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IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 45
Volume 45, Number 1, January 1997
- Eduardo Abreu, Sanjit K. Mitra, Rossano Marchesani:
Nonminimum phase channel equalization using noncausal filters. 1-13 - Josep Sala-Alvarez
, Gregori Vázquez-Grau
Statistical reference criteria for adaptive signal processing in digital communications. 14-31 - Naofal Al-Dhahir:
A computationally efficient FIR MMSE-DFE for CCI-impaired dispersive channels. 32-41 - Karim Abed-Meraim, Jean-François Cardoso
, Alexei Y. Gorokhov, Philippe Loubaton, Eric Moulines:
On subspace methods for blind identification of single-input multiple-output FIR systems. 42-55 - Inbar Fijalkow, Azzédine Touzni, John R. Treichler:
Fractionally spaced equalization using CMA: robustness to channel noise and lack of disparity. 56-66 - Georgios B. Giannakis
, Erchin Serpedin
Linear multichannel blind equalizers of nonlinear FIR Volterra channels. 67-81 - Dunmin Zheng, Jian Li, Scott L. Miller, Erik G. Ström:
An efficient code-timing estimator for DS-CDMA signals. 82-89 - Moeness G. Amin
Interference mitigation in spread spectrum communication systems using time-frequency distributions. 90-101 - Michail K. Tsatsanis:
Inverse filtering criteria for CDMA systems. 102-112 - Rachel E. Learned, Alan S. Willsky, Don M. Boroson:
Low complexity optimal joint detection for oversaturated multiple access communications. 113-123 - Upamanyu Madhow:
Blind adaptive interference suppression for the near-far resistant acquisition and demodulation of direct-sequence CDMA signals. 124-136 - Murat Torlak, Guanghan Xu:
Blind multiuser channel estimation in asynchronous CDMA systems. 137-147 - Steven D. Gray, James C. Preisig
, David Brady:
Multiuser detection in a horizontal underwater acoustic channel using array observations. 148-160 - Hui Liu, Michael D. Zoltowski:
Blind equalization in antenna array CDMA systems. 161-172 - Alle-Jan van der Veen
, Shilpa Talwar, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
A subspace approach to blind space-time signal processing for wireless communication systems. 173-190 - Gregory W. Wornell, Mitchell D. Trott:
Efficient signal processing techniques for exploiting transmit antenna diversity on fading channels. 191-205 - Seth D. Silverstein:
Application of orthogonal codes to the calibration of active phased array antennas for communication satellites. 206-218 - Werner Kozek:
On the transfer function calculus for underspread LTV channels. 219-223 - Changsoo Eun, Edward J. Powers:
A new Volterra predistorter based on the indirect learning architecture. 223-227 - Alan Gatherer:
The effect of microreflections on decision feedback equalization. 228-231 - Constantinos B. Papadias
, Dirk T. M. Slock:
Normalized sliding window constant modulus and decision-directed algorithms: a link between blind equalization and classical adaptive filtering. 231-235 - Zhi Ding
Multipath channel identification based on partial system information. 235-240 - Carles Antón-Haro
, José A. R. Fonollosa, Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa
Blind channel estimation and data detection using hidden Markov models. 241-247 - Ta-Hsin Li, Kais Mbarek:
A blind equalizer for nonstationary discrete-valued signals. 247-254 - Karim Abed-Meraim, Yingbo Hua:
Blind identification of multi-input multi-output system using minimum noise subspace. 254-258 - Jeffrey B. Schodorf, Douglas B. Williams:
A constrained optimization approach to multiuser detection. 258-262 - Ali N. Akansu, Mehmet V. Tazebay, Richard A. Haddad:
A new look at digital orthogonal transmultiplexers for CDMA communications. 263-267 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Blind spatio-temporal equalization and impulse response estimation for MIMO channels using a Godard cost function. 268-271 - Jaume Riba
, Jason Goldberg, Gregori Vázquez
Robust beamforming for interference rejection in mobile communications. 271-275 - Bong-Gee Song, James A. Ritcey:
Joint pre and postfilter design for spatial diversity equalization. 276-280 - Amit Mathur, Arvind V. Keerthi, John J. Shynk, Richard P. Gooch:
Convergence properties of the multistage constant modulus array for correlated sources. 280-286
Volume 45, Number 2, February 1997
- Guoan Bi:
New split-radix algorithm for the discrete Hartley transform. 297-302 - Franz Hlawatsch, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Gloria Faye Boudreaux-Bartels:
The hyperbolic class of quadratic time-frequency representations. II. Subclasses, intersection with the affine and power classes, regularity, and unitarity. 303-315 - Sergio Barbarossa, Valentina Petrone:
Analysis of polynomial-phase signals by the integrated generalized ambiguity function. 316-327 - Hideo Murakami:
Implementation and perfect reconstruction of a maximally decimated FIR filter bank using parallel module decomposition. 328-332 - Zixiang Xiong, Kannan Ramchandran, Cormac Herley, Michael T. Orchard:
Flexible tree-structured signal expansions using time-varying wavelet packets. 333-345 - Buyurman Baykal, Anthony G. Constantinides:
Underdetermined-order recursive least-squares adaptive filtering: the concept and algorithms. 346-362 - Paul C. Wei, James R. Zeidler, Walter H. Ku:
Adaptive recovery of a chirped signal using the RLS algorithm. 363-376 - Robert D. Nowak, Barry D. Van Veen:
Volterra filter equalization: a fixed point approach. 377-388 - Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
Fast digital locally monotonic regression. 389-395 - Birsen Yazici, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
A class of second-order stationary self-similar processes for 1/f phenomena. 396-410 - Bernard C. Picinbono, Pascal Bondon
Second-order statistics of complex signals. 411-420 - Raúl E. Sequeira, John A. Gubner:
Blind intensity estimation from shot-noise data. 421-433 - Adel Belouchrani, Karim Abed-Meraim, Jean-François Cardoso
, Eric Moulines:
A blind source separation technique using second-order statistics. 434-444 - Zhijian Hu, Henry Leung, Martin Blanchette:
Statistical performance analysis of track initiation techniques. 445-456 - Alan Y. Kwentus, Zhongnong Jiang, Alan N. Willson Jr.:
Application of filter sharpening to cascaded integrator-comb decimation filters. 457-467 - Richard Rau, James H. McClellan:
Efficient approximation of Gaussian filters. 468-471 - Miki Haseyama, Hideo Kitajima:
A realization method of an ARMAX lattice filter. 471-476 - Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
An IIR adaptive line enhancer with controlled bandwidth. 477-481 - Geoffrey Ye Li, K. J. Ray Liu, Javad Razavilar:
A parameter estimation scheme for damped sinusoidal signals based on low-rank Hankel approximation. 481-486 - Stella N. Batalama, Dimitri Kazakos:
On the generalized Cramer-Rao bound for the estimation of the location. 487-492 - J. Scott Goldstein, Irving S. Reed:
Reduced-rank adaptive filtering. 492-496 - Michael L. Hilton, R. Todd Ogden:
Data analytic wavelet threshold selection in 2-D signal denoising. 496-500 - Alain Biem, Shigeru Katagiri, Biing-Hwang Juang:
Pattern recognition using discriminative feature extraction. 500-504
Volume 45, Number 3, March 1997
- John A. Stuller, Nancy Hubing:
New perspectives for maximum likelihood time-delay estimation. 513-525 - Hervé Lebret
, Stephen P. Boyd:
Antenna array pattern synthesis via convex optimization. 526-532 - Chunxi Wan, Alan M. Schneider:
Further improvements in digitizing continuous-time filters. 533-542 - Ljubisa Stankovic
Highly concentrated time-frequency distributions: pseudo quantum signal representation. 543-551 - Bernard C. Picinbono:
On instantaneous amplitude and phase of signals. 552-560 - William M. Campbell, Thomas W. Parks:
Design of a class of multirate systems using a maximum relative ℓ2-error criterion. 561-571 - Tongwen Chen
Nonuniform multirate filter banks: analysis and design with an 𝒽∞ performance measure. 572-582 - Igor Djokovic, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Generalized sampling theorems in multiresolution subspaces. 583-599 - Irina F. Gorodnitsky, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Sparse signal reconstruction from limited data using FOCUSS: a re-weighted minimum norm algorithm. 600-616 - Srinath Hosur, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Wavelet transform domain adaptive FIR filtering. 617-630 - Tyseer Aboulnasr, Khaled A. Mayyas:
A robust variable step-size LMS-type algorithm: analysis and simulations. 631-639 - Anthony Kuh:
Comparison of tracking algorithms for single layer threshold networks in the presence of random drift. 640-649 - Zhi Ding
On convergence analysis of fractionally spaced adaptive blind equalizers. 650-657 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Identification and deconvolution of multichannel linear non-Gaussian processes using higher order statistics and inverse filter criteria. 658-672 - Thomas F. Andre, Robert D. Nowak, Barry D. Van Veen:
Low-rank estimation of higher order statistics. 673-685 - Rik Pintelon
, Johan Schoukens, Gerd Vandersteen:
Model selection through a statistical analysis of the global minimum of a weighted nonlinear least squares cost function. 686-693 - Karim Abed-Meraim, Eric Moulines, Philippe Loubaton:
Prediction error method for second-order blind identification. 694-705 - Shilpa Talwar, Arogyaswami Paulraj:
Blind separation of synchronous co-channel digital signals using an antenna array. II. Performance analysis. 706-718 - Jonathon C. Ralston, Abdelhak M. Zoubir, Boualem Boashash:
Identification of a class of nonlinear systems under stationary non-Gaussian excitation. 719-735 - Sen-Chueh Peng, Bor-Sen Chen:
Deconvolution filter design via l1 optimization technique. 736-746 - Neil J. Bershad, Mohamed Ibnkahla, Francis Castanie:
Statistical analysis of a two-layer backpropagation algorithm used for modeling nonlinear memoryless channels: the single neuron case. 747-756 - Chi-Wah Kok:
Fast algorithm for computing discrete cosine transform. 757-760 - Akbar M. Sayeed, Douglas L. Jones:
Corrections to "Optimal detection using bilinear time-frequency and time-scale representations". 761-762 - Sheila S. Hemami, Robert M. Gray:
Subband filters optimized for lost coefficient reconstruction. 763-767 - Naoki Saito
, Gregory Beylkin:
Correction to "Multiresolution Representations Using the Autocorrelation Functions of Compactly Supported Wavelets" [Correspondencd]. 768 - P. Taneli Harju:
Polynomial prediction using incomplete data. 768-770 - Yingbo Hua, Karim Abed-Meraim, Mati Wax:
Blind system identification using minimum noise subspace. 770-773 - Jaesung Lim, Chong Kwan Un:
Optimum block adaptive filtering algorithms using the preconditioning technique. 773-778 - Maria Hansson, Göran Salomonsson:
A multiple window method for estimation of peaked spectra. 778-781 - Carl During:
Recursive versus nonrecursive correlation for real-time peak detection and tracking. 781-785 - Byoungseon Choi:
A recursive algorithm for solving the normal equations of bilateral AR models. 786-789 - Stephan V. Schell:
A separability theorem for 2M conjugate-symmetric signals impinging on an M-element sensor array. 789-792 - Martin Haardt:
Structured least squares to improve the performance of ESPRIT-type algorithms. 792-799 - Ioannis Dologlou, Sabine Van Huffel, Dirk van Ormondt:
Improved signal enhancement procedures applied to exponential data modeling. 799-803 - Alfred O. Hero III, Mohammad Usman, Anne C. Sauve, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Recursive algorithms for computing the Cramer-Rao bound. 803-807 - Mats L. Cedervall, Randolph L. Moses:
Efficient maximum likelihood DOA estimation for signals with known waveforms in the presence of multipath. 808-811 - Farouk Laichi, Tyseer Aboulnasr, Willem J. D. Steenaart:
Effect of delay on the performance of the leaky LMS adaptive algorithm. 811-813 - Barry G. Quinn
Estimation of frequency, amplitude, and phase from the DFT of a time series. 814-817
Volume 45, Number 4, April 1997
- Neep Hazarika, Ah Chung Tsoi, Alex A. Sergejew:
Nonlinear considerations in EEG signal classification. 829-836 - Chengshan Xiao:
Improved L2-sensitivity for state-space digital system. 837-840 - Stephen Del Marco, John Weiss:
Improved transient signal detection using a wavepacket-based detector with an extended translation-invariant wavelet transform. 841-850 - Helmut Bölcskei, Franz Hlawatsch:
Discrete Zak transforms, polyphase transforms, and applications. 851-866 - Alan C. Bovik
, Joseph P. Havlicek, Mita D. Desai, David S. Harding:
Limits on discrete modulated signals. 867-879 - Jianlin Li, Sawasd Tantaratana:
Multiplier-free realizations for FIR multirate converters based on mixed-radix number representation. 880-890 - Michael J. Vrhel, Chulhee Lee, Michael Unser:
Rapid computation of the continuous wavelet transform by oblique projections. 891-900 - Oguz Tanrikulu, Buyurman Baykal, Anthony G. Constantinides, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Residual echo signal in critically sampled subband acoustic echo cancellers based on IIR and FIR filter banks. 901-912 - Stefano Alliney:
A property of the minimum vectors of a regularizing functional defined by means of the absolute norm. 913-917 - Odile Macchi, Eric Moreau
Self-adaptive source separation .I. Convergence analysis of a direct linear network controlled by the Herault-Jutten algorithm. 918-926 - Khaled A. Mayyas, Tyseer Aboulnasr:
Leaky LMS algorithm: MSE analysis for Gaussian data. 927-934 - Naofal Al-Dhahir, John M. Cioffi:
Mismatched finite-complexity MMSE decision feedback equalizers. 935-944 - Jeffrey L. Krolik, Richard H. Anderson:
Maximum likelihood coordinate registration for over-the-horizon radar. 945-959 - Yong Up Lee, Jinho Choi, Iickho Song, Seong Ro Lee:
Distributed source modeling and direction-of-arrival estimation techniques. 960-969 - Kiyoshi Nishiyama:
A nonlinear filter for estimating a sinusoidal signal and its parameters in white noise: on the case of a single sinusoid. 970-981 - Thomas W. Hilands, Stelios C. A. Thomopoulos:
Nonlinear filtering methods for harmonic retrieval and model order selection in Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. 982-995 - Mats Viberg
, Peter Stoica, Björn E. Ottersten
Maximum likelihood array processing in spatially correlated noise fields using parameterized signals. 996-1004 - Paul D. Anderson, Mary Ann Ingram:
The performance of the least mean squares algorithm combined with spatial smoothing. 1005-1012 - Ching-Hsiang Tseng:
A mixed-domain method for identification of quadratically nonlinear systems. 1013-1024 - Fredrik Gustafsson, Svante Gunnarsson, Lennart Ljung
Shaping frequency-dependent time resolution when estimating spectral properties with parametric methods. 1025-1035 - Lina J. Karam
, James H. McClellan:
Efficient design of digital filters for 2-D and 3-D depth migration. 1036-1044 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Fitting MA models to linear non-Gaussian random fields using higher order cumulants. 1045-1050 - Tülay Adali, Xiao Liu, M. Kemal Sönmez:
Conditional distribution learning with neural networks and its application to channel equalization. 1051-1064 - Axel Clausen, Douglas Cochran:
An invariance property of the generalized coherence estimate. 1065-1067 - Akbar M. Sayeed:
On the equivalence of the operator and kernel methods for joint distributions of arbitrary variables. 1067-1070 - Hideo Murakami:
Block sampling rate conversion systems using real-valued fast cyclic convolution algorithms. 1070-1075 - Michael B. Kozin, Vladimir V. Volkov
, Dmitri I. Svergun:
A compact algorithm for evaluating linear prolate functions. 1075-1078 - Alle-Jan van der Veen
Analytical method for blind binary signal separation. 1078-1082 - Amit Mathur, Arvind V. Keerthi, John J. Shynk:
A variable step-size CM array algorithm for fast fading channels. 1083-1087 - Kah-Chye Tan, Geok-Lian Oh:
Estimating directions-of-arrival of coherent signals in unknown correlated noise via spatial smoothing. 1087-1091 - Xuemin Shen
, Li Deng:
Game theory approach to discrete H∞ filter design. 1092-1095 - Emmanuel Angelidis:
A 2-D block decomposition technique for designing 2-D FIR filters from frequency samples. 1096-1100
Volume 45, Number 5, May 1997
- Anthony J. Weiss, Benjamin Friedlander:
Fading effects on antenna arrays in cellular communications. 1109-1117 - Simon Haykin, Ali H. Sayed, James R. Zeidler, Paul Yee, Paul C. Wei:
Adaptive tracking of linear time-variant systems by extended RLS algorithms. 1118-1128 - M. Alper Kutay
, Haldun M. Özaktas, Orhan Arikan
, Levent Onural
Optimal filtering in fractional Fourier domains. 1129-1143 - Luc Vandendorpe, Paul Delogne, Benoît Maison, Laurent Cuvelier:
MMSE design of interpolation and downsampling FIR filters in the context of periodic nonuniform sampling. 1144-1152 - Phillip E. Pace, Richard E. Leino, David Styer:
Use of the symmetrical number system in resolving single-frequency undersampling aliases. 1153-1160 - Yih-Jyi Jeng, Chien-Chung Yeh:
Cluster-based blind nonlinear-channel estimation. 1161-1172 - Kjetil F. Kaaresen:
Deconvolution of sparse spike trains by iterated window maximization. 1173-1183 - Wen-Rong Wu, Po-Cheng Chen:
Adaptive AR modeling in white Gaussian noise. 1184-1192 - Kalavai J. Raghunath, Keshab K. Parhi
Finite-precision error analysis of QRD-RLS and STAR-RLS adaptive filters. 1193-1209 - Pui W. Wu, Hanoch Lev-Ari:
Optimized estimation of moments for nonstationary signals. 1210-1221 - Peter Strobach:
Bi-iteration SVD subspace tracking algorithms. 1222-1240 - Michail K. Tsatsanis, Georgios B. Giannakis
Blind estimation of direct sequence spread spectrum signals in multipath. 1241-1252 - Norman Yuen, Benjamin Friedlander:
DOA estimation in multipath: an approach using fourth-order cumulants. 1253-1263 - Graeme Jones, Boualem Boashash:
Generalized instantaneous parameters and window matching in the time-frequency plane. 1264-1275 - Naresh R. Shanbhag, Manish Goel:
Low-power adaptive filter architectures and their application to 51.84 Mb/s ATM-LAN. 1276-1290 - José Fridman, Elias S. Manolakos
Discrete wavelet transform: data dependence analysis and synthesis of distributed memory and control array architectures. 1291-1308 - Sissades Tongsima
, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Nelson L. Passos:
Communication-sensitive loop scheduling for DSP applications. 1309-1322 - Rabi N. Mahapatra, Akhilesh Kumar, Biswanath N. Chatterji:
Performance analysis of 2-D inverse fast cosine transform employing multiprocessors. 1323-1335 - Alan R. Lindsey:
Wavelet packet modulation for orthogonally multiplexed communication. 1336-1339 - Azzedine Zerguine
, Colin F. N. Cowan, Maamar Bettayeb:
Adaptive echo cancellation using least mean mixed-norm algorithm. 1340-1343 - Luis Castedo
, Carlos J. Escudero
, Adriana Dapena
A blind signal separation method for multiuser communications. 1343-1348 - Ming-Chwen Yang, Ja-Ling Wu
, Yuh-Ming Huang:
Normal bases expansion of the discrete cosine transform. 1348-1350 - Messaoud Benidir:
Characterization of polynomial functions and application to time-frequency analysis. 1351-1354 - Ismail German:
Short kernel fifth-order interpolation. 1355-1359 - Bor-Sen Chen, Wen-Sheng Hou:
Deconvolution filter design for fractal signal transmission systems: a multiscale Kalman filter bank approach. 1359-1364 - Nathalie Plaziac, Chon-Tam LeDinh, Jean-Pierre Adoul:
PWL nonlinear adaptive filter via RLS and NLMS algorithms. 1364-1367 - Juan E. Cousseau, Paulo S. R. Diniz
New adaptive IIR filtering algorithms based on the Steiglitz-McBride method. 1367-1371 - François Desbouvries, Phillip A. Regalia:
A minimal, rotation-based FRLS lattice algorithm. 1371-1374 - Eweda Eweda:
Tracking analysis of the sign-sign algorithm for nonstationary adaptive filtering with Gaussian data. 1375-1378 - Michael Banbrook, Gary Ushaw, Steve McLaughlin
How to extract Lyapunov exponents from short and noisy time series. 1378-1382 - Asoke K. Nandi, Detlef Mämpel, Burkhard Roscher:
Blind deconvolution of ultrasonic signals in nondestructive testing applications. 1382-1390 - Hua Chen, Sabine Van Huffel, Joos Vandewalle:
Improved methods for exponential parameter estimation in the presence of known poles and noise. 1390-1393 - Vidya Venkatachalam, Jorge L. Aravena:
Optimal parallel 2-D FIR digital filter with separable terms. 1393-1396
Volume 45, Number 6, June 1997
- Ba-Ngu Vo
, Antonio Cantoni, Kok Lay Teo:
Envelope constrained filter with linear interpolator. 1405-1414 - Avery Wang, Julius O. Smith III:
On fast FIR filters implemented as tail-canceling IIR filters. 1415-1427 - Meir Zibulski, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Discrete multiwindow Gabor-type transforms. 1428-1442 - See-May Phoong
, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Paraunitary filter banks over finite fields. 1443-1457 - Hong Fan:
A structural view of asymptotic convergence speed of adaptive IIR filtering algorithm. II. Finite precision implementation. 1458-1472 - Petr Tichavský, Arye Nehorai:
Comparative study of four adaptive frequency trackers. 1473-1484 - David W. Griffith, Gonzalo R. Arce:
Partially decoupled Volterra filters: formulation and LMS adaptation. 1485-1494 - Steven H. Isabelle, Gregory W. Wornell:
Statistical analysis and spectral estimation techniques for one-dimensional chaotic signals. 1495-1506 - Fulvio Gini:
A cumulant-based adaptive technique for coherent radar detection in a mixture of K-distributed clutter and Gaussian disturbance. 1507-1519 - Gerald Matz
, Franz Hlawatsch, Werner Kozek:
Generalized evolutionary spectral analysis and the Weyl spectrum of nonstationary random processes. 1520-1534 - Sang Hwan Park, Wook Hyun Kwon, Oh-Kyu Kwon, Myung-Joon Kim:
Short-time Fourier analysis via optimal harmonic FIR filters. 1535-1542 - Yujiro Inouye, Kazumasa Hirano:
Cumulant-based blind identification of linear multi-input-multi-output systems driven by colored inputs. 1543-1552 - Luc Knockaert:
Maximum a posteriori maximum entropy order determination. 1553-1559 - Yifeng Zhou, Henry Leung, Patrick C. Yip:
An exact maximum likelihood registration algorithm for data fusion. 1560-1573 - Sina Mirsaidi, Gilles A. Fleury, Jacques Oksman:
LMS-like AR modeling in the case of missing observations. 1574-1583 - Qi Cheng, Yingbo Hua:
Detection of cisoids using least square error function. 1584-1590 - Chuang He, José M. F. Moura:
Robust detection with the gap metric. 1591-1604 - Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
, Sundararajan Sriram, Edward A. Lee
Optimizing synchronization in multiprocessor DSP systems. 1605-1618 - Simon Haykin, Tarun Kumar Bhattacharya:
Modular learning strategy for signal detection in a nonstationary environment. 1619-1637 - Nigel Lee, Stuart C. Schwartz:
Robustness of oversampled Gabor transient detectors: a comparison of energy and known location detectors. 1638-1641 - Yutai Ma:
An accurate error analysis model for fast Fourier transform. 1641-1645 - Gopal T. Venkatesan, Moeness G. Amin
Time-frequency distribution kernels using FIR filter design techniques. 1645-1650 - Ljubisa Stankovic
, Veselin N. Ivanovic
Further results on the minimum variance time-frequency distribution kernels. 1650-1655 - Tayfun Akgül
, Amro El-Jaroudi, Marwan A. Simaan
Multiscale deconvolution of sensor array signals via sum-of-cumulants. 1656-1659 - Andrew Sexton, Donald E. Lyon:
A unified minimum variance spectrum-based approach for simultaneous identification of both harmonic and stationary random noise fields. 1659-1663 - Zuqiang Fu, Eric M. Dowling:
Conjugate gradient projection subspace tracking. 1664-1668 - Chih-Peng Fan
, Jar-Ferr Yang:
Fixed-Pipeline Two-Dimensional Hadamard Transform Algorithms. 1669-1674
Volume 45, Number 7, July 1997
- Andreas M. Maras:
Threshold parameter estimation in nonadditive non-Gaussian noise. 1681-1688 - Yih-Min Chen:
On spatial smoothing for two-dimensional direction-of-arrival estimation of coherent signals. 1689-1696 - Michael Unser
, Ingrid Daubechies:
On the approximation power of convolution-based least squares versus interpolation. 1697-1711 - Dinh Tuan Pham, Philippe Garat:
Blind separation of mixture of independent sources through a quasi-maximum likelihood approach. 1712-1725 - Mangesh M. Chansarkar, Uday B. Desai:
A robust recursive least squares algorithm. 1726-1735 - Anand Kannan, V. U. Reddy:
Maximum likelihood estimation of constellation vectors for blind separation of co-channel BPSK signals and its performance analysis. 1736-1741 - Horng-Ming Chien, Huang-Lin Yang, Chong-Yung Chi:
Parametric cumulant based phase estimation of 1-D and 2-D nonminimum phase systems by allpass filtering. 1742-1762 - Wai Kuen Lai, P. C. Ching:
A novel blind estimation algorithm. 1763-1769 - Lee M. Garth, Yoram Bresler
The degradation of higher order spectral detection using narrowband processing. 1770-1784 - Michail K. Tsatsanis, Georgios B. Giannakis
Transmitter induced cyclostationarity for blind channel equalization. 1785-1794 - Jacob Sheinvald, Mati Wax, Anthony J. Weiss:
On the achievable localization accuracy of multiple sources at high SNR. 1795-1799 - Jan-Jaap van de Beek
, Magnus Sandell, Per Ola Börjesson:
ML estimation of time and frequency offset in OFDM systems. 1800-1805 - Piero Barone, Raffaello Ragona:
Bayesian estimation of parameters of a damped sinusoidal model by a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. 1806-1814 - Georgios B. Giannakis
, Steven D. Halford:
Asymptotically optimal blind fractionally spaced channel estimation and performance analysis. 1815-1830 - Youji Iiguni, Isao Kawamoto, Norihiko Adachi:
A nonlinear adaptive estimation method based on local approximation. 1831-1841 - Iain Scott, Bernard Mulgrew
Nonlinear system identification and prediction using orthogonal functions. 1842-1853 - Huaijin Gu, Robert Gao:
Resolution of overlapping echoes and constrained matched filter. 1854-1857 - Chin-Chuan Han, Kuo-Chin Fan:
Finding of optimal stack filter by graphic searching methods. 1857-1862 - Hari Sundaram, Shiv Dutt Joshi, R. K. P. Bhatt:
Scale periodicity and its sampling theorem. 1862-1865 - Yifeng Zhou, Patrick C. Yip, Henry Leung:
On the efficient prediction of fractal signals. 1865-1868 - Ba-Ngu Vo
, Antonio Cantoni, Kok Lay Teo:
A penalty approach to iterative algorithms for envelope constrained filter design. 1869-1873 - George A. Tsihrintzis, Chrysostomos L. Nikias:
Data-adaptive algorithms for signal detection in sub-Gaussian impulsive interference. 1873-1878 - Alex B. Gershman, Ulrich Nickel, Johann F. Böhme:
Adaptive beamforming algorithms with robustness against jammer motion. 1878-1885 - Phillip L. Ainsleigh:
Observations on oblique projectors and pseudoinverses. 1886-1889 - Adel Belouchrani
, Wei Ren:
Blind carrier phase tracking with guaranteed global convergence. 1889-1894 - Alex B. Gershman, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker
, Johann F. Böhme:
Matrix fitting approach to direction of arrival estimation with imperfect spatial coherence of wavefronts. 1894-1899
Volume 45, Number 8, August 1997
- James A. Bush, Sankar Basu, Paul M. Chirlian:
A new generalized energy criterion for the passivity of digital networks. 1909-1918 - Hanks H. Zeng, Lang Tong:
Blind channel estimation using the second-order statistics: algorithms. 1919-1930 - Peter Strobach:
The recursive companion matrix root tracker. 1931-1942 - Mark A. Poletti
The homomorphic analytic signal. 1943-1953 - Dale Groutage:
A fast algorithm for computing minimum cross-entropy positive time-frequency distributions. 1954-1970 - See-May Phoong
, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Factorability of lossless time-varying filters and filter banks. 1971-1986 - Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny:
Fast LMS/Newton algorithms based on autoregressive modeling and their application to acoustic echo cancellation. 1987-2000 - Gang Li:
A stable and efficient adaptive notch filter for direct frequency estimation. 2001-2009 - Duraisamy Sundararajan, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy:
Fast computation of the discrete Fourier transform of real data. 2010-2022 - Shankar Prakriya, Dimitrios Hatzinakos:
Blind identification of linear subsystems of LTI-ZMNL-LTI models with cyclostationary inputs. 2023-2036 - Robert J. Stahl, Peter K. Willett
Quickest detection of a tonal burst. 2037-2047 - Petre Stoica, Andreas Jakobsson, Jian Li:
Cisoid parameter estimation in the colored noise case: asymptotic Cramer-Rao bound, maximum likelihood, and nonlinear least-squares. 2048-2059 - Hanks H. Zeng, Lang Tong:
Blind channel estimation using the second-order statistics: asymptotic performance and limitations. 2060-2071 - Xiang-Gen Xia:
System identification using chirp signals and time-variant filters in the joint time-frequency domain. 2072-2084 - Mohammad Abdallah, Alexander Skavantzos:
On the binary quadratic residue system with noncoprime moduli. 2085-2091 - Feng Qin:
A practical method for designing FIR digital filters in the complex domain. 2092-2096 - Daniël W. E. Schobben, Rob A. Beuker, Werner Oomen:
Dither and data compression. 2097-2101 - Peter Händel
, Petr Tichavský:
Frequency rate estimation at high SNR. 2101-2105 - Jianlin Li, Truong Q. Nguyen, Sawasd Tantaratana:
A simple design method for near-perfect-reconstruction nonuniform filter banks. 2105-2109 - George Roumeliotis:
Local smoothness maps: a new method for solving inverse problems with the accurate recovery of sharp gradients. 2109-2115 - Paulo Jorge S. G. Ferreira:
The eigenvalues of matrices that occur in certain interpolation problems. 2115-2120 - Wolfgang Niehsen, Klaus-Albert Owenier:
A note on "On-line parameter identification algorithms based on Householder transformation". 2121-2125 - Scott C. Douglas
Performance comparison of two implementations of the leaky LMS adaptive filter. 2125-2129 - Yukiko Yokoyama, Mineo Kumazawa, Yuichi Imanishi, Naoki Mikami:
A new method of nonstationary time series analysis based on inhomogeneous AR equation. 2130-2136 - Xijin Ge
, Nan-Xian Chen, Zhao-Dou Chen:
Efficient algorithm for 2-D arithmetic Fourier transform. 2136-2140 - Chun-Te Chen, Liang-Gee Chen
, Jue-Hsuan Hsiao:
A bit-level pipelined VLSI architecture for the running order algorithm. 2140-2144
Volume 45, Number 9, September 1997
- Prashant P. Gandhi:
Optimum quantization of order statistics. 2153-2159 - Pierre Moulin, Mihai Anitescu
, Kenneth O. Kortanek, Florian A. Potra:
The role of linear semi-infinite programming in signal-adapted QMF bank design. 2160-2174 - Trac Duy Tran, Truong Q. Nguyen:
On M-channel linear phase FIR filter banks and application in image compression. 2175-2187 - Karine Gosse, Pierre Duhamel:
Perfect reconstruction versus MMSE filter banks in source coding. 2188-2202 - Mark D. Hahm, Zoran I. Mitrovski, Edward L. Titlebaum:
Deconvolution in the presence of Doppler with application to specular multipath parameter estimation. 2203-2219 - Andrew E. Yagle, Hyunduk Ahn:
Partitioning algorithms for 1-D and 2-D discrete phase-retrieval problems with disconnected support. 2220-2230 - Phillip A. Regalia:
Past input reconstruction in fast least-squares algorithms. 2231-2240 - Athina P. Petropulu, Udantha Ranjith Abeyratne
System reconstruction from higher order spectra slices. 2241-2251 - Egemen Gönen, Jerry M. Mendel:
Applications of cumulants to array processing. III. Blind beamforming for coherent signals. 2252-2264 - Egemen Gönen, Jerry M. Mendel, Mithat C. Dogan:
Applications of cumulants to array processing. IV. Direction finding in coherent signals case. 2265-2276 - Georgios B. Giannakis
, Steven D. Halford:
Blind fractionally spaced equalization of noisy FIR channels: direct and adaptive solutions. 2277-2292 - John S. Bodenschatz, Chrysostomos L. Nikias:
Recursive local orthogonality filtering. 2293-2300 - John S. Bodenschatz, Chrysostomos L. Nikias:
Symmetric alpha-stable filter theory. 2301-2306 - David Gesbert
, Pierre Duhamel, Sylvie Mayrargue:
On-line blind multichannel equalization based on mutually referenced filters. 2307-2317 - Kie B. Eom, Rama Chellappa:
Noncooperative target classification using hierarchical modeling of high-range resolution radar signatures. 2318-2327 - Chao-Tang Yu, Pramod K. Varshney:
Sampling design for Gaussian detection problems. 2328-2337 - Huaizhong Li, Minyue Fu
A linear matrix inequality approach to robust H∞ filtering. 2338-2350 - Petre Stoica, Mats L. Cedervall:
Detection tests for array processing in unknown correlated noise fields. 2351-2362 - Ahmet H. Kayran
, Sydney R. Parker:
Optimum quarter-plane autoregressive modeling of 2-D fields using four-field lattice approach. 2363-2373 - Kuo-Liang Chung, Wen-Ming Yan:
The complex Householder transform. 2374-2376 - Shogo Muramatsu, Hitoshi Kiya:
Extended overlap-add and -save methods for multirate signal processing. 2376-2380 - Takayuki Nagai, Takaaki Fuchie, Masaaki Ikehara:
Design of linear phase M-channel perfect reconstruction FIR filter banks. 2380-2387 - Prashant P. Gandhi, Sathyanarayan S. Rao, Ravikanth Pappu:
Wavelets for waveform coding of digital symbols. 2387-2390 - Shin'ichi Koike:
Adaptive threshold nonlinear algorithm for adaptive filters with robustness against impulse noise. 2391-2395 - Miki Haseyama, Hideo Kitajima:
Inherent matrix identities on ARMA lattice filter realization algorithm and their application. 2395-2398 - Luc Knockaert:
The Barankin bound and threshold behavior in frequency estimation. 2398-2401 - Weiping Li, Xixian Chen, Yi Wang, Nobuhiro Miki:
Full-duplex fast estimation of echo and channel responses in the presence of frequency offsets in both far echo and far signal. 2401-2404
Volume 45, Number 10, October 1997
- Jean-Jacques Fuchs:
Extension of the Pisarenko method to sparse linear arrays. 2413-2421 - Miroslav D. Lutovac
, Ljiljana D. Milic:
Design of computationally efficient elliptic IIR filters with a reduced number of shift-and-add operations in multipliers. 2422-2430 - Xiang-Gen Xia:
New precoding for intersymbol interference cancellation using nonmaximally decimated multirate filterbanks with ideal FIR equalizers. 2431-2441 - Kent D. Benson:
Magnitude response peak detection and control using balanced model reduction and leakage to a target. 2442-2453 - Qiang Li, Howard Fan:
On properties of information matrices of delta-operator based adaptive signal processing algorithms. 2454-2467 - George V. Moustakides:
Study of the transient phase of the forgetting factor RLS. 2468-2476 - Mati Wax, Amir Leshem
Joint estimation of time delays and directions of arrival of multiple reflections of a known signal. 2477-2484 - Kwok-Chiang Ho, Kah-Chye Tan, B. T. G. Tan:
Efficient method for estimating directions-of-arrival of partially polarized signals with electromagnetic vector sensors. 2485-2498 - Alvaro L. Marenco, Vijay K. Madisetti:
On homomorphic deconvolution of bandpass signals. 2499-2514 - Hyun Mun Kim, Bart Kosko:
Neural fuzzy motion estimation and compensation. 2515-2532 - Narayan Srinivasa:
Learning and generalization of noisy mappings using a modified PROBART neural network. 2533-2550 - Grigore I. Braileanu:
Digital filters with implicit interpolated output. 2551-2560 - Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Miguel Angel Lagunas
, R. Lynn Kirlin:
Cross-coupled DOA trackers. 2560-2565 - Amlan Kundu, George C. Chen:
An integrated hybrid neural network and hidden Markov model classifier for sonar signals. 2566-2570 - Peter M. Schultheiss, Hagit Messer, Gadi Shor:
Maximum likelihood time delay estimation in non-Gaussian noise. 2571-2575 - Kyung Hi Chang:
Improved clustered look-ahead pipelining algorithm with minimum order augmentation. 2575-2579 - K. M. M. Prabhu, R. Shanmuga Sundaram:
Fixed-point error analysis of discrete Wigner-Ville distribution. 2579-2582 - Jeroen Dehaene, Marc Moonen, Joos Vandewalle:
An improved stochastic gradient algorithm for principal component analysis and subspace tracking. 2582-2586 - René A. Carmona, Wen-Liang Hwang
, Bruno Torrésani
Characterization of signals by the ridges of their wavelet transforms. 2586-2590 - Joseph P. Noonan, Premkumar Natarajan
A general formulation for iterative restoration methods. 2590-2593 - Takayuki Arai, Yuichi Yoshida:
Reconstruction of a signal using the spectrum-reversal technique. 2593-2595 - Huanshui Zhang, Xiang-Jie Liu, Tian-You Chai:
A new method for optimal deconvolution. 2596-2599 - Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani
, Simon H. Milner, Robert A. Cryan:
Experimental evaluation of echo path modeling with chaotic coded speech. 2600-2604 - Giacinto Gelli
, Luciano Izzo:
Minimum-redundancy linear arrays for cyclostationarity-based source location. 2605-2608 - Frank Ehlers, Heinz G. Schuster:
Blind separation of convolutive mixtures and an application in automatic speech recognition in a noisy environment. 2608-2612 - Jean Pierre Delmas:
An equivalence of the EM and ICE algorithm for exponential family. 2613-2615 - Andrew P. Mullhaupt, Kurt S. Riedel:
Fast adaptive identification of stable innovation filters. 2616-2619 - Haranath Kar
, Vimal Singh:
Stability analysis of 2-D state-space digital filters using Lyapunov function: a caution. 2620-2621 - Hamed Sari-Sarraf, Dragana Brzakovic:
A shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform. 2621-2630
Volume 45, Number 11, November 1997
- Anthony G. Constantinides, Simon Haykin, Yu Hen Hu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Shigeru Katagiri, Sun-Yuan Kung, Tomaso A. Poggio:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Neural Networks For Signal Processing. 2637-2638 - Sei-Wang Chen, Chi-Farn Chen, Meng-Seng Chen, Shen Cherng, Chiung-Yao Fang
, Kuo-En Chang:
Neural-fuzzy classification for segmentation of remotely sensed images. 2639-2654 - Hideyuki Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Shigeru Katagiri:
Discriminative metric design for robust pattern recognition. 2655-2662 - Marc M. Van Hulle:
Nonparametric regression analysis achieved with topographic maps developed in combination with projection pursuit learning: an application to density estimation and adaptive filtering of grey-scale images. 2663-2672 - Mike Schuster, Kuldip K. Paliwal
Bidirectional recurrent neural networks. 2673-2681 - Johan A. K. Suykens
, Joos Vandewalle, Bart De Moor:
NLq theory: checking and imposing stability of recurrent neural networks for nonlinear modeling. 2682-2691 - Shun-ichi Amari, Jean-François Cardoso
Blind source separation-semiparametric statistical approach. 2692-2700 - I-Jong Lin, Sun-Yuan Kung:
Coding and comparison of DAG's as a novel neural structure with applications to on-line handwriting recognition. 2701-2708 - Vinay P. Kumar, Elias S. Manolakos
Unsupervised statistical neural networks for model-based object recognition. 2709-2718 - Tsung-Nan Lin
, C. Lee Giles
, Bill G. Horne, Sun-Yuan Kung:
A delay damage model selection algorithm for NARX neural networks. 2719-2730 - Raffaele Parisi, Elio D. Di Claudio
, Gianni Orlandi, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Fast adaptive digital equalization by recurrent neural networks. 2731-2739 - Alex L. McIlraith, Howard C. Card:
Birdsong recognition using backpropagation and multivariate statistics. 2740-2748 - Daniel T. Davis, Jenq-Neng Hwang:
Solving inverse problems by Bayesian neural network iterative inversion with ground truth incorporation. 2749-2757 - Bernhard Schölkopf, Kah Kay Sung, Christopher J. C. Burges, Federico Girosi
, Partha Niyogi, Tomaso A. Poggio, Vladimir Vapnik:
Comparing support vector machines with Gaussian kernels to radial basis function classifiers. 2758-2765 - Saman K. Halgamuge
Self-evolving neural networks for rule-based data processing. 2766-2773 - Simon Haykin, Paul Yee, Eric Derbez:
Optimum nonlinear filtering. 2774-2786 - Lane M. D. Owsley, Les E. Atlas, Gary D. Bernard
Self-organizing feature maps and hidden Markov models for machine-tool monitoring. 2787-2798 - Denis Bonnet, Veronique Labouisse, Alain Grumbach:
δ-NARMA neural networks: a new approach to signal prediction. 2799-2810 - Ajit V. Rao, David J. Miller, Kenneth Rose, Allen Gersho:
Mixture of experts regression modeling by deterministic annealing. 2811-2820 - A. Murray, J. Penman:
Extracting useful higher order features for condition monitoring using artificial neural networks. 2821-2828 - Scott C. Douglas
, Andrzej Cichocki
Neural networks for blind decorrelation of signals. 2829-2842 - Isaac Engel, Neil J. Bershad:
Statistical convergence analysis of Rosenblatt's perceptron algorithm as a DS-spread spectrum detector. 2843-2846 - Prashant P. Gandhi, Viswanath Ramamurti:
Neural networks for signal detection in non-Gaussian noise. 2846-2851 - Sunghwan Ong, Cheolwoo You, Sooyong Choi, Daesik Hong:
A decision feedback recurrent neural equalizer as an infinite impulse response filter. 2851-2858 - Yao Liang, Edward W. Page:
Multiresolution learning paradigm and signal prediction. 2858-2864 - Eric I. Chang, Richard P. Lippmann:
High-performance low-complexity wordspotting using neural networks. 2864-2870
Volume 45, Number 12, December 1997
- Kon Max Wong, Jiangfeng Wu, Timothy N. Davidson
, Qu Jin:
Wavelet packet division multiplexing and wavelet packet design under timing error effects. 2877-2890 - Guo-Fang Xu, Tamal Bose:
Elimination of limit cycles due to two's complement quantization in normal form digital filters. 2891-2895 - Maurence M. Anguh:
Quadtree and symmetry in FFT computation of digital images. 2896-2899 - Maria D. Miranda
, Max Gerken:
A hybrid least squares QR-lattice algorithm using a priori errors. 2900-2911 - Mark R. McClure, Lawrence Carin
Matching pursuits with a wave-based dictionary. 2912-2927 - Dong Wei, Alan C. Bovik
On asymptotic convergence of the dual filters associated with two families of biorthogonal wavelets. 2928-2940 - Michael Unser
, Josiane Zerubia
Generalized sampling: stability and performance analysis. 2941-2950 - Satya Dharanipragada, K. S. Arun:
Bandlimited extrapolation using time-bandwidth dimension. 2951-2966 - Adam Krzyzak, Ewaryst Rafajlowicz
, Miroslaw Pawlak
Moving average restoration of bandlimited signals from noisy observations. 2967-2976 - Haralambos Pozidis, Athina P. Petropulu:
Cross-spectrum based blind channel identification. 2977-2992 - John B. Minkoff:
The operation of multichannel feedforward adaptive systems. 2993-3005 - Zoran Fejzo, Hanoch Lev-Ari:
Adaptive Laguerre-lattice filters. 3006-3016 - Victor Solo:
The stability of LMS. 3017-3026 - Timothy J. Schulz:
Penalized maximum-likelihood estimation of covariance matrices with linear structure. 3027-3038 - Pascal Bondon
, Christophe Bourin:
Nonlinear infinite extent interpolation of stationary processes. 3039-3052 - Zhi Ding:
Matrix outer-product decomposition method for blind multiple channel identification. 3053-3061 - Fabrice Gamboa, Elisabeth Gassiat:
Source separation when the input sources are discrete or have constant modulus. 3062-3072 - Bao-Gang Hu
, Raymond G. Gosine:
A new eigenstructure method for sinusoidal signal retrieval in white noise: estimation and pattern recognition. 3073-3083 - Michail K. Tsatsanis, Georgios B. Giannakis
Subspace methods for blind estimation of time-varying FIR channels. 3084-3093 - S. Gudvangen:
A class of sliding Fermat number transforms that admit a tradeoff between complexity and input-output delay. 3094-3096 - Nikos D. Sidiropoulos
, John S. Baras, Carlos Alberto Berenstein:
Weak continuity with structural constraints. 3096-3104 - Karl Gerlach, Michael J. Steiner:
An adaptive matched filter that compensates for I, Q mismatch errors. 3104-3107 - Ashutosh Sabharwal, Lee C. Potter:
Set estimation via ellipsoidal approximations. 3107-3112

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