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Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 116
Volume 116, Number 1, January 2012
- Jan-Michael Frahm, Marc Pollefeys
, Frank Dellaert, Jana Kosecka:
Special issue on Virtual Representations and Modeling of Large-scale environments (VRML). 1
- Arnold Irschara, Christopher Zach, Manfred Klopschitz, Horst Bischof
Large-scale, dense city reconstruction from user-contributed photos. 2-15 - Stefan K. Gehrig, Hernán Badino, Uwe Franke:
Improving sub-pixel accuracy for long range stereo. 16-24 - Lingyun Liu, Ioannis Stamos:
A systematic approach for 2D-image to 3D-range registration in urban environments. 25-37
- Hossein Azari, Irene Cheng, Kostas Daniilidis, Anup Basu:
Optimal pixel aspect ratio for enhanced 3D TV visualization. 38-53 - Susana Álvarez
, Anna Salvatella, María Vanrell
, Xavier Otazu
Low-dimensional and comprehensive color texture description. 54-67 - Teófilo Emídio de Campos
, Gabriela Csurka, Florent Perronnin:
Images as sets of locally weighted features. 68-85 - Yanpeng Cao, John McDonald
Improved feature extraction and matching in urban environments based on 3D viewpoint normalization. 86-101 - El-Hadji Samba Diop, Radjesvarane Alexandre, Lionel Moisan
Intrinsic nonlinear multiscale image decomposition: A 2D empirical mode decomposition-like tool. 102-119 - Luis Puig, Jesús Bermúdez
, Peter F. Sturm, José Jesús Guerrero
Calibration of omnidirectional cameras in practice: A comparison of methods. 120-137 - Rashid Jalal Qureshi, Laszlo Kovacs, Balázs Harangi
, Brigitta Nagy, Tünde Petö, András Hajdu
Combining algorithms for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in fundus images. 138-145 - Geoffroy Fouquier, Jamal Atif, Isabelle Bloch:
Sequential model-based segmentation and recognition of image structures driven by visual features and spatial relations. 146-165
Volume 116, Number 2, February 2012
- Hugo Proença
, Gil Melfe Mateus Santos:
Fusing color and shape descriptors in the recognition of degraded iris images acquired at visible wavelengths. 167-178 - JinMin Choi, Hyung Jin Chang, Yung Jun Yoo, Jin Young Choi:
Robust moving object detection against fast illumination change. 179-193 - Arnold Wiliem
, Vamsi Krishna Madasu, Wageeh W. Boles
, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
A suspicious behaviour detection using a context space model for smart surveillance systems. 194-209 - Atousa Torabi, Guillaume Massé, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau
An iterative integrated framework for thermal-visible image registration, sensor fusion, and people tracking for video surveillance applications. 210-221 - Xianbiao Shu, Chunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja:
Aperture access and manipulation for computational imaging. 222-237 - Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek
, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Visual synonyms for landmark image retrieval. 238-249 - Li Xu, Jiaya Jia
, Sing Bing Kang:
Improving sub-pixel correspondence through upsampling. 250-261 - R. Krishnamoorthi, G. Annapoorani
A simple boundary extraction technique for irregular pupil localization with orthogonal polynomials. 262-273 - Rodrigo Minetto
, Thiago Vallin Spina, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Neucimar Jerônimo Leite, João Paulo Papa, Jorge Stolfi:
IFTrace: Video segmentation of deformable objects using the Image Foresting Transform. 274-291 - Gerard Sanroma
, René Alquézar, Francesc Serratosa
A new graph matching method for point-set correspondence using the EM algorithm and Softassign. 292-304
Volume 116, Number 3, March 2012
- Jordi Gonzàlez
, Thomas B. Moeslund
, Liang Wang:
Semantic Understanding of Human Behaviors in Image Sequences: From video-surveillance to video-hermeneutics. 305-306 - Barbara Krausz, Christian Bauckhage
Loveparade 2010: Automatic video analysis of a crowd disaster. 307-319 - Marco Bertini
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Lorenzo Seidenari
Multi-scale and real-time non-parametric approach for anomaly detection and localization. 320-329 - Ben Daubney, David P. Gibson, Neill W. Campbell
Estimating pose of articulated objects using low-level motion. 330-346 - Alexandros Iosifidis
, Anastasios Tefas
, Nikolaos Nikolaidis
, Ioannis Pitas:
Multi-view human movement recognition based on fuzzy distances and linear discriminant analysis. 347-360 - Jingen Liu, Yang Yang
, Imran Saleemi, Mubarak Shah
Learning semantic features for action recognition via diffusion maps. 361-377 - Tuan Hue Thi, Li Cheng
, Jian Zhang
, Li Wang, Shinichi Satoh:
Integrating local action elements for action analysis. 378-395 - Bhaskar Chakraborty, Michael B. Holte
, Thomas B. Moeslund
, Jordi Gonzàlez
Selective spatio-temporal interest points. 396-410 - Anastasios Drosou, Dimosthenis Ioannidis
, Konstantinos Moustakas, Dimitrios Tzovaras
Spatiotemporal analysis of human activities for biometric authentication. 411-421 - Dimitrios I. Kosmopoulos
, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Athanasios Voulodimos:
Bayesian filter based behavior recognition in workflows allowing for user feedback. 422-434 - Cuong Tran, Anup Doshi, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Modeling and prediction of driver behavior by foot gesture analysis. 435-445 - Hannah M. Dee
, Anthony G. Cohn, David C. Hogg
Building semantic scene models from unconstrained video. 446-456 - Nicola Bellotto, Ben Benfold, Hanno Harland, Hans-Hellmut Nagel, Nicola Pirlo, Ian Reid, Eric Sommerlade, Chuan Zhao:
Cognitive visual tracking and camera control. 457-471
Volume 116, Number 4, April 2012
- Yue Deng, Qionghai Dai, Ruiping Wang, Zengke Zhang:
Commute time guided transformation for feature extraction. 473-483 - Varun Raj Kompella, Peter F. Sturm:
Collective-reward based approach for detection of semi-transparent objects in single images. 484-499 - Norimichi Ukita, Takeo Kanade:
Gaussian process motion graph models for smooth transitions among multiple actions. 500-509 - André Tavares da Silva, Jefersson Alex dos Santos
, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Léo Pini Magalhães:
Incorporating multiple distance spaces in optimum-path forest classification to improve feedback-based learning. 510-523 - Luis Ferraz, Xavier Binefa
A sparse curvature-based detector of affine invariant blobs. 524-537 - Oskar Linde, Tony Lindeberg
Composed complex-cue histograms: An investigation of the information content in receptive field based image descriptors for object recognition. 538-560 - Turgay Çelik
, Tardi Tjahjadi:
Adaptive colour constancy algorithm using discrete wavelet transform. 561-571 - Arnav V. Bhavsar
, Ambasamudram N. Rajagopalan
Range map superresolution-inpainting, and reconstruction from sparse data. 572-591
Volume 116, Number 5, May 2012
- María-José Escobar, Pierre Kornprobst
Action recognition via bio-inspired features: The richness of center-surround interaction. 593-605 - Florian Raudies, Heiko Neumann:
A review and evaluation of methods estimating ego-motion. 606-633 - Feifei Huo, Emile A. Hendriks:
Multiple people tracking and pose estimation with occlusion estimation. 634-647 - Micha Livne, Leonid Sigal, Nikolaus F. Troje
, David J. Fleet
Human attributes from 3D pose tracking. 648-660
Volume 116, Number 6, June 2012
- Vasileios K. Pothos, Christos Theoharatos, George Economou
A local spectral distribution approach to face recognition. 663-675 - Bahman Yari Saeed Khanloo, Ferdinand Stefanus, Mani Ranjbar, Ze-Nian Li, Nicolas Saunier
, Tarek Sayed
, Greg Mori:
A large margin framework for single camera offline tracking with hybrid cues. 676-689 - Reinhard Klette
, Jovisa D. Zunic:
ADR shape descriptor - Distance between shape centroids versus shape diameter. 690-697 - Zoe Falomir
, Lledó Museros Cabedo
, Luis González Abril
, M. Teresa Escrig, Juan Antonio Ortega
A model for the qualitative description of images based on visual and spatial features. 698-714 - Xiaoming Deng, Fuchao Wu, Yihong Wu, Fuqing Duan, Liang Chang, Hongan Wang:
Self-calibration of hybrid central catadioptric and perspective cameras. 715-729 - Zhuolin Jiang, Zhe Lin, Larry S. Davis:
Class consistent k-means: Application to face and action recognition. 730-741 - Reyes Rios-Cabrera, Tinne Tuytelaars
, Luc Van Gool:
Efficient multi-camera vehicle detection, tracking, and identification in a tunnel surveillance application. 742-753 - Shahriar Negahdaripour:
Visual motion ambiguities of a plane in 2-D FS sonar motion sequences. 754-764 - Adam P. Harrison
, Dileepan Joseph:
Translational photometric alignment of single-view image sequences. 765-776
Volume 116, Number 7, July 2012
- Chen Huang, Xiaoqing Ding, Chi Fang:
Pose robust face tracking by combining view-based AAMs and temporal filters. 777-792 - Qingxiong Yang
, Narendra Ahuja:
Surface reflectance and normal estimation from photometric stereo. 793-802 - Jinhee Chun, Natsuda Kaothanthong
, Ryosei Kasai, Matias Korman, Martin Nöllenburg, Takeshi Tokuyama
Algorithms for computing the maximum weight region decomposable into elementary shapes. 803-814 - Evan Ribnick, Ravishankar Sivalingam, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos, Kostas Daniilidis:
Reconstructing and analyzing periodic human motion from stationary monocular views. 815-826 - Erkut Erdem, Séverine Dubuisson, Isabelle Bloch:
Fragments based tracking with adaptive cue integration. 827-841 - Michael Jamieson, Yulia Eskin, Afsaneh Fazly, Suzanne Stevenson, Sven J. Dickinson:
Discovering hierarchical object models from captioned images. 842-853 - Ying-Ho Liu, Anthony J. T. Lee, Fu Chang:
Object recognition using discriminative parts. 854-867
Volume 116, Number 8, August 2012
- Norimichi Ukita, Takeo Kanade:
Reference consistent reconstruction of 3D cloth surface. 869-881 - Rafael Felipe V. Saracchini, Jorge Stolfi, Helena Cristina da Gama Leitão, Gary A. Atkinson
, Melvyn L. Smith
A robust multi-scale integration method to obtain the depth from gradient maps. 882-895 - Michèle Gouiffès, Christophe Collewet
, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne, Alain Trémeau:
A study on local photometric models and their application to robust tracking. 896-907 - Tingbo Hu, Baojun Qi
, Tao Wu, Xin Xu
, Hangen He:
Stereo matching using weighted dynamic programming on a single-direction four-connected tree. 908-921 - Yan Tong, Xiaoming Liu, Frederick W. Wheeler, Peter H. Tu:
Semi-supervised facial landmark annotation. 922-935
Volume 116, Number 9, September 2012
- Juan C. SanMiguel
, José M. Martínez:
A semantic-based probabilistic approach for real-time video event recognition. 937-952 - Hatem A. Rashwan
, Domenec Puig, Miguel Ángel García:
Improving the robustness of variational optical flow through tensor voting. 953-966 - W. P. Koppen, Marcel Worring
Backtracking: Retrospective multi-target tracking. 967-980 - Max Mignotte:
MDS-based segmentation model for the fusion of contour and texture cues in natural images. 981-990 - Kunho Kim, Mohammad Khairul Hasan, Jae-Pil Heo, Yu-Wing Tai
, Sung-Eui Yoon:
Probabilistic cost model for nearest neighbor search in image retrieval. 991-998 - Yong Xu, Si-Bin Huang, Hui Ji
, Cornelia Fermüller:
Scale-space texture description on SIFT-like textons. 999-1013 - Bingyin Zhou
, Fan Zhang, Lizhong Peng:
Higher-order SVD analysis for crowd density estimation. 1014-1021 - Madhura Datta, C. A. Murthy:
Two dimensional synthetic face generation and verification using set estimation technique. 1022-1031
Volume 116, Number 10, October 2012
- Junbin Liu, Tim Wark, Ruan Lakemond, Sridha Sridharan:
Self-calibration of wireless cameras with restricted degrees of freedom. 1033-1046 - Fabio A. M. Cappabianco, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Clarissa L. Yasuda
, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Brain tissue MR-image segmentation via optimum-path forest clustering. 1047-1059 - Ziyue Xu
, Punam K. Saha
, Soura Dasgupta:
Tensor scale: An analytic approach with efficient computation and applications. 1060-1075 - Nicolas Widynski, Séverine Dubuisson, Isabelle Bloch:
Fuzzy spatial constraints and ranked partitioned sampling approach for multiple object tracking. 1076-1094
Volume 116, Number 11, November 2012
- Abhishek Sharma, Murad Al Haj, Jonghyun Choi
, Larry S. Davis, David W. Jacobs:
Robust pose invariant face recognition using coupled latent space discriminant analysis. 1095-1110 - T. T. Quyen Bui, Keum-Shik Hong
Evaluating a color-based active basis model for object recognition. 1111-1120 - S. Cihan Bilir, Yücel Yemez:
Non-rigid 3D shape tracking from multiview video. 1121-1134 - Vasileios Karavasilis, Konstantinos Blekas, Christophoros Nikou:
A novel framework for motion segmentation and tracking by clustering incomplete trajectories. 1135-1148 - Peter Kontschieder, Samuel Rota Bulò
, Michael Donoser, Marcello Pelillo, Horst Bischof
Evolutionary Hough Games for coherent object detection. 1149-1158
Volume 116, Number 12, December 2012
- David Coeurjolly
Fast and accurate approximation of digital shape thickness distribution in arbitrary dimension. 1159-1167 - Tao Wang, Guojun Dai, Bingbing Ni, De Xu, François Siewe:
A distance measure between labeled combinatorial maps. 1168-1177 - Quan Wang, Kim L. Boyer:
The active geometric shape model: A new robust deformable shape model and its applications. 1178-1194 - Jurandir de Oliveira Santos Junior, Alexandre Vrubel, Olga Regina Pereira Bellon, Luciano Silva
3D reconstruction of cultural heritages: Challenges and advances on precise mesh integration. 1195-1207 - Waqas Hassan, Nagachetan Bangalore, Philip Birch
, Rupert C. D. Young, Chris R. Chatwin:
An adaptive sample count particle filter. 1208-1222

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