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IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume 30
Volume 30, Number 1, January 2011
- Raja' S. Alomari, Jason J. Corso
, Vipin Chaudhary
Labeling of Lumbar Discs Using Both Pixel- and Object-Level Features With a Two-Level Probabilistic Model. 1-10 - Orcun Goksel
, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Image-Based Variational Meshing. 11-21 - Franklin D. Hockett, Kirk D. Wallace, Anne H. Schmieder, Shelton D. Caruthers, Christine T. N. Pham, Samuel A. Wickline, Gregory M. Lanza:
Simultaneous Dual Frequency 1H and 19F Open Coil Imaging of Arthritic Rabbit Knee at 3T. 22-27 - Nghia Q. Nguyen, Craig K. Abbey, Michael F. Insana:
An Adaptive Filter to Approximate the Bayesian Strategy for Sonographic Beamforming. 28-37 - Junghoon Lee, Christian Labat, Ameet K. Jain, Danny Y. Song, Everette Clif Burdette, Gabor Fichtinger, Jerry L. Prince
REDMAPS: Reduced-Dimensionality Matching for Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction. 38-51 - Karim Lekadir, Niall Keenan
, Dudley Pennell
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
An Inter-Landmark Approach to 4-D Shape Extraction and Interpretation: Application to Myocardial Motion Assessment in MRI. 52-68 - Ofri Sadowsky, Junghoon Lee, E. Grant Sutter, Simon J. Wall, Jerry L. Prince
, Russell H. Taylor:
Hybrid Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction: Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Models to Compensate for Missing Data. 69-83 - Adam S. Wang
, Norbert J. Pelc
Sufficient Statistics as a Generalization of Binning in Spectral X-ray Imaging. 84-93 - Wei Huang, Kap Luk Chan, Huiqi Li, Joo-Hwee Lim, Jiang Liu
, Tien Yin Wong
A Computer Assisted Method for Nuclear Cataract Grading From Slit-Lamp Images Using Ranking. 94-107 - Gwenolé Quellec
, Mathieu Lamard, Guy Cazuguel, Christian Roux, Béatrice Cochener:
Case Retrieval in Medical Databases by Fusing Heterogeneous Information. 108-118 - Jian Zhou, Jinyi Qi
Adaptive Imaging for Lesion Detection Using a Zoom-in PET System. 119-130 - Arnaldo Mayer, Gali Zimmerman-Moreno, Ran Shadmi, Amit Batikoff, Hayit Greenspan:
A Supervised Framework for the Registration and Segmentation of White Matter Fiber Tracts. 131-145 - Diego Marín
, Arturo Aquino
, Manuel Emilio Gegúndez-Arias
, José Manuel Bravo
A New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images by Using Gray-Level and Moment Invariants-Based Features. 146-158 - Colin Carpenter, Brian W. Pogue
, Shudong Jiang, Jia Wang
, Brian A. Hargreaves, Rebecca Rakow-Penner, Bruce L. Daniel, Keith D. Paulsen:
MR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging. 159-168 - Erik Bergvall, Erik Hedström, Karin Markenroth Bloch
, Håkan Arheden, Gunnar Sparr:
Correction to "Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging". 169
Volume 30, Number 2, February 2011
- Brian Gonzales, David S. Lalush
Full-Spectrum CT Reconstruction Using a Weighted Least Squares Algorithm With an Energy-Axis Penalty. 173-183 - Caroline C. Brun, Natasha Leporé, Xavier Pennec
, Yi-Yu Chou, Agatha D. Lee, Greig I. de Zubicaray
, Katie McMahon, Margaret J. Wright
, James C. Gee, Paul M. Thompson
A Nonconservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration - SAFIRA. 184-202 - Kun Wang, Sergey A. Ermilov, Richard Su, Hans-Peter Brecht, Alexander A. Oraevsky
, Mark A. Anastasio:
An Imaging Model Incorporating Ultrasonic Transducer Properties for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography. 203-214 - Meindert Niemeijer, Marco Loog, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Max A. Viergever, Mathias Prokop
, Bram van Ginneken
On Combining Computer-Aided Detection Systems. 215-223 - Hrebesh M. Subhash, Viviana Davila, Hai Sun
, Anh T. Nguyen-Huynh
, Xiaorui Shi, Alfred L. Nuttall, Ruikang K. Wang
Volumetric In Vivo Imaging of Microvascular Perfusion Within the Intact Cochlea in Mice Using Ultra-High Sensitive Optical Microangiography. 224-230 - Antti Nissinen, Ville Kolehmainen
, Jari P. Kaipio
Compensation of Modelling Errors Due to Unknown Domain Boundary in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 231-242 - Mohd Zulfaezal Che Azemin
, Dinesh Kant Kumar
, Tien Yin Wong
, Ryo Kawasaki
, Paul Mitchell, Jie Jin Wang:
Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vasculature. 243-250 - Jan Ehrhardt, René Werner, Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, Heinz Handels
Statistical Modeling of 4D Respiratory Lung Motion Using Diffeomorphic Image Registration. 251-265 - Jiantao Pu, Carl Fuhrman, Walter F. Good, Frank C. Sciurba
, David Gur:
A Differential Geometric Approach to Automated Segmentation of Human Airway Tree. 266-278 - Shantanu Banik, Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
, J. E. Leo Desautels:
Detection of Architectural Distortion in Prior Mammograms. 279-294 - Mathieu Couade, Mathieu Pernot
, Emmanuel Messas, Alain Bel, Maguette Ba, Albert Hagege
, Mathias Fink
, Mickaël Tanter
In Vivo Quantitative Mapping of Myocardial Stiffening and Transmural Anisotropy During the Cardiac Cycle. 295-305 - Jeffrey P. Johnson, Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Michelle Yan, Hans Roehrig, Anna R. Graham, Ronald S. Weinstein:
Using a Visual Discrimination Model for the Detection of Compression Artifacts in Virtual Pathology Images. 306-314 - Hazem Wannous, Yves Lucas, Sylvie Treuillet:
Enhanced Assessment of the Wound-Healing Process by Accurate Multiview Tissue Classification. 315-326 - Dinghui Wang
, Weijing Ma, Tim P. DeMonte, Adrian I. Nachman, Michael L. G. Joy:
Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging Based on a 180circ Sample Rotation With Feasibility Study of Full Current Density Vector Reconstruction. 327-337 - Yimo Tao, Zhigang Peng, Arun Krishnan, Xiang Sean Zhou:
Robust Learning-Based Parsing and Annotation of Medical Radiographs. 338-350 - Wenjia Bai
, Michael Brady:
Motion Correction and Attenuation Correction for Respiratory Gated PET Images. 351-365 - Oleksii Vyacheslav Morozov, Michael Unser
, Patrick R. Hunziker:
Reconstruction of Large, Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Images. A Tensor-Based Approach. 366-374 - Ali Gooya
, George Biros, Christos Davatzikos
Deformable Registration of Glioma Images Using EM Algorithm and Diffusion Reaction Modeling. 375-390 - Paul D. Reynolds, Peter D. Olcott, Guillem Pratx
, Frances W. Y. Lau, Craig S. Levin:
Convex Optimization of Coincidence Time Resolution for a High-Resolution PET System. 391-400 - X. Luís Dean-Ben
, Rui Ma
, Daniel Razansky
, Vasilis Ntziachristos
Statistical Approach for Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction in the Presence of Strong Acoustic Heterogeneities. 401-408 - Anne-Sophie Dewalle-Vignion
, Nacim Betrouni
, Renaud Lopes
, Damien Huglo
, Simon Stute, Maximilien Vermandel:
A New Method for Volume Segmentation of PET Images, Based on Possibility Theory. 409-423 - Emine Ulku Saritas
, Jin Hyung Lee, Dwight G. Nishimura:
SNR Dependence of Optimal Parameters for Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements. 424-437 - Eduardo X. Miqueles
, Alvaro R. De Pierro:
Iterative Reconstruction in X-ray Fluorescence Tomography Based on Radon Inversion. 438-450 - Nicholas J. Tustison
, Suyash P. Awate
, Gang Song, Tessa Sundaram Cook, James C. Gee:
Point Set Registration Using Havrda-Charvat-Tsallis Entropy Measures. 451-460 - Stephen P. O'Brien, Ovidiu Ghita, Paul F. Whelan
A Novel Model-Based 3D +Time Left Ventricular Segmentation Technique. 461-474 - Baba C. Vemuri, Meizhu Liu, Shun-ichi Amari, Frank Nielsen
Total Bregman Divergence and Its Applications to DTI Analysis. 475-483 - Azadeh Yazdanpanah, Ghassan Hamarneh
, Benjamin R. Smith, Marinko Sarunic
Segmentation of Intra-Retinal Layers From Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using an Active Contour Approach. 484-496 - Sanjay P. Nair, Xu Yang, Thomas A. Krouskop, Raffaella Righetti:
Performance Analysis of a New Real-Time Elastographic Time Constant Estimator. 497-511 - Marta G. Zanchi, Pascal P. Stang, Adam B. Kerr, John M. Pauly
, Greig C. Scott:
Frequency-Offset Cartesian Feedback for MRI Power Amplifier Linearization. 512-522 - Gwenolé Quellec
, Stephen R. Russell
, Michael D. Abràmoff
Optimal Filter Framework for Automated, Instantaneous Detection of Lesions in Retinal Images. 523-533
Volume 30, Number 3, March 2011
- Sangeetha Somayajula, Christos Panagiotou, Anand Rangarajan
, Quanzheng Li, Simon R. Arridge
, Richard M. Leahy:
PET Image Reconstruction Using Information Theoretic Anatomical Priors. 537-549 - Emilie Macé
, Ivan Cohen
, Gabriel Montaldo, R. Miles, Mathias Fink
, Mickaël Tanter
In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using Shear Wave Imaging. 550-558 - Wenli Cai, June-Goo Lee, Michael E. Zalis, Hiroyuki Yoshida:
Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography. 559-574 - Xiaojing Ye, Yunmei Chen, Wei Lin, Feng Huang:
Fast MR Image Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging With Arbitrary k -Space Trajectories. 575-585 - Seungil Huh, Dai Fei Elmer Ker
, Ryoma Bise, Mei Chen, Takeo Kanade:
Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images. 586-596 - Ali Meghoufel, Guy Cloutier, Nathalie Crevier-Denoix
, Jacques A. de Guise
Tissue Characterization of Equine Tendons With Clinical B-Scan Images Using a Shock Filter Thinning Algorithm. 597-605 - Xiao Han, Junguo Bian, Diane R. Eaker, Timothy Kline, Emil Y. Sidky, Erik L. Ritman, Xiaochuan Pan:
Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging. 606-620 - Wei Wang, John A. Ozolek, Dejan Slepcev
, Ann B. Lee, Cheng Chen, Gustavo K. Rohde:
An Optimal Transportation Approach for Nuclear Structure-Based Pathology. 621-631 - Qing Li, Zhigang Deng
, Yong Zhang, Xiaobo Zhou, U. Valentin Nägerl
, Stephen T. C. Wong:
A Global Spatial Similarity Optimization Scheme to Track Large Numbers of Dendritic Spines in Time-Lapse Confocal Microscopy. 632-641 - Alpay Özcan
Minimization of Imaging Gradient Effects in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 642-654 - Kenneth O. Johnson
, Ryan K. Robison
, James G. Pipe:
Rigid Body Motion Compensation for Spiral Projection Imaging. 655-665 - Ryan J. DeWall, Tomy Varghese
, Ernest L. Madsen:
Shear Wave Velocity Imaging Using Transient Electrode Perturbation: Phantom and ex vivo Validation. 666-678 - Andrei Danilchenko, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration. 679-693 - Sathish Ramani, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods. 694-706 - Yang Li, Ragini Verma:
Multichannel Image Registration by Feature-Based Information Fusion. 707-720 - Akif Burak Tosun, Cigdem Gunduz Demir:
Graph Run-Length Matrices for Histopathological Image Segmentation. 721-732 - Uri Avni, Hayit Greenspan, Eli Konen, Michal Sharon, Jacob Goldberger:
X-ray Categorization and Retrieval on the Organ and Pathology Level, Using Patch-Based Visual Words. 733-746 - Xiujuan Geng
, Thomas J. Ross
, Hong Gu, Wanyong Shin, Wang Zhan, Yi-Ping Chao, Ching-Po Lin
, Norbert Schuff, Yihong Yang:
Diffeomorphic Image Registration of Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Harmonics. 747-758 - Brigitte Guérin, Georges El Fakhri:
Novel Scatter Compensation of List-Mode PET Data Using Spatial and Energy Dependent Corrections. 759-773 - Tian Shen, Hongsheng Li
, Xiaolei Huang:
Active Volume Models for Medical Image Segmentation. 774-791 - Carole Garnier, Jean-Jacques Bellanger, Ke Wu, Huazhong Shu, Nathalie Costet
, Romain Mathieu, Renaud de Crevoisier, Jean-Louis Coatrieux:
Prostate Segmentation in HIFU Therapy. 792-803 - André Salomon, Andreas Goedicke, Bernd Schweizer, Til Aach, Volkmar Schulz
Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation for PET/MR. 804-813 - Xiaodong Wu, Xin Dou, Andreas Wahle, Milan Sonka
Region Detection by Minimizing Intraclass Variance With Geometric Constraints, Global Optimality, and Efficient Approximation. 814-827 - Michiro Negishi, Tangji Tong, R. Todd Constable
Magnetic Resonance Driven Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Simulation Study. 828-837 - Vitali Zagorodnov, Arridhana Ciptadi:
Component Analysis Approach to Estimation of Tissue Intensity Distributions of 3D Images. 838-848 - Sebastian Kurtek, Eric Klassen, Zhaohua Ding, Sandra Jacobson, Joseph B. Jacobson, Malcolm Avison, Anuj Srivastava
Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces. 849-858 - Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Yoshitaka Oku, Yasumasa Okada, Shigeharu Kawai, Yoshiyasu Tamura, Makio Ishiguro:
Detection and Visualization Method of Dynamic State Transition for Biological Spatio-Temporal Imaging Data. 859-866 - Sun Young Park, Dusty Sargent, Richard W. Lieberman
, U. Gustafsson:
Domain-Specific Image Analysis for Cervical Neoplasia Detection Based on Conditional Random Fields. 867-878 - Jürgen Scheins, Hans Herzog, N. Jon Shah
Fully-3D PET Image Reconstruction Using Scanner-Independent, Adaptive Projection Data and Highly Rotation-Symmetric Voxel Assemblies. 879-892
Volume 30, Number 4, April 2011
- Justin P. Haldar, Diego Hernando, Zhi-Pei Liang:
Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding. 893-903 - Mini Das, Howard C. Gifford
, J. Michael O'Connor, Stephen J. Glick:
Penalized Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Improved Microcalcification Detection in Breast Tomosynthesis. 904-914 - Alexander I. Veress
, William Paul Segars, Benjamin M. W. Tsui, Grant T. Gullberg:
Incorporation of a Left Ventricle Finite Element Model Defining Infarction Into the XCAT Imaging Phantom. 915-927 - Hassan Rivaz, Emad Boctor, Michael A. Choti, Gregory D. Hager:
Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography. 928-945 - Arkadiusz Sitek
Reconstruction of Emission Tomography Data Using Origin Ensembles. 946-956 - Alexandros Karargyris, Nikolaos G. Bourbakis:
Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Digestive Wall in Capsule Endoscopy Videos Using Elastic Video Interpolation. 957-971 - Keith A. Goatman
, Alan D. Fleming, Sam Philip
, Graeme J. Williams, John A. Olson, Peter F. Sharp:
Detection of New Vessels on the Optic Disc Using Retinal Photographs. 972-979 - Wim van Aarle, Kees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers
Optimal Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Homogeneous Objects in Tomographic Reconstructions. 980-989 - Ken C. L. Wong, Linwei Wang, Heye Zhang, Huafeng Liu, Pengcheng Shi
Physiological Fusion of Functional and Structural Images for Cardiac Deformation Recovery. 990-1000 - Maurice Samulski, Nico Karssemeijer:
Optimizing Case-Based Detection Performance in a Multiview CAD System for Mammography. 1001-1009
Volume 30, Number 5, May 2011
- Ge Wang
, Yoram Bresler
, Vasilis Ntziachristos
Guest Editorial Compressive Sensing for Biomedical Imaging. 1013-1016 - Tolga Çukur
, Michael Lustig, Emine Ulku Saritas
, Dwight G. Nishimura:
Signal Compensation and Compressed Sensing for Magnetization-Prepared MR Angiography. 1017-1027 - Saiprasad Ravishankar, Yoram Bresler
MR Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled k-Space Data by Dictionary Learning. 1028-1041 - Sajan Goud Lingala
, Yue Hu
, Edward V. R. Di Bella
, Mathews Jacob
Accelerated Dynamic MRI Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank Structure: k-t SLR. 1042-1054 - Xiaojing Ye, Yunmei Chen, Feng Huang:
Computational Acceleration for MR Image Reconstruction in Partially Parallel Imaging. 1055-1063 - Laura Bacchelli Montefusco, Damiana Lazzaro
, Serena Papi
, Carla Guerrini:
A Fast Compressed Sensing Approach to 3D MR Image Reconstruction. 1064-1075 - Kangjoo Lee
, Sungho Tak
, Jong Chul Ye:
A Data-Driven Sparse GLM for fMRI Analysis Using Sparse Dictionary Learning With MDL Criterion. 1076-1089 - Mehmet Akçakaya
, Seunghoon Nam, Peng Hu, Mehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Long H. Ngo, Vahid Tarokh, Warren J. Manning, Reza Nezafat:
Compressed Sensing With Wavelet Domain Dependencies for Coronary MRI: A Retrospective Study. 1090-1099 - Oleg V. Michailovich, Yogesh Rathi, Sudipto Dolui:
Spatially Regularized Compressed Sensing for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. 1100-1115 - Qiong Xu, Xuanqin Mou
, Ge Wang
, Jered Sieren, Eric A. Hoffman
, Hengyong Yu
Statistical Interior Tomography. 1116-1128 - Ok Kyun Lee, Jong Min Kim, Yoram Bresler
, Jong Chul Ye:
Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography: Noniterative Exact Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity. 1129-1142 - Jean-Charles Baritaux
, Kai Hassler, Martina Bucher, Sebanti Sanyal, Michael Unser
Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical Priors. 1143-1153 - Hyekyoung Lee, Dong Soo Lee, Hyejin Kang, Boong-Nyun Kim, Moo K. Chung
Sparse Brain Network Recovery Under Compressed Sensing. 1154-1165
Volume 30, Number 6, June 2011
- Xin He, Lishui Cheng, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Eric C. Frey:
Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS) Imaging Using a Cross-Tracer Prior. 1169-1183 - Xiayu Xu, Meindert Niemeijer, Qi Song, Milan Sonka
, Mona Kathryn Garvin, Joseph M. Reinhardt
, Michael D. Abràmoff
Vessel Boundary Delineation on Fundus Images Using Graph-Based Approach. 1184-1191 - Gopal Datt Joshi, Jayanthi Sivaswamy, S. R. Krishnadas:
Optic Disk and Cup Segmentation From Monocular Color Retinal Images for Glaucoma Assessment. 1192-1205 - Alexander J. Dapore, Michael R. King, Josephine M. Harter, Sandhya Sarwate, Michael L. Oelze, James A. Zagzebski, Minh N. Do
, Timothy J. Hall, William D. O'Brien Jr.:
Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps. 1206-1213 - Guillaume Auzias, Olivier Colliot
, Joan Alexis Glaunès
, Matthieu Perrot, Jean-François Mangin, Alain Trouvé, Sylvain Baillet
Diffeomorphic Brain Registration Under Exhaustive Sulcal Constraints. 1214-1227 - Haogang Zhu, David P. Crabb
, Patricio G. Schlottmann
, Gadi Wollstein, David Garway-Heath
Aligning Scan Acquisition Circles in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of The Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer. 1228-1238 - Fenghua Tian, Haijing Niu, Bilal Khan, George Alexandrakis, Khosrow Behbehani, Hanli Liu:
Enhanced Functional Brain Imaging by Using Adaptive Filtering and a Depth Compensation Algorithm in Diffuse Optical Tomography. 1239-1251 - Johannes Feulner, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Matthias Hammon
, Sascha Seifert, Martin Huber, Dorin Comaniciu
, Joachim Hornegger, Alexander Cavallaro:
A Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esophagus in 3-D CT Scans. 1252-1264 - Florian Stuker, Christof Baltes, Katerina Dikaiou, Divya Vats, Lucio Carrara, Edoardo Charbon, Jorge Ripoll
, Markus Rudin:
Hybrid Small Animal Imaging System Combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Fluorescence Tomography Using Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors. 1265-1273 - Marco Reisert, Valerij G. Kiselev
Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation. 1274-1283 - Tobias Knopp
, Sven Biederer, Timo Sattel, Marlitt Erbe, Thorsten M. Buzug
Prediction of the Spatial Resolution of Magnetic Particle Imaging Using the Modulation Transfer Function of the Imaging Process. 1284-1292 - Robert Leech
, Dennis Leech:
Testing for Spatial Heterogeneity in Functional MRI Using the Multivariate General Linear Model. 1293-1302
Volume 30, Number 7, July 2011
- Volker J. Schmid
Voxel-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI. 1305-1313 - Ghassan Hamarneh
, Chris McIntosh
, Mark S. Drew:
Perception-Based Visualization of Manifold-Valued Medical Images Using Distance-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction. 1314-1327 - Vincent Michel, Alexandre Gramfort
, Gaël Varoquaux
, Evelyn Eger
, Bertrand Thirion:
Total Variation Regularization for fMRI-Based Prediction of Behavior. 1328-1340 - Garry Chinn, Craig S. Levin
A Maximum NEC Criterion for Compton Collimation to Accurately Identify True Coincidences in PET. 1341-1352 - James Monaco, Anant Madabhushi
Weighted Maximum Posterior Marginals for Random Fields Using an Ensemble of Conditional Densities From Multiple Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations. 1353-1364 - Xingfeng Li
, Damien Coyle
, Liam P. Maguire
, Thomas Martin McGinnity
, Habib Benali:
A Model Selection Method for Nonlinear System Identification Based fMRI Effective Connectivity Analysis. 1365-1380 - Robert W. Stobbe, Christian Beaulieu
Assessment of Averaging Spatially Correlated Noise for 3-D Radial Imaging. 1381-1390 - Mengchen Zhu, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Real-Time Image-Based B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation of Needles Using Tensor-Product Interpolation. 1391-1400 - Gholamreza Salimi Khorshidi, Thomas E. Nichols
, Stephen M. Smith
, Mark William Woolrich
Using Gaussian-Process Regression for Meta-Analytic Neuroimaging Inference Based on Sparse Observations. 1401-1416 - Wenmiao Lu, Yi Lu:
JIGSAW: Joint Inhomogeneity Estimation via Global Segment Assembly for Water-Fat Separation. 1417-1426 - Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin, Davi Bock, R. Clay Reid
, Simon K. Warfield
Accelerating Image Registration With the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma: Application to Imaging 3-D Neural Ultrastructure With Electron Microscopy. 1427-1438
Volume 30, Number 8, August 2011
- Tianhao Zhang, Christos Davatzikos
ODVBA: Optimally-Discriminative Voxel-Based Analysis. 1441-1454 - Daniel García-Lorenzo, Sylvain Prima, Douglas L. Arnold
, D. Louis Collins
, Christian Barillot:
Trimmed-Likelihood Estimation for Focal Lesions and Tissue Segmentation in Multisequence MRI for Multiple Sclerosis. 1455-1467 - Sharmishtaa Seshamani, Rajesh Kumar, Gerard Mullin
, Themistocles Dassopoulos, Gregory D. Hager:
A Meta Method for Image Matching. 1468-1479 - Fangping Huang, Sreenath Narayan, David L. Wilson
, David H. Johnson, Guo-Qiang Zhang
A Fast Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm for Water-Fat Decomposition in MRI. 1480-1492 - Maarten P. J. Kuenen, Massimo Mischi
, Hessel Wijkstra:
Contrast-Ultrasound Diffusion Imaging for Localization of Prostate Cancer. 1493-1502 - Leandro A. Loss, George Bebis, Bahram Parvin:
Iterative Tensor Voting for Perceptual Grouping of Ill-Defined Curvilinear Structures. 1503-1513 - Alessandro Crimi
, Martin Lillholm, Mads Nielsen, Anarta Ghosh, Marleen de Bruijne
, Erik B. Dam
, Jon Sporring
Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation With Application to Vertebra and Cartilage Modeling. 1514-1526 - Thomas Deneux, Olivier D. Faugeras, Sylvain Takerkart
, Guillaume S. Masson
, Ivo Vanzetta:
A New Variational Method for Erythrocyte Velocity Estimation in Wide-Field Imaging In Vivo. 1527-1545 - Alexis Roche
A Four-Dimensional Registration Algorithm With Application to Joint Correction of Motion and Slice Timing in fMRI. 1546-1554 - Ali Baghani, Septimiu E. Salcudean
, Mohammad Honarvar, Ramin S. Sahebjavaher
, Robert Rohling, Ralph Sinkus
Travelling Wave Expansion: A Model Fitting Approach to the Inverse Problem of Elasticity Reconstruction. 1555-1565 - Leonardo Ramirez, Claudia Prieto
, Carlos A. Sing-Long
, Sergio Uribe
, Philip G. Batchelor, Cristian Tejos
, Pablo Irarrazaval
TRIO a Technique for Reconstruction Using Intensity Order: Application to Undersampled MRI. 1566-1576 - Sun Kwon Kim, Dong Myung Kim, Min Hee Suh, Martha A. Kim, Hee Chan Kim
Retinal Oximetry Based on Nonsimultaneous Image Acquisition Using a Conventional Fundus Camera. 1577-1580
Volume 30, Number 9, September 2011
- Patrick W. Goodwill
, Steven M. Conolly:
Multidimensional X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging. 1581-1590 - Xin Liu, Fei Liu, Yi Zhang
, Jing Bai:
Unmixing Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Images With Independent Component Analysis. 1591-1604 - Tommaso Mansi, Ingmar Voigt, Benedetta Leonardi, Xavier Pennec
, Stanley Durrleman
, Maxime Sermesant
, Herve Delingette
, Andrew Mayall Taylor, Younes Boudjemline, Giacomo Pongiglione, Nicholas Ayache:
A Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Cardiac Remodelling: Application to Tetralogy of Fallot. 1605-1616 - Juan Eugenio Iglesias
, Cheng-Yi Liu, Paul M. Thompson
, Zhuowen Tu:
Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods. 1617-1634 - Magnus B. Lilledahl, David M. Pierce
, Tim Ricken
, Gerhard A. Holzapfel
, Catharina de Lange Davies:
Structural Analysis of Articular Cartilage Using Multiphoton Microscopy: Input for Biomechanical Modeling. 1635-1648 - Matthieu Guerquin-Kern, Max Häberlin, Klaas Paul Pruessmann, Michael Unser
A Fast Wavelet-Based Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 1649-1660 - Hui Kong
, Metin N. Gurcan
, Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid:
Partitioning Histopathological Images: An Integrated Framework for Supervised Color-Texture Segmentation and Cell Splitting. 1661-1677 - Ewald Roessl, Bernhard Brendel, Klaus-Jürgen Engel, Jens-Peter Schlomka, Axel Thran, Roland Proksa:
Sensitivity of Photon-Counting Based K-Edge Imaging in X-ray Computed Tomography. 1678-1690 - Mark Chiew
, Simon J. Graham:
BOLD Contrast and Noise Characteristics of Densely Sampled Multi-Echo fMRI Data. 1691-1703 - Kio Kim, Piotr A. Habas, Vidya Rajagopalan, Julia A. Scott, James M. Corbett-Detig, François Rousseau
, A. James Barkovich, Orit A. Glenn, Colin Studholme:
Bias Field Inconsistency Correction of Motion-Scattered Multislice MRI for Improved 3D Image Reconstruction. 1704-1712 - Zeike A. Taylor
, Stuart Crozier
, Sébastien Ourselin
A Reduced Order Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Algorithm for Surgical Simulation. 1713-1721
Volume 30, Number 10, October 2011
- Andreas H. Hielscher, Hyun Keol Kim
, Ludguier D. Montejo, Sabine Blaschke, Uwe J. Netz, Paul A. Zwaka, Gerd Illing, Gerhard A. Müller, Jürgen Beuthan:
Frequency-Domain Optical Tomographic Imaging of Arthritic Finger Joints. 1725-1736 - Sébastien Roujol
, Mario Ries, Chrit T. W. Moonen, Baudouin Denis de Senneville
Automatic Nonrigid Calibration of Image Registration for Real Time MR-Guided HIFU Ablations of Mobile Organs. 1737-1745 - Laurent Risser, François-Xavier Vialard, Robin Wolz, Maria Murgasova
, Darryl D. Holm
, Daniel Rueckert
Simultaneous Multi-scale Registration Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping. 1746-1759 - Deepti Pachauri, Chris Hinrichs, Moo K. Chung
, Sterling C. Johnson, Vikas Singh:
Topology-Based Kernels With Application to Inference Problems in Alzheimer's Disease. 1760-1770 - Miroslav Kranjc, F. Bajd, Igor Sersa, Damijan Miklavcic
Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Electric Field Distribution During Tissue Electroporation. 1771-1778 - Andrew J. Asman, Bennett A. Landman:
Robust Statistical Label Fusion Through Consensus Level, Labeler Accuracy, and Truth Estimation (COLLATE). 1779-1794 - Lin Zhou, Kathleen Vunckx, Johan Nuyts
Multi-Pinhole SPECT Calibration: Influence of Data Noise and Systematic Orbit Deviations. 1795-1807 - Sangtae Ahn, Sanghee Cho, Quanzheng Li, Yanguang Lin, Richard M. Leahy:
Optimal Rebinning of Time-of-Flight PET Data. 1808-1818 - Xiahai Zhuang
, Simon R. Arridge
, David J. Hawkes, Sébastien Ourselin
A Nonrigid Registration Framework Using Spatially Encoded Mutual Information and Free-Form Deformations. 1819-1828 - Pew-Thian Yap, John H. Gilmore, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen:
PopTract: Population-Based Tractography. 1829-1840 - Sami S. Brandt
, Gopal Karemore
, Nico Karssemeijer, Mads Nielsen:
An Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammogram Analysis. 1841-1851 - François Rousseau
, Piotr A. Habas, Colin Studholme:
A Supervised Patch-Based Approach for Human Brain Labeling. 1852-1862 - Rubén Cárdenes, José María Pozo
, Hrvoje Bogunovic
, Ignacio Larrabide, Alejandro F. Frangi
Automatic Aneurysm Neck Detection Using Surface Voronoi Diagrams. 1863-1876
Volume 30, Number 11, 2011
- Enrico Kaden, Frithjof Kruggel:
A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Q-Ball Imaging. 1877-1886 - Yipeng Hu, Timothy J. Carter, Hashim Uddin Ahmed
, Mark Emberton, Clare Allen, David J. Hawkes, Dean C. Barratt:
Modelling Prostate Motion for Data Fusion During Image-Guided Interventions. 1887-1900 - Keelin Murphy
, Bram van Ginneken
, Joseph M. Reinhardt
, Sven Kabus, Kai Ding, Xiang Deng, Kunlin Cao, Kaifang Du, Gary E. Christensen, Vincent Garcia, Tom Vercauteren
, Nicholas Ayache, Olivier Commowick, Grégoire Malandain
, Ben Glocker
, Nikos Paragios, Nassir Navab, Vladlena Gorbunova, Jon Sporring
, Marleen de Bruijne
, Xiao Han, Mattias P. Heinrich
, Julia A. Schnabel
, Mark Jenkinson
, Cristian Lorenz, Marc Modat
, Jamie McClelland
, Sébastien Ourselin
, Sascha E. A. Muenzing, Max A. Viergever, Dante De Nigris, D. Louis Collins
, Tal Arbel, Marta Peroni, Rui Li, Gregory C. Sharp
, Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, Jan Ehrhardt, René Werner, Dirk Smeets
, Dirk Loeckx, Gang Song, Nicholas J. Tustison
, Brian B. Avants
, James C. Gee, Marius Staring
, Stefan Klein
, Berend C. Stoel, Martin Urschler
, Manuel Werlberger, Jef Vandemeulebroucke
, Simon Rit
, David Sarrut
, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Evaluation of Registration Methods on Thoracic CT: The EMPIRE10 Challenge. 1901-1920 - Lin Yang, Bogdan Georgescu, Yefeng Zheng
, Yang Wang, Peter Meer, Dorin Comaniciu
Prediction Based Collaborative Trackers (PCT): A Robust and Accurate Approach Toward 3D Medical Object Tracking. 1921-1932 - Anh T. Van, Diego Hernando, Bradley P. Sutton
Motion-Induced Phase Error Estimation and Correction in 3D Diffusion Tensor Imaging. 1933-1940 - Meindert Niemeijer, Xiayu Xu, Alina V. Dumitrescu
, Priya Gupta, Bram van Ginneken
, James C. Folk
, Michael D. Abràmoff
Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width Ratio in Digital Color Fundus Photographs. 1941-1950 - F. William Mauldin Jr., Dan Lin, John A. Hossack:
The Singular Value Filter: A General Filter Design Strategy for PCA-Based Signal Separation in Medical Ultrasound Imaging. 1951-1964 - Yong Pang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Zhentian Xie, Chunsheng Wang, Daniel B. Vigneron:
Common-Mode Differential-Mode (CMDM) Method for Double-Nuclear MR Signal Excitation and Reception at Ultrahigh Fields. 1965-1973 - Michiel Schaap, Theo van Walsum
, Lisan Neefjes, Coert Metz, Ermanno Capuano, Marleen de Bruijne
, Wiro J. Niessen
Robust Shape Regression for Supervised Vessel Segmentation and its Application to Coronary Segmentation in CTA. 1974-1986 - Baudouin Denis de Senneville
, Mario Ries, Gregory Maclair
, Chrit T. W. Moonen:
MR-Guided Thermotherapy of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion Descriptor. 1987-1995 - (Withdrawn) Bag-of-Features Based Medical Image Retrieval via Multiple Assignment and Visual Words Weighting. 1996-2011
- Andrei Danilchenko, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Erratum to "General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration". 2012
Volume 30, Number 12, 2011
- Zhen Qian, Qingshan Liu, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Leon Axel
Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities From Myocardial Strains Using Nontracking-Based Strain Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis. 2017-2029 - Yucheng Wang, Dewen Hu, Yadong Liu, Ming Li:
Cerebral Artery-Vein Separation Using 0.1-Hz Oscillation in Dual-Wavelength Optical Imaging. 2030-2043 - Li Chen, Peter L. Choyke, Tsung-Han Chan, Chong-Yung Chi, Ge Wang
, Yue Joseph Wang:
Tissue-Specific Compartmental Analysis for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Complex Tumors. 2044-2058 - Finbarr O'Sullivan, Eric Wolsztynski
, Janel N. O'Sullivan, T. Richards, E. U. Conrad, J. F. Eary:
A Statistical Modeling Approach to the Analysis of Spatial Patterns of FDG-PET Uptake in Human Sarcoma. 2059-2071 - Paul Aljabar, Robin Wolz, Latha Srinivasan, Serena J. Counsell
, Mary A. Rutherford
, A. David Edwards
, Joseph V. Hajnal
, Daniel Rueckert
A Combined Manifold Learning Analysis of Shape and Appearance to Characterize Neonatal Brain Development. 2072-2086 - Yiqiang Zhan, Maneesh Dewan, Martin Harder, Arun Krishnan, Xiang Sean Zhou:
Robust Automatic Knee MR Slice Positioning Through Redundant and Hierarchical Anatomy Detection. 2087-2100 - Tristan Whitmarsh, Ludovic Humbert, Mathieu De Craene, Luis Miguel del Río Barquero, Alejandro F. Frangi
Reconstructing the 3D Shape and Bone Mineral Density Distribution of the Proximal Femur From Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. 2101-2114 - Dobromir Filip, Orly Yadid-Pecht, Christopher N. Andrews
, Martin P. Mintchev
Self-Stabilizing Colonic Capsule Endoscopy: Pilot Study of Acute Canine Models. 2115-2125 - Shijian Lu
Accurate and Efficient Optic Disc Detection and Segmentation by a Circular Transformation. 2126-2133 - Gerrit Schultz, Hans Weber, Daniel Gallichan
, Walter R. T. Witschey, Anna M. Welz
, Chris A. Cocosco, Jürgen Hennig, Maxim Zaitsev
Radial Imaging With Multipolar Magnetic Encoding Fields. 2134-2145

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