MiNi VRF - Installation Manual-1

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Outdoor Unit Unit extrieure Auengert Unit esterna Unidad exterior


Model/ Modle / Modell / Modello / Modelo


ADOPTION OF NEW REFRIGERANT This air conditioner features a new HFC type refrigerant (R-410A) which does not deplete the ozone layer.

Thank you very much for purchasing TOSHIBA Air Conditioner. This manual describes the installation method at the outdoor unit side. Before installation, please read this Manual thoroughly to perform correct installation. For pipe connection for the indoor and outdoor units, flow selector unit Y-shape branching joint or branch header required sold separately. Select it according to the capacity. For pipe connection between the outdoor units, T-shape branching joint which is sold separately is required.

UTILISATION DU NOUVEAU REFRIGERANT Ce climatiseur utilise le nouveau rfrigrant HFC (R410A), qui ne dtruit pas la couche dozone.

Nous vous remercions pour avoir choisi un climatiseur TOSHIBA. Ce manuel dcrit la mthode dinstallation du ct de lunit intrieure. Avant de procder linstallation, veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel pour que linstallation soit correcte. Pour effectuer le raccordement de la tuyauterie entre les units intrieure et extrieure vous devez vous procurer sur place un joint de ramification en Y ou un joint collecteur, vendu sparment. Choisissez-le en fonction de la puissance. Pour effectuer le raccordement de la tuyauterie entre les units extrieures vous devez vous procurer sur place un joint de ramification en T.

VERWENDUNG EINES NEUEN KLTEMITTELS Dieses Klimagert arbeitet mit dem neuen HFC Kltemittel R410A. Dieses Kltemittel greift die Ozonschicht nicht an.

Wir danken Ihnen, dass Sie sich fr ein TOSHIBA Klimagert entschieden haben. In diesem Handbuch wird die Installation der Aueneinheit beschrieben. Bevor Sie mit der Installation beginnen, lesen Sie die dieses Handbuch sorgfltig und installieren Sie das Produkt entsprechend. Fr die Rohrleitungsverbindungen zwischen Innen- und Aueneinheit sind Y-Abzweig oder Verteiler erforderlich, die bauseits beigestellt werden mssen. Whlen Sie diese Teile entsprechend der Leistung des Systems. Fr die Rohrleitungsverbindungen zwischen den Aueneinheiten sind T-Abzweige erforderlich, die bauseits beigestellt werden mssen.

IMPIEGO DI NUOVO REFRIGERANTE Questo condizionatore daria utilizza il nuovo refrigerante HFC (R 410A) che non svuota lo strato dozono.

Grazie di aver acquistato un condizionatore daria TOSHIBA. Questo manaule spiega come installare lunit esterna. Prima diniziare linstallazione, leggere attentamente questo manuale, per eseguire linstallazione correttamente. Per il collegamento dei tubi relativi alle unit interne ed esterne, sono necessari lunit di selezione del flusso, il giunto di derivazione a Y o il collettore di derivazione, da acquistare a parte. Selezionarli in base alla capacit. Per il collegamento dei tubi tra unit esterne, serve il giunto di derivazione a T da acquistare a parte.

ADOPCIN DE NUEVO REFRIGERANTE Este acondicionador de aire presenta el nuevo tipo de refrigerante HFC (R-410A) que no daa la capa de ozono.

Muchas gracias por haber adquirido este aparato de aire acondicionado TOSHIBA. Este manual describe el mtodo de instalacin de la unidad exterior. Lea con atencin este manual antes de instalar la unidad para hacerlo correctamente. Para la conexin de tubos entre las unidades interiores y exteriores, es necesario utilizar un colector de derivacin o una junta de derivacin en forma de Y para la unidad selectora de caudal (vendidos por separado). Seleccione este accesorio segn la capacidad del sistema. Para la conexin de tubos entre las unidades exteriores, es necesario utilizar una junta de derivacin en forma de T (vendido por separado).


ACCESSORY PARTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 SAFETY CAUTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1 INSTALLATION OF NEW REFRIGERANT AIR CONDITIONER ............................................................................... 3 2 SELECTION OF INSTALLATION PLACE .................................................................................................................. 4 3 REFRIGERANT PIPING ............................................................................................................................................. 8 4 ELECTRIC WIRING .................................................................................................................................................. 20 5 INSTALLATION OF OUTDOOR UNIT ...................................................................................................................... 26 6 ADDRESS SETUP ................................................................................................................................................... 27 7 TEST OPERATION ................................................................................................................................................... 36 8 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................................................................. 38

PIECES ACCESSOIRES ................................................................................................................................................. 40 MESURES DE SECURITE .............................................................................................................................................. 40 1 INSTALLATION DU CLIMATISEUR UTILISANT LE NOUVEAU REFRIGERANT .................................................. 42 2 SELECTION DU LIEU DINSTALLATION ................................................................................................................ 43 3 INSTALLATION DE LUNITE EXTERIEURE ............................................................................................................ 47 4 INSTALLATION ELECTRIQUE ................................................................................................................................ 59 5 INSTALLATION DE LUNITE EXTERIEURE ............................................................................................................ 65 6 REGLAGE DADRESSE .......................................................................................................................................... 66 7 ESSAI DE FONCTIONNEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 75 8 DEPANNAGE ........................................................................................................................................................... 77

ZUBEHR ....................................................................................................................................................................... 79 SICHERHEITSHINWEISE ............................................................................................................................................... 79 1 INSTALLATION VON KLIMAGERTEN MIT MODERNEN KLTEMITTELN ......................................................... 81 2 AUSWAHL DES AUFSTELLUNGSORTES ............................................................................................................. 82 3 KLTEMITTELLEITUNGEN ..................................................................................................................................... 86 4 ELEKTRISCHE VERDRAHTUNG ............................................................................................................................ 98 5 INSTALLATION DER AUSSENEINHEIT ................................................................................................................ 104 6 ADRESS-EINSTELLUNG ...................................................................................................................................... 105 7 TESTLAUF ............................................................................................................................................................. 114 8 FEHLERSUCHE ..................................................................................................................................................... 116

ACCESSORI .................................................................................................................................................................. 118 PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA ..................................................................................................................................... 118 1 INSTALLAZIONE DI UN NUOVO REFRIGERANTE PER IL CONDIZIONATORE DARIA ................................... 120 2 SCELTA DEL POSTO DINSTALLAZIONE ............................................................................................................ 121 3 TUBAZIONI DEL REFRIGERANTE ....................................................................................................................... 125 4 COLLEGAMENTI ELETTRICI ................................................................................................................................ 137 5 INSTALLAZIONE DELLUNIT ESTERNA ............................................................................................................ 143 6 IMPOSTAZIONE DELLINDIRIZZO ........................................................................................................................ 144 7 FUNZIONAMENTO DI PROVA ............................................................................................................................... 153 8 RISOLUZIONE DEI PROBLEMI ............................................................................................................................ 155

COMPONENTES ACCESORIOS .................................................................................................................................. 157 PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD .............................................................................................................................. 157 1 INSTALACIN DEL AIRE ACONDICIONADO CON NUEVO REFRIGERANTE ................................................... 159 2 SELECCIN DEL LUGAR DE INSTALACIN ...................................................................................................... 160 3 TUBERA DE REGRIGERANTE ............................................................................................................................ 164 4 Cableado elECtrico ............................................................................................................................................... 176 5 INSTALACIN DE LA UNIDAD EXTERIOR .......................................................................................................... 182 6 CONFIGURAR LAS IDENTIFICACIONES ............................................................................................................. 183 7 PRUEBA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO ......................................................................................................................... 192 8 RESOLUCIN DE PROBLEMAS .......................................................................................................................... 194






r Accessory parts
MCYPart name Installation Manual Owners Manual Joint socket 0401 type 2 1 Qty Shape 0501 type 2 1 0601 type 2 1 1 (Be sure to handover to customers.) (Be sure to handover to customers.) Connecting pipes for gas side (15.9 to 19.1) Usage

Protective bush Guard material for passage part Drain nipple

Protection for wiring

Protection for knockout

Waterproof rubber cap

n The outdoor air conditioner requires the following additional components in order to complete a MiNi-SMMS system. (Indoor unit, remote controller, Y-shape branch joint or branching header.) These items must be selected in accordance to the system capacity.

Please read this Safety Cautions thoroughly before installation to install the air conditioner correctly. The important contents concerned to the safety are described in the Safety Cautions. Be sure to keep them. For Indications and their meanings, see the following description. n Explanation of indications

Indicates possibilities that a death or serious injury of personnel is caused by an incorrect handling.

Indicates contents that an injury (1) or property damage (2) only may be caused when an incorrect work has been executed. 1 : Injury means a hurt, a burn, or an electric shock which does not require hospitalization or a long-term going to the hospital. 2 : Property damage means an enlarged damage concerned to property, or breakage of materials.

After the installation work has been completed, perform a trial operation to check for possible problems. Follow the owners manual and explain to the customer how to use and maintain the unit. 1

Ask an authorized dealer or qualified installation professional to install/maintain the air conditioner. Inappropriate installation may result in water leakage, electric shock or fire. Using the tool or piping materials exclusive to R410A, install the air conditioner surely according to this Installation Manual. The pressure of the used HFC system R410A refrigerant is higher approx. 1.6 times of that of the former refrigerant. If the exclusive piping materials are not used, or there is imperfection in installation, a crack or an injury is caused and also a water leak, an electric shock, or a fire may be caused. Take measures so that the refrigerant does not exceed the limit concentration even if it leaks when installing the air conditioner in a small room. For the measures not to exceed the limit of concentration, contact the dealer. If the refrigerant leaks and it exceeds the limit of concentration, an accident of oxygen shortage is caused. The location of the installation must be able to protect from abnormal environmental conditions, such as earthquake and typhoons. An incorrect installation will cause a risk of unit movement resulting in a possible accident. Perform a specified installation work against a strong wind such as typhoon or earthquake. If the air conditioner is imperfectly installed, an accident by falling or dropping may be caused. If refrigerant gas leaks during the installation work, ventilate the room immediately. If the leaked refrigerant gas comes into contact with fire, noxious gas may generate. After the installation work, confirm that refrigerant gas does not leak. If refrigerant gas leaks onto the room and flows near to a source of fire, noxious gas maybe generated. Never recover refrigerant in the outdoor unit. Be sure to use a refrigerant recovery device to recover refrigerant in reinstallation or repair work. Recovery of refrigerant in the outdoor unit is unavailable; otherwise a serious accident such as crack or human injury is caused. Electrical work must be performed by a qualified electrician in accordance with the installation manual. Ensure the air conditioner uses a designated power supply. An insufficient power supply capacity or inappropriate installation may cause fire. When connecting the installation wiring, be sure that all fixing terminals are securely fixed. Ensure earth connection. If earth wiring is poor, this will cause risk of electric shock. If grounding is incomplete, an electric shock is caused.

Ensure that the unit is to placed where there is no risk of flammable gases. If flammable gases accumulate around the outside of the unit combustion may occur. Ensure the outdoor unit is fixed to the base, to prevent movement of the unit. Ensure an electrical leakage breaker is fitted. This is to prevent the risk of electric shock. Using a torque wrench, tighten the flare nuts to the specified torque setting. Over tightening will risk damaging the flare nut, and may cause refrigerant to leak after a period of time.



This air conditioner adopts the new HFC refrigerant (R410A) which does not deplete the ozone layer. R410A refrigerant is apt to be affected by impurity such as water, oxidizing membrane, or oils because the pressure of R410A refrigerant is higher than that of the former refrigerant by approx. 1.6 times. Accompanied with adoption of the new refrigerant, refrigerating oil has been also changed. Therefore pay attention so that water, dust, former refrigerant, or refrigerating oil does not enter into the refrigerating cycle of the new refrigerant air conditioner during installation work. To prevent from mixing of refrigerant or refrigerating oil, the size of charge port of the main unit or connecting section of installation tool differs from that of the air conditioner for the former refrigerant. Accordingly the exclusive tools are required for the new refrigerant (R410A) as shown below. For connecting pipes, use the new and clean piping materials so that water or dust does not enter.

Required tools and cautions on handling

It is necessary to prepare the tools and parts as described below for the installation work. The tools and parts which will be newly prepared in the following items should be restricted to the exclusive use.

Explanation of symbols l : Newly prepared (It is necessary to use it properly exclusive to R410A separated from those for R22 or R407C.)
: Former tool is available.
Used tools Gauge manifold Charging hose Charging cylinder Gas leak detector Vacuum pump Vacuum pump with counterflow preventive adapter Flare tool Bender Refrigerant recovery device Torque wrench Pipe cutter Refrigerant cylinder Welding machine/ Nitrogen gas cylinder Refrigerant charging balance Usage Vacuuming or charging of refrigerant and operation check Charges refrigerant Checks gas leak Vacuum drying Vacuum drying Flare processing of pipes Bending processing of pipes Recovers refrigerant Tightens flare nut Cuts pipes Charges refrigerant Welding of pipes Charges refrigerant Proper use of tools/parts

l Newly prepared, Exclusive to R410A l Newly prepared, Exclusive to R410A

Unusable (Use the Refrigerant charging balance.)

l Newly prepared
Usable if a counter-flow preventive adapter is attached

: R22 (Existing article) : Usable by adjusting size : R22 (Existing article)

l Exclusive to R410A

l Newly prepared, exclusive to 12.7mm and 15.9mm

: R22 (Existing article)

l Exclusive to R410A

ID : Refrigerant name entered

: R22 (Existing article) : R22 (Existing article)



The installation of the air conditioning unit must be positioned in a location that can sufficiently support its weight and give protection against adverse environmental conditions. Failure to do so may result in unit damage and possible human injury.

Ensure that the unit is to placed where there is no risk of flammable gases. If flammable gases accumulate around the outside of the unit combustion may occur. Ensure the outdoor unit is fixed to the base, to prevent movement of the unit.

Obtain permission from the customer to install the unit in a location that satisfies the following requirements : A location that permits level installation of the unit. A location that provides enough space to service the unit safely A location where water draining from the unit will not pose a problem Apply electric insulation between metal section of the building and metal section of the air conditioner in conformance with the Local Regulation. Avoid installing in the following places. Place exposed to air with high salt content (seaside area), or place exposed to large quantities of sulfide gas (hot spring). (Should the unit be used in these places, special protective measures are needed.) Place exposed to oil, vapor, oil smoke or corrosive gas. Place where organic solvent is used nearby. Place close to a machine generating high frequency. Place where the discharged air blows directly into the window of the neighboring house. (For outdoor unit) Place where noise of the outdoor unit is easily transmitted. (When installing the air conditioner on the boundary with the neighbor, pay due attention to the level of noise.) Place with poor ventilation. (Especially in Concealed duct type indoor unit, before air ducting work, check whether value of air volume, static pressure and duct resistance are correct.)

Equivalent HP Outdoor unit capacity type 0401 type 4 HP 12.1 12.5 Inverter unit 0501 type 5 HP 14.0 16.0 0601 type 6 HP 15.5 18.0 Appearance

Cooling capacity (kW) Heating capacity (kW)


Necessary space for installation
Obstacle at rear side
[Upper side is free] 1. Single unit installation
150 or more

AInstallation space
Considering functions, reserve space necessary for installation work and servicing.

Installation place
A place which provides a specified space around the outdoor unit. A place where the operation noise and discharged air are not given to your neighbors. A place that is not exposed to a strong wind. A place that does not block a passage. When the outdoor unit is installed in an elevated position, be sure to secure its feet. There must be sufficient space for carrying in the unit. A place where the drain water does not make any problem.

2. Obstacles at both right and left sides.

200 or more

The height of the obstacle should be lower than the height of the outdoor unit. 300 or more

150 or more

1. Install the outdoor unit at a place where discharge air is not blocked. 2. When an outdoor unit is installed in a place that is always exposed to a strong wind like a coast or on a high story of a building, secure a normal fan operation by using a duct or a wind shield. 3. When installing the outdoor unit in a place that is constantly exposed to a strong wind such as the upper stairs or rooftop of a building, apply the windproof measures referring to the following examples. 1) Install the unit so that its discharge port faces to the wall of the building. 500 Keep a distance 500 mm or more between the unit and the wall surface.

3. Serial installation of two or more units

150 or more

300 or more

300 or more

300 or more

The height of the obstacle should be lower than the height of the outdoor unit.

[Obstacle also at the upper side]

500 or more
150 or more

2) Supposing the wind direction during the operation season of the air conditioner, install the unit so that the discharge port is set at right angle to the wind direction.
Strong wind Strong wind

Obstacle at front side

[Upper side is free] 1. Single unit installation

4. Installation in the following places may result in some troubles. Do not install the unit in such places below. A place full of machine oil. A place full of sulfuric gas. A place where high-frequency radio waves are likely to be generated as from audio equipment, welders, and medical equipment.

2. Serial installation of two or more units

1000 or more

500 or more

200 or more

[Obstacle also at the upper side]

Installation of outdoor unit

Before installation, check strength and horizontally of the base so that abnormal sound does not generate. According to the following base diagram, fix the base firmly with the anchor bolts. (Anchor bolt, nut: M10 x 4 pairs)
150 600 150 430

1000 or more

1000 or more

Open the upper side and both right and left sides. The height of obstacle at both front and rear side, should be lower than the height of the outdoor unit.



Knockout hole

Drain nipple mounting hole

[Standard installation] 1. Single unit installation

150 or more

Set the out margin of the anchor bolt to 15mm or less.

1000 or more

15 or less

2. Serial installation of two or more units

200 or more

In case of draining through the drain hose, attach the following drain nipple and the waterproof rubber cap, and use the drain hose (Inner diam.: 16mm) sold on the market. And also seal the screws securely with silicone material, etc. so that water does not drop down. Some conditions may cause dewing or dripping of water.

300 or more

300 or more

1000 or more

Drain nipple

Waterproof rubber cap

Knockout hole

Serial installation at front and rear sides

Open the upper side and both right and left sides. The height of obstacle at both front and rear sides should be lower than the height of the outdoor unit.

[Standard installation]
Waterproof rubber cap Drain nipple


Obstacles at both front and rear sides

Drain hole


1000 or more

300 or more

1500 or more

2000 or more

200 or more

When there is a possibility of freezing of drain at the cold district or a snowfall area, be careful for drainage ability of drain. The drainage ability increases when a knockout hole on the base plate is opened. (Open the knockout hole to outside using a screwdriver, etc.)


After marking the knockout hole, remove the burr and mount the attached protective bush and guard material for pass-through part in order to protect pipes and wires. After connecting the pipes, be sure to mount the pipe cover. The pipe cover is easily mounted by cutting off the slit at the lower part of the pipe cover.

Refrigerant piping connection

TAKE NOTICE THESE IMPORTANT 4 POINTS BELOW FOR PIPING WORK 1. Keep dust and moisture away from inside the connecting pipes. 2. Tightly connect the connection between pipes and the unit. 3. Evacuate the air in the connecting pipes using VACUUM PUMP. 4. Check gas leak at connected points.

For reference
If a heating operation would be continuously performed for a long time under the condition that the outdoor temperature is 0C or lower, draining of defrosted water may be difficult due to freezing of the bottom plate, resulting in a trouble of the cabinet or fan. It is recommended to procure an anti-freeze heater locally for a safety installation of the air conditioner. For details, contact the dealer.

How to remove the front panel

1. Remove screws of the front panel. 2. Pull the front panel downward. Removing the front panel, the electric parts appear at the front side. The metal pipes are attachable to the piping holes. If the size of the used power pipe does not match with the hole, adjust the hole size to match with pipe size. Be sure to fix the power cable and indoor/outdoor connecting cable with bundling band sold on the market so that they do not make contact with the compressor and discharge pipe. (Temperature of the compressor and discharge pipe becomes high.) In order to avoid the force applied to on the connecting section, be sure to fix the cables to the cord clamps provided on the pipe valve fixing plate and the electric parts box.

Knockout of pipe cover

Rear direction

Side direction Front direction Pipe cover Down direction

Electric parts box

Front panel

Knockout procedure
The indoor/outdoor connecting pipes can be connected to 4 directions. Take off the knockout part of the pipe cover in which pipes or wires pass through the base plate. As shown in the figure, do not remove the pipe cover from the cabinet so that the knockout hole can be easily punched. To knock out, it is easily taken off by hands by punching a position at the lower side of 3 connected parts with screwdriver along the guide line.

Terminal plate

Cord clamp

Flaring size : A (Unit : mm)

If the refrigerant gas leaks during installation work, ventilate the room immediately.
If the leaked refrigerant gas comes into contact with a source of fire, noxious gas maybe generated.
Outer dia. of copper pipe 9.5 15.9 A R410A 13.2 19.7
+0 - 0.4

R22 13.0 19.4

After installation work is complete, check refrigerant gas does not leak.
If the refrigerant leaks into the room and comes into contact with a naked flame, noxious gas maybe generated.

* In case of flaring for R410A with the conventional flare tool, pull it out approx. 0.5 mm more than that of R22 to adjust to the specified flare size. The copper pipe gauge is useful for adjusting projection margin size.

Pipe forming/End positioning

1. Cut the pipe with a pipe cutter.

Projection margin in flaring : B (Unit : mm)

Rigid (Clutch type)
Outer dia. of copper pipe


Obliquity Roughness

R410A tool used R410A R22

Conventional tool used R410A R22 0.5 to 1.0 0.5 to 1.0

9.5 15.9

0 to 0.5 (Same as left) 1.0 to 1.5 0 to 0.5 (Same as left) 1.0 to 1.5

Imperial (Wing nut type) 2. Insert a flare nut into the pipe, and flare the pipe. As the flaring sizes of R410A differ from those of refrigerant R22, the flare tools newly manufactured for R410A are recommended. However, the conventional tools can be used by adjusting projection margin of the copper pipe.
Outer dia. of copper pipe 9.5 15.9 R410A 1.5 to 2.0 2.0 to 2.5 R22 1.0 to 1.5 1.5 to 2.0

(Unit: Nm) 1. Do not put the spanner on the cap. The valve may be broken. 2. If applying excessive torque, the nut may be broken according to some installation conditions. After the installation work, be sure to check gas leak of connecting part of the pipes with nitrogen.

Tightening of connecting part

Outer dia. of copper pipe 9.5 mm (diam.) 15.9 mm (diam.) Tightening torque 33 to 42 (3.3 to 4.2 kgfm) 68 to 82 (6.8 to 8.2 kgfm)

Align the centers of the connecting pipes and tighten the flare nut strong as far as possible with your fingers. Then fix the nut with a spanner and tighten it with torque wrench as shown in the figure.
Half union or packed valve Flare nut


Externally threaded side

Internally threaded side

Fix with spanner.

Tighten with torque wrench.

As shown in the figure, be sure to use a double spanner to loosen or tighten the flare nut of the valve at gas side. If using a single spanner, the nut cannot be tightened with necessary tightening torque. On the contrary, use a single spanner to loosen or tighten the flare nut of the valve at liquid side.


Pressure of R410A is higher than that of R22 (Approx. 1.6 times). Therefore, using a torque wrench, tighten the flare pipe connecting sections which connect the indoor/outdoor units at the specified tightening torque. Incomplete connections may cause not only a gas leak, but also a trouble of the refrigeration cycle.

Cap Piping valve

Do not apply refrigerating machine oil to the flared surface.



Flare nut

Valve at gas side

Pipe connecting method of valve at gas side

Outdoor unit capacity type 0401 type 0501 type Gas pipe diameter 15.9 Pipe connecting method of valve at gas side Connect 15.9 pipe with flaring.

Flare connection

Ball valve of gas side 15.9 Gas pipe 15.9 (Local supply)

0601 type


For braze connection of 19.1 gas pipe, refer to the following method. 1. Form the pipe so that the end part of the pipe will be out from the outdoor unit along the taking-out direction of the pipe. The 15.9 gas pipe to be supplied locally. 2. Using the joint socket (Accessory), connect with braze 15.9 gas pipe and 19.1 gas pipe at outside of the outdoor unit. 3. After connecting the pipes, apply thermal insulation process to the gas pipe until near the valve.

p.4 Ac

Ball valve of gas side 15.9 Flare connection Gas pipe 15.9 (Local supply) Gas pipe 19.1 (Local supply) Joint socket (Accessory)

Braze connection (Aconnect with braze)



Coupling size of brazed pipe

Connected section External size Internal size


(Unit: mm)
Connected section Standard outer dia. of connected copper pipe External size C 6.35 9.52 12.70 15.88 19.05 6.35 (0.03) 9.52 (0.03) 12.70 (0.03) 15.88 (0.03) 19.05 (0.03) Internal size F 6.45 ( 9.62 ( 12.81 ( 16.00 ( 19.19 (
+0.04 0.02 +0.04 0.02 +0.04 0.02 +0.04 0.02 +0.03 0.03

Standard outer dia. (Allowable difference) ) ) ) ) )

Min. depth of insertion K 7 8 9 9 11 G 6 7 8 8 10

Oval value 0.06 or less 0.08 or less 0.10 or less 0.13 or less 0.15 or less

Min. thickness of coupling

0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.80

Selection of pipe materials and size

Selection of pipe material
Material: Phosphorus deoxidation seam-less pipe

Capacity code of indoor and outdoor units

For the indoor unit, the capacity code is decided at each capacity rank. The capacity codes of the outdoor units are decided at each capacity rank. The maximum No. of connectable indoor unit and the total value of capacity codes of the indoor units are also decided.

Minimum wall thickness for R410A application

Soft OK OK OK OK NG * Harf Hard or Hard OK OK OK OK OK OD (Inch) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 OD (mm) 6.35 9.52 12.70 15.88 19.05 Minimum wall thickness (mm) 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.00 1.00 * If the pipe size is 19.0 or more, use a suitable material.

Table 1
Indoor unit capacity type 007 type 009 type 012 type 015 type 018 type 024 type 027 type 030 type 036 type 048 type Capacity code Equivalent to HP Equivalent to capacity 0.8 1 1.25 1.7 2 2.5 3 3.2 4 5 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 5.6 7.1 8 9 11.2 14

Table 2
Outdoor unit capacity type 0401 type 0501 type 0601 type Total capacity code of No. of connectable connectable indoor units Equivalent to HP indoor units Min. (HP) Max. (HP) Capacity code 4 5 6 6 8 9 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.2 6.5 7.8


Selection of refrigerant piping

Outdoor unit

Gas pipe Main pipe


Liquid pipe 1st branching Branching pipe section

4 2

Branch header

Branching Y-shape branch joint pipe

2 4 2

Indoor unit


Piping parts


Outdoor unit Main pipe 1st branching section

Selection of pipe size Size of main pipe Outdoor unit capacity type Gas pipe 0401 type 15.9 0501 type 15.9 0601 type 19.1

Liquid pipe 9.5 9.5 9.5

Branching section Branching section

Branching pipe

Branching section Indoor unit

Indoor unit connecting pipe

Pipe size between branching sections Total capacity codes of indoor units at down stream side Gas pipe Liquid pipe Equivalent to HP Below 2.8 12.7 9.5 2.8 to below 6.4 15.9 9.5 6.4 to below 7.2 19.1 9.5 Note) If the total capacity code value of indoor units exceeds that of the outdoor units, apply the capacity code of outdoor units. Connecting pipe size of indoor unit Indoor unit capacity type Gas pipe Liquid pipe 007, 009, 012 type 9.5 6.4 015, 018 type 12.7 6.4 024, 030, 036, 048 type 15.9 9.5 Selection of branching section

Branching section

Total capacity codes of indoor units at down stream side Model name Equivalent to HP Below 6.4 RBM-BY53E Y-shape branch joint Y-shape branch joint 6.4 or more and up to 7.8 RBM-BY103E Branch header For 4 branches Up to 7.8 RBM-HY1043E Branch header For 8 branches Up to 7.8 RBM-HY1083E Note) *1 : When using a Y-shape branching joint for the 1st branch, select according to capacity code of the outdoor unit. *2 : For 1 line after branching header indoor units with a maximum capacity code of 6.0 in total can be connected.



Selection of refrigerant piping for quiet place (with PMV Kit)

Outdoor unit

Gas pipe Main pipe


Liquid pipe 1st branching section


Branching pipe

Branch header

5 3 3 5 3 5 3 5

Indoor unit Branching Y-shape branch joint pipe

2 4

2 5

5 3 3

Indoor unit


Piping parts


Outdoor unit Main pipe 1st branching section

Selection of pipe size Size of main pipe Outdoor unit capacity type Gas pipe 0401 type 15.9 0501 type 15.9 0601 type 19.1

Liquid pipe 9.5 9.5 9.5

Branching section Branching section

Branching pipe

Branching section Indoor unit

Indoor unit connecting pipe

Pipe size between branching sections Total capacity codes of indoor units at down stream side Gas pipe Liquid pipe Equivalent to HP Below 2.8 12.7 9.5 2.8 to below 6.4 15.9 9.5 6.4 to below 7.2 19.1 9.5 Note) If the total capacity code value of indoor units exceeds that of the outdoor units, apply the capacity code of outdoor units. Connecting pipe size of indoor unit Indoor unit capacity type Gas pipe Liquid pipe 007, 009, 012 type 9.5 6.4 015, 018 type 12.7 6.4 024, 030, 036, 048 type 15.9 9.5 Selection of branching section

Branching section


Total capacity codes of indoor units at down stream side Model name Equivalent to HP Below 6.4 RBM-BY53E Y-shape branch joint Y-shape branch joint 6.4 or more and up to 7.8 RBM-BY103E Branch header For 4 branches Up to 7.8 RBM-HY1043E Branch header For 8 branches Up to 7.8 RBM-HY1083E Note) *1 : When using a Y-shape branching joint for the 1st branch, select according to capacity code of the outdoor unit. *2 : For 1 line after branching header indoor units with a maximum capacity code of 6.0 in total can be connected. Selection of PMV Kit Indoor unit capacity type Model name PMV Kit 007, 009, 012 type RBM-PMV0361E 015, 018, 024 type RBM-PMV0901E


Allowable length/height difference of refrigerant piping

Outdoor unit

Main pipe L1

Branching pipe L2
1st branching section Height difference between indoor and outdoor units H1

Branch header

Branching pipe L3

Indoor unit
Equivalent length corresponded to farthest piping L
Equivalent length corresponded to farthest piping after 1st branching Li
Height difference between indoor units H2

L4 e Y-shape branch joint f g

A 1

Allowable value Total extension of pipe (Liquid pipe, real length) Furthest piping length L (1) Piping Length Real length Equivalent length Max. equivalent length of main pipe Equivalent length of furthest piping from 1st branching Li (1) Max. real length of indoor unit connecting pipe Upper outdoor unit Height between indoor Height and outdoor units H1 Lower outdoor unit Difference Height between indoor units H2 180 m 100 m

Piping section L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + a + b + c + d + e + f + g L1 + L3 + L4 + g

125 m 65 m 35 m 15 m 30 m 20 m 15 m L1 L3 + L4 + g a, b, c, d, e, f. g

1 :

Furthest indoor unit from 1st branch to be named A.



Allowable length/height difference of refrigerant piping for quiet places (with PMV Kit)

Outdoor unit

Main pipe L1

Branching pipe L2
1st branching section

Branch header a b c d


Height difference between indoor and outdoor units H1

h Branching pipe L3

Indoor unit

Height difference between indoor unit and PMV Kit H2 * Between highest unit and lower units. Example) H2

Equivalent length corresponded to farthest piping L Equivalent length corresponded to farthest piping after 1st branching Li L4 e Y-shape branch joint l f m g

n A 1

Allowable value Total extension of pipe (Liquid pipe, real length) Real length Equivalent length Max. equivalent length of main pipe Equivalent length of furthest piping from 1st branching Li (1) Max. real length of indoor unit connecting pipe Furthest piping length L (1) Piping Length Real length between PMV KIT and indoor unit Upper outdoor unit Height between indoor Height and outdoor units H1 Lower outdoor unit Difference Height between indoor unit and PMV kit H2 1 : Furthest indoor unit from 1st branch to be named A. 150 m 65 m 80 m 50 m 15 m 15 m 2 m or more Below 10 m 30 m 20 m 15 m

Piping section L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 + a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + I + j + k+ l + m + n L1 + L3 + L4 + g + n L1 L3 + L4 + g + n a + h, b + i, c + j, d + k, e + l, f + m. g + n h, i, j, k, l, m, n

Note) Do not connect two or more indoor units to one PMV Kit. Arrange one indoor unit and one PMV Kit set to 1 by 1.



Indoor unit

Indoor unit


Airtight test
After the refrigerant piping has finished, execute an airtight test. For an airtight test, connect a nitrogen gas bomb as shown in the figure below, and apply pressure. Be sure to apply pressure from the service ports of the packed valves (or ball valves) at liquid side, discharge gas side, and suction gas side. An air tight test can be only performed to the service ports at liquid side, discharge gas side, and suction gas side of the outdoor unit. Close fully valves at liquid side, discharge gas side, and suction gas side. As there is possibility that nitrogen gas enters in the refrigerant cycle, re-tighten the valve rods before applying pressure. (Re-tightening of the valve rods are unnecessary for valves at discharge gas side because they are ball valves.) For each refrigerant line, apply pressure gradually with steps at liquid side, discharge gas side, and suction gas side.

Be sure to apply pressure to suction gas side, discharge gas side, and liquid side.

Never use Oxygen, Flammable gas and Noxious gas in an airtight test.

Connected to indoor unit Main pipe Packed valve fully closed (Gas side) Outdoor unit

Lowpressure gauge

Highpressure gauge



Gauge manifold

Brazed Service port Fully closed Service port Ball valve fully closed (Liquid side) 6.4 Copper pipe Nitrogen gas 6.4 Copper pipe Reducing valve

STEP 1 : Apply pressure 0.3MPa (3.0kg/cm2G) for 3 minutes or more. Available to detect a gross leakage STEP 2 : Apply pressure 1.5MPa (15kg/cm2G) for 3 minutes or more. STEP 3 : Apply pressure 3.73MPa (38kg/cm2G) for approx. 24 hours. Available to detect slow leakage Check pressure down. No pressure down: Accepted Pressure down: Check the leaked position. However, if there is difference of ambient temp. between when pressure has been applied and when 24 hours passed, pressure changes by approx. 0.01MPa (0.1kg/cmG) per 1C. Correct the pressure.

Leaked position check

When a pressure-down is detected in STEP 1, STEP 2, or STEP 3, check the leakage at the connecting points. Check leakage with hearing sense, feeler, foaming agent, etc, and perform re-brazing or re-tightening of flare if leakage is detected.



Air purge
For the air purge at installation time (Discharge of air in connecting pipes), use Vacuum pump method from viewpoint of the protection of the earths environment. For protection of the earths environment, do not discharge the refrigerant gas in the air. Using a vacuum pump, eliminate the remaining air (nitrogen gas, etc.) in the unit. If gas remains, performance and reliability of the unit may be reduced. After the airtight test, discharge nitrogen gas. Then connect the gauge manifold to the service ports at suction gas side, discharge gas side and liquid side, and connect the vacuum pump as shown in the following figure. Be sure to perform vacuuming for suction gas side, discharge gas side and liquid side. Be sure to perform vacuuming from both suction gas side, discharge gas side and liquid side. Be sure to perform vacuuming from both liquid and gas sides. Use a vacuum pump with counter-flow preventive function so that oil in the pump does not back up in the pipe of the air conditioner when the pump has been stopped. (If oil in the vacuum pump enters in to the air conditioner with R410A refrigerant, an error may occur in the refrigeration cycle.)

Connected to indoor unit Main pipe Packed valve fully closed (Gas side) Outdoor unit

Lowpressure gauge

Highpressure gauge


VH Gauge manifold

Brazed Service port Fully closed Service port Ball valve fully closed (Liquid side) P Vacuum pump

Use a vacuum pump that has a high vacuum (below -755mmHg) and a large exhaust gas amount (over 40L/ minute). Perform vacuuming for 2 or 3 hours though time differs due to pipe length. In this time, check all packed valves at liquid, gas and balance sides are fully closed. If vacuuming valve amount is not decreased to below -755mmHg even after vacuuming for 2 hours or more, continue vacuuming for 1 hour or more. If -755mmHg or less cannot be obtained by 3 hours or more vacuuming, detect and repair the leak. When the vacuuming valve has reached -755mmHg or less after vacuuming for 2 hours or more, close valves VL and VH on the gauge manifold fully. Stop the vacuum pump, leave it as it is for 1 hour and then check the vacuum does not change. If it does change then there may be a leak within the system. After the above procedure for vacuuming has finished, exchange the vacuum pump with a refrigerant cylinder and advance to the additional charging of refrigerant.


Addition of refrigerant
After vacuuming work, exchange the vacuum pump with the refrigerant bomb and then start the additional charging work of refrigerant.

Calculating the amount of additional refrigerant required

When the system is charged with refrigerant at the factory, the amount of refrigerant needed for the pipes on site is not included. Calculate the additional amount required, and add that amount to the system. Additional refrigerant charge amount is calculated from size of liquid pipe at site and its real length.
Additional refrigerant charge amount at site Additional refrigerant charge amount per liquid pipe 1m (Table 1) Compensation by outdoor HP (Table 2)

R (kg)

Real length of liquid pipe

Table 1
Pipe dia. at liquid side Additional refrigerant amount/1m (kg) 6.4 0.025 9.5 0.055

Table 2
Outdoor unit capacity type Compensation by outdoor HP (kg) 0401 type 0501 type 0601 type 0.8 0.4 0

Example : (0501 type)

L1 L2 a L3 b c d

L1 b

9.5 : 10m 6.4 : 3m

L2 c

9.5 : 10m 6.4 : 4m

L3 d

9.5 : 5m 6.4 : 5m

9.5 : 3m

Additional charge amount R (kg) = (Lx 0.025kg/m) + (Ly 0.055kg/m) + (0.4kg) = (12 0.025kg) + (28 0.055kg) + (0.4kg) = 1.44kg

Lx : Real total length of liquid pipe 6.4 (m) Ly : Real total length of liquid pipe 9.5 (m)

Note) If the additional refrigerant amount indicates a negative result from the calculation, use air conditioner without the adding of any additional refrigerant.

Charging of refrigerant
Keeping valve of the outdoor unit closed, be sure to charge the liquid refrigerant into service port at liquid side. If the specified amount of refrigerant cannot be charged, open fully valves of outdoor unit at liquid and discharge/ suction gas sides, operate the air conditioner in COOL mode under condition that valve at suction gas side is a little returned to close side, and then charge refrigerant into service port at suction gas side. In this time, choke the refrigerant slightly by operating valve of the bomb to charge liquid refrigerant. The liquid refrigerant may be charged suddenly, therefore be sure to charge refrigerant gradually. When refrigerant leaks and refrigerant shortage occurs in the system, recover the refrigerant in the system and recharge refrigerant newly up to the correct level.

Entry of refrigerant charge amount Complete the refrigerant record column found on the wiring diagram, with detail of the additional refrigerant amount and name of service engineer at the time of installation. The total amount of refrigerant refers to the shipment charge plus any additional refrigerant at the time of installation. The refrigerant amount at shipment is indicated on the unit name plate.


Valve handling precautions
Open the valve stem or the handle until it strikes the stopper. It is unnecessary to apply further force. Securely tighten the cap with a torque wrench. Cap tightening torque
9.5 Valve size 15.9 Charge port 20 to 25Nm (2.0 to 2.5kgfm) 14 to 18Nm (1.4 to 1.8kgfm) 33 to 42Nm (3.3 to 4.2kgfm)

Full opening of the valve

Open the valve of the outdoor unit fully. Using a 4mm-hexagonal wrench, open fully the valve key on the liquid side. Using a spanner open fully the valve key on the packed valve at suction gas side. Using a pair of pinchers, open fully the handle on the ball valve at the discharge gas side. Be careful that the handling of the ball valve differs from that of the packed valve.

How to open the ball valve at gas side

Valve unit

Heat insulation for pipe

Using a minus screwdriver, turn it counterclockwise by 90 until it hits the stopper. (Full open) Charge port

Apply the heat insulation to the pipework separately. (liquid, suction and discharge). Use thermal heat insulation which can withstand temperatures of 120C or more.

Flare nut

Position of grooves for driver

Upon completion of the pipework connections fit the piping/wiring panel and the pipe cover. Gaps between the pipes and the cover are to be filled using a suitable putty or silicone. If the pipework is fitted in the downward or sideways position, ensure that the base plate and side plate are closed and sealed. If an opening is left unsealed there is a risk of a fault due to the entering of water or dust.

Grooves for driver Closed completely Opened fully

*1. When opened fully, do not apply an excessive torque after the screwdriver hit the stopper; otherwise a trouble may be caused on the valve.



Electrical work must be performed by a qualified electrician in accordance with the installation manual. Ensure the air conditioner uses a designated power supply. An insufficient power supply capacity or inappropriate installation may cause a fire. When connecting the installation wiring, be sure that all fixing terminal are securely fixed. Ensure earthling practice is correctly performed. Grounding is necessary, if earthling practice is incomplete an electric shock maybe caused.

The installation fuse must be used for the power supply line of this outdoor unit. Incorrect/incomplete wiring might cause an electrical fire or smoke. Prepare the exclusive power supply for the outdoor unit. Ensure an electrical leakage breaker is fitted. This is to prevent the risk of electric shock.

To Disconnect the Appliance from Main Power Supply.

This appliance must be connected to a main power supply by means of a switch with a contact separation of at least 3 mm.

Perform wiring of the power supply in conformance with the regulations of the local authorities. For wiring of the power supply in the indoor unit, refer to the Installation Manual of the relevant indoor unit. Never connect 220240V to the terminal block (U1, U2, U3, U4). (Fault will be caused.) Arrange the electrical wiring so that they do not come into contact with high-temperature parts of the pipework; this is to prevent the risk of insulation melting and causing a possible accident. After connecting wires to the terminal block, secure wiring with cable clamp. Install control wiring and refrigerant piping within the same line. Do not turn on power of the indoor unit until vacuuming of the refrigerant pipe has finished. For cabling of the power supply of the indoor units cabling between indoor and outdoor units, refer to the Installation Manual of the indoor unit.

Connection of power supply wire with control wire

Insert power supply wire and control wire after removing knockout of the piping/wiring panel at front side of the outdoor unit. The knockout piping and the wiring hole are also provided to the front surface, the right side, and the rear side.
Knockout for power supply wiring

Note : Be sure to separate the power supply wires and each control wire. Arrange the power supply wires and each control wire so that they do not contact with the bottom surface of the outdoor unit. A terminal block (U3, U4 terminal blocks) for connecting an optional part Central remote controller etc. is provided on the inverter unit, so be careful to miswiring.

Knockout for control wiring and refrigerant piping



Power supply specifications

Select the power supply cabling and fuse of each outdoor unit from the following specifications. Ensure an earth leakage breaker is installed, failure to install, may result in electric shock. The installation fuse must be used for the power supply line of this outdoor unit. Be sure to use the appropriate type of overcurrent breaker (fuse) switch. Observe local regulation regarding wire size selection and installation. 3-core cable in conformance with Design 60245 IEC 66. Do not connect the units looping via the terminal blocks (L, N).

Power supply

MCY-MAP###HT series MCY-MAP###HT2D series

1N~ 50Hz 220V-240V 1N~ 60Hz 220V

(Connection example)


Outdoor unit capacity type 0401 type 0501 type 0601 type

Wire size* 6 mm, Max. 28 m 6 mm, Max. 25 m 6 mm, Max. 22 m

Maxim running current 25A 28A 31A

Installation fuse 32A 32A 40A

Outdoor unit

Over current breaker (fuse) switch

Earth leakage breaker

* Design 60245 IEC66

Outdoor unit power supply

Connection of power supply

n Power supply wire
Connect the power supply cables and earthling wire to the power supply terminal block. Tighten the screws on the terminal block and secure the cables with the cord clamp. (Do not apply tension to the connecting section of the terminal block.)
(Terminal block) (Stripping length power cable)
L N 10




(Cord clamp)

Power cable

Earth line Power cable

(Protective bush : Accessory)


For Indoor unit power supply (The outdoor unit has a separate power supply.)
Item Model All models of indoor units 2.0 mm Max. 20m Power supply wiring Wire size 3.5 mm Max. 50m

Note) Power supply cord specification : Cable 3-core 2.5 mm, inconformity with Design 60245 IEC57. The connecting length indicated in the table represents the length from the pull box to the outdoor unit when the indoor units are connected in parallel for power, as shown in the illustration below. A voltage drop of no more than 2% is also assumed. If the connecting length will exceed the length indicated in the table, select the wire thickness in accordance with indoor wiring standards. Determine the wire size for indoor unit according to the number of connected indoor units downstream.

[Indoor unit]
Earth L N Earth L N Earth L N Earth L N

Indoor unit power supply 1N~ 50Hz, 220 240V 1N~ 60Hz, 220V Pull box Earth leakage breaker Main switch

Connection of PMV Kit

Indoor unit Pulse motor valve (Indoor unit side)


Connection cable

PMV CN82 connector

Connector conversion cable (MMK-AP2H (High Wall) does not use a this conversion cable.)

Indoor control P.C. board

For details of the PMV Kit, refer to the Installation Manual.



Design of control wiring

1. All control wiring is 2-core and non-polarity wire. 2. Ensure use of shielded wiring in the following cases to prevent noise issues. Indoor-indoor / outdoor-indoor control wiring, Central control wiring.
Central control device U1 U2 U3 U4

Mini-SMMS L4
U3 U4 U3 U4 U1 U2

S-MMS (Super modular multi system) Table-1 Header unit

U3 U4 U1 U2 U5 U6

Follower unit
U3 U4

Outdoor unit
U1 U2 U1 U2 U5 U6

Table-1 L1 L2 L3



Indoor unit

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B


L7 L6

L7 L6 Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Table-1 Control wiring between indoor and outdoor units (L1, L2, L3), Central control wiring (L4)
Wiring Type Size Length 1 2-core, non-polarity Shield wire 1.25 mm : Up to 1000 m 2.0 mm : Up to 2000 m

Table-2 Control wiring between outdoor units (L5) (S-MMS)

Wiring Type Size Length 2-core, non-polarity Shield wire 1.25 mm to 2.0 mm Up to 100 m (L5)

Note 1 : Total of control wiring length for all refrigerant circuits ( L1 + L2 + L3 + L4 )

Table-3 Remote controller wiring (L6, L7)

Wire Size Length 2-core 0.5 mm to 2.0 mm Up to 500 m ( L6 + L7 ) Up to 400m with of wireless remote controller in group control. Up to 200m total length of control wiring between indoor units ( L6 )

Group Control through a Remote Controller

Group control of multiple indoor units (8 units) through a single remote controller
Indoor unit No.1






Remote controller

(A, B)


Design of control wiring

Connect each wire for controlling as shown below.

Central remote controller (Option) U1 U2 U3 U4

(Open) (Open) [Outdoor unit] To other refrigerant system Relay connector

U3 U4 U1 U2 For wiring of For control wiring between central control system indoor and outdoor

Cable clamp Shield earth screw Control wiring between indoor and outdoor units

U1 U2 U3 U4

Relay connector (At shipment from factory : No connection) Control wiring between indoor and outdoor units Connection of shield wire must be connected (Connected to all connecting sections in each Indoor unit)

Control wiring between indoor units

[Indoor unit]

PMV Kit (Option)

U1 U2 Indoor control P.C. board CN82

U1 U2

U1 U2

U1 U2

Wire specification, quantity, size of crossover wiring and remote controller wiring
Name Control wiring (indoor-indoor / indoor-outdoor / outdoorindoor control wiring, central control wiring) Remote controller wiring Qty Size Up to 500m Up to 1000m 1000 to 2000m 2.0mm Specification

2 cores 2 cores

1.25mm 0.5 to 2.0mm

Shield wire

1. The crossover wiring and central control wiring use 2-core non-polarity transmission wires. Use 2-core shield wires to prevent noise trouble. In this case, close (connect) the end of shield wires, and perform the functional grounding for the end of the shield wires which are connected to both indoor and outdoor units. For the shield wires which are connected between the central remote controller and the outdoor unit, perform the functional grounding at only one end of central control wiring. 2. Use 2-core and non-polarity wire for remote controller. (A, B terminals) Use 2-core and non-polarity wire for wiring of group control. (A, B terminals)



n Example of system wiring design

Outdoor power supply MCY-MAP###HT series : 1N~ 50Hz, 220 240V MCY-MAP###HT2D series : 1N~ 60Hz, 220V 6 Central remote controller power supply 1N~ 50Hz, 220 240V 1N~ 60Hz, 220V

5 (Option) L N Earth U1 U2 U3 U4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Outdoor unit Indoor unit Remote controller Central remote controller (Option) Over current breaker (Fuse) switch Earth leakage breaker Main switch Pull box PMV Kit (Option)

1 L N Earth U1 U2 U3 U4

Relay connector (As shipment from factory : No connection) [Outdoor unit] Communication wiring between indoor and outdoor units Connection of shield wire must be connected (Connected to all connecting sections in each Indoor unit) Communication wiring between indoor units

[Indoor unit] 2 PMV Kit (Option) 9 U1 U2 A B Indoor control P.C. board CN82 Earth L N Earth L N 2 U1 U2 A B Earth L N 2 U1 U2 A B Earth L N 2 U1 U2 A B

3 A B

3 A B

3 A B Remote controller [Group control]

1. Keep the refrigerant piping system and the indoor-indoor/indoor-outdoor control wiring systems together. 2. When running power supplies and control wires parallel to each other, run them through separate conduits or maintain a suitable distance between them. (Current capacity of power wires: 10A or less for 300mm, 50A or less for 500mm)




When using the outdoor unit under the following conditions, it is necessary to set up DIP switch on the outdoor unit interface P.C. board.

When anyone of the following condition is applied, set up DIP switch. 1. When using PMV Kit in the Mini-SMMS system 2. When using the indoor unit under high humidity condition

Indoor side: 27C dry bulb temperature 24C wet bulb temperature Operation time 4 hours or more.

Setup method
Turn on DIP switch [SW08] on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit.

Outdoor unit interface P.C. board





ON ON ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


SW07 SW08



ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ON ON ON 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Switch [SW08]



In this air conditioner, it is necessary to set up the indoor address before starting the operation. Set up the address in the following procedure.

1. Set up the address after the wiring work has been completed. 2. Be sure to turn on the power in order of indoor unit outdoor unit. If turning on the power in the reverse order, a check code [E19] is displayed. When a check code is displayed, turn on the power again. 3. It requires a maximum of 10 minutes (Usually, approx. 5 minutes) to automatically set-up an address for 1 system. 4. To set up an address automatically, the set-up of the outdoor unit needs to be completed. (Address setup cannot be performed by power-ON only.) 5. To set up an address, the air conditioner does not need to be in operation. 6. Manual address setup is also available besides automatic setup. Automatic address : Setup from SW15 on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit Manual address : Setup from the wired remote controller * It is temporarily necessary to set-up the indoor unit as a 1:1 using a wired remote controller.

Automatic Address Setup

Without central control : To the address setup procedure 1 With central control : To the address setup procedure 2
(However, go to the procedure 1 when the central control is performed in a single refrigerant system.)
(Example) Address setup procedure Wire systematic diagram
Outdoor Central remote controller Outdoor Central remote controller Outdoor Outdoor Central remote controller

In case of central control in a single refrigerant system In case of central control over refrigerant system To procedure 1 To procedure 2









Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Turn on power of indoor/outdoor units. After approx. 1 minute, check that U. 1. L08 (U. 1. flash) Push SW15 and start setup the automatic address.
is displayed in 7-segment display section on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit. (Max. 10 minutes for 1 line (Usually, approx. 5 minutes)) (In order of indoor Outdoor)

Address setup procedure 1

Interface P.C. board

SW04 SW05 SW15

3 2 4

D600 D601 D602 D603 D604 SW01 SW02 SW03

1 1 1

When the count Auto 1 Auto 2 Auto 3 is displayed in

7-segment display section, and it changes from U. 1. - - - (U. 1. flash) to U. 1. - - - (U. 1. light) , the setup finished.

When perform a central control, connect a relay

connector between [U1U2] of the outdoor unit and [U3U4] terminals.

Relay connector
U3 U4 U1 U2 For wiring of For control wiring between central control system indoor and outdoor


When a group control is performed over multiple refrigerant systems, be sure to turn on the power supplies to all of the indoor units connected , so that the address set-up can be completed correctly. If turning on the power for each refrigerant system to set up the addresses, a header indoor unit must be set for each system. Therefore, an alarm code L03 (Duplicated header indoor units) will be displayed during in operation after the address setup has been completed. In this case, change the group address using the wired remote controller so that only one header indoor unit is set-up.

(Example) Wire systematic diagram

Group control over multiple refrigerant system







Remote controller

Interface P.C. board

Using SW13 and 14 on the interface P.C. board on the outdoor

unit in each system, set up the system address for each system. (At shipment the address is set to 1 from the factory) Note) Be careful not to duplicate with any other refrigerant systems or other line (system) addresses.

Address setup procedure 2

ON ON ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4





ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ON ON ON 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


SW07 SW08



Line (System) address switch on outdoor interface P.C. board

Line address 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 SW13 2 3 4 1 SW14 2 3 4 Line address 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1

(: Switch ON, : Switch OFF)

SW13 2 3 4 1

SW14 2 3

: Is not used for setup of line address. (Do not change setup.)

Check that the relay connectors between [U1U2] and [U3U4] terminals are come out in all outdoor units to which Turn on power of indoor/outdoor.
(In order of indoor outdoor) the central control is connected. (At shipment from factory: No connection of connector)

After approx. 1 minute, check that 7-segment display is Push SW15 and start setup the automatic address. When the count Auto 1 Auto 2 Auto 3 is displayed in
7-segment display section, and it changes from U. 1. - - - (U. 1. flash) to U. 1. - - - (U. 1. light) , the setup (Max. 10 minutes for 1 line (Usually, approx. 5 minutes)) U.1.L08 (U.1. flash) on the interface P.C. board.

Relay connector
U3 U4 U1 U2 For wiring of For control wiring between central control system indoor and outdoor

Procedure to are repeated in other refrigerant systems. 28


Interface P.C. board
ON 1 2

When address setup has finished in all the systems, turn

off SW30-2 on the interface P.C. boards of the lines connected to the identical central control except a line with least line address number. (Terminator resistors of the wires in the central control line of indoor/outdoor are unified.) Connect the relay connector between [U1U2] and [U3U4] terminals of the outdoor unit for each refrigerant line. Then set up the central control address. (For the central control address setup, refer to the Installation manual of the central control devices.)

ON ON ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4





ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ON ON ON 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


SW07 SW08



SW04 SW05 SW15

SW15 7-segment display

Switch setup (Example in case of central control over refrigerant system) Outdoor side (Manual setup) * Manual setup is necessary for column of which letter color is reversed.
Outdoor interface P.C. board SW13, 14 (Line address) SW30-2 Terminator resistor of indoor/outdoor communi cation line/central control communication line Relay connector Outdoor unit 1 Outdoor unit 2

D600 D601 D602 D603 D604 SW01 SW02 SW03

1 1 1

Outdoor unit 3

Setup at shipment from factory 1


OFF after address setup

OFF after address setup


Short after address setup

Short after address setup

Short after address setup


Outdoor unit
U3 U4 U3 U4

Outdoor unit
U3 U4

Outdoor unit
U3 U4

Central remote controller

U1 U2 Relay connector

U1 U2 Relay connector

U1 U2 Relay connector

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

Indoor side (Automatic setup) Line address Indoor unit address Group address

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Individual 1 1 0 1 2 0

Group 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 0

For relay connector Never connect a relay connector until address setup for all the refrigerant systems finishes; otherwise address cannot be correctly set up.


Manual address setup from remote controller

In case to decide an address of the indoor unit prior to finish of indoor electric wiring work and unpracticed outdoor electric wiring work (Manual setup from wired remote controller)

Arrange indoor unit in which address is set up and the wired remote controller to 1 : 1. (Wiring example in 2 lines)
Line 1 Line 2

Turn on the power.

1 2 3


(Line address)

Push simultaneously 4 seconds or more. LCD changes to flashing. Using the setup temp. 12 to the item code.



+ TEST buttons for

buttons, set

Remote controller

Using the timer time / buttons, set up the line address. (Match it with the line address on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit in the identical refrigerant system.) Push button. (OK when display goes on.)

Line address Indoor address Group address

1 1 1



1 2 2

1 3 2

2 1 2

2 2 2

(Indoor address)

5 6 7 8 9

Using the setup temp. 13 to the item code. Using the timer time the indoor address.

/ /

buttons, set buttons, set up

In the above example, under condition of no inter-unit wire of the wired remote controller, set the address after individual connecting of the wired remote controller.

Push button. (OK when display goes on.) Using the setup temp. 14 to the item code. / buttons, set

(Group address) Group address

Individual : 0000 Header unit : 0001 Follower unit : 0002

} In case of group control

Using the timer time / buttons, set Individual = 0000 , Header unit = 0001 , Follower unit = 0002 . Push button. (OK when display goes on.)

10 11

Operation procedure

123456 7 8 9 10 11 End

Push TEST button. Setup operation finished. (Status returns to normal stop status.)

2, 5, 8 4, 7, 10 11



Item code




3, 6, 9 1



Note 1)
When setting the line address from the wired remote controller, do not use addresses 29 and 30. The address 29 and 30 cannot be set up in the outdoor unit. Therefore if they are incorrectly set up, a check code [E04] (Indoor/outdoor communication circuit error) will be displayed.

Note 2)
When an address has been manually setup from the wired remote controller and you wish to set up a central control over the refrigeration system and setup the outdoor unit for each system using the following steps. Using SW13 and 14 on the interface P.C. board of the header unit in each system, set up the line address for each system. Turn off SW30-2 on all other interface P.C. boards on the header outdoor units that are connected to the same central control, not including the system with the least number of address lines. (The terminator resistor of the cables in the central control system of indoor/outdoor are unified.) Connect the relay connector between [U1U2] and [U3U4] of the header outdoor unit for each refrigerant system. Then set up the central control address. (For the central control address setup, refer to the Installation manual of the central control devices.)

Confirmation of indoor address and the main unit position on the remote controller
[Confirmation of indoor unit No. and position] 1. When you want to know the indoor address though position of the indoor unit itself can be recognized;
In case of individual operation (Wired remote controller : Indoor unit = 1 : 1) or group control

[Procedure] (Operation while the air conditioner operates)

1 2

If it stops, push



Push button. The unit NO 1-1 is displayed on the LCD. (Disappears after several seconds) The displayed unit number indicates the line address and indoor address. (If there is other indoor unit connected UNIT to the same remote controller (Group control unit), other unit number is displayed every pushing button.)









Operation procedure



2. When you want to know position of the indoor unit using the address
To confirm the unit numbers in a group control;

[Procedure] (Operation while the air conditioner stops) The indoor unit numbers in a group control are successively displayed, and the corresponding indoor fan is turned on.

Push VENT + TEST buttons simultaneously for 4 seconds or more.

Unit No is displayed.


The fans of all the indoor units in a group control are turned on.



Every pushing button, the indoor unit numbers in the group control are successively displayed. The firstly displayed unit number on number indicates the address of the header unit. Only fan of the selected indoor unit is turned on.



3 End 1




1 2

Push TEST button to finish the procedure. All the indoor units in group control stop.

Operation procedure



To confirm all the unit numbers from an arbitrary wired remote controller;
[Procedure] (Operation while the air conditioner stops) The indoor unit number and position in the same refrigerant line can be confirmed. An header unit is selected, the indoor unit numbers in the same refrigerant system are successively displayed, and then its indoor unit fan is turned on.

1 2 3

Push the timer time + TEST buttons simultaneously for 4 seconds or more. Firstly, the line 1, item code AC (Address Change) is displayed. (Select outdoor unit.) Using address.

and SWING/FIX buttons, select the line


Using button, determine the selected line address. The indoor address, which is connected to the refrigerant system of the selected refrigerant system is displayed and the fan is turned on. Every pushing UNIT button, the indoor unit numbers in the same refrigerant system are successively displayed. Only fan of the selected indoor unit operates.





1 6 3




[To select another line address]

5 6

Push button to return to procedure . The indoor address of another line can be successively confirmed.

2 4 5

Push TEST button to finish the procedure.

123 4 5 6 End

Operation procedure



Change of indoor address from wired remote controller

To change the indoor address in individual operation (Wired remote controller : Indoor unit = 1 : 1) or group control (When the setup operation with automatic address has finished, this change is available.)

[Procedure] (Operation while air conditioner stops)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Push simultaneously + + TEST buttons for 4 seconds or more. (The firstly displayed unit No. indicates the header indoor unit in group control.)

In group control, select an indoor unit No. to be changed by (The fan of the selected indoor unit is turned on.) Using the setup temp. Using the timer time change. Push



/ /

buttons, set 13 to the item code. buttons, change the displayed setup data to a data which you want to


Using the

button, select the unit No. to be changed at the next time.

Repeat the procedure

4 to 6 and change the indoor address so that it is not duplicated.


After the above change, push

button to confirm the changed contents.

If it is acceptable, push TEST button to finish confirmation.




3 5 8 1






4 2, 6, 7

Operation procedure



To change all the indoor addresses from an arbitrary wired remote controller. (When the setup operation for automatic address has finished, this change is available.)
Contents : Using an arbitrary wired remote controller, the indoor unit address can be changed for each unit within the same refrigerant system.

* Change the address in the address check/change mode.

[Procedure] (Operation while air conditioner stops)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Push the timer time + TEST buttons simultaneously for 4 seconds or more. Firstly, the line 1, item code AC (Address Change) is displayed. Using

/ SWING/FIX buttons, select the line address.

Push button. The indoor address, which is connected to the refrigerant system of the selected header unit is displayed and the fan is turned on. First the current indoor address is displayed on the setup data. (Line address is not displayed.)

The indoor address of the setup data moves up/down by the timer time Change the setup data to a new address. Push


button to determine the setup data.


Every pushing button, the indoor unit numbers in the same refrigerant line are successively displayed. Only fan of the selected indoor unit operates. to and change all the indoor addresses so that they are not duplicated. Repeat the procedure

4 6

Push button. (All the displays on LCD go on.)


Push TEST button to finish the procedure.














1 3


4 8




Deletion of line selection

5, 7
Operation procedure

To finish the set

Here, if the unit No. is not called up, the header unit in this system does not exist. CL button, and then select a line Push according to procedure .




Clearance of address (Return to status (Address undecided) at shipment from factory)

Method 1
An address is individually cleared from a wired remote controller. 0099 is set up to line address, indoor address, and group address data from the wired remote controller. (For the setup procedure, refer to the above-mentioned address setup from the wired remote controller.)

Method 2
Clear the indoor addresses in the same refrigerant system from the outdoor unit. 1. Turn off the power of the refrigerant system to be returned to the status at shipment from factory, and change the outdoor unit to the following status. 1) Remove the relay connector between [U1U2] and [U3U4]. (If it has been already removed, leave it as it is.) 2) Turn on SW30-2 on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit if it is ON. (If it has been already ON, leave it as it is.)
Central control device
U1 U2 U3 U4

Center unit
U3 U4 U3 U4

Center unit
U3 U4

Outdoor unit
U1 U2 U1 U2

Outdoor unit
U1 U2

Outdoor unit

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

U1 U2 A B

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Remote controller

Unit of which address is to be returned to the initial status

2. Turn on the indoor/outdoor power of which address is to be cleared. After approx. 1 minute, check that U.1. - - - is displayed, and then execute the following operation on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit of which address is to be cleared in the refrigerant system.
SW01 2 SW02 1 SW03 2 SW04 After checking that A.d.buS is displayed on 7-degment display, and then push SW04 for 5 seconds or more. After checking that A.d.nEt is displayed on 7-degment display, and then push SW04 for 5 seconds or more. Address which can be cleared Line + Indoor + Group address

Central address

3. After A.d. c.L. has been displayed on 7-degment display, return SW01/SW02/SW03 to 1/1/1. 4. When the address clearing has correctly finished, U.1.L08 is displayed on 7-degment display after a while. If A.d. n.G. is displayed on 7-degment display, there is a possibility which is connected with the other refrigerant system. Check again the relay connector between [U1U2] and [U3U4] terminals. Note) Be careful that the other refrigerant system address may be also cleared if clearing operation is not correctly executed. 5. After clearing of the address, set up an address again.


In order to protect the compressor, keep the power ON for a period of 12 hours or more before starting the air conditioner.

Before test operation

Check valve of the refrigerant pipe of the outdoor unit is OPEN. Using 500V-megger, check there is 1M or more between the terminal block of the power supply and the earth. If the value is below 1M, do not operate the air conditioner.

How to perform a test operation

In case of test operation on the wired remote controller Check the operation of the air conditioner in usual operation by the wired remote controller. For the procedure of the operation, refer to the attached Owners Manual. For a case of using a wireless remote controller, refer to the Installation Manual of the indoor unit. A forced test operation is available in the following procedure under condition that the thermostat-OFF in the room. In a forced test operation, the test operation is cleared after operation for 60 minutes and then returns to the usual operation in order to prevent a serial operation. Note) Do not use the forced test operation for cases other than the test operation because it applies TEMP. ON / OFF an excessive load to the air conditioner.

2, 4 3

In case of wired remote controller

1, 5





1 2 3 4 5

When pushing TEST button for 4 seconds or more, [TEST] is displayed on the display part and the mode changes to test operation mode. ([TEST] is displayed on the display part during test operation.)


Push Using




button, change the operation mode to [COOL] or [HEAT].

Do not drive the air conditioner with a mode other than [COOL] or [HEAT]. The temperature cannot be adjusted during test operation. An error is detected as usual.

After the test operation has finished, push (Display is same to that in procedure


button to stop the operation.

Push TEST button to clear the test operation mode. ([TEST] in the display part disappears and the status changes to the usual stop status.)



In case of test operation on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit
This air conditioner has a function which executes a test operation by operation of the switches on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit. This function is classified into Individual test operation which performs a test operation individually in each indoor unit and Collective test operation which performs a test operation for all the connected indoor units.

[Individual test operation]

Procedure 1 Operation Set operation mode on wired remote controller of the indoor unit which is operated with test mode to [COOL] or [HEAT]. (When it is not set up, operate the air conditioner with the current operation mode.) Set the rotary switch SW01 on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit to [16], and match SW02 and SW03 to the address of the indoor unit to be operated with test mode. [ 7-segment display [A] [U1] [B] [ ]

[A] ] [ Address display of the corresponding indoor unit [A] [ ] [ Address display of the corresponding indoor unit

[B] ]

Start operation 3 Push SW04 for 10 seconds or more. Operation mode changes to the operation mode of wired remote controller of the corresponding indoor unit. Temperature cannot be adjusted during Test operation. Error is detected as usual. Test operation is not performed 3 minutes after power was turned on or operation has stopped. Return the rotary switches on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit, SW01 = [1], SW02 = [1], SW03 = [1].

[B] ] [FF] is displayed for 5 seconds.

Stop operation

[A] [U1]

[B] [ ]

[Collective test operation]

Procedure 1 Operation Set the rotary switches of interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit; All cooling operation: SW01 = [2], SW02 = [5], SW03 = [1] All heating operation: SW01 = [2], SW02 = [6], SW03 = [1] Push SW04 for 2 seconds or more. Temperature cannot be adjusted during Test operation. Error is detected as usual. Test operation is not performed 3 minutes after power was turned on or operation has stopped. Return the rotary switches on the interface P.C. board of the outdoor unit, SW01 = [1], SW02 = [1], SW03 = [1]. 7-segment display [A] [C ] [H ] [A] [C ] [H ] [B] [ [ ] ]

Start operation

[B] [ C ] [ H ]

Stop operation

[A] [U1]

[B] [ ]

Interface P.C. board

ON ON 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 ON ON ON 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


SW07 SW08



Push switch
SW04 SW05 SW15 D600 D601 D602 D603 D604 SW01 SW02 SW03
1 1 1

SW04 SW05 SW15

Push switch 7-segment display [B]

7-segment display [A]

D600 D601 D602 D603 D604 SW01 SW02 SW03
1 1 1

Rotary switch




In addition to the check code on the remote controller of the indoor unit, a trouble of the outdoor unit can be diagnosed by 7-segment display of the control P.C. board of the outdoor unit. Make good use of this function for various checks. After check, return each bit of Dip switch to OFF position.

n Segment display and check code

Rotary switch setup value SW02 SW03 A 1 1 1 Check code of outdoor unit B Check code display Displayed contents LED
D600 D601 D602 D603 D604 A B

Outdoor unit No. (U1 only)

However, when there is an auxiliary code, the check code (for 3 seconds) and the auxiliary code (for 1 second) are alternately displayed.

Check Code (Outdoor 7-segment display [B])

Displayed when SW01: 1, SW02: 1, SW03: 1
Check code Outdoor 7-segment display E06 E07 E08 E12 E15 E16 E19 E20 E31 F04 F06 F07 F08 F12 F13 F15 F16 F23 F24 F31 01: TS1 sensor error 01: Compressor 1 Auxiliary code Number of indoor unit which received normally Duplicated indoor addresses 01: Communication between indoor and outdoor 02: Communication between outdoor units 00: Capacity over 01~: No. of connected units 00: Header is nothing 02: Two or more header units 01: Other system outdoor connected 02: Other system indoor connected IPDU quantity information Check code name Decrease of number of indoor units Indoor/Outdoor communication circuit error Duplication of indoor addresses Automatic address start error Indoor is nothing during automatic addressing Capacity over / Number of connected indoor units Number of header outdoor units error Other refrigerant system connected during automatic addressing IPDU communication error TD1 sensor error TE1 sensor error TL sensor error TO sensor error TS1 sensor error TH sensor error Outdoor temp. sensor miswiring (TE, TL) Outdoor pressure sensor miswiring (Pd, Ps) Ps sensor error Pd sensor error Outdoor EEPROM error


Auxiliary code 01: Compressor 1 01: Compressor 1 01: Compressor 1 Number of indoor units with priority Detected indoor address IPDU quantity information Detected indoor address 01: Compressor 1 01: Compressor 1 Detected indoor address 01: TS condition 02: TD condition Check code name Compressor breakdown Magnet switch error Overcurrent relay operation Compressor trouble (Lock) Current detective circuit system error Compressor 1 case thermo operation Low-pressure protective operation Outdoor line address duplicated Duplication of indoor units with priority Indoor group/Address unset Outdoor capacity unset Flow selector unit error IPDU quantity error External interlock of indoor unit Extended I/C error Discharge temp TD1 error High-pressure SW system operation Heat sink overheat error Indoor overflow error Outdoor liquid back detection error Gas leak detection 4-way valve inverse error High-pressure protective operation Outdoor fan IPDU error IGBT short protection error Compressor position detective circuit system error

Check code Outdoor 7-segment display H01 H02 H03 H04 H06 L04 L06 L08 L10 L18 L29 L30 L31 P03 P04 P07 P10 P13 P15 P19 P20 P22 P26 P29

Detected outdoor unit number A : Fan motor circuit error d : Fan motor lock 01: Compressor 1 01: Compressor 1


r Zubehr
MCYTeilebezeichnung Installations-Handbuch Betriebsanleitung Muffenverbindungen Typ 0401 2 1 Anzahl Typ 0501 2 1 Typ 0601 2 1 1 Form Verwendung (Hndigen Sie es dem Kunden aus) (Hndigen Sie es dem Kunden aus) Gasseitige Auslassleitung (15.9 bis 19.1)





Drainage-Nippel Wasserdichte Gummikappe

n Die Aueneinheit bentigt fr ein Mini-SMMS-System zustzlichen die folgenden Elemente. (Inneneinheit, Fernbedienung, Y-Abzweig oder Verteiler.) Diese Elemente mssen entsprechend der Systemleistung ausgewhlt werden.

Bevor Sie mit der Installation beginnen, lesen Sie die diese Sicherheitshinweise sorgfltig und installieren Sie das Produkt entsprechend. Diese Sicherheitshinweise sind wichtig fr Ihre persnliche Sicherheit. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie alle Anweisungen befolgen. In der folgenden Tabelle finden Sie den Vorgang und die entsprechende Beschreibung.

n Erklrung der Symbole

Weist auf eine mgliche gefhrliche Situation hin, die zum Tod oder zu schweren Verletzungen fhren kann.

Weist auf eine Situation hin, die zur Verletzung (1) oder Sachschden (2) durch falsche Handhabung fhren kann.

1 : Verletzung bedeutet, Schmerzen, Verbrennungen, Stromschlag usw., die keinen lngeren Krankenhausaufenthalt zur Folge haben. 2 : Sachschden bedeutet Schden am Haus, Gegenstnde des Haushalts usw.

Fhren Sie nach der Installation einen Testlauf durch, um das System auf mgliche Fehler zu prfen. Erklren Sie dem Kunden anhand der Betriebsanleitung, wie das Gert bedient und gewartet wird.


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