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WSC 2009: Austin, TX, USA
- Ann Dunkin, Ricki G. Ingalls, Enver Yücesan, Manuel D. Rossetti, Ray Hill, Björn Johansson:
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2009, Hilton Austin Hotel, Austin, TX, USA, December 13-16, 2009. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-5770-0
Titan Talks
- Thomas J. Schriber:
Simulation for the Masses: Spreadsheet-based Monte Carlo Simulation. 1-11
Education - Introductory Tutorials
- K. Preston White, Ricki G. Ingalls:
Introduction to Simulation. 12-23 - Averill M. Law:
How to Build Valid and Credible Simulation Models. 24-33 - David T. Sturrock:
Tips for Successful Practice of Simulation. 34-39 - W. David Kelton:
Representing and Generating Uncertainty Effectively. 40-44 - Russell C. H. Cheng, Christine S. M. Currie
Resampling Methods of Analysis in Simulation Studies. 45-59 - Susan M. Sanchez, Hong Wan:
Better than a Petaflop: The Power of Efficient Experimental Design. 60-74 - L. Jeff Hong
, Barry L. Nelson:
A Brief Introduction to Optimization via Simulation. 75-85 - Charles M. Macal, Michael J. North:
Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. 86-98 - Robert A. Strong, Natalie M. Steiger, James R. Wilson:
Introduction to Financial Risk Assessment using Monte Carlo Simulation. 99-118
Education - Advanced Tutorials
- Jeremy Staum:
Better Simulation Metamodeling: The Why, What, and How of Stochastic Kriging. 119-133 - Renata A. Konrad
, Mark A. Lawley:
Input Modeling for Hospital Simulation Models using Electronic Messages. 134-147 - Kalyan T. Talluri, Itir Z. Karaesmen
, Garrett J. van Ryzin, Gustavo J. Vulcano
Revenue Management: Models and Methods. 148-161 - Robert G. Sargent:
Verification and Validation of Simulation Models. 162-176 - Paul A. Fishwick:
An Introduction to OpenSimulator and Virtual Environment agent-based M&S Applications. 177-183 - Michael E. Kuhl, Emily K. Lada, Mary Ann Flanigan Wagner, Julie Simmons Ivy, Natalie M. Steiger, James R. Wilson:
Introduction to Modeling and Generating Probabilistic Input Processes for Simulation. 184-202 - Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Stephen John Turner, Ke Pan, Steffen Straßburger
Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Simulation Package Interoperability: Issues and Futures. 203-215 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside Discrete-event Simulation Software: How it Works and Why it Matters. 216-229 - Russell R. Barton
Simulation Optimization using Metamodels. 230-238
Education - Training
- Barry Lawson, Lawrence Leemis:
Simulation Fundamentals. 239-247
Education - Simulation Education
- Markus Klug, Peter Hausberger:
Motivaton of Students for Further Education in Simulation by an Applied Example in a Related other Course in Engineering Education - A Case Study. 248-255 - Pau Fonseca, Josep Casanovas
JGPSS, An Open Source GPSS Framework to Teach Simulation. 256-267 - Eugene P. Paulo, Stephanie Few:
Leveraging the DoD M&S Education Project for Specialized Army M&S Education. 268-272 - J. Peter Kincaid, Ken K. Westerlund:
Simulation in Education and Training. 273-280 - Heriberto Garcia, Martha A. Centeno:
S.U.C.C.E.S.S.F.U.L.: A Framework for Designing Discrete Event Simulation Courses. 289-298 - Pau Fonseca, Angel A. Juan
, Lluís M. Plà-Aragonés
, Sara V. Rodríguez, Javier Faulin
Simulation Education in the Internet Age: Some Experiences on the Use of Pure Online and Blended Learning Models. 299-309
Education - History of Simulation
- David Goldsman, Richard E. Nance, James R. Wilson:
A Brief History of Simulation. 310-313
Education - Vendor Track
- Claude Dennis Pegden, David T. Sturrock:
Introduction to Simio. 314-321 - Karthik Krishna Vasudevan, Ravindra Lote, Edward J. Williams
, Onur M. Ülgen:
High Speedbottle Manufacturing Lines: Case Studies and Simulation Software Selection Techniques. 322-332 - David Krahl:
Extendsim Advanced Techology: Discrete Rate Simulation. 333-338
Methodology - Analysis Methodology
- Peter I. Frazier
, Warren B. Powell, Hugo P. Simão:
Simulation Model Calibration with Correlated Knowledge-gradients. 339-351 - Nabil Channouf, Pierre L'Ecuyer
Fitting a Normal Copula for a Multivariate Distribution with both Discrete and Continuous Marginals. 352-358 - Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
, Michael P. Wellman
Strategic Analysis with Simulation-based Games. 359-372 - Abhijit Gosavi
Reinforcement Learning for Model Building and Variance-penalized Control. 373-379 - Eric J. Friedman, Shane G. Henderson, Thomas Byuen, German Gutierrez Gallardo:
Estimating the Probability that the Game of Monopoly never ends. 380-391 - Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Bruno Tuffin:
On the Error Distribution for Randomly-shifted Lattice Rules. 392-402 - Pierre L. Douillet:
Sampling Distribution of the Variance. 403-414 - Lihua Sun, L. Jeff Hong
A General Framework of Importance Sampling for Value-at-risk and Conditional Value-at-risk. 415-422 - Demet Batur
, F. Fred Choobineh:
Do mean-based Ranking and Selection Procedures consider Systems' Risk? 423-433 - Sandeep Juneja, L. Ramprasath:
Nested Simulation for Estimating Portfolio Losses within a Time Horizon. 434-443 - Jose H. Blanchet, Peter W. Glynn:
Efficient Rare Event Simulation of Continuous Time Markovian Perpetuities. 444-451 - Athanassios N. Avramidis
Fitting Discrete Multivariate Distributions with Unbounded Marginals and Normal-copula Dependence. 452-458 - Jiaqiao Hu, Ping Hu:
On the Performance of the Cross-Entropy Method. 459-468 - Minghua Hsieh, Peter W. Glynn:
New Estimators for Parallel Steady-state Simulations. 469-474 - Dmitriy Belyi, Paul Damien, David P. Morton
, Elmira Popova:
Bayesian Non-parametric Simulation of Hazard Functions. 475-482 - Alexander Galenko, David P. Morton
, Elmira Popova, Ivilina Popova
Simulating Cointegrated Time Series. 483-493 - Tara Rengarajan, David P. Morton
Estimating the Efficient Frontier of a Probabilistic Bicriteria Model. 494-504 - E. Jack Chen:
Adapt Selection Procedures to Process Correlated and Non-normal Data with Batch Means. 505-515 - Peter Buchholz
, Dennis Müller:
Statistical Analysis and Comparison of Simulation Models of Highly Dependable Systems - An Experimental Study. 516-527 - Stephen E. Chick, Peter I. Frazier
The Conjunction of the Knowledge Gradient and the Economic Approach to Simulation Selection. 528-539 - Gabriella Dellino
, Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Carlo Meloni
Robust Simulation-optimization using Metamodels. 540-550 - Alireza Kabirian, Sigurdur Ólafsson:
Simulation Optimization with Hybrid Golden Region Search. 551-562 - Kuo-Hao Chang
, Hong Wan:
Stochastic Trust Region Response Surface Convergent Method for Generally-distributed Response Surface. 563-573 - Alireza Kabirian, Sigurdur Ólafsson:
Selection of the Best with Stochastic Constraints. 574-583 - Nugroho Artadi Pujowidianto, Loo Hay Lee, Chun-Hung Chen, Chee Meng Yap:
Optimal Computing Budget Allocation for Constrained Optimization. 584-589 - Douglas J. Morrice, Mark W. Brantley, Chun-Hung Chen:
A Transient Means Ranking and Selection Procedure with Sequential Sampling Constraints. 590-600 - Mark Broadie, Deniz M. Cicek, Assaf Zeevi:
An Adaptive Multidimensional Version of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz Stochastic Approximation Algorithm. 601-612 - Eunji Lim:
Newton-Raphson Version of Stochastic Approximation over Discrete Sets. 613-622 - Jong-hyun Ryu, Sujin Kim, Hong Wan:
Pareto Front Approximation with Adaptive Weighted Sum Method in Multiobjective Simulation Optimization. 623-633 - Falko Bause
, Peter Buchholz
, Jan Kriege:
A Comparison of Markovian Arrival and ARMA/ARTA Processes for the Modeling of Correlated Input Processes. 634-645 - Wheyming Tina Song, Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Omitting Meaningless Digits: Analyzing LDR(1), The Standard Leading-digit Rule. 646-651 - Ali Tafazzoli, James R. Wilson:
N-Skart: A Nonsequential Skewness- and Autoregression-adjusted Batch-means Procedure for Simulation Analysis. 652-662 - Shravan Gaonkar, William H. Sanders:
G-SSASC: Simultaneous Simulation of System Models with bounded Hazard Rates. 663-673 - Jun Yin, Szu Hui Ng, Kien Ming Ng
A Study on the Effects of Parameter Estimation on Kriging Model's Prediction Error in Stochastic Simulations. 674-685 - Wai Kin (Victor) Chan
, Lee W. Schruben, Barry L. Nelson, Sheldon H. Jacobson
Simulation Fusion. 686-695 - Jirka Poropudas, Kai Virtanen:
Influence Diagrams in Analysis of Discrete Event Simulation Data. 696-708 - Jamie R. Wieland, Barry L. Nelson:
How Simulation Languages Should Report Results: A Modest Proposal. 709-715 - Marvin K. Nakayma:
A General Framework for the Asymptotic Validity of Two-stage Procedures for Selection and Multiple Comparisons with Consistent Variance Estimators. 716-722 - Dashi I. Singham, Lee W. Schruben:
Analysis of Sequential Stopping Rules. 723-730 - Karel Crombecq, Dirk Gorissen, Luciano De Tommasi
, Tom Dhaene:
A Novel Sequential Design Strategy for Global Surrogate Modeling. 731-742
Methodology - Modeling Methodology
- Rhys Goldstein, Gabriel A. Wainer
DEVS-based Design of Spatial Simulations of Biological Systems. 743-754 - Charles M. Jenkins, Stephen V. Rice:
Resource Modeling in Discrete-event Simulation Environments: A Fifty-year Perspective. 755-766 - Thomas Monks
, Stewart Robinson
, Kathy Kotiadis
Model Reuse versus Model Development: Effects on Credibility and Learning. 767-778 - David W. Bauer, Christopher D. Carothers:
Scalable RF Propagation Modeling on the IBM Blue Gene/L and Cray XT5 Supercomputers. 779-787 - Isabel Beichl, Brian Cloteaux
A Structural Approach to the Temporal Modeling of Networks. 788-796 - Jason Liu
, Yue Li, Ying He:
A Large-scale Real-time Network Simulation Study using PRIME. 797-806 - Poul E. Heegaard
, Kishor S. Trivedi:
Survivability Modeling with Stochastic Reward Nets. 807-818 - Felix Salfner, Katinka Wolter:
A Petri Net Model for Service Availability in Redundant Computing Systems. 819-826 - Peter Kemper:
Recovering Model Invariants from Simulation Traces with Petri Net Analysis Techniques. 827-838 - Daniel Huber, Wilhelm Dangelmaier:
Controlled Simplification of Material Flow Simulation Models. 839-850 - Taejong Yoo, Kyungdoc Kim, Sunyoung Song, Hyunbo Cho, Enver Yücesan:
Applying Web Services Technology to Implement Distributed Simulation for Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis. 863-873 - Sebastian Bohlmann, Volkhard Klinger, Helena Szczerbicka:
HPNS - A Hybrid Process Net Simulation Environment Executing Online Dynamic Models of Industrial Manufacturing Systems. 874-885 - Durk-Jouke van der Zee:
Building Insightful Simulation Models using Formal Approaches - A Case Study on Petri Nets. 886-898 - Wlodek M. Zuberek
Performance Limitations of Block-multithreaded Distributed-memory Systems. 899-907 - Leonard A. Harris
, Justin S. Hogg, James R. Faeder
Compartmental Rule-based Modeling of Biochemical Systems. 908-919 - Céline Kuttler, Cédric Lhoussaine, Mirabelle Nebut:
Rule-based Modeling of Transcriptional Attenuation at the Tryptophan Operon. 920-931 - Orianne Mazemondet, Mathias John, Carsten Maus, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Arndt Rolfs:
Integrating Diverse Reaction Types into Stochastic Models - A Signaling Pathway Case Study in the Imperative pi-Calculus. 932-943 - Olivier Dalle, Judicaël Ribault, Jan Himmelspach:
Design Considerations for M&S Software. 944-955 - Adam Duguid, Stephen T. Gilmore, Maria Luisa Guerriero, Jane Hillston, Laurence Loewe:
Design and Development of Software Tools for Bio-PEPA. 956-967 - James T. Sawyer, David M. Brann:
How to Test your Models More Effectively: Applying Agile and Automated Techniques to Simulation Testing. 968-978 - Antuela A. Tako
, Stewart Robinson
Comparing Model Development in Discrete Event Simulation and System Dynamics. 979-991 - Sabine Zinn, Jan Himmelspach, Jutta Gampe, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
MIC-core: A Tool for Microsimulation. 992-1002 - Christopher L. Barrett, Richard J. Beckman, Maleq Khan, V. S. Anil Kumar, Madhav V. Marathe, Paula Elaine Stretz, Tridib Dutta, Bryan L. Lewis:
Generation and Analysis of Large Synthetic Social Contact Networks. 1003-1014 - Falko Bause
, Peter Buchholz
, Jan Kriege, Sebastian Vastag:
Simulation based Validation of Quantitative Requirements in Service Oriented Architectures. 1015-1026 - Ke Pan, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai
, Zengxiang Li:
Implementation of Data Distribution Management Services in a Service Oriented HLA RTI. 1027-1038 - Hengheng Xie, Azzedine Boukerche, Ming Zhang:
A Novel Message-oriented and SOA based Real-time Modeling and Simulation Framework for Peer-to-Peer Systems. 1039-1046 - Yongwei Wang, Michael Lees
, Wentong Cai
, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
Cluster based Partitioning for Agent-based Crowd Simulations. 1047-1058 - H. Van Dyke Parunak:
Interpreting Digital Pheromones as Probability Fields. 1059-1068 - Bogdan Tatomir, Léon J. M. Rothkrantz, Adriana-Camelia Suson:
Travel Time Prediction for Dynamic Routing using Ant Based Control. 1069-1078 - Roland Ewald, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Automating the Runtime Performance Evaluation of Simulation Algorithms. 1079-1091 - Ross Gore, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.:
Program Slice Distribution Functions. 1092-1103 - Werner Sandmann:
Streamlined Formulation of Adaptive Explicit-Implicit Tau-leaping with Automatic Tau Selection. 1104-1112 - Rutger Claes, Tom Holvoet
Multi-model Traffic Microsimulations. 1113-1123 - Hoe Kyoung Kim, Michael Hunter, Richard M. Fujimoto:
A Simulation-based Investigation of a Dynamic Advanced Traveler Information System. 1124-1135 - Poul E. Heegaard
, Werner Sandmann:
Importance Sampling Simulations of Phase-type Queues. 1136-1145 - José Villén-Altamirano
RESTART Simulation of Networks of Queues with Erlang Service Times. 1146-1154 - Peter W. Glynn, Michel Mandjes:
Simulation-based Computation of the Workload Correlation Function in a Lévy-driven Queue. 1155-1166 - Bing Wang, Jan Himmelspach, Roland Ewald, Yiping Yao, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Experimental Analysis of Logical Process Simulation Algorithms in JAMES II. 1167-1179 - Jun Wang, Carl Tropper:
Using Genetic Algorithms to Limit the Optimism in Time Warp. 1180-1188 - Dirk Pawlaszczyk
, Steffen Straßburger
Scalability in Distributed Simulations of Agent-based Models. 1189-1200 - Brandon Baker, Edward Hagler, Toyan Harvey, Kendra Jones, Michael Pieper, Benjamin Stensland, Prashant Thiruvengadachari, Eric Thompson, Jewel Watts, Javier Young, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Richard Fujimoto:
An Online Transportation System Simulation Testbed. 1201-1212 - Heiko Aydt, Stephen John Turner
, Wentong Cai
, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
Research Issues in Symbiotic Simulation. 1213-1222
Methodology - Risk Analysis
- Sandeep Juneja, L. Jeff Hong
Estimating the Mean of a Non-linear Function of Conditional Expectation. 1223-1236 - Amanda J. Schmitt, Mahender Singh:
Quantifying Supply Chain Disruption Risk using Monte Carlo and Discrete-event Simulation. 1237-1248 - Ming Liu, Jeremy Staum:
Estimating Expected Shortfall with Stochastic Kriging. 1249-1260 - Nan Chen, Zhengyu Huang:
A Wiener Measure Theoretic Approach to Pricing Extreme-value-related Derivatives. 1261-1271 - Yongqiang Wang, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus:
Sensitivity Analysis for Barrier Options. 1272-1282 - Michael B. Giles
Multilevel Monte Carlo for Basket Options. 1283-1290 - Xiaowei Zhang
, Peter W. Glynn, Kay Giesecke, Jose H. Blanchet:
Rare Event Simulation for a Generalized Hawkes Process. 1291-1298 - Enlu Zhou, Lin Kun, Michael C. Fu, Steven I. Marcus:
A Numerical Method for Financial Decision Problems under Stochastic Volatility. 1299-1310
Methodology - Simulation Interoperability
- Chungman Seo, Bernard P. Zeigler:
DEVS Namespace for Interoperable DEVS/SOA. 1311-1322 - Khaldoon Al-Zoubi
, Gabriel A. Wainer
Performing Distributed Simulation with RESTful Web-Services. 1323-1334 - Nils Bengtsson, Guodong Shao, Björn Johansson
, Y. Tina Lee, Swee Leong, Anders Skoogh
, Charles R. McLean:
Input Data Management Methodology for Discrete Event Simulation. 1335-1344 - Jeffrey S. Steinman, Craig Nathan Lammers, Maria Elena Valinski:
A Proposed Open Cognitive Architecture Framework. 1345-1355 - Benjamin Yuan Wei Chua, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
Predictive Algorithms for Aggregation and Disaggregation in Mixed Mode Simulation. 1356-1365 - Sina Meraji, Wei Zhang, Carl Tropper:
On the Scalability and Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Verilog Simulations. 1366-1374 - Perakath C. Benjamin, Kumar V. Akella:
Towards Ontology-driven Interoperability for Simulation-based Applications. 1375-1386 - Reginald Ford, David L. Martin, Mark Johnson, Daniel Elenius:
Ontologies and Tools for Analyzing and Synthesizing LVC Confederations. 1387-1398 - Gregory A. Silver, Kushel Rai Bellipady, John A. Miller
, William S. York, Krys J. Kochut:
Supporting Interoperability using the Discrete-event Modeling Ontology (DeMO). 1399-1410 - Claudia Szabo, Yong Meng Teo
, Simon See:
A Time-based Formalism for the Validation of Semantic Composability. 1411-1422 - Gavin Mulligan, Denis Gracanin
A Comparison of SOAP and REST Implementations of a Service based Interaction Independence Middleware Framework. 1423-1432
Applications - Energy and Material Stream
- Karsten Kieckhäfer
, Grit Walther
, Joachim Axmann, Thomas Spengler
Integrating Agent-based Simulation and System Dynamics to Support Product Strategy Decisions in the Automotive Industry. 1433-1443 - Andreas Möller, Martina Prox, Mario Schmidt
, Hendrik Lambrecht:
Simulation and Optimization of Material and Energy Flow Systems. 1444-1455 - Philip Joschko, Bernd Page, Volker Wohlgemuth:
Combination of Job oriented Simulation with Ecological Material Flow Analysis as Integrated Analysis Tool for Business Production Processes. 1456-1465 - Michael E. Kuhl, Xi Zhou:
Sustainability Toolkit for Simulation-based Logistics Decisions. 1466-1473 - Elmar Kiesling
, Markus Guenther
, Christian Stummer
, Lea M. Wakolbinger:
An Agent-based Simulation Model for the Market Diffusion of a Second Generation Biofuel. 1474-1481 - Rishabh P. Kothari, Dirk P. Kroese
Optimal Generation Expansion Planning via the Cross-Entropy Method. 1482-1491 - Ilya O. Ryzhov, Warren B. Powell:
A Monte Carlo Knowledge Gradient Method for Learning Abatement Potential of Emissions Reduction Technologies. 1492-1502 - C. Lindsay Anderson
, Judith B. Cardell:
Analysis of Wind Penetration and Network Reliability through Monte Carlo Simulation. 1503-1510 - Esfandyar Mazhari, Jiayun Zhao, Nurcin Celik
, Seungho Lee, Young-Jun Son
, Larry Head
Hybrid Simulation and Optimization-based Capacity Planner for Integrated Photovoltaic Generation with Storage Units. 1511-1522 - Thomas Brady:
A Simulation Solution of the Integration of Wind Power into an Electricity Generating Network. 1523-1529 - Albert Molderink, Maurice G. C. Bosman, Vincent Bakker, Johann L. Hurink
, Gerard J. M. Smit:
Simulating the Effect on the Energy Efficiency of Smart Grid Technologies. 1530-1541 - Mark F. Ruth, Victor Diakov, Michael E. Goldsby, Timothy J. Sa:
Macro-system Model: A Federated Object Model for Cross-cutting Analysis of Hydrogen Production, Delivery, Consumption and Associated Emissions. 1555-1561 - Guillermo Romero-Jiménez, Fernando Jiménez-Fraustro, José Tavira-Mondragón, Heriberto Avalos-Valenzuela:
Development of a 25MW Geothermal Power Plant Full Scope Simulator based on a Control System Graphical Modeling. 1562-1568 - Zhi Zhou, Wai Kin (Victor) Chan
, Joe H. Chow, Serhiy Kotsan:
Duopoly Electricity Markets with Accurate and Inaccurate Market Goals. 1569-1580
Applications - MASM - Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing
- James Robert Morrison:
Equipment Models for Fab Level Proudction Simulation: Practical Features and Computational Tractability. 1581-1591 - Robert Kohn, Daniel Noack, Marcin Mosinski, Zhugen Zhou, Oliver Rose:
Evaluation of Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Approaches for Work Flow Management in Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1592-1600 - Jean-Etienne Kiba, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
, Claude Yugma, Gilles Lamiable:
Simulation of a Full 300mm Semiconductor Manufacturing Plant with Material Handling Constraints. 1601-1609 - Casper Veeger, Pascal Etman, Jacobus E. Rooda, Joost van Herk:
Cycle Time Distributions of Semiconductor Workstations using Aggregate Modeling. 1610-1621 - Achyutha Krishnamoorthy, Narayanan C. Viswanath
, Srinivas R. Chakravarthy:
The Impact of Priority Generations in a Multi-priority Queueing System - A Simulation Approach. 1622-1633 - José A. Ramírez-Hernández, Emmanuel Fernandez:
A Simulation-based Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for the Control of the Intel Mini-Fab Benchmark Model. 1634-1645 - Zhugen Zhou, Oliver Rose:
A Bottleneck Detection and Dynamic Dispatching Strategy for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities. 1646-1656 - Myoungsoo Ham, Young Hoon Lee, John W. Fowler
Integer Programming-based Real-time Scheduler in Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1657-1666 - Andrew L. Johnson
, Héctor J. Carlo, Jesus A. Jimenez, Dima Nazzal
, Vernet Lasrado:
A Greedy Heuristic for Locating Crossovers in Conveyor-based AMHS in Wafer Fabs. 1667-1676 - Tanju Yurtsever, Erhan Kutanoglu
, Jennifer Johns:
Heuristic based Scheduling System for Diffusion in Semiconductor Manufacturing. 1677-1685 - Andreas Klemmt, Gerald Weigert, Christian Almeder
, Lars Mönch:
A Comparison of MIP-based Decomposition Techniques and VNS Approaches for Batch Scheduling Problems. 1686-1694 - Hans Ehm, Leon F. McGinnis, Oliver Rose:
Are Simulation Standards in our Future? 1695-1702 - Leon F. McGinnis, Volkan Ustun:
A Simple Example of SysML-driven Simulation. 1703-1710 - Oliver Schönherr, Oliver Rose:
First Steps Towards a General SysML Model for Discrete Processes in Production Systems. 1711-1718 - Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei
, Shengwei Ding, J. George Shanthikumar:
A Method for Cycle Time Estimation of Semiconductor Manufacturing Toolsets with Correlations. 1719-1729 - Brittany M. Bogle, Scott J. Mason
Optimizing Demand Fulfillment from Test Bins. 1730-1736
Applications - Military Applications
- Benjamin G. Thengvall
, Fred W. Glover:
A Framework for the Optimization and Analysis of Agent-based Models. 1737-1744 - Darryl K. Ahner:
A Normalized Weighted Entropy Measure for Sensor Allocation within Simulations. 1753-1763 - Alan Cowdale:
Real World Data Collection for Model Validation. 1764-1769 - Jeremy D. Jordan, Sharif H. Melouk, Paul Faas:
Analyzing Production Modifications of a C-130 Engine Repair Facility using Simulation. 1770-1777 - Rachel T. Johnson, Thorsten A. Lampe, Stephan Seichter:
Calibration of an Agent-based Simulation Model Depicting a Refugee Camp Scenario. 1778-1786 - Erdal Cayirci:
Multi-Resolution Federations in Support of Operational and Higher Level Combined/Joint Computer Assisted Exercises. 1787-1797 - Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
, Mahinthan Chandramohan, Chwee Seng Choo:
Application of Multi-objective Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm to Automated Red Teaming. 1798-1808 - Shaun P. Hayes, Eugene P. Paulo:
Architecture for Comparing Alternative Designs of a Tactical Naval Command and Control System using Discrete-event Simulation. 1817-1822
Applications - Health Care
- Terry Young
, Julie Eatock, Mohsen Jahangirian, Aisha Naseer, Richard J. Lilford:
Three Critical Challenges for Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare. 1823-1830 - Tillal Eldabi
Implementation Issues of Modeling Healthcare Problems: Misconceptions and Lessons. 1831-1839 - Sally C. Brailsford
, Timothy Bolt, Con Connell, Jonathan H. Klein, Brijesh Patel:
Stakeholder Engagement in Health Care Simulation. 1840-1849 - Matthew S. Maxwell, Shane G. Henderson, Huseyin Topaloglu
Ambulance Redeployment: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach. 1850-1860 - Reidar Hagtvedt, Paul M. Griffin, Pinar Keskinocak, Mark E. Ferguson
, Gregory Todd Jones:
Cooperative Strategies to Reduce Ambulance Diversion. 1861-1874 - Adrian Ramirez Nafarrate, John W. Fowler
, Teresa Wu:
Analysis of Ambulance Diversion Policies for a Large-size Hospital. 1875-1886 - Ekkehard Beck, Hari Balasubramanian, Philip L. Henneman:
Resource Management and Process Change in a Simplified Model of the Emergency Department. 1887-1895 - Lene Berge Holm, Fredrik A. Dahl
Simulating the Effect of Physician Triage in the Emergency Department of Akershus University Hospital. 1896-1905 - Martin J. Miller, David M. Ferrin, Niloo Shahi:
Estimating Patient Surge Impact on Boarding Time in Several Regional Emergency Departments. 1906-1915 - John S. Pirolo, Abhijit Ray, Matt Gadzinski, Mario Manese, Brannon Garvert, George Scoville, Howard Walpole, Bob Amland
, Rebecca Boos, Ian Mamminga, Joan Brown, Kipp Donlon:
Utilization of Discrete Event Simulation in the Prospective Determination of Optimal Cardiovascular Lab Processes. 1916-1926 - Philip Troy, Lawrence Rosenberg:
A Java Class Library for Simulating Peri-operative Processes. 1927-1936 - Sonja Reindl, Lars Mönch, Maria Mönch, Andreas Scheider:
Modeling and Simulation of Cataract Surgery Processes. 1937-1945 - Michael Thorwarth, Amr Arisha, Paul R. Harper:
Simulation Model to Investigate Flexible Workload Management for Healthcare and Servicescape Environment. 1946-1956 - Sharolyn Wynter, Julie Simmons Ivy:
Simulating Public Health Emergency Response: A Case Study of the 2004 North Carolina State Fair E. Coli Outbreak. 1957-1968 - Gary E. Blau, Seza Orçun:
A Bayesian Pharmacometric Approach for Personalized Medicine - A Proof of Concept Study with Simulated Data. 1969-1976 - Dionne M. Aleman
, Theo Wibisono, Brian Schwartz:
Accounting for Individual Behaviors in a Pandemic Disease Spread Model. 1977-1985 - Ozgur Merih Araz, John W. Fowler
, Tim Lant, Megan Jehn:
A Pandemic Influenza Simulation Model for Preparedness Planning. 1986-1995 - Brendan D. See, Shih-Ping Liu, Yi-Wei Lu, Qi Pang:
Staffing a Pandemic Urgent Care Facility during an Outbreak of Pandemic Influenza. 1996-2007 - Christina Bohk, Roland Ewald, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Probabilistic Population Projection with JAMES II. 2008-2019 - Keith R. Bisset, Xizhou Feng, Madhav V. Marathe, Shrirang M. Yardi:
Modeling Interaction between Individuals, Social Networks and Public Policy to Support Public Health Epidemiology. 2020-2031 - Stephen L. Faller III, Tanner Flynn, David M. Ferrin:
Simulating Health Care in Prison Systems. 2032-2041 - Yariv N. Marmor
, Segev Wasserkrug, Sergey Zeltyn, Yossi Mesika, Ohad Greenshpan, Boaz Carmeli, Avraham Shtub, Avishai Mandelbaum:
Toward Simulation-based Real-time Decision-support Systems for Emergency Departments. 2042-2053 - Kemal Efe, Vijay V. Raghavan, Suresh K. Choubey:
Simulation Modeling Movable Hospital Assets Managed with RFID Sensors. 2054-2064 - Sylvain Housseman, Nabil Absi
, Dominique Feillet
, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
Impacts of Radio-identification on Cryo-conservation Centers through Simulation. 2065-2077 - Andréia Alves dos Santos Schwaab, Paulo José de Freitas Filho:
Dynamic-fuzzy Simulation Model for Reproduction of Mortality Curves. 2078-2089 - Robert T. Koppenhaver, Andrew J. Schaefer
, R. Scott Braithwaite, Mark S. Roberts:
A Simulation Model of HIV Treatment under Drug Scarcity Constraints. 2090-2095 - George W. Pasdirtz:
Controlling Direct-to-Consumer Advertising, Professional Promotion and the Price of Pharmaceutical Drugs. 2096-2106
Applications - Manufacturing Applications
- Li Sun, Sunderesh S. Heragu
, Lijian Chen, Mark L. Spearman:
Simulation Analysis of a Multi-item MRP System based on Factorial Design. 2107-2114 - Mehdi Zakerifar, William E. Biles, Gerald W. Evans
Kriging Metamodeling in Multi-objective Simulation Optimization. 2115-2122 - Gonca Altuger, Constantin Chassapis:
Multi Criteria Preventive Maintenance Scheduling through Arena based Simulation Modeling. 2123-2134 - Chandandeep Singh Grewal, Silvanus T. Enns, Paul Rogers:
Performance Effects of Setup Time Reduction with and without Decision Variable Re-Optimization: A Simulation-Optimization Study. 2135-2144 - Ethan Brown, David T. Sturrock:
Identifying Cost Reduction and Performance Improvement Opportunities through Simulation. 2145-2153 - Mark Aufenanger, Hendrik Varnholt, Wilhelm Dangelmaier:
Adaptive Flow Control in Flexible Flow Shop Production Systems - A Knowledge-based Approach. 2164-2175 - Björn Johansson
, Åsa Fasth, Johan Stahre
, Juhani Heilala
, Swee Leong, Y. Tina Lee, Frank Riddick:
Enabling Flexible Manufacturing Systems by using Level of Automation as Design Parameter. 2176-2184 - José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi, Rafael Florencio da Silva Costa, Fabiano Leal
, Alexandre Ferreira de Pinho
, Jose Tadeu de Jesus:
Economic Evaluation of the Increase in Production Capacity of a High Technology Products Manufacturing Cell using Discrete Event Simulation. 2185-2196 - Berna Dengiz:
Redesign of PCB Production Line with Simulation and Taguchi Design. 2197-2204 - Andreas Beham
, Monika Kofler, Stefan Wagner
, Michael Affenzeller
Coupling Simulation with HeuristicLab to Solve Facility Layout Problems. 2205-2217 - Bikram Sharda, Adriana Vazquez:
Evaluating Capacity and Expansion Opportunities at Tank Farm: A Decision Support System using Discrete Event Simulation. 2218-2224 - Marek Fertsch
, Pawel Pawlewski
Changes Simulation in the Organization of Production - Case Study. 2225-2230 - Petter Solding, Per Gullander:
Concepts for Simulation based Value Stream Mapping. 2231-2237 - Gert Zülch, Peter Steininger, Thilo Gamber, Michael Leupold:
Generating, Benchmarking and Simulating Production Schedules: From Formalisation to Real Problems. 2238-2249 - Hyunsoo Lee
, Hongsuk Park, Amarnath Banerjee
Representation, Simulation and Control of Manufacturing Process with Different Forms of Uncertainties. 2262-2271 - Hidetaka Ichikawa:
Simulating an Applied Model to Optimize Cell Production and Parts Supply (Mizusumashi) for Laptop Assembly. 2272-2280
Applications - Logistics, Transportation and Distribution
- Nurcin Celik
, Young-Jun Son
Sequential Monte Carlo-based Fidelity Selection in Dynamic-data-driven Adaptive Multi-scale Simulations (DDDAMS). 2281-2293 - Donghwa Jeong, Minseok Seo, Yoonho Seo:
Development of Web-based Simulator for Supply Chain Management. 2303-2309 - Xi Guo, Shell-Ying Huang, Wen-Jing Hsu, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
A Simulation based Hybrid Algorithm for Yard Crane Dispatching in Container Terminals. 2320-2331 - Konstantinos Kontoyiannakis, Eduardo Serrano, Kevin Tse, Marcial Lapp, Amy Mainville Cohn:
A Simulation Framework to Evaluate Airport Gate Allocation Policies under Extreme Delay Conditions. 2332-2342 - Yuerong Chen, Xueping Li
The Effect of Customer Segmentation on an Inventory System in the Presence of Supply Disruptions. 2343-2352 - Stavrianna Dimitriou, Stewart Robinson
, Kathy Kotiadis
The impact of Human Decision Makers' Individualities on the Wholesale Price Contract's Efficiency: Simulating the Newsvendor Problem. 2353-2364 - Manuel D. Rossetti
, Yanchao Liu:
Simulating SKU Proliferation in a Health Care Supply Chain. 2365-2374 - Deniz Özdemir, Enver Yücesan, Yale T. Herer:
Sample Average Approximation Approach to Multi-Location Transshipment Problem with Capacitated Production. 2384-2394 - Banu Yetkin Ekren
, Sunderesh S. Heragu
Simulation based Regression Analysis for Rack Configuration of Autonomous Vehicle Storage and Retrieval System. 2405-2413 - Yan Liu, Soemon Takakuwa:
Simulation-based Personnel Planning for Materials Handling at a Cross-docking Center under Retail Distribution Environment. 2414-2425 - Lourdes A. Medina, R. Ufuk Bilsel, Richard A. Wysk, Vittaldas V. Prabhu, A. Ravi Ravindran:
Simulation for Predictive Control of a Distribution Center. 2426-2435 - Pengfei Li, Montasir Abbas
A Markov Process based Dilemma Zone Protection Algorithm. 2436-2445 - Vishwanath Palagummi, Richard Fujimoto, Michael Hunter:
Techniques for Rapid Initialization in In-vehicle Traffic Simulators. 2446-2456 - Sunil Thulasidasan, Stephan J. Eidenbenz
Accelerating Traffic Microsimulations: A Parallel Discrete-event Queue-based Approach for Speed and Scale. 2457-2466 - Mukul Tripathi, Glenn Kuriger, Hung-Da Wan:
An Ant based Simulation Optimization for Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands. 2476-2487 - Ralf Sprenger, Lars Mönch:
An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Solve Cooperative Transportation Planning Problems. 2488-2495 - Niklas Labitzke, Thomas Spengler
, Thomas Volling:
Applying Decision-oriented Accounting Principles for the Simulation-based Design of Logistics Systems in Production. 2496-2508 - Markus Rabe
, Sven Spieckermann, Sigrid Wenzel:
Verification and Validation Activities within a New Procedure Model for V&V in Production and Logistics Simulation. 2509-2519 - Edward Lin, Clark Cheng:
YardSim: A Rail Yard Simulation Framework and its Implementation in a Major Railroad in the U.S. 2532-2541 - Giuseppe Confessore, Giacomo Liotta
, Patrizia Cicini, Francesco Rondinone, Paolo De Luca:
A Simulation-based Approach for Estimating the Commercial Capacity of Railways. 2542-2552 - Yilin Huang
, Alexander Verbraeck
A Dynamic Data-driven Approach for Rail Transport System Simulation. 2553-2562
Applications - Construction Engineering and Project Management
- Russell Kenley, Olli Seppänen
Location-based Management of Construction Projects: Part of a New Typology for Project Scheduling Methodologies. 2563-2570 - Gunnar Lucko, Angel A. Pena Orozco:
Resource Leveling of Linear Schedules with Singularity Functions. 2571-2582 - Ian Flood:
A Hierarchical Constraint-based Approach to Modeling Construction and Manufacturing Processes. 2583-2592 - Ming Lu, Hoi-Ching Lam:
Simulation-optimization Integrated Approach to Planning Ready Mixed Concrete Production and Delivery: Validation and Applications. 2593-2604 - Changbum R. Ahn
, Prasant V. Rekapalli, Julio C. Martínez, Feniosky Peña-Mora:
Sustainability Analysis of Earthmoving Operations. 2605-2611 - Undram Chinbat, Soemon Takakuwa:
Using Simulation Analysis for Mining Project Risk Management. 2612-2623 - Simaan M. AbouRizk
, Stephen Hague:
An Overview of the COSYE Environment for Construction Simulation. 2624-2634 - Carol C. Menassa, Feniosky Peña-Mora:
Real Options and System Dynamics Approach to Model Value of Implementing a Project Specific Dispute Resolution Process in Construction Projects. 2635-2646 - Amin Alvanchi, SangHyun Lee
, Simaan M. AbouRizk
Meaningful Level of Change in Hybrid Simulation for Construction Analysis. 2647-2652 - Saad Dawood, Richard Lord
, Nashwan Dawood
Development of a Visual whole Life-cycle Energy Assessment Framework for Built Environment. 2653-2663 - Raja R. A. Issa, Patrick Suermann
, Svetlana Olbina:
Use of Building Information Models in Simulations. 2664-2671 - Dana K. Smith:
Ensuring Building Performance through Simulation. 2672-2678 - Dong Zhao
, Jason David Lucas, Walid Y. Thabet:
Using Virtual Environments to Support Electrical Safety Awareness in Construction. 2679-2690 - Fei Dai
, Ming Lu:
Analytical Approach to Augmenting Site Photos with 3D As-Built Bored Pile Models. 2691-2702 - Amlan Mukherjee, Nilufer Onder, Corey A. Tebo, Kekoa Kaaikala:
An Experimental Framework to Analyze Alternative Decision-making Strategies using Situational Simulations in Construction Management. 2703-2711 - Jiayu Chen
, John E. Taylor, Hakan I. Unsal:
Simulating the Effect of Learning Decay on Adaptation Performance in Project Networks. 2712-2722 - Huanhuan Wang, Bin Hu, Guoyin Jiang:
Simulation of Project-based Organizational Design in China: From the Perspective of Contextual Interactions. 2723-2732 - Gunnar Lucko, Kannan Swaminathan, Perakath C. Benjamin, Michael G. Madden:
Rapid Deployment of Simulation Models for Building Construction Applications. 2733-2744 - Jin-Lee Kim:
Proposed Methodology for Comparing Schedule Generation Schemes in Construction Resource Scheduling. 2745-2750 - Md. Aslam Hossain
, David Kim Huat Chua:
Generating Simulation Network for Design Process based on DSM. 2751-2758 - Angel A. Juan
, Arai Monteforte, Alberto Ferrer
, Carles Serrat
, Javier Faulin
Applications of Discrete-event Simulation to Reliability and Availability Assessment in Civil Engineering Structures. 2759-2767
Applications - Homeland Security/ Emergency Response
- Bo Zhang, Satish V. Ukkusuri
, Wai Kin (Victor) Chan:
Agent-based Modeling for Household Level Hurricane Evacuation. 2778-2784 - Md. Yusuf Sarwar Uddin
, David M. Nicol, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Robin Kravets
A Post-disaster Mobility Model for Delay Tolerant Networking. 2785-2796 - Young M. Lee, Soumyadip Ghosh, Markus Ettl:
Simulating Distribution of Emergency Relief Supplies for Disaster Response Operations. 2797-2808 - Hui Wang, Wei Xiong, Nathaniel Hupert, Christian Sandrock, Javeed Siddiqui, Aaron E. Bair:
Concept of Operations for a Regional Telemedicine Hub to Improve Medical Emergency Response. 2809-2819 - Pravir K. Chawdhry:
Risk Modeling and Simulation of Airport Passenger Departures Process. 2820-2831 - Tugce G. Martagan, Burak Eksioglu
, Sandra Duni Eksioglu
, Allen G. Greenwood:
A Simulation Model of Port Operations during Crisis Conditions. 2832-2843 - Andreas Tolk
New M&S Challenges Derived from the NATO Research & Technology Organization (RTO) Systems Analysis Studies (SAS-071) Task Group on Analytical Tools for Irregular Warfare. 2844-2851 - Timothy J. Bacon, Phillip Jones, Randall B. Garrett, Andreas Tolk
Integration of Psycho-Social Models and Methods in NATO's Approach to Operations; A Review of NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Systems Analysis Studies (SAS-074). 2852-2859 - Randall B. Garrett, Andreas Tolk
, Timothy J. Bacon:
Exploring Effective Methods for Modeling a Comprehensive Approach to Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) / Human, Cultural, Social, and Behavorial (HSCB) Community of Interest (CoI). 2860-2866 - Edgar C. Portante, Stephen M. Folga, Gustav R. Wulfkuhle, Brian A. Craig, Leah E. Talaber:
New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Study: Simulating the Impacts on Natural gas Transmission Pipelines and Downstream Markets. 2867-2878 - Sanjay Jain, Charles R. McLean:
Recommended Practices for Homeland Security Modeling and Simulation. 2879-2890 - James A. Kavicky, Mark J. Jusko, Brian A. Craig, Edgar C. Portante, Stephen M. Folga:
A Natural Gas Modeling Framework for Conducting Infrastructure Analysis Studies. 2891-2901
Applications - Business Process Modeling
- George Contos, John L. Guyton, Scott Stilmar, Ardeshir Eftekharzadeh, Brian Erard:
Econometric Simulation of the Income Tax Compliance Process for Small Businesses. 2902-2914 - Ty Avni, Arnold Greenland:
Communicating with Management about the Benefits of Business Process Simulation. 2915-2919 - Marissa A. Vallette, Prajwal Khadgi, Reinaldo J. Moraga, Ehsan Asoudegi, Omar A. Ghrayeb:
Simulation in Retail: A Case Study for Process Improvement in the Receiving Area. 2920-2930 - Weilin Li, Young B. Moon
A Simulation Study of Mutual Influences of Engineering Change Management Process and New Product Development Process. 2940-2950 - Gerd Wagner
, Oana Nicolae, Jens Werner:
Extending Discrete Event Simulation by Adding an Activity Concept for Business Process Modeling and Simulation. 2951-2962 - Luiz Augusto Gago Franzese
, Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Paulo José de Freitas Filho, Rui Carlos Botter
Comparison of Call Center Models. 2963-2970 - Michael G. Traverso, Ali Abbas:
Demand Curve Prediction via Bayesian Probability Assignment over a Functional Space. 2971-2976 - Farzad Kamrani, Rassul Ayani, Farshad Moradi, Gunnar Holm:
Estimating Performance of a Business Process Model. 2977-2988
Applications - General Applications
- Jairo R. Montoya-Torres
, Edgar H. Alfonso Lizarazo, Edgar Gutierrez-Franco, Ana X. Halabi
Using Randomization to Solve the Deterministic Single and Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Time Constraints. 2989-2994 - Rodrigo A. Barbosa Correa, Carlos D. Paternina-Arboleda
, Diana Gineth Ramírez Ríos
Bayesian Models and Stochastic Processes applied to CSP Sampling Plans for Quality Control in Production in Series and by Lots. 2995-2999 - Germano Kienbaum, Felipe Miranda
, Joaquim Pedro Barreto, Marcus Vinicius Cisotto, Wanderson Gomes Almeida, Hélcio Vieira Jr.:
Design and Development of a Simulator for the Brazilian Data Collecting System based on Satellites. 3000-3008 - Joseph Butterfield
, Irene C. L. Ng, Rajkumar Roy
, William McEwan:
Enabling Value Co-production in the Provision of Support Service Engineering Solutions using Digital Manufacturing Methods. 3009-3022 - Gregory Zacharewicz
, Thècle Alix, Bruno Vallespir:
Services Modeling and Distributed Simulation DEVS / HLA Supported. 3023-3035 - Stelian Brad:
Perspectives on High-tech Product Design for Better Supporting Product-service Systems. 3036-3046 - Karla Atkins, Christopher L. Barrett, Achla Marathe:
A Web Services based Artificial Market. 3047-3054 - Robson Jacinto Coelho, Paula Fernandes de Lana, Adriano César Silva, Takeo Fugiwara Santos, Marcelo Moretti Fioroni, Luiz Augusto Gago Franzese
, Daniel de Oliveira Mota, Luiz Bueno Da Silva
Operational Simulation Model of the Raw Material Handling in an Integrated Steel Making Plant. 3055-3065 - Benny Tjahjono
, Peter Ball
, John Ladbrook, John Kay:
Assembly Line Design Principles using Six Sigma and Simulation. 3066-3076 - Carlos R. García-Alonso
, Esther Arenas-Arroyo, Gabriel M. Perez-Alcala:
Large Scale Knowledge-based Simulation Models: An Aproximation to the North-South Remittances Model. 3077-3087 - Peter Hovmand, David N. Ford
Computer Simulation of Innovation Implementation Strategies. 3088-3098 - Mary Kathryn Thompson:
Simulation Thinking: Where Design and Analysis Meet. 3099-3108 - Mark Broadie, Soonmin Ko:
A Simulation Model to Analyze the Impact of Distance and Direction on Golf Scores. 3109-3120 - Xuefeng Yan, Feng Gu
, Xiaolin Hu, Song Guo:
A Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Wildfire Spread Simulation. 3121-3128 - Michael Johnstone
, Vu Le, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton:
A Dynamic Architecture for Increased Passenger Queue Model Fidelity. 3129-3139 - Muer Yang, Michael J. Fry, W. David Kelton:
Are All Voting Queues Created Equal? 3140-3149 - Birkan Can, Cathal Heavey:
Sequential Metamodelling with Genetic Programming and Particle Swarms. 3150-3157 - Ivan Vitanov, Valentin Vitanov, David K. Harrison:
Buffer Capacity Allocation Using Ant Colony Optimisation Algorithm. 3158-3168 - Lukas Kroc, Stephan J. Eidenbenz
, James P. Smith:
SessionSim: Activity-Based Session Generation for Network Simulation. 3169-3180 - Hoda Parvin, Abhijit Bose, Mark P. Van Oyen:
Priority-Based Routing with Strict Deadlines and Server Flexibility Under Uncertainty. 3181-3188 - Blerim Qela, Gabriel A. Wainer
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
Simulation of Large Wireless Sensor Networks Using Cell-DEVS. 3189-3200
PHD Colloquium
- Alexander Verbraeck
Beyond Ph.D. - What Next? Publishing, Networking and Research Trade-Offs in Relation to Planning Your Career. 3201-3209

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