. Nickolls:
MasPar Computer Corporation : The MasPar Scalable Unix I/O System. 390-395 - Nobuhiko Koike:
NEC Corporation : NEC Cenju-3: A Microprocessor-Based Parallel Computer. 396-401
Keynote Address
- John H. Reif:
Models and Resource Metrics for Parallel and Distributed Computation. IPPS 1994: 404
Sorting and Networks
- Jop F. Sibeyn:
Deterministic Routing and Sorting on Rings. 406-410 - Torsten Suel:
Routing and Sorting on Meshes with Row and Column Buses. 411-417 - Donna J. Quammen, Pearl Y. Wang:
Bitonic Sorting on 2D-PEC: An Algorithmic Study on a Hierarchy of Meshes Network. 418-423 - David Nassimi, Yehoshua Perl, Ronald I. Becker:
The Generalized Class of g-Chaln Periodic Sorting Networks. 424-432 - Jong-Pyng Li, Matt W. Mutka:
Priority Based Real-Time Communication for Large Scale Wormhole Networks. 433-438 - Chien-Ming Cheng, Kai Hwang:
Fuzzy Communication for Guided Loop Scheduling in Multicomputers. 439-443
Reasource Management
- Carolyn McCreary, A. A. Khan, J. J. Thompson, M. E. McArdle:
A Comparison of Heuristics for Scheduling DAGs on Multiprocessors. 446-451 - Vasudha Govindan, Mark A. Franklin:
Effect of Control Parameters on Dynamic Load Balancing. 452-460 - Laxmikant V. Kalé, Amitabh Sinha:
Information Sharing Mechanisms in Parallel Programs. 461-468 - Edgar T. Kalns, Lionel M. Ni:
Processor Mapping Techniques Toward Efficient Data Redistribution. 469-476 - Ding-Kai Chen, Pen-Chung Yew:
Redundant Synchronization Elimination for DOACROSS Loops. 477-481 - Jeff Baxter, John W. C. Fu, Balkrishna Ramkumar, Janak H. Patel:
Hybrid Resource Management Algorithms for Multicomputer Systems. 482-489
Numerical Methods
- Carlos Alberto Alonso Sanches, S. W. Song:
SIMD Algorithms for Matrix Multiplication on the Hypercube. 492-496 - Garng M. Huang, Weerakorn Ongsakul:
An Efficient Task Allocation Algorithm and Its Use to Parallelize Irregular Gauss-Seidel Type Algorithms. 497-501 - Haigeng Wang, Alexandru Nicolau, Stephen Keung, Kai-Yeung Siu:
Scalable Techniques for Computing Band Linear Recurrences on Massively Parallel and Vector Supercomputers. 502-508 - Alpesh Amin, P. Sadayappan, Murali Gudavalli:
A Clustered Reduced Communication Element by Element Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Finite Element Computations. 509-516 - Amir Fijany, Jacob Barhen, Nikzad Benny Toomarian:
Massively Parallel Algorithms for Solution of the Schrodinger Equation. 517-523 - Renard Ulrey, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Howard Jay Siegel:
Parallel Algorithms for Singular Value Decomposition. 524-533
- Ashish Kapoor, Heiko Schröder, Bryan Beresford-Smith:
Deterministic Permutation Routing on a Reconfigurable Mesh. 536-540 - Douglas H. Summerville, José G. Delgado-Frias
, Stamatis Vassiliadis:
A High Performance Pattern Associative Oblivious Router for Tree Topologies. 541-545 - B. Zerrouk, J. M. Blinn, A. Greiner:
Encapsulating Networks and Routing. 546-553 - Ju-Young Lee Park, Sang Kyu Lee, Hyeong-Ah Choi:
Circuit-Switched Broadcasting in itd-Dimensional Tori and Meshes. 554-560 - Rajeev Thakur, Alok N. Choudhary:
All-to-All Communication on Meshes with Wormhole Routing. 561-565 - Brian D. Alleyne, Isaac D. Scherson:
On Evil Twin Networks and the Value of Limited Randomized Routing. 566-575
- Bojan Cukic, Farokh B. Bastani:
Automatic Array Alignment as a Step in Hierarchical Program Transformation. 578-582 - Robert W. Wisniewski, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott
Scalable Spin Locks for Multiprogrammed Systems. 583-589 - Attila Gürsoy, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
Dagger: Combining Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Styles. 590-596 - Ronald F. DeMara
, C. Lin, S. Kuo, Bahman S. Motlagh:
Barrier Synchronization Techniques for Distributed Process Creation. 597-603 - Dirk Grunwald, Suvas Vajracharya:
Efficient Barriers for Distributed Shared Memory Computers. 604-608 - Vibha A. Dixit-Radiya, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Clustering and Intra-Processor Scheduling for Explicitly-Parallel Programs on Distributed-Memory Systems. 609-616
- Thomas D. Wagner, Evgenia Smirni, Amy W. Apon, Manish Madhukar, Lawrence W. Dowdy:
The Effects of Thread Placement on the KSR1. 618-624 - Deron Liang, Satish K. Tripathi:
Performance Prediction of Parallel Computation. 625-629 - Mitsuhisa Sato, Yuetsu Kodama, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Shuichi Sakai:
Experience with Executing Shared Memory Programs using Fine-Grain Communication and Multithreading in EM-4. 630-636 - Xian-He Sun, Jianping Zhu:
Shared Virtual Memory and Generalized Speedup. 637-643 - Vladimir I. Ivanov:
Performance Evaluation of Task Grain Programs. 644-648 - Bassam Z. Kahhaleh:
Analysis of Memory Latency Factors and Their Impact on KSR1 Performance. 649-656
Program Portability Across Parallel Architectures
- Michael Wolfe:
Program Portability Across Parallel Architectures - SIMD/MIMD/SPMD/Shared/Distributed. 658-661
Digital Media and Distributed Computing
- Marco Annaratone, Carl D. Offner, David B. Loveman:
Digital Equipment Corporation High Performance Fortran on Workstation Farms. 664-669 - Ron Buck:
nCUBE Corporation : The Oracle Media Server for nCube Massively Parallel Systems. 670-673 - Michael Thornburg, Steve Casselman:
Virtual Computer Corporation : Transformable Computers. 674-679
Portability, Scalability, and Applications
- Philippe Clermont, Nicolas Paris:
HyperParallel Technologies : HyperC: Portable Parallel Programming in C. 682-687 - William P. Niedringhaus, Jeffrey M. Opper, Lisa Rhodes, Brian L. Hughes:
The MITRE Corporation : IVHS Traffic Modeling Using Parallel Computing: Performance Results. IPPS 1994: 688-693 - Richard S. Stephens:
Transtech Parallel Systems Corporation: Parallel Benchmarks on the Transtech Paramid. 694-699
Keynote Address
- Dennis Gannon:
The Software Crisis for the Emerging MPP Industry. IPPS 1994: 702
Embedding and Message Passing
- Ulrich Brüning, Wolfgang K. Giloi, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat
Latency Hiding in Message-Passing Architectures. 704-709 - Xiaojun Shen, Qing Hu, Weifa Liang:
Efficient Embedding K-ary Complete Trees into Hypercubes. 710-714 - Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang, Hongfei Liu, Rakesh M. Verma:
A New Combinatorial Approach to Optimal Embeddings of Rectangles. 715-722 - Hsing-Lung Chen, Nian-Feng Tzeng:
Distributed Identification of All Maximal Incomplete Subcubes in a Faulty Hypercube. 723-728 - Robert Cypher, Eric Leu:
The Semantics of Blocking and Nonblocking Send and Receive Primitives. 729-735 - Stephen Shafer, Kanad Ghose:
Improving Parallel Program Execution Time with Message Consolidation. 736-742
Models and Real Time Systems
- Dugki Min, Matt W. Mutka:
A Multipath Contention Model for Analyzing Job Interactions in 2-D Mesh Multicomputers. 744-751 - Joseph F. JáJá, Kwan Woo Ryu:
The Block Distributed Memory Model for Shared Memory Multiprocessors. 752-756 - Anindo Bagchi, Edward F. Schmeichel, S. Louis Hakimi:
Gossiping with Multiple Sends and Receives. 757-761 - Kong Li, David Jefferson:
The Symmetry Programming Language. 762-768 - William G. Farquhar, Paraskevas Evripidou:
Fault Detection and Recovery in a Data-Driven Real-Time Multiprocessor. 769-774 - Sunondo Ghosh, Rami G. Melhem, Daniel Mossé:
Fault-Tolerant Scheduling on a Hard Real-Time Multiprocessor System. 775-782
- Iuri Mehr, Zoran Obradovic:
Parallel Neural Network Learning Through Repetitive Bounded Depth Trajectory Branching. 784-791 - Jaeyoung Choi, David W. Walker, Jack J. Dongarra:
The Design of Scalable Software Libraries for Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers. 792-799 - David M. Beazley, Peter S. Lomdahl, Niels Grønbech-Jensen, Pablo Tamayo:
A High Performance Communications and Memory Caching Scheme for Molecular Dynamics on the CM-5. 800-809 - D. F. García Nocetti, M. Graça Ruano, Peter J. Fish, Peter J. Fleming:
Parallel Implementation of a Model-Based Spectral Estimator for Doppler Blood Flow Instrumentation. 810-814 - Robert Lam, Mabo Robert Ito:
On the Parallel Implementation of OSI Protocol Processing Systems. 815-819 - Tom Nurkkala, Vipin Kumar:
A Parallel Parsing Algorithm for Natural Language using Tree Adjoining Grammar. 820-828
Network Performance
- Ernst G. Bernard, Matthias Sauer, Josef A. Nossek:
Fault Location in Multistage Interconnection Networks with Global and Distributed Control. 830-834 - Vasanth Bala, Shlomo Kipnis, Marc Snir, Jehoshua Bruck
, Robert Cypher, Pablo Elustondo, Alex Ho, Ching-Tien Ho:
CCL: A Portable and Tunable Collective Communication Library for Scalable Parallel Computers. 835-844 - Xiaodong Zhang, Yong Yan, Keqiang He:
Evaluation and Measurement of Multiprocessor Latency Patterns. 845-852 - Amit Sengupta, Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
Total Exchange in Faulty SIMD Hypercubes. 853-857 - Eric A. Brewer, Bradley C. Kuszmaul:
How to Get Good Performance from the CM-5 Data Network. 858-867 - Sourav Bhattacharya, Wei-Tek Tsai:
Lookahead Processor Allocation in Mesh-Connected Massively Parallel Multicomputer. 868-875
Data Structures and Debugging
- Muralidhar Medidi, Narsingh Deo:
Parallel Dictionaries on AVL Trees. 878-882 - Atul Varshneya, B. B. Madan, M. Balakrishnan:
Concurrent Search and Insertion in K-Dimensional Height Balanced Trees. 883-887 - Kim S. Larsen:
AVL Trees with Relaxed Balance. 888-893 - Michael Rys, Gerhard Weikum:
Heuristic Optimization of Speedup and Benefit/Cost for Parallel Database Scans on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. 894-901 - Eileen T. Kraemer, John T. Stasko:
Toward Flexible Control of the Temporal Mapping from Concurrent Program Events to Animations. 902-908 - John May, Francine Berman:
Designing a Parallel Debugger for Portability. 909-914
Image Processing and VLSI CAD
- Craig M. Wittenbrink, Michael Harrington:
A Scalable MIMD Volume Rendering Algorithm. 916-920 - Heung-Nam Kim, Mary Jane Irwin, Robert Michael Owens, Chen-Mi Wu:
Dynamic Space Warping Algorithms on Fine-Graln Array Processors. 921-925 - Sandra G. Dykes, Xiaodong Zhang, Haixu Yang, Yan Zhou:
Communication and Computation Patterns of Large Scale Image Convolutions on Parallel Architectures. 926-931 - Sungho Kim, Prithviraj Banerjee, Balkrishna Ramkumar, Steven Parkes, John A. Chandy:
ProperPLACE: A Portable Parallel Algorithm for Standard Cell Placement. 932-941 - Hong K. Kim, Soon Myoung Chung:
Parallel Logic Simulation Using Time Warp on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. 942-948 - Henning Spruth, Frank M. Johannes:
Parallel Routing of VLSI Circuits Based on Net Independency. 949-953
The Right Stuff? Teaching Parallel Computing
- Russ Miller, Nan C. Schaller:
The Right Stuff? Teaching Parallel Computing. 956-961

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