Flutter web 应用的初始化
This page details the initialization process for Flutter web apps and how it can be customized.
#The flutter build web
command produces
a script called flutter_bootstrap.js
the build output directory (build/web
This file contains the JavaScript code needed to initialize and
run your Flutter app.
You can use this script by placing an async-script tag for it in
your index.html
file in the web
subdirectory of your Flutter app:
<script src="flutter_bootstrap.js" async></script>
Alternatively, you can inline the entire contents of
the flutter_bootstrap.js
file by inserting the
template token {{flutter_bootstrap_js}}
your index.html
The {{flutter_bootstrap_js}}
token is
replaced with the contents of the flutter_bootstrap.js
file when
the index.html
file is copied to the
output directory (build/web
) during the build step.
#By default, flutter build web
generates a flutter_bootstrap.js
file that
does a simple initialization of your Flutter app.
However, in some scenarios, you might have a reason to
customize this initialization process, such as:
- Setting a custom Flutter configuration for your app.
- Changing the settings for the Flutter service worker.
- Writing custom JavaScript code to run at different stages of the startup process.
To write your own custom bootstrapping logic instead of
using the default script produced by the build step, you can
place a flutter_bootstrap.js
file in the web
subdirectory of your project,
which is copied over and used instead of
the default script produced by the build.
This file is also templated, and you can insert several special tokens that
the build step substitutes at build time when copying
the flutter_bootstrap.js
file to the output directory.
The following table lists the tokens that the build step will
substitute in either the flutter_bootstrap.js
or index.html
Token | Replaced with |
{{flutter_js}} |
The JavaScript code that makes the FlutterLoader object available in the _flutter.loader global variable. (See the _flutter.loader.load() API section below for more details.) |
{{flutter_build_config}} |
A JavaScript statement that sets metadata produced by the build process which gives the FlutterLoader information needed to properly bootstrap your application. |
{{flutter_service_worker_version}} |
A unique number representing the build version of the service worker, which can be passed as part of the service worker configuration (see the "Service Worker Settings" table below). |
{{flutter_bootstrap_js}} |
As mentioned above, this inlines the contents of the flutter_bootstrap.js file directly into the index.html file. Note that this token can only be used in the index.html and not the flutter_bootstrap.js file itself. |
#Any custom flutter_bootstrap.js
script needs to have three components in
order to successfully start your Flutter app:
- A
token, to make_flutter.loader
available. - A
token, which provides information about the build to theFlutterLoader
needed to start your app. - A call to
, which actually starts the app.
The most basic flutter_bootstrap.js
file would look something like this:
自定义 Flutter Loader
#可以使用以下可选参数调用 _flutter.loader.load()
JavaScript API,来自定义初始化行为:
config |
Object |
onEntrypointLoaded |
engineInitializer 对象。 |
Function |
assetBase |
assets 目录的根 URL。当 Flutter 从实际 web 应用不同的域或子目录加载时,请添加此 URL。当你将 Flutter web 嵌入另一个应用程序,或将其静态资源部署到 CDN 时,可能需要使用此 URL。 |
String |
canvasKitBaseUrl |
canvaskit.wasm 的根 URL。 |
String |
canvasKitVariant |
1. auto :为浏览器下载最佳版本。(默认值)2. full :下载适用于所有浏览器的 CanvasKit 完整版。3. chromium :下载较小的 CanvasKit,该版本使用与 Chromium 兼容的 API。警告:除非你只打算使用基于 Chromium 的浏览器,否则不要使用 chromium 值。 |
String |
canvasKitForceCpuOnly |
true 时,强制在 CanvasKit 中只使用 CPU 进行渲染(引擎不会使用 WebGL)。 |
bool |
canvasKitMaximumSurfaces |
double |
debugShowSemanticNodes |
true ,Flutter 会在屏幕上明显呈现 semantics 语义树(用于调试)。 |
bool |
entryPointBaseUrl |
String |
hostElement |
HtmlElement |
renderer |
"canvaskit" 或 "skwasm" 。 |
String |
示例:根据 URL 查询参数自定义 Flutter 配置
#下面的示例演示了一个自定义的 flutter_bootstrap.js
,他允许用户在网站 URL 中提供一个 ?force_canvaskit=true
的查询参数,从而强制应用使用 CanvasKit
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const renderer = searchParams.get('renderer');
const userConfig = renderer ? {'renderer': renderer} : {};
config: userConfig,
This script evaluates the URLSearchParams
of the page to determine whether
the user passed a renderer
query parameter and then
changes the user configuration of the Flutter app.
The onEntrypointLoaded callback
#You can also pass an onEntrypointLoaded
callback into the load
API in order
to perform custom logic at different parts of the initialization process.
The initialization process is split into the following stages:
- Loading the entrypoint script
- The
function calls theonEntrypointLoaded
callback once the Service Worker is initialized, and themain.dart.js
entrypoint has been downloaded and run by the browser. Flutter also callsonEntrypointLoaded
on every hot restart during development. - Initializing the Flutter engine
- The
callback receives an engine initializer object as its only parameter. Use the engine initializerinitializeEngine()
function to set the run-time configuration, likemultiViewEnabled: true
, and start the Flutter web engine. - Running the app
- The
function returns aPromise
that resolves with an app runner object. The app runner has a single method,runApp()
, that runs the Flutter app. - Adding views to (or removing views from) an app
- The
method returns a flutter app object. In multi-view mode, theaddView
methods can be used to manage app views from the host app. To learn more, check out Embedded mode.
#为了在应用程序初始化过程中向用户提供反馈,请使用各个阶段提供的钩子来更新 DOM:
const loading = document.createElement('div');
loading.textContent = "Loading Entrypoint...";
onEntrypointLoaded: async function(engineInitializer) {
loading.textContent = "Initializing engine...";
const appRunner = await engineInitializer.initializeEngine();
loading.textContent = "Running app...";
await appRunner.runApp();
除非另有说明,本文档之所提及适用于 Flutter 的最新稳定版本,本页面最后更新时间: 2025-02-04。 查看文档源码 或者 为本页面内容提出建议。