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7th RAM/CIS 2015: Siem Reap, Cambodia
- 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, CIS 2015, and IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2015, Siem Reap, Cambodia, July 15-17, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-7337-1
CIS Papers
- Xu Zhang, Zhaorui Zhang, Wei Cheng:
Iterative projector calibration using multi-frequency phase-shifting method. CIS:1-6 - Chen Li, Xu Zhang:
High dynamic range and all-focus image from light field. CIS:7-12 - Michal Haindl, Vojtech Havlícek:
Color texture restoration. CIS:13-18 - Veyhong Chhor, Toshiaki Kondo:
Illumination-invariant line detection with the Gray-scale Hough transform. CIS:19-23 - Huong-Giang Doan, Hai Vu
, Thanh-Hai Tran, Eric Castelli:
Improvements of RGB-D hand posture recognition using an user-guide scheme. CIS:24-29 - Nopporn Chotikakamthorn:
Near point light source location estimation from shadow edge correspondence. CIS:30-35 - Rongrong Gao, Yanfei Zhong, Bei Zhao, Liangpei Zhang:
Normalized cut segmentation with edge constraint for high resolution remote sensing imagery. CIS:36-40 - Bahare Kiumarsi, Hamidreza Modares, Frank L. Lewis, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
H∞ optimal control of unknown linear discrete-time systems: An off-policy reinforcement learning approach. CIS:41-46 - Alexey N. Zhrabok, Alexey Ye. Shumsky, Bin Jiang:
Logic-dynamic approach to study nonlinear dynamic systems. CIS:47-52 - Tao Bian, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
Value iteration and adaptive optimal control for linear continuous-time systems. CIS:53-58 - George Bitsoris, Marina Vassilaki:
Robust set invariance and contractivity of continuous-time systems. CIS:59-64 - Hüseyin Akçay:
Spectrum estimation in frequency-domain by subspace and regularization-based algorithms: A survey. CIS:65-70 - Takashi Mitsuishi, Nami Shimada, Toshimichi Homma, Mayumi Ueda, Masayuki Kochizawa, Yasunari Shidama:
Continuity of approximate reasoning using fuzzy number under Łukasiewicz t-norm. CIS:71-74 - Wei Zhang, Hong Ma, Simon X. Yang
, Gauri S. Mittal:
Decoupling control and energy efficient system for meat drying processing based on fuzzy-PID approaches. CIS:75-80 - Xiaoying Pan, Jing Zhu, Hao Chen, Xuejing Chen, Kaikai Hu:
A differential evolution-based hybrid NSGA-II for multi-objective optimization. CIS:81-86 - Hao Chen, Xiaoying Pan:
Searching inside group approach for combination test suite reduction. CIS:87-92 - E. Salimi, N. Somnath, Ramavarapu S. Sreenivas:
On supervisory policies that enforce liveness in controlled Petri nets that are similar. CIS:93-97 - Santoso Wibowo
, Srimannarayana Grandhi
, Mary Tom
A multicriteria analysis approach for evaluating the sustainability performance of hydropower projects under hesitant fuzzy environment. CIS:98-103 - Mary Tom
, Santoso Wibowo
, Srimannarayana Grandhi
A fuzzy multicriteria decision making model for restaurant menu ranking. CIS:104-108 - Ting Wang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Sheng-Uei Guan, Ka Lok Man, T. O. Ting:
Regression based on neural incremental attribute learning with correlation-based feature ordering. CIS:109-113 - Terje Kristensen, Fabien Guillaume:
Different regimes for classification of DNA sequences. CIS:114-119 - Shian-Chang Huang, Tung-Kuang Wu:
Intelligent data mining systems by generalized multiple kernel machines on graph based subspace. CIS:120-125 - Kok Kiong Tan, Arun-Shankar Narayanan:
Feasibility of adaptive streaming technologies in developing an integrated learning platform. CIS:126-130 - Rui Zhou, Jie Chen, Fang Deng
Sensor fault identification based on Error-Correcting Output Codes method. CIS:131-136 - Yiyong Yao, Hu Zhao, Xu Wang, Sheng Zou:
A method of quality control for globoidal cam machining based on multi-variable mirror compensation. CIS:137-141 - Aditya Narayanamoorthy, Renjun Li, Zhiyong Huang:
Creating ROS launch files using a visual programming interface. CIS:142-146 - Andrey Kiselev
, Annica Kristoffersson, Francisco Melendez-Fernandez, Cipriano Galindo
, Amy Loutfi, Javier González Jiménez, Silvia Coradeschi:
Evaluation of using semi-autonomy features in mobile robotic telepresence systems. CIS:147-152 - Yan Wu
, Wei Liang Chan, Yanan Li, Keng Peng Tee, Rui Yan, Dilip Kumar Limbu:
Improving human-robot interactivity for tele-operated industrial and service robot applications. CIS:153-158 - Wei Liu, Zhiyong Weng, Zhuang Jie Chong, Xiaotong Shen, Scott Pendleton
, Baoxing Qin, James Guo Ming Fu, Marcelo H. Ang
Autonomous vehicle planning system design under perception limitation in pedestrian environment. CIS:159-166 - Katarzyna Anna Marczuk, Harold Soh Soon Hong, Carlos Miguel Lima Azevedo
, Muhammad Adnan
, Scott Drew Pendleton
, Emilio Frazzoli
, Der-Horng Lee
Autonomous mobility on demand in SimMobility: Case study of the central business district in Singapore. CIS:167-172 - Xiaotong Shen, Scott Pendleton
, Marcelo H. Ang
Efficient L-shape fitting of laser scanner data for vehicle pose estimation. CIS:173-178 - Woo-Sol Hur, Seung-Tak Choi, Seong-Woo Kim, Seung-Woo Seo:
Precise free space detection and its application to background extraction. CIS:179-184 - Boon Hwa Tan, Huajin Tang:
Grasping control for a neuro-cognitive robot. CIS:185-190 - Shinichi Tamura, Yoshi Nishitani, Chie Hosokawa
, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto:
Spike code and information flow in cultured neuronal networks and its simulation on 2D mesh network. CIS:191-195 - Lili Li, Jiancheng Lv, Shengqiao Ni:
Estimating intrinsic dimension by sparse convex representation. CIS:196-201 - Shilin Fan, Ping Li, Yan Chen, Lixue Chen:
Social boundary of any two nodes in a social network. CIS:202-207 - Aditya Narayanamoorthy, Xi Peng, Huajin Tang:
Applying low rank representation based spatial pyramid matching in welding image classification. CIS:208-211 - Hao Hu, Ping Li, Yan Chen:
Biterm-based multilayer perceptron network for tagging short text. CIS:212-217 - He Cai, Jie Huang:
The leader-following consensus for multiple uncertain Euler-Lagrange systems with a distributed adaptive observer. CIS:218-223 - Wuquan Li, Lu Liu
, Gang Feng
Distributed output tracking of multi-agent systems with stochastic nonlinear dynamics and multiple leaders. CIS:224-227 - Thanh Nho Do
, Tian En Timothy Seah, Soo Jay Phee:
Design and control of a novel mechatronic tracheostomy tube-inserted suction catheter for automated tracheal suctioning. CIS:228-233 - Xianming Ye, Cyril Hasson, Woon Jong Yoon, John-John Cabibihan
Design of a steering mechanism for a Tethered Capsule Endoscope. CIS:234-238 - Zheng Li, Jan Feiling, Hongliang Ren
, Haoyong Yu:
A novel tele-operated flexible surgical arm with optimal trajectory tracking aiming for minimally invasive neurosurgery. CIS:239-244 - Shen Shen, Shuang Song
, Jingling Zhu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Jim Li, Hongliang Ren
Preliminary design towards a magnetic actuated drug delivery system. CIS:245-249 - Chi-Cheng Cheng, Tat Seng Si Tou:
A humanoid robot with the intelligence of playing a swing. CIS:250-254 - Hongying Zhang, Michael Yu Wang, Jian Zhu:
Soft compressive sensor design and analysis. CIS:255-260 - Zuchang Gao, Junbo Jia, Jinlong Xie, Wei Da Toh, Pengfeng Lin, Hang Lyu, Deddy Julyanto, Cheng Siong Chin, Wai Lok Woo
Modelling and simulation of a 12-cell battery power system with fault control for underwater robot. CIS:261-267 - Pradeepkumar Krishnamoorthy, Cheng Siong Chin, Zuchang Gao, Weipeng Lin:
A multi-hop microprocessor based prototype system for remote vibration and image monitoring of underwater offshore platform. CIS:268-275 - Zu-Hao Lai, Chian C. Ho:
Real-time indoor positioning system based on RFID Heron-bilateration location estimation and IMU angular-driven navigation reckoning. CIS:276-281
RAM Papers
- Nguyen Xuan Vinh, Le Quoc Ha, Nguyen Minh Thanh, Nguyen Ngoc Lam, Le Hoai Quoc:
Optimal design and control of a Stewart-Gough Platform. RAM:1-6 - Shogo Tominaga, Norihiko Kato, Ken'ichi Yano, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Takaaki Aoki, Yutaka Nishimoto:
Decompression motion support for the prevention of pressure ulcers using exoskeleton robot. RAM:7-12 - Altug Iftar:
Robust servomechanism problem for robotic systems described by delay-differential-algebraic equations. RAM:13-18 - Avishai Sintov, Amir Shapiro
Automatic design algorithm of a robotic end-effector for a set of sheet-metal parts. RAM:19-24 - Yeon SeokLee, Sand-Ui Choi, Sherif A. S. Mohamed:
An energy efficient extremely low voltage DC-LED lighting system. RAM:25-29 - Tomonari Masuzaki, Yasuyuki Sugaya, Kenichi Kanatani:
Floor-wall boundary estimation by ellipse fitting. RAM:30-35 - Mingyang Xie, Xiangpeng Li, Yong Wang, Dong Sun
Optical manipulation of cell rotation using a robust controller. RAM:36-41 - Rajarshi Maiti, Yi Hou, Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Hong Zhang:
Use of convolutional neural networks to automate the detection of wildlife from remote cameras. RAM:42-47 - Bingxiao Ding, Yangmin Li
, Yi-Rui Tang:
Workspace analysis for a 3-DOF compliant parallel mechanism based on SimMechanics. RAM:48-53 - Ping He
, Yangmin Li
Passivity-based synchronization of a new hyperchaotic Lorenz System. RAM:54-58 - Anderson Lebbad, S. Nataraj:
A Bayesian algorithm for vision based navigation of autonomous surface vehicles. RAM:59-64 - Hai Nguyen-Thanh, Cuong Vo-Viet
Modified controls for Doubly Fed Induction Generator under unbalanced voltage distortion for torque stability and PI-Fuzzy Controller. RAM:65-70 - Csilla Bányász, László Keviczky:
Observer based PID regulator for a class of factorable nonlinear plants. RAM:71-77 - Razvan Solea, Adrian Filipescu, Adriana Filipescu, Eugenia Minca
, Silviu Filipescu:
Wheelchair control and navigation based on kinematic model and iris movement. RAM:78-83 - Chang-Wan Ha, Chang-Hyun Kim, Jaewon Lim
, Jubyeong Chae, Hyung-Suk Han
Magnetic levitation control including bogie roll motion. RAM:84-88 - Waldemar Grzechca:
Assembly line balancing problem with quality inspection stations. RAM:89-94 - Tsubasa Matsushita, Satoshi Iwaki:
Contactless manipulation of multiple objects in a plane using multiple air jets. RAM:95-100 - Han Wang
, Xiaozheng Mou, Wei Mou, Shenghai Yuan
, Soner Ulun, Shuai Yang, Bok-Suk Shin:
Vision based long range object detection and tracking for unmanned surface vehicle. RAM:101-105 - Gregor Lux, Gunther Reinhart:
An approach for the automated self-calibration of robot-based inspection systems. RAM:106-111 - YuanRui Yang, Haibin Yan, Masood Dehghan
, Marcelo H. Ang
Real-time human-robot interaction in complex environment using kinect v2 image recognition. RAM:112-117 - Peter Ferschin, Monika Di Angelo
, Gerhard Brunner:
Rapid prototyping for kinetic architecture. RAM:118-123 - Huynh T. N. Dung, Sukhan Lee:
Outlier removal based on boundary order and shade information in structured light 3D camera. RAM:124-129 - Kalana Ishara, Ivan Lee
, Russell S. A. Brinkworth
Mobile robotic active view planning for physiotherapy and physical exercise guidance. RAM:130-136 - Andreas Bihlmaier, Heinz Wörn:
Learning surgical know-how: Dexterity for a cognitive endoscope robot. RAM:137-142 - Dale Anthony Carnegie, James McVay, Lance Molyneaux, Chris Chitty:
An affordable, robust mining inspection robot. RAM:143-148 - Alexander Enoch:
A three degree of freedom leg design, and implementation in a bipedal robot. RAM:149-154 - Wai Pik Lau, Yong Zhong
, Ruxu Du, Zheng Li:
Bladderless swaying wire-driven Robot Shark. RAM:155-160 - Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Khaksar
, Rajiv Khosla, Mei-Tai Chu:
Socially assistive robots in service innovation context to improve aged-care quality: A grounded theory approach. RAM:161-166 - Jinqiang Cui, Swee King Phang
, Kevin Z. Y. Ang, Fei Wang, Xiangxu Dong, Yijie Ke, Shupeng Lai
, Kun Li, Xiang Li, Feng Lin, Jing Lin, Peidong Liu, Tao Pang, Biao Wang, Kangli Wang, Zhaolin Yang, Ben M. Chen:
Drones for cooperative search and rescue in post-disaster situation. RAM:167-174 - Qilong Yuan, Teguh Santoso Lembono, Yuhua Zou, I-Ming Chen
Automatic robot taping: Auto-path planning and manipulation. RAM:175-180 - Rodrigo S. Jamisola, Petar Kormushev, Darwin G. Caldwell
, Frank Ibikunle:
Modular relative Jacobian for dual-arms and the wrench transformation matrix. RAM:181-186 - Dominique Duhaut:
Keywords and dimensions of artificial companions. RAM:187-192 - László Keviczky, Csilla Bányász:
How the sensitivity measures can be computed for different Youla regulators. RAM:193-198 - Haibin Yan, YuanRui Yang, Renjun Li, Masood Dehghan
, Marcelo H. Ang
A preliminary study of the RADOE project. RAM:199-204 - Abdulrahman Altahhan:
Towards a deep feature-action architecture for robot homing. RAM:205-209 - Akshay Rao, Han Wang
An Adaptive Gaussian Particle Filter based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with dynamic process model noise bias compensation. RAM:210-215 - Thavida Maneewarn, Kaned Thung-od:
ICP-EKF localization with adaptive covariance for a boiler inspection robot. RAM:216-221 - Karthick Thiyagarajan
, Sarath Kodagoda
SMART monitoring of surface temperature and moisture content using multisensory data fusion. RAM:222-227 - Nannan Li, Lixin Jia, Panpan Zhang:
Detection and volume estimation of bubbles in blood circuit of hemodialysis by morphological image processing. RAM:228-231 - Juan P. F. Cortes, Tsz Him Ching, Chuyi Wu, Chang Yin Chionh, Suranga Nanayakkara, Shaohui Foong
BWard: An optical approach for reliable in-situ early blood leakage detection at catheter extraction points. RAM:232-237 - Hongsheng Qi, Ting Liu, Daizhan Cheng:
Observability of dynamic control games. RAM:238-242 - KienT. Xuan:
Application of real-time Kalman filter with magnetic calibration for MEMS sensor in attitude estimation. RAM:243-247 - Ningning Yang, Chaojun Wu, Chongxin Liu, Kai Liu:
Adaptive synchronization of a novel fractional-order hyperchaotic system with uncertain parameters. RAM:248-252 - Miguel Realpe
, Boris Xavier Vintimilla, Ljubo B. Vlacic:
Towards fault tolerant perception for autonomous vehicles: Local fusion. RAM:253-258 - Rui Ma, Hui Cao, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Hongliang Ren
Kernel neighbor density with parallel computing mechanism for anomaly detection algorithm. RAM:259-264 - Mitsuru Jindai, Shunsuke Ota, Yusuke Ikemoto, Tohru Sasaki:
Handshake request motion model with an approaching human for a handshake robot system. RAM:265-270 - Gangquan Si, Zhang Guo, Jianquan Shi, Hong Gao:
Partitioned LSSVR modeling method for self adaption under multi operating conditions. RAM:271-276 - Hui Cao, Bo Zhou, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Hongliang Ren:
Towards low-cost contactless high-temperature estimation based on colorimetrie fusion. RAM:277-282 - Xiaoyan Ma, Yanbin Zhang, Yanxia Wang
Performance evaluation of kernel functions based on grid search for support vector regression. RAM:283-288

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