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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Volume 5
Volume 5, Number 1, March 2018
- Antonio Franchi
, Paolo Robuffo Giordano:
Online Leader Selection for Improved Collective Tracking and Formation Maintenance. 3-13 - Jun-Wei Zhu, Guang-Hong Yang:
Robust Distributed Fault Estimation for a Network of Dynamical Systems. 14-22 - Shize Su, Zongli Lin:
A Multiple Lyapunov Function Approach to Distributed Synchronization Control of Multi-Agent Systems With Switching Directed Communication Topologies and Unknown Nonlinearities. 23-33 - Soomin Lee, Angelia Nedic
, Maxim Raginsky:
Coordinate Dual Averaging for Decentralized Online Optimization With Nonseparable Global Objectives. 34-44 - Dan Martinec, Ivo Herman, Michael Sebek
On the Necessity of Symmetric Positional Coupling for String Stability. 45-54 - Zhi Feng, Guoqiang Hu
, Wei Ren, Warren E. Dixon
, Jie Mei
Distributed Coordination of Multiple Unknown Euler-Lagrange Systems. 55-66 - Reza Abdolee, Vida Vakilian, Benoît Champagne:
Tracking Performance and Optimal Adaptation Step-Sizes of Diffusion-LMS Networks. 67-78 - Zhuo Zhang, Yang Shi
, Zexu Zhang, Hui Zhang, Sheng Bi:
Modified Order-Reduction Method for Distributed Control of Multi-Spacecraft Networks With Time-Varying Delays. 79-92 - Ruilong Deng
, Shibo He, Jiming Chen:
An Online Algorithm for Data Collection by Multiple Sinks in Wireless-Sensor Networks. 93-104 - Dinh Hoa Nguyen
Minimum-Rank Dynamic Output Consensus Design for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems. 105-115 - Matthias Rungger, Majid Zamani:
Compositional Construction of Approximate Abstractions of Interconnected Control Systems. 116-127 - Damoon Soudbakhsh
, Linh Thi Xuan Phan, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Oleg Sokolsky
Co-Design of Arbitrated Network Control Systems With Overrun Strategies. 128-141 - Greg Foderaro, Pingping Zhu
, Hongchuan Wei, Thomas A. Wettergren
, Silvia Ferrari:
Distributed Optimal Control of Sensor Networks for Dynamic Target Tracking. 142-153 - Antonio de Paola
, David Angeli, Goran Strbac:
Integration of Price-Responsive Appliances in the Energy Market Through Flexible Demand Saturation. 154-166 - Shuai Liu, Lihua Xie, Daniel E. Quevedo
Event-Triggered Quantized Communication-Based Distributed Convex Optimization. 167-178 - Fangfei Li:
Stability of Boolean Networks With Delays Using Pinning Control. 179-185 - Mark A. Fabbro, Iman Shames, Michael Cantoni:
Analysis of Model and Iteration Dependencies in Distributed Feasible-Point Algorithms for Optimal Control Computation. 186-193 - Gabriele Oliva, Roberto Setola, Luigi Glielmo
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis:
Distributed Cycle Detection and Removal. 194-204 - Sei Zhen Khong, Enrico Lovisari, Chung-Yao Kao:
Robust Synchronization in Multi-Agent Networks With Unstable Dynamics. 205-214 - Jie Lu
, Choon Yik Tang:
A Distributed Algorithm for Solving Positive Definite Linear Equations Over Networks With Membership Dynamics. 215-227 - Ruggero Fabbiano, Federica Garin, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit:
Distributed Source Seeking Without Global Position Information. 228-238 - Xiaoqiang Ren
, Karl Henrik Johansson
, Dawei Shi
, Ling Shi:
Quickest Change Detection in Adaptive Censoring Sensor Networks. 239-250 - Herbert Mangesius, Dong Xue, Sandra Hirche:
Consensus Driven by the Geometric Mean. 251-261 - Ashish Ranjan Hota
, Shreyas Sundaram
Interdependent Security Games on Networks Under Behavioral Probability Weighting. 262-273 - Arman Sharifi Kolarijani
, Manuel Mazo Jr.
Formal Traffic Characterization of LTI Event-Triggered Control Systems. 274-283 - Ehsan Nekouei
, Tansu Alpcan, Girish N. Nair, Robin J. Evans:
Convergence Analysis of Quantized Primal-Dual Algorithms in Network Utility Maximization Problems. 284-297 - Nicholas J. Watkins
, Cameron Nowzari
, Victor M. Preciado
, George J. Pappas
Optimal Resource Allocation for Competitive Spreading Processes on Bilayer Networks. 298-307 - Ezio Bartocci
, Ebru Aydin Gol
, Iman Haghighi
, Calin Belta
A Formal Methods Approach to Pattern Recognition and Synthesis in Reaction Diffusion Networks. 308-320 - Kazunori Sakurama
, Erik I. Verriest, Magnus Egerstedt:
Scalable Stability and Time-Scale Separation of Networked, Cascaded Systems. 321-332 - Yuzhe Xu, Elisabetta Alfonsetti, Pradeep Chathuranga Weeraddana, Carlo Fischione
A Semidistributed Approach for the Feasible Min-Max Fair Agent-Assignment Problem With Privacy Guarantees. 333-344 - Kazunori Sakurama
, Shun-ichi Azuma, Toshiharu Sugie:
Multi-Agent Coordination to High-Dimensional Target Subspaces. 345-358 - Giorgio Battistelli
, Luigi Chisci
, Daniela Selvi
Distributed Averaging of Exponential-Class Densities With Discrete-Time Event-Triggered Consensus. 359-369 - Jerome Thai
, Chenyang Yuan, Alexandre M. Bayen:
Resiliency of Mobility-as-a-Service Systems to Denial-of-Service Attacks. 370-382 - Heng Zhang
, Yifei Qi, Junfeng Wu, Lingkun Fu, Lidong He:
DoS Attack Energy Management Against Remote State Estimation. 383-394 - Erfan Nozari
, Pavankumar Tallapragada
, Jorge Cortés
Differentially Private Distributed Convex Optimization via Functional Perturbation. 395-408 - Yasaman Khazaeni
, Christos G. Cassandras
Event-Driven Cooperative Receding Horizon Control for Multi-Agent Systems in Uncertain Environments. 409-422 - Rushikesh Kamalapurkar
, Justin R. Klotz
, Patrick Walters, Warren E. Dixon
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Differential Graphical Games. 423-433 - Justin R. Klotz
, Anup Parikh, Teng-Hu Cheng
, Warren E. Dixon
Decentralized Synchronization of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With a Reputation Algorithm. 434-445 - Konstantin E. Avrachenkov
, Vivek S. Borkar:
Whittle Index Policy for Crawling Ephemeral Content. 446-455 - Theodore W. Grunberg
, Dennice F. Gayme
Performance Measures for Linear Oscillator Networks Over Arbitrary Graphs. 456-468 - Torbjörn Wigren
, Reem Karaki:
Globally Stable Wireless Data Flow Control. 469-478 - Walid Krichene
, Milena Suarez Castillo
, Alexandre M. Bayen:
On Social Optimal Routing Under Selfish Learning. 479-488 - Emmanuel Nuno
Consensus of Euler-Lagrange Systems Using Only Position Measurements. 489-498 - Saleh Soltan
, Mihalis Yannakakis, Gil Zussman
Power Grid State Estimation Following a Joint Cyber and Physical Attack. 499-512 - Majid Khonji
, Chi-Kin Chau
, Khaled M. Elbassioni
Optimal Power Flow With Inelastic Demands for Demand Response in Radial Distribution Networks. 513-524 - Ana Sofia Rufino Ferreira
, Chris Meissen
, Murat Arcak
, Andrew K. Packard:
Symmetry Reduction for Performance Certification of Interconnected Systems. 525-535 - Seyed Rasoul Etesami, Tamer Basar:
Pure Nash Equilibrium in a Capacitated Selfish Resource Allocation Game. 536-547 - Giuseppe Cofano
, Luca De Cicco
, Saverio Mascolo:
Modeling and Design of Adaptive Video Streaming Control Systems. 548-559 - Marcello Farina, Ruggero Carli
Partition-Based Distributed Kalman Filter With Plug and Play Features. 560-570 - Milos S. Stankovic
, Srdjan S. Stankovic, Karl Henrik Johansson
Asynchronous Distributed Blind Calibration of Sensor Networks Under Noisy Measurements. 571-582 - Phillip Lee, Andrew Clark, Basel Alomair
, Linda Bushnell
, Radha Poovendran
Adaptive Mitigation of Multi-Virus Propagation: A Passivity-Based Approach. 583-596 - Naumaan Nayyar, Dileep M. Kalathil
, Rahul Jain
On Regret-Optimal Learning in Decentralized Multiplayer Multiarmed Bandits. 597-606 - Omid Javidbakht
, Parv Venkitasubramaniam
Relay Selection and Operation Control for Optimal Delay Anonymity Tradeoff in Anonymous Networks. 607-617 - Jun Zhao
Analyzing Connectivity of Heterogeneous Secure Sensor Networks. 618-628 - Junyong Sun, Zhiyong Geng, Yuezu Lv, Zhongkui Li
, Zhengtao Ding
Distributed Adaptive Consensus Disturbance Rejection for Multi-Agent Systems on Directed Graphs. 629-639 - Ashton Roza
, Manfredi Maggiore
, Luca Scardovi
A Smooth Distributed Feedback for Global Rendezvous of Unicycles. 640-652 - Naumaan Nayyar, Dileep M. Kalathil
, Rahul Jain
Optimal Decentralized Control With Asymmetric One-Step Delayed Information Sharing. 653-663 - Jianqiu Mu, Xing-Gang Yan
, Sarah K. Spurgeon
, Dongya Zhao:
Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control for Interconnected Systems With Application to Automated Highway Systems. 664-674 - Hossein Beikzadeh, Horacio J. Marquez:
Robust Sampled-Data Bilateral Teleoperation: Single-Rate and Multirate Stabilization. 675-687
Volume 5, Number 2, June 2018
- Réka Albert
, John Baillieul
, Adilson E. Motter
Introduction to the Special Issue on Approaches to Control Biological and Biologically Inspired Networks. 690-693 - Aleksandar Haber
, Ferenc Molnár
, Adilson E. Motter
State Observation and Sensor Selection for Nonlinear Networks. 694-708 - Vasileios Tzoumas
, Yuankun Xue, Sérgio Pequito
, Paul Bogdan, George J. Pappas
Selecting Sensors in Biological Fractional-Order Systems. 709-721 - Erfan Nozari
, Yingbo Zhao, Jorge Cortés
Network Identification With Latent Nodes via Autoregressive Models. 722-736 - Wei Pan
, Ye Yuan
, Lennart Ljung
, Jorge M. Gonçalves
, Guy-Bart Stan
Identification of Nonlinear State-Space Systems From Heterogeneous Datasets. 737-747 - Andrew Clark
, Phillip Lee, Basel Alomair
, Linda Bushnell
, Radha Poovendran
Combinatorial Algorithms for Control of Biological Regulatory Networks. 748-759 - Mahdi Imani
, Ulisses M. Braga-Neto
Control of Gene Regulatory Networks With Noisy Measurements and Uncertain Inputs. 760-769 - Zuguang Gao
, Xudong Chen, Tamer Basar
Controllability of Conjunctive Boolean Networks With Application to Gene Regulation. 770-781 - Franco Blanchini
, Christian Cuba Samaniego
, Elisa Franco, Giulia Giordano
Aggregates of Monotonic Step Response Systems: A Structural Classification. 782-792 - Rebecca Gray
, Alessio Franci
, Vaibhav Srivastava, Naomi Ehrich Leonard
Multiagent Decision-Making Dynamics Inspired by Honeybees. 793-806 - Harrison Steel
, Antonis Papachristodoulou
Design Constraints for Biological Systems That Achieve Adaptation and Disturbance Rejection. 807-817
Volume 5, Number 3, September 2018
- Cristian Ioan Vasile
, Mac Schwager
, Calin Belta
Translational and Rotational Invariance in Networked Dynamical Systems. 822-832 - Ozgur Dalkilic, Atilla Eryilmaz
, Xiaojun Lin:
Pricing for the Optimal Coordination of Opportunistic Agents. 833-845 - Yuzhe Li
, Ling Shi
, Tongwen Chen
Detection Against Linear Deception Attacks on Multi-Sensor Remote State Estimation. 846-856 - Yuping Wang
, Ji Xiang
, Yanjun Li, Michael Z. Q. Chen
Controllability of Dynamic-Edge Multi-Agent Systems. 857-867 - Madi Zholbaryssov
, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
Distributed Enforcement of Phase-Cohesiveness for Frequency Control of Islanded Inverter-Based Microgrids. 868-878 - Alessandro Falsone
, Kostas Margellos
, Simone Garatti
, Maria Prandini
Finite-Time Distributed Averaging Over Gossip-Constrained Ring Networks. 879-887 - Bei Yan
, Hanoch Lev-Ari, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
Networked State Estimation With Delayed and Irregularly Spaced Time-Stamped Observations. 888-900 - Yue Song
, David J. Hill
, Tao Liu
Network-Based Analysis of Small-Disturbance Angle Stability of Power Systems. 901-912 - Tatiana Tatarenko
Independent Log-Linear Learning in Potential Games With Continuous Actions. 913-923 - Milad Siami
, Sadegh Bolouki, Bassam Bamieh
, Nader Motee
Centrality Measures in Linear Consensus Networks With Structured Network Uncertainties. 924-934 - Mingyi Hong
A Distributed, Asynchronous, and Incremental Algorithm for Nonconvex Optimization: An ADMM Approach. 935-945 - Martin Kasparick
, Gerhard Wunder:
Stable Wireless Network Control Under Service Constraints. 946-956 - Nicolaos E. Manitara, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Distributed Stopping for Average Consensus in Digraphs. 957-967 - Ye Sun, Daniel B. Work
Scaling the Kalman Filter for Large-Scale Traffic Estimation. 968-980 - Danial Senejohnny
, Pietro Tesi
, Claudio De Persis
A Jamming-Resilient Algorithm for Self-Triggered Network Coordination. 981-990 - Jianya Ding, Keyou You
, Shiji Song
, Cheng Wu
Likelihood Ratio-Based Scheduler for Secure Detection in Cyber Physical Systems. 991-1002 - Majid Zamani
, Murat Arcak
Compositional Abstraction for Networks of Control Systems: A Dissipativity Approach. 1003-1015 - Dariush Fooladivanda
, Joshua A. Taylor
Energy-Optimal Pump Scheduling and Water Flow. 1016-1026 - Fragkiskos Koufogiannis
, George J. Pappas
Diffusing Private Data Over Networks. 1027-1037 - Yi Wang
, Ye Xia:
I-CSMA: A Link-Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Networks Based on Ising Model. 1038-1050 - Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Tao Wang
Novel Homotopy Theory for Nonlinear Networks and Systems and Its Applications to Electrical Grids. 1051-1060 - Deepjyoti Deka
, Scott Backhaus, Michael Chertkov
Structure Learning in Power Distribution Networks. 1061-1074 - Sepideh Hassan-Moghaddam, Mihailo R. Jovanovic
Topology Design for Stochastically Forced Consensus Networks. 1075-1086 - Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili
, Mohammad Sadegh Talebi
, Ahmad Khonsari
Multiperiod Network Rate Allocation With End-to-End Delay Constraints. 1087-1097 - Abhinav Sinha
, Achilleas Anastasopoulos
Mechanism Design for Resource Allocation in Networks With Intergroup Competition and Intragroup Sharing. 1098-1109 - Daniele Zonetti
, Romeo Ortega
, Johannes Schiffer
A Tool for Stability and Power-Sharing Analysis of a Generalized Class of Droop Controllers for High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Systems. 1110-1119 - Xin Wang, Guang-Hong Yang
Adaptive Reliable Coordination Control for Linear Agent Networks With Intermittent Communication Constraints. 1120-1131 - Anya Castillo
, Dennice F. Gayme:
Evaluating the Effects of Real Power Losses in Optimal Power Flow-Based Storage Integration. 1132-1145 - Anirban Nandi
, Mohammadmehdi Kafashan, ShiNung Ching
Control Analysis and Design for Statistical Models of Spiking Networks. 1146-1156 - Yuan Chen
, Soummya Kar
, José M. F. Moura
Optimal Attack Strategies Subject to Detection Constraints Against Cyber-Physical Systems. 1157-1168 - Feng Xiao
, Tongwen Chen
Adaptive Consensus in Leader-Following Networks of Heterogeneous Linear Systems. 1169-1176 - Alex Olshevsky
On (Non)Supermodularity of Average Control Energy. 1177-1181 - Isaac Vandermeulen, Martin Guay
, P. James McLellan
Discrete-Time Distributed Extremum-Seeking Control Over Networks With Unstable Dynamics. 1182-1192 - Yu Zhang
, Ramtin Madani
, Javad Lavaei
Conic Relaxations for Power System State Estimation With Line Measurements. 1193-1205 - Rong Du
, Lazaros Gkatzikis, Carlo Fischione
, Ming Xiao
On Maximizing Sensor Network Lifetime by Energy Balancing. 1206-1218 - Heath J. LeBlanc
, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Resilient First-Order Consensus and Weakly Stable, Higher Order Synchronization of Continuous-Time Networked Multiagent Systems. 1219-1231 - Sebastian Trip
, Claudio De Persis
Distributed Optimal Load Frequency Control with Non-Passive Dynamics. 1232-1244 - Guannan Qu
, Na Li
Harnessing Smoothness to Accelerate Distributed Optimization. 1245-1260 - Yue Song
, David J. Hill
, Tao Liu
Characterization of Cutsets in Networks With Application to Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems. 1261-1274 - Burak Demirel
, Euhanna Ghadimi, Daniel E. Quevedo
, Mikael Johansson
Optimal Control of Linear Systems With Limited Control Actions: Threshold-Based Event-Triggered Control. 1275-1286 - Giorgio Battistelli
, Pietro Tesi
Detecting Topology Variations in Networks of Linear Dynamical Systems. 1287-1299 - Apostolos I. Rikos
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Distributed Integer Weight Balancing in the Presence of Time Delays in Directed Graphs. 1300-1309 - Qie Hu, Dariush Fooladivanda
, Young Hwan Chang
, Claire J. Tomlin:
Secure State Estimation and Control for Cyber Security of the Nonlinear Power Systems. 1310-1321 - Philip E. Pare
, Carolyn L. Beck
, Angelia Nedic
Epidemic Processes Over Time-Varying Networks. 1322-1334 - Yasaman Khazaeni
, Christos G. Cassandras
Event-Driven Trajectory Optimization for Data Harvesting in Multiagent Systems. 1335-1348 - Jaya Prakash Champati
, Prasanna Chaporkar
Proportionally Fair Resource Allocation in Multirate WLANs. 1349-1360 - John W. Simpson-Porco
A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations - Part I: Fixed-Point Power Flow. 1361-1372 - John W. Simpson-Porco
A Theory of Solvability for Lossless Power Flow Equations - Part II: Conditions for Radial Networks. 1373-1385 - Duarte J. Antunes
, Behnam Asadi Khashooei
Consistent Dynamic Event-Triggered Policies for Linear Quadratic Control. 1386-1398 - Pavankumar Tallapragada
, Jorge Cortés
Distributed Control of Vehicle Strings Under Finite-Time and Safety Specifications. 1399-1411 - Marcello Farina
, Simone Misiano:
Stochastic Distributed Predictive Tracking Control for Networks of Autonomous Systems With Coupling Constraints. 1412-1423 - Saleh Soltan
, Alexander Loh, Gil Zussman
Analyzing and Quantifying the Effect of k-Line Failures in Power Grids. 1424-1433 - Youssef Abou Harfouch
, Shuai Yuan
, Simone Baldi
An Adaptive Switched Control Approach to Heterogeneous Platooning With Intervehicle Communication Losses. 1434-1444 - Gam D. Nguyen
, Sastry Kompella
, Clement Kam, Jeffrey E. Wieselthier, Anthony Ephremides:
Impact of Hostile Interference on Wireless Link Connectivity. 1445-1456 - Zhongmei Wang, Huanshui Zhang
Consensus Error Calculation for Multiagent Systems With Both System and Measurement Noises. 1457-1466 - Marco Todescato
, John W. Simpson-Porco
, Florian Dörfler
, Ruggero Carli, Francesco Bullo
Online Distributed Voltage Stress Minimization by Optimal Feedback Reactive Power Control. 1467-1478 - Qin Ba, Ketan Savla
Robustness of DC Networks With Controllable Link Weights. 1479-1491 - Ziyang Meng
, Brian D. O. Anderson
, Sandra Hirche
On 3-D Formation Control With Mismatched Coordinates. 1492-1502 - Tyler H. Summers
, Fabrizio L. Cortesi, John Lygeros
Corrections to "On Submodularity and Controllability in Complex Dynamical Networks". 1503
Volume 5, Number 4, December 2018
- James R. Riehl
, Ming Cao
A Centrality-Based Security Game for Multihop Networks. 1507-1516 - André M. H. Teixeira
, José Araújo, Henrik Sandberg
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Distributed Sensor and Actuator Reconfiguration for Fault-Tolerant Networked Control Systems. 1517-1528 - Arjun Muralidharan
, Yasamin Mostofi
Energy Optimal Distributed Beamforming Using Unmanned Vehicles. 1529-1540 - Louis Kempton
, Guido Herrmann, Mario di Bernardo
Self-Organization of Weighted Networks for Optimal Synchronizability. 1541-1550 - Yuhei Kikuya, Seyed Mehran Dibaji, Hideaki Ishii
Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization Over Unreliable Channels in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1551-1562 - Antonio Adaldo
, Davide Liuzza
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Cloud-Supported Formation Control of Second-Order Multiagent Systems. 1563-1574 - Steffen Linsenmayer
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
, Frank Allgöwer
Event-Based Vehicle Coordination Using Nonlinear Unidirectional Controllers. 1575-1584 - Huihui Ji, Hai-Tao Zhang
, Zhiyong Ye, He Zhang, Bowen Xu, Guanrong Chen
Stochastic Consensus Control of Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With External Disturbances. 1585-1596 - Jingbo Wu
, Valery A. Ugrinovskii, Frank Allgöwer
Cooperative Estimation and Robust Synchronization of Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems With Coupled Measurements. 1597-1607 - Davide Liuzza
, Dimos V. Dimarogonas
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Generalized PID Synchronization of Higher Order Nonlinear Systems With a Recursive Lyapunov Approach. 1608-1621 - Majid Zamani
, Manuel Mazo Jr.
, Mahmoud Khaled, Alessandro Abate:
Symbolic Abstractions of Networked Control Systems. 1622-1634 - Bahman Gharesifard
, Stephen L. Smith
Distributed Submodular Maximization With Limited Information. 1635-1645 - Gabriele Oliva
, Sebastian M. Cioaba
, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis
Distributed Calculation of Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees for Robustifying Distributed Algorithms Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. 1646-1656 - Junjie Qin
, Ram Rajagopal, Pravin Varaiya:
Flexible Market for Smart Grid: Coordinated Trading of Contingent Contracts. 1657-1667 - Debayani Ghosh
, Krishna P. Jagannathan
, Gaurav Raina
Local Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis for Compound TCP. 1668-1681 - Stojan Trajanovski
, Fernando A. Kuipers
, Yezekael Hayel, Eitan Altman
, Piet Van Mieghem:
Designing Virus-Resistant, High-Performance Networks: A Game-Formation Approach. 1682-1692 - Matthew T. Hale
, Magnus Egerstedt:
Cloud-Enabled Differentially Private Multiagent Optimization With Constraints. 1693-1706 - Sergio Grammatico
Proximal Dynamics in Multiagent Network Games. 1707-1716 - Hassan Jaleel
, Jeff S. Shamma
Design Of Real-Time Implementable Distributed Suboptimal Control: An LQR Perspective. 1717-1728 - Minh Tuan Nguyen
, Hung M. La
, Keith A. Teague:
Collaborative and Compressed Mobile Sensing for Data Collection in Distributed Robotic Networks. 1729-1740 - Jun Zhao
Transitional Behavior of q-Composite Random Key Graphs With Applications to Networked Control. 1741-1751 - Mohammad Pirani
, Ebrahim Moradi Shahrivar, Baris Fidan
, Shreyas Sundaram
Robustness of Leader-Follower Networked Dynamical Systems. 1752-1763 - Baoyu Hou
, Xiang Li
, Guanrong Chen
The Roles of Input Matrix and Nodal Dynamics in Network Controllability. 1764-1774 - Yong Ding, Dian Xie, Yuqian Guo
Controllability of Boolean Control Networks With Multiple Time Delays. 1787-1795 - Takayuki Ishizaki
, Masakazu Koike
, Jun-ichi Imura
Transient Response Improvement for Interconnected Linear Systems: A Low-Dimensional Controller Retrofit Approach. 1796-1808 - Chi-Kin Chau
, Khaled M. Elbassioni
Quantifying Inefficiency of Fair Cost-Sharing Mechanisms for Sharing Economy. 1809-1818 - Eelco P. van Horssen
, Suraj Prakash
, Duarte Antunes
, Maurice Heemels
Event-Driven Control With Deadline Optimization for Linear Systems With Stochastic Delays. 1819-1829 - Liang Xu
, Lihua Xie
, Nan Xiao
Mean-Square Stabilization Over Gaussian Finite-State Markov Channels. 1830-1840 - Shaocheng Wang
, Wei Ren
, Jie Chen
Fully Distributed Dynamic State Estimation With Uncertain Process Models. 1841-1851 - Christoforos Somarakis
, Evripidis Paraskevas
, John S. Baras
, Nader Motee
Convergence Analysis of Classes of Asymmetric Networks of Cucker-Smale Type With Deterministic Perturbations. 1852-1863 - Maurizio Porfiri
Information Flow in a Boolean Network Model of Collective Behavior. 1864-1874 - Dariush Fooladivanda
, Madi Zholbaryssov
, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García
Control of Networked Distributed Energy Resources in Grid-Connected AC Microgrids. 1875-1886 - Pengcheng You
, Steven H. Low
, Wayes Tushar
, Guangchao Geng
, Chau Yuen
, Zaiyue Yang
, Youxian Sun:
Scheduling of EV Battery Swapping - Part I: Centralized Solution. 1887-1897 - Ramtin Madani
, Abdulrahman Kalbat
, Javad Lavaei
A Low-Complexity Parallelizable Numerical Algorithm for Sparse Semidefinite Programming. 1898-1909 - Ivano Notarnicola
, Ruggero Carli
, Giuseppe Notarstefano
Distributed Partitioned Big-Data Optimization via Asynchronous Dual Decomposition. 1910-1919 - Pengcheng You
, Steven H. Low
, Liang Zhang
, Ruilong Deng
, Georgios B. Giannakis
, Youxian Sun, Zaiyue Yang
Scheduling of EV Battery Swapping-Part II: Distributed Solutions. 1920-1930 - Angela Fontan
, Claudio Altafini
Multiequilibria Analysis for a Class of Collective Decision-Making Networked Systems. 1931-1940 - Tianyi Chen
, Qing Ling
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Learn-and-Adapt Stochastic Dual Gradients for Network Resource Allocation. 1941-1951 - Vivek S. Borkar
, Gaurav S. Kasbekar
, Sarath Pattathil
, Priyesh Y. Shetty:
Opportunistic Scheduling as Restless Bandits. 1952-1961 - Van Sy Mai
, Eyad H. Abed
Local Prediction for Enhanced Convergence of Distributed Optimization Algorithms. 1962-1975 - Chiara Ravazzi
, Roberto Tempo, Fabrizio Dabbene
Learning Influence Structure in Sparse Social Networks. 1976-1986 - Jonathan Brooks
, Prabir Barooah
Consumer-Aware Distributed Demand-Side Contingency Service in the Power Grid. 1987-1997 - Mikhail Hayhoe
, Fady Alajaji
, Bahman Gharesifard
A Polya Contagion Model for Networks. 1998-2010 - Ahmet Yasin Yazicioglu
, Mardavij Roozbehani, Munther A. Dahleh
Resilient Control of Transportation Networks by Using Variable Speed Limits. 2011-2022 - Charles Freundlich
, Yan Zhang
, Michael M. Zavlanos
Distributed Hierarchical Control for State Estimation With Robotic Sensor Networks. 2023-2035 - Waseem Abbas
, Aron Laszka
, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos
Improving Network Connectivity and Robustness Using Trusted Nodes With Application to Resilient Consensus. 2036-2048 - Jin-Liang Wang
, Huai-Ning Wu
, Tingwen Huang
, Meng Xu
Output Synchronization in Coupled Neural Networks With and Without External Disturbances. 2049-2061 - Sebin Gracy
, Federica Garin
, Alain Y. Kibangou
Structural and Strongly Structural Input and State Observability of Linear Network Systems. 2062-2072 - Chuangchuang Sun
, Ran Dai
, Mehran Mesbahi
Weighted Network Design With Cardinality Constraints via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. 2073-2084 - Håkan Terelius
, Karl Henrik Johansson
Peer-to-Peer Gradient Topologies in Networks With Churn. 2085-2095

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