default search action
Simon J. E. Taylor
2020 – today
- 2024
- [j56]Maziar Ghorbani, Diana Suleimenova, Alireza Jahani, Arindam Saha, Yani Xue
, Kate Mintram, Anastasia Anagnostou, Auke Tas, William Low, Simon J. E. Taylor, Derek Groen
Flee 3: Flexible agent-based simulation for forced migration. J. Comput. Sci. 81: 102371 (2024) - [c95]Anastasia Anagnostou, Kate Mintram, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Supply Chain Resilience Optimization with Agent-Based Modeling (SCROAM): A Novel Hybrid Framework. WSC 2024: 1209-1220 - [c94]Maziar Ghorbani, Anastasia Anagnostou, Nura Tijjani Abubakar
, Hridyanshu Aatreya, Damon Curry, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) Introductory Tutorial. WSC 2024: 1368-1382 - 2023
- [j55]Stewart Robinson
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Celebrating the 10 th simulation workshop: The story of the conference series. J. Simulation 17(5): 524-531 (2023) - [j54]Mincan Li
, Zidong Wang
, Qing-Long Han
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Kenli Li
, Xiangke Liao, Xiaohui Liu:
Influence Maximization in Multiagent Systems by a Graph Embedding Method: Dealing With Probabilistically Unstable Links. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 53(9): 6004-6016 (2023) - [c93]Simon J. E. Taylor, Charles M. Macal, Andrea Matta, Markus Rabe, Susan M. Sanchez, Guodong Shao:
Enhancing Digital Twins with Advances in Simulation and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges. WSC 2023: 3296-3310 - 2022
- [j53]Imran Mahmood
, Hamid Arabnejad, Diana Suleimenova, Isabel Sassoon, Alaa Marshan, Alan Edwin Serrano-Rico, Panos Louvieris, Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
, David Bell
, Derek Groen:
FACS: A geospatial agent-based simulator for analysing COVID-19 spread and public health measures on local regions. J. Simulation 16(4): 355-373 (2022) - [j52]Nauman Riaz Chaudhry
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
A Workflow Architecture for Cloud-based Distributed Simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 32(2): 15:1-15:26 (2022) - [c92]Anastasia Anagnostou
, Derek Groen
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Diana Suleimenova
, Nura Tijjani Abubakar, Arindam Saha
, Kate Mintram
, Maziar Ghorbani, Habiba Daroge, Tasin Islam, Yani Xue
, Edward Okine, Nana Anokye
FACS-CHARM: A Hybrid Agent-Based and Discrete-Event Simulation Approach for Covid-19 Management at Regional Level. WSC 2022: 1223-1234 - 2021
- [j51]Navonil Mustafee
, Korina Katsaliaki, Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed Approaches to Supply Chain Simulation: A Review. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 31(4): 25:1-25:31 (2021) - [c91]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Björn Johansson
, Sumin Jeon, Loo Hay Lee, Peter Lendermann, Guodong Shao:
Using Simulation and Digital Twins to Innovate: Are we Getting Smarter? WSC 2021: 1-13 - [c90]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Young-Jun Son
, Jürgen Branke
, Oliver Rose, Susan M. Sanchez:
Using Simulation and Artificial Intelligence to Innovate: Are We Getting Even Smarter? WSC 2021: 1-9 - 2020
- [j50]Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
Can Open Science Change the World? Computer 53(10): 13-22 (2020) - [j49]Navonil Mustafee
, Nik Bessis
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Jianhua Hou, Peter Matthew:
Co-citation analysis of literature in e-science and e-infrastructures. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 32(9) (2020) - [j48]Mohammadmersad Ghorbani, Stephen Swift, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Annette M. Payne:
Design of a Flexible, User Friendly Feature Matrix Generation System and its Application on Biomedical Datasets. J. Grid Comput. 18(3): 507-527 (2020) - [c89]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Nura Tijjani Abubakar, Tamás Kiss
, James DesLauriers
, Gábor Terstyánszky, Péter Kacsuk, József Kovács
, Shane Kite, Gary Pattison, James Petry:
Innovations in Simulation: Experiences With Cloud-Based Simulation Experimentation. WSC 2020: 3164-3175
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j47]Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed simulation: state-of-the-art and potential for operational research. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 273(1): 1-19 (2019) - [j46]Tamás Kiss
, James DesLauriers
, Gregoire Gesmier, Gábor Terstyánszky, Gabriele Pierantoni, Osama Abu Oun, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, József Kovács
A cloud-agnostic queuing system to support the implementation of deadline-based application execution policies. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 101: 99-111 (2019) - [j45]Diana Severine Rwegasira, Imed Ben Dhaou
, Aron Kondoro, Anastasia Anagnostou, Amleset Kelati, Shililiandumi Naiman, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Nerey H. Mvungi, Hannu Tenhunen
A Demand-Response Scheme Using Multi-Agent System for Smart DC Microgrid. Int. J. Embed. Real Time Commun. Syst. 10(1): 48-68 (2019) - [j44]Thomas Monks
, Christine S. M. Currie
, Bhakti Stephan Onggo
, Stewart Robinson
, Martin H. Kunc
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Strengthening the reporting of empirical simulation studies: Introducing the STRESS guidelines. J. Simulation 13(1): 55-67 (2019) - [j43]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Tamás Kiss
, Gábor Terstyánszky, Péter Kacsuk, Nicola Fantini
, Djamel Lakehal
, Joris Costes:
Enabling Cloud-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics With a Platform-as-a-Service Solution. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 15(1): 85-94 (2019) - [c88]Derek Groen, David Bell
, Hamid Arabnejad, Diana Suleimenova, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou:
Towards Modelling the Effect of Evolving Violence on Forced Migration. WSC 2019: 297-307 - [c87]Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Derek Groen, Diana Suleimenova, Nana Anokye, Riccardo Bruno, Roberto Barbera
Building Global Research Capacity in Public Health: The Case of a Science Gateway for Physical Activity Lifelong Modelling and Simulation. WSC 2019: 1067-1078 - [c86]Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Nura Tijjani Abubakar, Tamás Kiss
, James DesLauriers
, Gregoire Gesmier, Gábor Terstyánszky, Péter Kacsuk, József Kovács
Towards a Deadline-Based Simulation Experimentation Framework Using Micro-Services Auto-Scaling Approach. WSC 2019: 2749-2758 - 2018
- [j42]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tamás Kiss
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Gábor Terstyánszky
, Péter Kacsuk, Joris Costes, Nicola Fantini:
The CloudSME simulation platform and its applications: A generic multi-cloud platform for developing and executing commercial cloud-based simulations. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 88: 524-539 (2018) - [c85]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Thomas Monks, Christine S. M. Currie
, Bhakti Stephan Onggo
, Martin H. Kunc
, Stewart Robinson:
Applying the stress Guidelines for reproducibility in Modeling & simulation: Application to a disease Modeling Case Study. WSC 2018: 739-748 - [c84]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tillal Eldabi
, Thomas Monks, Markus Rabe
, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Crisis, What Crisis - does reproducibility in Modeling & simulation Really Matter? WSC 2018: 749-762 - 2017
- [j41]Mohsen Jahangirian, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Terry Young
, Stewart Robinson
Key performance indicators for successful simulation projects. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 68(7): 747-765 (2017) - [j40]Alberto Falcone
, Alfredo Garro
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Nauman R. Chaudhry, Omar-Alfred Salah:
Experiences in simplifying distributed simulation: The HLA development kit framework. J. Simulation 11(3): 208-227 (2017) - [j39]Anastasia Anagnostou
, Simon J. E. Taylor
A distributed simulation methodological framework for OR/MS applications. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory 70: 101-119 (2017) - [j38]Navonil Mustafee
, Young-Jun Son
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Guest Editorial for the TOMACS Special Issue on the Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS). ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 27(2) (2017) - [c83]Alberto Falcone
, Alfredo Garro
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou:
Simplifying the development of HLA-based distributed simulations with the HLA Development Kit software framework (DKF). DS-RT 2017: 216-217 - [c82]Diana Severine Rwegasira, Imed Ben Dhaou
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Aron Kondoro, Naiman Shililiandumi, Amleset Kelati, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Nerey H. Mvungi, Hannu Tenhunen
A framework for load shedding and demand response in DC microgrid using multi agent system. FRUCT 2017: 284-289 - [c81]Richard M. Fujimoto, Christopher D. Carothers, Alois Ferscha, David R. Jefferson, Margaret L. Loper, Madhav V. Marathe, Simon J. E. Taylor
Computational challenges in modeling & simulation of complex systems. WSC 2017: 431-445 - [c80]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Adedeji O. Fabiyi, Christine S. M. Currie
, Thomas Monks
, Roberto Barbera
, Bruce Becker:
Open science: Approaches and benefits for modeling & simulation. WSC 2017: 535-549 - [c79]Alberto Falcone
, Alfredo Garro
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Simon J. E. Taylor
An introduction to developing federations with the High Level Architecture (HLA). WSC 2017: 617-631 - [c78]Paul Glover, Simon Collander-Brown, Simon J. E. Taylor
Using a genetic programming approach to mission planning to deliver more agile campaign level modelling for military operational research. WSC 2017: 4465-4468 - [c77]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, David Bell
, Shane Kite, Gary Pattison:
CraftBrew: Experiences of developing a low-cost brewery management system with cloud-based simulation. WSC 2017: 4490-4491 - 2016
- [c76]Adedeji O. Fabiyi, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou, Mario Torrisi
, Roberto Barbera
Investigating a Science Gateway for an Agent-Based Simulation Application Using REPAST. DS-RT 2016: 29-36 - [c75]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Adedeji O. Fabiyi, Anastasia Anagnostou, Roberto Barbera
, Mario Torrisi
, Rita Ricceri, Bruce Becker
Demonstrating Open Science for Modeling & Simulation Research. DS-RT 2016: 191-192 - [c74]Gábor Terstyánszky, Tamás Kiss
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Miguel Subira, Giuseppe Padula, Enrique De Meer Alonso, Jose Manuel Martin Rapun:
Validating Scanned Foot Images and Designing Customized Insoles on the Cloud. HICSS 2016: 3288-3296 - 2015
- [j37]Mohsen Jahangirian, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Julie Eatock, Lampros K. Stergioulas, Peter M. Taylor:
Causal study of low stakeholder engagement in healthcare simulation projects. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 66(3): 369-379 (2015) - [j36]Mohsen Jahangirian, Simone Borsci
, Syed Ghulam Sarwar Shah
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Causal factors of low stakeholder engagement: a survey of expert opinions in the context of healthcare simulation projects. Simul. 91(6): 511-526 (2015) - [j35]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Azam Khan
, Katherine L. Morse, Andreas Tolk
, Levent Yilmaz
, Justyna Zander, Pieter J. Mosterman:
Grand challenges for modeling and simulation: simulation everywhere - from cyberinfrastructure to clouds to citizens. Simul. 91(7): 648-665 (2015) - [c73]Alberto Falcone
, Alfredo Garro
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Nauman R. Chaudhry, Omar-Alfred Salah, Simon J. E. Taylor
Easing the Development of HLA Federates: The HLA Development Kit and Its Exploitation in the SEE Project. DS-RT 2015: 50-57 - [c72]Alfredo Garro
, Alberto Falcone
, Nauman R. Chaudhry, Omar-Alfred Salah, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Simon J. E. Taylor
A Prototype HLA Development Kit: Results from the 2015 Simulation Exploration Experience. SIGSIM-PADS 2015: 45-46 - [c71]Tamás Kiss
, Huseyin Dagdeviren, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Nicola Fantini:
Business models for cloud computing: experiences from developing modeling & simulation as a service applications in industry. WSC 2015: 2656-2667 - [c70]Nauman R. Chaudhry, Athar Nouman, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Investigating WS-PGRADE workflows for cloud-based distributed simulation. WSC 2015: 3180-3181 - [e1]Simon J. E. Taylor, Navonil Mustafee, Young-Jun Son:
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on SIGSIM-Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, London, United Kingdom, June 10 - 12, 2015. ACM 2015, ISBN 978-1-4503-3583-6 [contents] - 2014
- [j34]Xuan Liu, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Jun Wang, Qian Gao, David R. Gilbert:
Speeding up systems biology simulations of biochemical pathways using condor. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 26(17): 2727-2742 (2014) - [c69]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Nilesguiri Revagar, Jonathon A. Chambers, Musa Yero, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Athar Nouman, Nauman R. Chaudhry, Priscilla R. Elfrey:
Simulation Exploration Experience: A Distributed Hybrid Simulation of a Lunar Mining Operation. DS-RT 2014: 107-112 - [c68]Simon J. E. Taylor, Tamás Kiss, Gábor Terstyánszky, Péter Kacsuk, Nicola Fantini:
Cloud computing for simulation in manufacturing and engineering: introducing the CloudSME simulation platform. SpringSim (ANSS) 2014: 12 - [c67]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Tamás Kiss
, Gábor Terstyánszky, Péter Kacsuk, Nicola Fantini:
A tutorial on cloud computing for agent-based modeling & simulation with repast. WSC 2014: 192-206 - [c66]Masoud Fakhimi, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Lampros K. Stergioulas, Simon J. E. Taylor
A hybrid agent-based and discrete event simulation approach for sustainable strategic planning and simulation analytics. WSC 2014: 1573-1584 - [c65]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Mohammadmersad Ghorbani, Navonil Mustafee
, Tamás Kiss
, Péter Borsody, Annette M. Payne
, David R. Gilbert:
Investigating the speedup of systems biology simulation using the sztaki desktop grid. WSC 2014: 2774-2785 - [c64]Paul A. Fishwick, Sally C. Brailsford
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Andreas Tolk
, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Modeling for everyone: emphasizing the role of modeling in stem education. WSC 2014: 2786-2796 - [c63]Levent Yilmaz
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Richard Fujimoto, Frederica Darema:
Panel: the future of research in modeling & simulation. WSC 2014: 2797-2811 - [c62]Navonil Mustafee
, Korina Katsaliaki, Simon J. E. Taylor
A review of literature in distributed supply chain simulation. WSC 2014: 2872-2883 - [c61]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Pamela Abbott
, Terry Young
, Richard Grocott-Mason:
Student modeling & simulation projects in healthcare: experiences with hillingdon hospital. WSC 2014: 3650-3661 - [p1]Tamás Kiss
, Péter Kacsuk, Éva Takács, Áron Szabó, Péter Tihanyi, Simon J. E. Taylor
Commercial Use of WS-PGRADE/gUSE. Science Gateways for Distributed Computing Infrastructures 2014: 271-286 - 2013
- [j33]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Application and support for high-performance simulation. Simul. 89(10): 1151-1153 (2013) - [j32]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
High-performance simulation and simulation methodologies. Simul. 89(11): 1291-1292 (2013) - [c60]Navonil Mustafee
, Nik Bessis
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stelios Sotiriadis:
Exploring the E-science Knowledge Base through Co-citation Analysis. ANT/SEIT 2013: 586-593 - [c59]Athar Nouman, Anastasia Anagnostou
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Developing a Distributed Agent-Based and DES Simulation Using poRTIco and Repast. DS-RT 2013: 97-104 - [c58]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Osman Balci, Wentong Cai
, Margaret L. Loper, David M. Nicol, George F. Riley:
Grand challenges in modeling and simulation: expanding our horizons. SIGSIM-PADS 2013: 403-408 - [c57]Simon J. E. Taylor, Azam Khan, Katherine L. Morse, Andreas Tolk, Levent Yilmaz, Justyna Zander:
Grand challenges on the theory of modeling and simulation. SpringSim (TMS-DEVS) 2013: 34 - [c56]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen E. Chick, Charles M. Macal, Sally C. Brailsford
, Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Barry L. Nelson:
Modeling and simulation grand challenges: An OR/MS perspective. WSC 2013: 1269-1282 - [c55]Anastasia Anagnostou
, Athar Nouman, Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed hybrid agent-based discrete event emergency medical services simulation. WSC 2013: 1625-1636 - 2012
- [j31]David Bell
, Sergio de Cesare, Mark Lycett
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
Service-oriented simulation using web ontology. Int. J. Simul. Process. Model. 7(3): 217-227 (2012) - [j30]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Korina Katsaliaki, Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi
, Michael D. Williams
Motivations and barriers in using distributed supply chain simulation. Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 19(5): 733-751 (2012) - [j29]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner
, Steffen Straßburger
, Navonil Mustafee
Bridging the gap: A standards-based approach to OR/MS distributed simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 22(4): 18:1-18:23 (2012) - [c54]Salaheddin Darwish
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Gheorghita Ghinea
Security Server-Based Architecture for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. TrustCom 2012: 926-930 - [c53]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Richard Fujimoto, Ernest H. Page, Paul A. Fishwick, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Gabriel A. Wainer
Panel on grand challenges for modeling and simulation. WSC 2012: 232:1-232:15 - [c52]Anastasia Anagnostou, Julie Eatock, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Nosopolis: towards a hybrid agent-based discrete event simulation tool for emergency medical services improvement. WSC 2012: 365:1-365:2 - 2011
- [c51]Simon J. E. Taylor
Realising Parallel and Distributed Simulation in Industry: A Roadmap. PADS 2011: 1 - [c50]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Mohammadmersad Ghorbani, Navonil Mustafee
, Stephen John Turner, Tamás Kiss
, Daniel Farkas, Shane Kite, Steffen Straßburger
Distributed computing and modeling & simulation: speeding up simulations and creating large models. WSC 2011: 161-175 - [c49]Shane Kite, Chris Wood, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
SakerGrid: simulation experimentation using grid enabled simulation software. WSC 2011: 2283-2293 - [c48]Simon J. E. Taylor
Challenges for web simulation science. WSC 2011: 2909-2913 - 2010
- [j28]Navonil Mustafee
, Korina Katsaliaki, Simon J. E. Taylor
Profiling Literature in Healthcare Simulation. Simul. 86(8-9): 543-558 (2010) - [c47]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Shane Kite, Chris Wood, Stephen John Turner
, Steffen Straßburger
Improving simulation through advanced computing techniques: Grid computing and simulation interoperability. WSC 2010: 216-230 - [c46]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Grid services for Commercial Simulation Packages. WSC 2010: 665-677 - [c45]Mohsen Jahangirian, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Terry Young
Economics of modeling and simulation: Reflections and implications for healthcare. WSC 2010: 2283-2292
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j27]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Speeding up simulation applications using WinGrid. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 21(11): 1504-1523 (2009) - [j26]Korina Katsaliaki, Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Sally C. Brailsford
Comparing conventional and distributed approaches to simulation in a complex supply-chain health system. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 60(1): 43-51 (2009) - [j25]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tillal Eldabi
, George F. Riley, Ray J. Paul, Michael Pidd:
Simulation modelling is 50! Do we need a reality check? J. Oper. Res. Soc. 60(S1) (2009) - [j24]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stewart Robinson
Simulation software: evolution or revolution? J. Simulation 3(1): 1-2 (2009) - [j23]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Korina Katsaliaki, Sally C. Brailsford
Facilitating the Analysis of a UK National Blood Service Supply Chain Using Distributed Simulation. Simul. 85(2): 113-128 (2009) - [c44]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Stephen John Turner, Ke Pan, Steffen Straßburger
Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Simulation Package Interoperability: Issues and Futures. WSC 2009: 203-215 - 2008
- [j22]David Bell
, Navonil Mustafee
, Sergio de Cesare, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Mark Lycett
, Paul A. Fishwick:
Ontology Engineering for Simulation Component Reuse. Int. J. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 4(4): 47-61 (2008) - [j21]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stewart Robinson
The Journal of Simulation is one year old! J. Simulation 2(1): 1-2 (2008) - [j20]Stewart Robinson
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Celebrating 50 years of simulation software. J. Simulation 2(3): 127 (2008) - [j19]Simon J. E. Taylor
, George F. Riley:
Guest editors' introduction to special issue on successes in modeling and simulation methodologies. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 18(4): 13:1 (2008) - [c43]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner, Steffen Straßburger
Clarifying Interoperability: The SISO CSPI PDG Standard for Commercial Off-The-Shelf Simulation Package Interoperability Reference Models. PADS 2008: 153 - [c42]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner, Steffen Straßburger
Guidelines for commercial off-the-shelf Simulation Package interoperability. WSC 2008: 193-204 - [c41]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Supporting simulation in industry through the application of grid computing. WSC 2008: 1077-1085 - 2007
- [j18]Simon J. E. Taylor:
Editorial. J. Simulation 1(2): 67 (2007) - [c40]David Bell, Sergio de Cesare, Mark Lycett, Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Semantic Web Service Architecture for Simulation Model Reuse. DS-RT 2007: 129-136 - [c39]Navonil Mustafee, Simon J. E. Taylor, Sally C. Brailsford, Korina Katsaliaki:
Using CSPI Distributed Simulation Standards for the Analysis of a Health Supply Chain. SimVis 2007: 155-168 - [c38]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Navonil Mustafee
, Steffen Straßburger
, Stephen John Turner, Malcolm Y. H. Low
, John Ladbrook:
The SISO CSPI PDG standard for commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability reference models. WSC 2007: 594-602 - [c37]Peter Lendermann, Matthias U. Heinicke, Leon F. McGinnis, Charles R. McLean, Steffen Straßburger
, Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed simulation in industry - a real-world necessity or ivory tower fancy?: panel. WSC 2007: 1053-1062 - [r1]Simon J. E. Taylor
Distributed Modeling. Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling 2007 - 2006
- [j17]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stewart Robinson:
So where to next? A survey of the future for discrete-event simulation. J. Simulation 1(1): 1-6 (2006) - [j16]Anders Fongen, Christian Larsen, Gheorghita Ghinea, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tacha Serif
Location based mobile computing - A tuplespace perspective. Mob. Inf. Syst. 2(2-3): 135-149 (2006) - [j15]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner
, Malcolm Y. H. Low
Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed COTS Discrete-Event Simulation Packages: An Emerging Standards-Based Approach. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A 36(1): 109-122 (2006) - [c36]Navonil Mustafee
, Anders Alstad, Bjorn Larsen, Simon J. E. Taylor
, John Ladbrook:
Grid-enabling FIRST: Speeding Up Simulation Applications Using WinGrid. DS-RT 2006: 157-164 - [c35]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Korina Katsaliaki, Sally C. Brailsford:
NBS Supply Chain Simulation using Simul8 and HLA. PADS 2006: 135 - [c34]Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner
, Simon J. E. Taylor
COTS Simulation Package (CSP) Interoperability -A Solution to Synchronous Entity Passing. PADS 2006: 201-210 - [c33]John Ladbrook, Malcolm Y. H. Low
, Steffen Straßburger
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner
, Xiaoguang Wang:
Developing interoperability standards for distributed simulaton and COTS simulation packages with the CSPI PDG. WSC 2006: 1101-1110 - [c32]Navonil Mustafee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Korina Katsaliaki, Sally C. Brailsford
Distributed simulation with COTS simulation packages: a case study in health care supply chain simulation. WSC 2006: 1136-1142 - 2005
- [j14]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stewart Robinson, John Ladbrook:
An Investigation into the Use of Net-Conferencing Groupware in Simulation Modelling. J. Comput. Inf. Technol. 13(2): 95-106 (2005) - [j13]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner
, Alexander Verbraeck
Preface to the Special Issue on Applications of Parallel and Distributed Simulation in Industry. Simul. 81(1): 3-4 (2005) - [j12]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner
, Navonil Mustafee
, Henrik Ahlander, Rassul Ayani:
A Comparison of CMB- and HLA-Based Approaches to Type I Interoperability Reference Model Problems for COTS-Based Distributed Simulation. Simul. 81(1): 33-43 (2005) - [c31]Simon J. E. Taylor, Leif Bohli, Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner
Investigating Distributed Simulation at The Ford Motor Company. DS-RT 2005: 139-147 - [c30]Simon J. E. Taylor, Geoffrey C. Fox, Richard Fujimoto, J. Mark Pullen, David J. Roberts, Georgios Theodoropoulos:
Revisiting Distributed Simulation and the Grid: A Panel. DS-RT 2005: 161 - [c29]Anders Fongen, Simon J. E. Taylor:
MobiSpace: A Distributed Tuplespace for J2me Environments. IASTED PDCS 2005: 202-207 - [c28]Boon-Ping Gan, Peter Lendermann, Malcolm Yoke Hean Low
, Stephen John Turner, Xiaoguang Wang, Simon J. E. Taylor
Interoperating autosched AP using the high level architecture. WSC 2005: 394-401 - [c27]Xiaoguang Wang, Stephen John Turner
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Malcolm Y. H. Low
, Boon-Ping Gan:
A COTS Simulation Package Emulator (CSPE) for investigating COTS simulation package interoperability. WSC 2005: 402-411 - [c26]Ray J. Paul, Tillal Eldabi
, Jasna Kuljis, Simon J. E. Taylor
Is problem solving, or simulation model solving, mission critical? WSC 2005: 547-554 - [c25]Peter Lendermann, Malcolm Y. H. Low
, Boon-Ping Gan, Nirupam Julka, Lai Peng Chan, Loo Hay Lee
, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stephen John Turner, Wentong Cai
, Xiaoguang Wang, Terence Hung, Leon F. McGinnis, Stephen J. Buckley:
An integrated and adaptive decision-support framework for high-tech manufacturing and service networks. WSC 2005: 2052-2062 - 2004
- [j11]Stewart Robinson, Simon J. E. Taylor
Preface. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory 12(7-8): 475-477 (2004) - [j10]Stewart Robinson
, Richard E. Nance, Ray J. Paul, Michael Pidd, Simon J. E. Taylor
Simulation model reuse: definitions, benefits and obstacles. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory 12(7-8): 479-494 (2004) - [c24]Simon J. E. Taylor
, George V. Popescu
, J. Mark Pullen, Stephen John Turner:
Distributed Simulation and the Grid: Position Statements. DS-RT 2004: 144-149 - [c23]Simon J. E. Taylor, Peter Lendermann, Ray J. Paul, Steven W. Reichenthal, Steffen Straßburger, Stephen John Turner:
Panel on Future Challenges in Modeling Methodology. WSC 2004: 327-335 - 2003
- [c22]Agostino G. Bruzzone, Katherine L. Morse, Simon J. E. Taylor, Alexander Verbraeck, Edward Williams:
Critical Issues on Distributed Simulation Project Management. DS-RT 2003: 166-167 - [c21]Michael Daniel Ryde, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Next generation modeling I: issues using cots simulation software packages for the interoperation of models. WSC 2003: 772-777 - [c20]Simon J. E. Taylor, Jon Sharpe, John Ladbrook:
Distributed simulation and manufacturing: time management issues in cots distributed simulation: a case study. WSC 2003: 838-846 - [c19]Simon J. E. Taylor, Steffen Straßburger, Boon-Ping Gan, Alexander Verbraeck:
Commercial-off-the-shelf distributed simulation, panel: HLA-CSPIF panel on commercial off-the-shelf distributed simulation. WSC 2003: 881-887 - [c18]Gary S. H. Tan, Na Zhao, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Distributed simulation in manufacturing: automobile manufacturing supply chain simulation in the grids environment. WSC 2003: 1149-1157 - 2002
- [j9]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Rajeev Sudra, Tharumasegaram Janahan, Gary S. H. Tan, John Ladbrook:
GRIDS-SCF: An Infrastructure for Distributed Supply Chain Simulation. Simul. 78(5): 312-320 (2002) - [c17]Gary S. H. Tan, Wee Ngee Ng, Simon J. E. Taylor
Developing an Object Exchange Model Template for GRIDS Distributed Supply Chain Simulations. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 259-266 - [c16]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Rajeev Sudra:
Modular HLA RTI Services: The GRIDS Approach. DS-RT 2002: 15-22 - [c15]Ray J. Paul, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Improving the model development process: what use is model reuse: is there a crook at the end of the rainbow? WSC 2002: 648-652 - [c14]Agostino G. Bruzzone, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Richard M. Fujimoto, Boon-Ping Gan, Steffen Straßburger, Ray J. Paul:
Panel discussion on distributed simulation and industry: potentials and pitfalls: distributed simulation and industry: potentials and pitfalls. WSC 2002: 688-694 - 2001
- [j8]John A. Miller
, Paul A. Fishwick, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Perakath C. Benjamin, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
Research and commercial opportunities in Web-Based Simulation. Simul. Pract. Theory 9(1-2): 55-72 (2001) - [c13]Gary S. H. Tan, Liang Xu, Farshad Moradi, Simon J. E. Taylor:
An agent-based DDM for high level architecture. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 75-82 - [c12]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Rajeev Sudra, Tharumasegaram Janahan, Gary S. H. Tan, John Ladbrook:
Towards COTS distributed simulation using GRIDS. WSC 2001: 1372-1379 - [c11]Tajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic, Simon J. E. Taylor
Teaching tools and methods: GeNisa: a web-based interactive learning environment for teaching simulation modelling. WSC 2001: 1605-1612 - 2000
- [j7]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Stewart Robinson
, Ray J. Paul:
Progress in simulation research: an editorial introduction and overview. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 51(4): 383 (2000) - [j6]Tillal Eldabi
, Ray J. Paul, Simon J. E. Taylor
Simulating economic factors in adjuvant breast cancer treatment. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 51(4): 465-475 (2000) - [c10]Simon J. E. Taylor
Groupware and the simulation consultant. WSC 2000: 83-89 - [c9]Rajeev Sudra, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Tharumasegaram Janahan:
Distributed supply chain simulation in GRIDS. WSC 2000: 356-361
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c8]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Jon Saville, Rajeev Sudra:
Developing interest management techniques in distributed interactive simulation using Java. WSC 1999: 518-523 - 1998
- [j5]Simon J. E. Taylor
Parallel and distributed simulation. J. Syst. Archit. 44(6-7): 393-394 (1998) - [c7]Jon Saville, Simon J. E. Taylor:
Developing Interest Management Techniques in Distributed Interactive Simulation Using Java. ESM 1998: 272-276 - 1997
- [j4]Robert D. Macredie, Simon J. E. Taylor, Richard Keeble, Xiaoning Yu:
Virtual Reality and Simulation: an Overview. Informatica (Slovenia) 21(4) (1997) - [c6]Tajudeen A. Atolagbe, Vlatka Hlupic, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Ray J. Paul:
Interactive Strategies for Developing Intuitive Knowledge as Basis for Simulation Modeling Education. WSC 1997: 1394-1402 - 1996
- [c5]Robert D. Macredie, Simon J. E. Taylor
, Xiaoning Yu, Richard Keeble:
Virtual Reality and Simulation: An Overview. WSC 1996: 669-674 - [c4]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Julika Siemer:
Enhancing Simulation Education with Intelligent Tutoring Systems. WSC 1996: 675-680 - [c3]Yogesh Deshpande, Roger Jenkins, Simon J. E. Taylor
Use of simulation to test client-server models. WSC 1996: 1210-1217 - 1995
- [j3]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Shirley Moody:
Virtual reality: A distributed perspective. Virtual Real. 1(2): 91-94 (1995) - [c2]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Farshad Fatin, Thierry Delaitre:
Estimating the Benefit of the Parallelisation of Discrete Event Simulation. WSC 1995: 674-681 - 1993
- [j2]Simon J. E. Taylor
, R. A. Rastall, J. T. Sykes, Stephen C. Winter, C. Bucke:
Primary sequence analysis and representation techniques in carbohydrates. Comput. Appl. Biosci. 9(6): 723-728 (1993) - [j1]Simon J. E. Taylor
, Nasser Kalantery, Stephen C. Winter, Derek R. Wilson, A. P. Redfern:
Developments in parallel discrete event simulation at the centre for parallel computing. Microprocess. Microprogramming 37(1-5): 145-148 (1993) - [c1]Simon J. E. Taylor, Stephen C. Winter, Derek R. Wilson:
A methodology for the decomposition of discrete event models for parallel simulation. PDP 1993: 536-543

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