Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Rich Constraints
:1. Introduction
- We investigate the relationship between the original formulation of the general lot sizing and scheduling problem (GLSP) and the GLSP-RP by providing a comprehensive discussion of both problems.
- For solving the GLSP-RP, we propose the Late Acceptance Hill-climbing Matheuristic (LAHCM) as a general solution framework, which is inspired by and integrates the LAHC strategy with the exact approaches, i.e., the solution of optimization models for reduced problems configured in the spirit of the LAHC. To assess its performance, we evaluate it over a set of well-defined instances. The computational results indicate that by means of our approach we are able to improve the objective function values for several instances where a general-purpose solver such as CPLEX ( is not able to find optimal solutions in the given time limit of 1800 s.
2. Literature Review
2.1. The General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem
2.2. Solution Approaches and Model Extensions
3. The GLSP with Rework and Lifetime Constraint for Defective Items
4. Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic Template
4.1. Initial Solution
Algorithm 1: Matheuristic Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing algorithm (LAHCM) |
4.2. Mathematical Programming-Based Neighborhood
- Strategy 1 (): The variables are fixed except for those regarding a product j selected at random.
- Strategy 2 ():The variables are fixed except for those regarding two products j and selected at random and where .
- Strategy 3 ():The variables are fixed except for those regarding three products j, , and selected at random and where .
Algorithm 2: Fix and Solve algorithm for the GLSP-RP |
4.3. Illustrative Example of the Functioning of the LAHCM for the GLSP-RP
5. Computational Results
5.1. Data Set
5.2. Algorithm Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Indices | |
Products with | |
Denoting the last micro-period of a macro-period t | |
m | Micro-periods with |
Set of micro-periods m within macro-period t | |
t | Macro-periods with |
Parameters | |
Available capacity in macro-period t in time units | |
Demand of product j in period t | |
Sequence-dependent setup costs for a change over from product i to j | |
Inventory holding cost factor for product j | |
Minimum lot size amount of product j | |
Fixed number of micro-periods within a macro-period t | |
setup times for a change over from product i to j | |
Process time per unit of product j | |
M | big number, e.g., |
Variables | |
Inventory of product j in period t | |
Binary setup variable, 1 if product j is set up for production | |
in micro-period m, 0 otherwise | |
Production amount of product j in micro-period m | |
Changeover variable, 1 if production is changed from product i to j | |
in micro-period m, 0 otherwise |
Parameters | |
Inventory holding cost factor for defective items of product j | |
Disposal cost for one perished item of product j | |
Lifetime of product j in micro-periods | |
Proportion of defective items of product j in t | |
Process time for reworking a defective item per unit of product j | |
Variables | |
Number of defective items of product j produced in micro-period m | |
Number of perished items of rework inventory of product j | |
in micro-period m | |
Number of defective items stored in rework inventory of product j | |
in micro-period m | |
Binary joint-setup variable, 1 if product j is set up for production and/or rework | |
in micro-period m, 0 otherwise | |
Quantity of defective items of product j reworked in micro-period m | |
Production amount of good-quality items of product j in micro-period m |
GLSP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
j = 1 | 96 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 0 | 108 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 79 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 159 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 113 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 144 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 93 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
j = 2 | 79 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
j = 2 | 6 | 0 | 0 |
GLSP-RP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |||
j = 1 | 137 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 107 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 149 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 97 | 0 | 243 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 137 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 49 | 105 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 148 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 49 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 97 | 0 | 243 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 1 | 42 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
j = 2 | 148 | 9 | 0 | |||||||||||||||
j = 2 | 0 | 93 | 0 |
GLSP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
GLSP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
GLSP-RP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
GLSP-RP | t: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
m: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | |||
j = 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |||
j = 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Parameter | Class A | Class B | Class C |
# of instances | 50 | 50 | 50 |
# of products (j) | 5 | 4 | 6 |
# of macro-periods (t) | 4 | 3 | 2 |
# of micro-periods within t () | 7 | 6 | 8 |
[0;40,120] | [0;40,120] | [0;600,1000] | |
[100,400] | [100,400] | [100,400] | |
/10 | /10 | [10,40] | |
1 | 1 | 1 | |
0.5 | 0.5 | 0.75 | |
[10,20] | [10,20] | [1,5] | |
/ | / | (/)*0.75 | |
10 | 10 | 50 | |
1000 | 1000 | 1000 | |
3 | 3 | 2 | |
[0;0.005,0.03] | [0;0.005,0.03] | [0;0.005,0.03] | |
Class A | CPLEX | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | ||||||||||||||
Instance | Objective | Time | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | |||||
1 | 6049.71 | 1800 s | 15535.14 | 106 s | 5 | 5749.71 | 568 s | 37 | 5749.71 | 548 s | 52 | 5799.71 | 665 s | 69 | |||||
2 | 6099.29 | 1800 s | 11273.29 | 101 s | 3 | 6646.57 | 229 s | 27 | 5392.71 | 255 s | 50 | 5443.85 | 508 s | 88 | |||||
3 | 4597.86 | 1800 s | 9076.71 | 241 s | 8 | 3902.43 | 204 s | 13 | 3902.43 | 208 s | 29 | 4295.85 | 800 s | 120 | |||||
4 | 10941.60 | 1800 s | 8799.86 | 235 s | 4 | 8477.86 | 922 s | 38 | 8318.14 | 1128 s | 57 | 8088.00 | 1558 s | 94 | |||||
5 | 6332.86 | 1800 s | 14586.85 | 119 s | 4 | 5803.00 | 407 s | 36 | 5733.50 | 655 s | 45 | 5715.71 | 849 s | 57 | |||||
6 | 7872.14 | 1800 s | 7422.14 | 121 s | 4 | 7372.14 | 322 s | 19 | 7372.14 | 622 s | 46 | 7249.28 | 1172 s | 76 | |||||
7 | 5074.14 | 1800 s | 14331.85 | 102 s | 7 | 5363.71 | 286 s | 30 | 4875.57 | 280 s | 39 | 4674.14 | 543 s | 65 | |||||
8 | 7044.71 | 1800 s | 10723.57 | 125 s | 7 | 6157.85 | 293 s | 34 | 7118.43 | 407 s | 39 | 6367.85 | 669 s | 86 | |||||
9 | 7846.14 | 1800 s | 9596.28 | 116 s | 5 | 8243.28 | 722 s | 31 | 8048.57 | 619 s | 28 | 7763.42 | 1434 s | 112 | |||||
10 | 5972.00 | 1800 s | 6290.29 | 239 s | 11 | 5884.85 | 605 s | 39 | 6032.57 | 452 s | 45 | 5884.85 | 935 s | 86 | |||||
11 | 5030.00 | 1800 s | 6050.71 | 137 s | 5 | 4780.00 | 529 s | 44 | 4685.71 | 501 s | 35 | 4529.42 | 543 s | 78 | |||||
12 | 4625.00 | 1800 s | 4628.28 | 144 s | 9 | 4297.28 | 251 s | 32 | 4347.29 | 304 s | 41 | 4185.57 | 316 s | 74 | |||||
13 | 5176.00 | 1800 s | 5909.57 | 168 s | 7 | 4179.85 | 263 s | 18 | 3925.71 | 364 s | 44 | 3957.71 | 389 s | 65 | |||||
14 | 6927.00 | 1800 s | 7077.00 | 289 s | 12 | 7043.29 | 318 s | 13 | 6526.99 | 280 s | 27 | 6327.00 | 450 s | 54 | |||||
15 | 5316.14 | 1800 s | 5450.43 | 137 s | 6 | 5252.85 | 321 s | 22 | 4966.14 | 343 s | 34 | 5152.85 | 408 s | 61 | |||||
16 | 7428.86 | 1800 s | 8962.29 | 160 s | 10 | 6831.43 | 376 s | 20 | 7167.00 | 1085 s | 70 | 6627.71 | 764 s | 84 | |||||
17 | 5168.00 | 1800 s | 10950.85 | 103 s | 4 | 5178.00 | 385 s | 17 | 4878.00 | 376 s | 47 | 4859.14 | 705 s | 71 | |||||
18 | 4793.71 | 1800 s | 8443.43 | 105 s | 4 | 4019.86 | 293 s | 21 | 4069.85 | 362 s | 56 | 4119.85 | 330 s | 75 | |||||
19 | 6122.14 | 1800 s | 7208.71 | 409 s | 7 | 5606.57 | 721 s | 42 | 6222.14 | 590 s | 33 | 5318.85 | 1714 s | 105 | |||||
20 | 6858.00 | 1800 s | 9694.43 | 120 s | 5 | 6396.29 | 669 s | 61 | 6096.71 | 548 s | 49 | 6061.28 | 946 s | 91 | |||||
21 | 5355.57 | 1800 s | 8035.28 | 114 s | 3 | 5455.57 | 530 s | 36 | 5455.57 | 259 s | 59 | 5455.57 | 1066 s | 105 | |||||
22 | 5983.86 | 1800 s | 6472.57 | 118 s | 6 | 6026.14 | 229 s | 24 | 5477.71 | 615 s | 49 | 5477.71 | 612 s | 72 | |||||
23 | 7784.29 | 1800 s | 14793.29 | 141 s | 5 | 6427.71 | 875 s | 33 | 6384.28 | 979 s | 71 | 6876.14 | 965 s | 98 | |||||
24 | 4834.86 | 1800 s | 5756.00 | 131 s | 4 | 4913.71 | 156 s | 23 | 5325.71 | 344 s | 42 | 4715.14 | 652 s | 76 | |||||
25 | 7774.29 | 1800 s | 7876.29 | 146 s | 3 | 7086.29 | 272 s | 18 | 7186.29 | 223 s | 27 | 7230.57 | 1040 s | 59 | |||||
26 | 4199.57 | 1800 s | 7983.57 | 106 s | 4 | 3674.43 | 226 s | 31 | 3854.43 | 260 s | 39 | 3656.42 | 443 s | 87 | |||||
27 | 6020.71 | 1800 s | 9443.57 | 127 s | 3 | 5218.00 | 170 s | 28 | 5370.71 | 466 s | 55 | 5218.00 | 1031 s | 121 | |||||
28 | 6260.29 | 1800 s | 7497.14 | 133 s | 4 | 5775.43 | 234 s | 20 | 6956.29 | 298 s | 24 | 5624.28 | 512 s | 70 | |||||
29 | 9204.29 | 1800 s | 8537.71 | 134 s | 8 | 7157.14 | 705 s | 36 | 7157.14 | 809 s | 57 | 7157.14 | 1542 s | 122 | |||||
30 | 3922.71 | 1800 s | 4428.43 | 113 s | 7 | 3572.71 | 172 s | 24 | 3572.71 | 229 s | 36 | 3572.71 | 528 s | 61 | |||||
31 | 7513.14 | 1800 s | 15084.29 | 102 s | 3 | 5958.00 | 403 s | 34 | 5770.00 | 649 s | 47 | 5770.00 | 1800 s | 115 | |||||
32 | 6869.14 | 1800 s | 7081.57 | 259 s | 7 | 6673.43 | 253 s | 21 | 6233.28 | 1210 s | 59 | 6137.14 | 1157 s | 84 | |||||
33 | 4902.71 | 1800 s | 8331.71 | 142 s | 4 | 4502.14 | 306 s | 29 | 4502.14 | 671 s | 71 | 4704.42 | 1110 s | 110 | |||||
34 | 5602.86 | 1800 s | 9533.86 | 133 s | 4 | 5488.57 | 316 s | 30 | 5638.57 | 598 s | 24 | 5576.14 | 904 s | 61 | |||||
35 | 8134.57 | 1800 s | 13257.86 | 202 s | 5 | 6821.86 | 700 s | 37 | 6571.85 | 706 s | 42 | 6571.85 | 1589 s | 111 | |||||
36 | 3811.86 | 1800 s | 5019.71 | 164 s | 7 | 3667.29 | 208 s | 33 | 3720.71 | 244 s | 31 | 3517.29 | 363 s | 72 | |||||
37 | 6487.71 | 1800 s | 8290.29 | 131 s | 7 | 6637.29 | 410 s | 32 | 6588.71 | 477 s | 38 | 6637.28 | 1037 s | 74 | |||||
38 | 8037.43 | 1800 s | 9030.29 | 179 s | 3 | 6831.14 | 533 s | 21 | 6831.14 | 827 s | 57 | 6831.14 | 1345 s | 62 | |||||
39 | 7095.43 | 1800 s | 7939.00 | 131 s | 4 | 6696.29 | 272 s | 27 | 6053.71 | 593 s | 50 | 5928.85 | 653 s | 72 | |||||
40 | 4176.00 | 1800 s | 9561.14 | 107 s | 5 | 4226.00 | 202 s | 28 | 4274.29 | 237 s | 48 | 4174.28 | 538 s | 98 | |||||
41 | 4141.71 | 1800 s | 4058.57 | 139 s | 4 | 3974.29 | 170 s | 15 | 4031.43 | 173 s | 31 | 3931.43 | 453 s | 81 | |||||
42 | 4625.00 | 1800 s | 7156.71 | 103 s | 5 | 5435.00 | 145 s | 17 | 4337.43 | 585 s | 71 | 4437.43 | 839 s | 91 | |||||
43 | 9968.57 | 1800 s | 9535.99 | 602 s | 9 | 8421.99 | 604 s | 49 | 8622.00 | 701 s | 38 | 8542.14 | 1333 s | 81 | |||||
44 | 4851.29 | 1800 s | 9972.42 | 105 s | 5 | 4497.14 | 263 s | 27 | 4669.14 | 406 s | 31 | 4597.14 | 449 s | 64 | |||||
45 | 5191.14 | 1800 s | 10550.71 | 101 s | 4 | 3649.57 | 184 s | 20 | 3599.57 | 250 s | 25 | 3601.71 | 474 s | 92 | |||||
46 | 7982.71 | 1800 s | 14014.29 | 101 s | 3 | 7749.57 | 510 s | 19 | 6879.29 | 629 s | 45 | 7059.28 | 1304 s | 89 | |||||
47 | 7434.43 | 1800 s | 8172.43 | 131 s | 4 | 6610.43 | 313 s | 26 | 6214.00 | 514 s | 30 | 6490.42 | 865 s | 57 | |||||
48 | 8093.57 | 1800 s | 8817.57 | 139 s | 4 | 8958.99 | 266 s | 48 | 7449.14 | 490 s | 34 | 6791.85 | 1423 s | 83 | |||||
49 | 6721.14 | 1800 s | 6426.29 | 140 s | 7 | 6304.29 | 325 s | 21 | 5825.71 | 385 s | 33 | 5725.71 | 863 s | 82 | |||||
50 | 6238.43 | 1800 s | 8563.86 | 247 s | 8 | 6304.43 | 475 s | 24 | 4960.85 | 550 s | 51 | 4960.85 | 1208 s | 103 | |||||
avg. | 6289.89 | 1800.00 s | 8864.68 | 157.96 s | 5.52 | 5838.03 | 382.22 s | 28.50 | 5698.86 | 506.08 s | 43.62 | 5587.84 | 875.92 s | 83.28 | |||||
Gap to CPLEX (in %) | +40.9% | −91.2% | - | −7.2% | −78.8% | - | −9.4% | −71.9% | - | −11.2% | −51.3% | - | |||||||
# of better sol. found* | 6 | 37 | 40 | 48 |
Class B | CPLEX | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | ||||||||||||||
Instance | Objective | Time | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | |||||
1 | 1620.00 | 107 s | 2187.83 | 31 s | 4 | 1818.17 | 65 s | 32 | 1620.00 | 94 s | 43 | 1620.00 | 114 s | 60 | |||||
2 | 1957.33 | 66 s | 2057.33 | 23 s | 5 | 2003.67 | 58 s | 18 | 1957.33 | 83 s | 24 | 1957.33 | 159 s | 54 | |||||
3 | 1386.00 | 21 s | 1386.00 | 16 s | 5 | 1386.00 | 17 s | 12 | 1386.00 | 28 s | 22 | 1386.00 | 57 s | 65 | |||||
4 | 3474.33 | 332 s | 4319.99 | 24 s | 6 | 3554.66 | 128 s | 37 | 3474.33 | 324 s | 33 | 3474.33 | 404 s | 69 | |||||
5 | 2344.50 | 45 s | 4440.83 | 20 s | 5 | 2344.49 | 43 s | 25 | 2344.50 | 48 s | 33 | 2344.49 | 94 s | 63 | |||||
6 | 2170.17 | 56 s | 4037.17 | 10 s | 3 | 2170.16 | 26 s | 13 | 2387.66 | 122 s | 33 | 2170.17 | 106 s | 58 | |||||
7 | 4153.33 | 313 s | 7189.66 | 35 s | 3 | 4304.99 | 146 s | 24 | 4153.33 | 320 s | 59 | 4153.33 | 334 s | 62 | |||||
8 | 2591.67 | 341 s | 2591.66 | 57 s | 4 | 2591.66 | 93 s | 17 | 2591.67 | 127 s | 28 | 2591.66 | 322 s | 73 | |||||
9 | 1699.50 | 33 s | 6009.00 | 13 s | 7 | 1699.50 | 38 s | 14 | 1699.50 | 60 s | 24 | 1699.49 | 122 s | 68 | |||||
10 | 3156.83 | 97 s | 4114.00 | 56 s | 5 | 3156.83 | 110 s | 24 | 3164.66 | 119 s | 30 | 3156.83 | 225 s | 62 | |||||
11 | 2203.17 | 27 s | 2203.17 | 13 s | 5 | 2203.17 | 30 s | 17 | 2203.16 | 59 s | 24 | 2203.16 | 98 s | 54 | |||||
12 | 3401.00 | 757 s | 3401.00 | 72 s | 5 | 3602.33 | 169 s | 24 | 3401.00 | 167 s | 52 | 3401.00 | 229 s | 58 | |||||
13 | 2395.50 | 64 s | 2645.50 | 36 s | 7 | 2395.50 | 80 s | 17 | 2464.83 | 118 s | 28 | 2395.50 | 179 s | 69 | |||||
14 | 2594.00 | 32 s | 6585.67 | 27 s | 4 | 2594.00 | 79 s | 23 | 2593.90 | 75 s | 32 | 2593.99 | 185 s | 110 | |||||
15 | 2806.67 | 146 s | 4688.33 | 17 s | 6 | 2806.67 | 168 s | 22 | 2806.66 | 94 s | 45 | 2806.66 | 146 s | 55 | |||||
16 | 2042.17 | 78 s | 2359.33 | 32 s | 4 | 2359.33 | 37 s | 14 | 2359.33 | 51 s | 30 | 2042.16 | 214 s | 97 | |||||
17 | 2843.33 | 112 s | 2993.33 | 26 s | 4 | 2843.33 | 56 s | 13 | 2843.33 | 73 s | 23 | 2843.33 | 191 s | 55 | |||||
18 | 3975.17 | 1061 s | 4219.33 | 20 s | 4 | 4126.33 | 56 s | 15 | 4055.99 | 313 s | 32 | 3975.16 | 304 s | 56 | |||||
19 | 2787.33 | 44 s | 4090.17 | 25 s | 4 | 2787.33 | 29 s | 16 | 3390.50 | 93 s | 40 | 2787.33 | 192 s | 72 | |||||
20 | 1514.00 | 33 s | 2137.33 | 29 s | 4 | 1514.00 | 41 s | 27 | 1514.00 | 74 s | 38 | 1514.00 | 109 s | 94 | |||||
21 | 3339.50 | 233 s | 4865.83 | 65 s | 5 | 3339.50 | 68 s | 13 | 3339.50 | 151 s | 45 | 3339.50 | 227 s | 91 | |||||
22 | 2790.00 | 173 s | 3770.67 | 29 s | 3 | 3341.99 | 53 s | 13 | 2789.99 | 97 s | 38 | 2790.00 | 146 s | 70 | |||||
23 | 3647.00 | 175 s | 9462.00 | 42 s | 4 | 3879.67 | 107 s | 12 | 3879.66 | 194 s | 28 | 3647.00 | 319 s | 62 | |||||
24 | 3951.00 | 427 s | 4719.99 | 46 s | 5 | 3998.66 | 138 s | 22 | 4065.33 | 393 s | 47 | 3951.00 | 251 s | 58 | |||||
25 | 1794.00 | 27 s | 1794.00 | 16 s | 5 | 1794.00 | 36 s | 15 | 1794.00 | 61 s | 26 | 1794.00 | 92 s | 61 | |||||
26 | 2578.50 | 89 s | 3168.00 | 34 s | 3 | 2679.16 | 68 s | 34 | 2578.50 | 154 s | 47 | 2578.50 | 128 s | 69 | |||||
27 | 2530.67 | 241 s | 8331.33 | 13 s | 3 | 2803.17 | 44 s | 22 | 2803.16 | 55 s | 32 | 2530.66 | 152 s | 64 | |||||
28 | 983.50 | 18 s | 1083.50 | 20 s | 4 | 983.49 | 27 s | 17 | 983.50 | 49 s | 46 | 983.50 | 53 s | 58 | |||||
29 | 2951.50 | 156 s | 3154.33 | 42 s | 5 | 3154.33 | 51 s | 13 | 3154.33 | 83 s | 23 | 2951.49 | 93 s | 53 | |||||
30 | 2552.00 | 144 s | 2551.99 | 37 s | 4 | 2555.66 | 48 s | 20 | 2552.00 | 80 s | 23 | 2697.16 | 127 s | 58 | |||||
31 | 2697.17 | 136 s | 3527.83 | 38 s | 7 | 2697.17 | 41 s | 18 | 2697.17 | 33 s | 24 | 2697.17 | 173 s | 77 | |||||
32 | 3377.83 | 1003 s | 3377.83 | 34 s | 5 | 3377.83 | 38 s | 13 | 3377.83 | 87 s | 34 | 3377.83 | 200 s | 84 | |||||
33 | 3554.33 | 231 s | 4337.16 | 51 s | 5 | 3554.33 | 128 s | 25 | 3554.33 | 195 s | 56 | 3554.33 | 202 s | 81 | |||||
34 | 3710.50 | 234 s | 4192.33 | 61 s | 5 | 4010.33 | 183 s | 15 | 3715.33 | 119 s | 28 | 3710.50 | 187 s | 59 | |||||
35 | 2675.50 | 179 s | 3330.83 | 36 s | 6 | 2875.50 | 67 s | 13 | 2675.50 | 62 s | 28 | 2675.50 | 149 s | 54 | |||||
36 | 2157.17 | 86 s | 3549.83 | 41 s | 6 | 2157.17 | 40 s | 27 | 2157.17 | 90 s | 39 | 2157.17 | 61 s | 53 | |||||
37 | 3296.17 | 229 s | 4998.50 | 20 s | 6 | 3495.33 | 38 s | 13 | 3345.33 | 71 s | 29 | 3296.17 | 178 s | 67 | |||||
38 | 3107.50 | 95 s | 1942.67 | 27 s | 6 | 3248.66 | 96 s | 26 | 3236.17 | 66 s | 23 | 3107.49 | 138 s | 63 | |||||
39 | 1892.67 | 26 s | 1892.67 | 25 s | 5 | 1942.66 | 26 s | 20 | 1942.66 | 35 s | 23 | 1892.66 | 59 s | 56 | |||||
40 | 2297.83 | 39 s | 2347.83 | 21 s | 5 | 2347.83 | 29 s | 12 | 2347.83 | 42 s | 25 | 2347.83 | 58 s | 58 | |||||
41 | 4051.67 | 1800 s | 5854.49 | 39 s | 5 | 4051.66 | 53 s | 16 | 4051.67 | 192 s | 28 | 4051.67 | 306 s | 53 | |||||
42 | 2572.50 | 110 s | 6122.17 | 24 s | 5 | 2572.50 | 47 s | 12 | 2572.49 | 75 s | 37 | 2572.50 | 111 s | 60 | |||||
43 | 1973.17 | 18 s | 2065.17 | 21 s | 6 | 2173.16 | 31 s | 19 | 1973.17 | 48 s | 32 | 1973.17 | 76 s | 66 | |||||
44 | 1350.67 | 22 s | 1500.67 | 14 s | 4 | 1350.67 | 14 s | 14 | 1500.66 | 42 s | 25 | 1350.66 | 38 s | 54 | |||||
45 | 2153.00 | 17 s | 2402.99 | 20 s | 3 | 2153.00 | 33 s | 17 | 2152.99 | 54 s | 26 | 2153.00 | 117 s | 67 | |||||
46 | 2071.83 | 48 s | 2071.83 | 31 s | 5 | 2071.83 | 36 s | 13 | 2071.83 | 60 s | 23 | 2071.83 | 131 s | 56 | |||||
47 | 2604.67 | 143 s | 3536.33 | 39 s | 6 | 3342.33 | 74 s | 13 | 2704.67 | 89 s | 34 | 2604.67 | 163 s | 55 | |||||
48 | 2963.33 | 235 s | 3265.50 | 41 s | 7 | 3451.33 | 69 s | 17 | 2963.33 | 145 s | 43 | 2963.33 | 224 s | 72 | |||||
49 | 3089.50 | 277 s | 7007.00 | 30 s | 3 | 3141.83 | 106 s | 17 | 3141.83 | 163 s | 39 | 3089.50 | 204 s | 74 | |||||
50 | 3379.17 | 233 s | 4937.99 | 30 s | 4 | 3379.17 | 129 s | 13 | 3379.17 | 95 s | 29 | 3379.17 | 259 s | 70 | |||||
avg. | 2664.20 | 212.18 s | 3776.40 | 31.38 s | 4.78 | 2763.72 | 67.74 s | 18.36 | 2718.26 | 110.44 s | 33.06 | 2668.10 | 168.12 s | 65.54 | |||||
Gap to CPLEX (in %) | +41.7% | −85.2% | - | +3.7% | −68.1% | - | +2.0% | −48.0% | - | +0.1% | −20.8% | - | |||||||
# of better sol. found* | 10 | 26 | 32 | 48 |
Class C | CPLEX | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | LAHCM () | ||||||||||||||
Instance | Objective | Time | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | Objective | Time | Iterations | |||||
1 | 30064.10 | 1800 s | 40243.62 | 106 s | 4 | 29964.50 | 156 s | 72 | 30064.50 | 128 s | 36 | 29964.50 | 160 s | 65 | |||||
2 | 11761.90 | 689 s | 12110.75 | 109 s | 10 | 18239.13 | 119 s | 15 | 11810.75 | 133 s | 36 | 11761.90 | 174 s | 106 | |||||
3 | 24294.50 | 630 s | 62634.50 | 101 s | 7 | 35088.87 | 118 s | 17 | 24694.50 | 137 s | 53 | 24294.50 | 142 s | 88 | |||||
4 | 33426.10 | 1800 s | 47853.88 | 96 s | 3 | 34167.63 | 124 s | 43 | 34017.63 | 177 s | 97 | 33426.10 | 184 s | 97 | |||||
5 | 21528.40 | 935 s | 27950.75 | 102 s | 4 | 22300.63 | 115 s | 32 | 21578.37 | 130 s | 64 | 21528.38 | 194 s | 128 | |||||
6 | 63558.00 | 1800 s | 82703.50 | 106 s | 4 | 64818.37 | 129 s | 26 | 63558.00 | 145 s | 45 | 63557.99 | 190 s | 100 | |||||
7 | 31807.30 | 311 s | 32314.75 | 104 s | 5 | 32257.25 | 140 s | 46 | 31857.25 | 140 s | 71 | 31807.25 | 152 s | 91 | |||||
8 | 6384.75 | 352 s | 7195.63 | 103 s | 6 | 6435.38 | 114 s | 29 | 6585.38 | 121 s | 42 | 6384.75 | 153 s | 137 | |||||
9 | 26849.50 | 467 s | 27050.00 | 111 s | 7 | 27050.00 | 119 s | 28 | 26850.00 | 131 s | 64 | 26849.50 | 139 s | 76 | |||||
10 | 10713.00 | 965 s | 33008.75 | 105 s | 3 | 11163.00 | 114 s | 17 | 10847.00 | 115 s | 32 | 10713.00 | 74 s | 163 | |||||
11 | 41102.00 | 1800 s | 45801.63 | 108 s | 6 | 41102.00 | 119 s | 30 | 41102.00 | 142 s | 62 | 40701.99 | 179 s | 111 | |||||
12 | 38239.10 | 855 s | 55782.00 | 105 s | 3 | 38339.13 | 119 s | 24 | 38289.12 | 143 s | 51 | 38239.10 | 145 s | 66 | |||||
13 | 57119.40 | 1800 s | 61553.00 | 103 s | 4 | 60370.13 | 113 s | 17 | 58023.25 | 147 s | 40 | 57219.00 | 276 s | 171 | |||||
14 | 36329.90 | 1800 s | 36879.88 | 99 s | 10 | 36968.13 | 113 s | 20 | 36418.00 | 154 s | 77 | 36579.87 | 150 s | 56 | |||||
15 | 54449.60 | 1800 s | 54595.87 | 105 s | 4 | 53984.13 | 122 s | 20 | 54486.63 | 142 s | 33 | 53884.13 | 309 s | 153 | |||||
16 | 18046.10 | 1450 s | 27043.75 | 105 s | 6 | 18395.75 | 104 s | 13 | 18046.10 | 122 s | 44 | 18046.10 | 175 s | 141 | |||||
17 | 65550.50 | 1800 s | 65748.25 | 109 s | 7 | 65598.25 | 115 s | 19 | 65700.50 | 138 s | 47 | 65398.25 | 184 s | 87 | |||||
18 | 18158.50 | 93 s | 37458.25 | 102 s | 3 | 18658.50 | 106 s | 13 | 18158.50 | 125 s | 37 | 18158.50 | 147 s | 89 | |||||
19 | 70202.50 | 1800 s | 89141.88 | 112 s | 7 | 70302.50 | 143 s | 38 | 70202.49 | 182 s | 66 | 70202.49 | 204 s | 117 | |||||
20 | 13960.90 | 148 s | 34704.50 | 103 s | 4 | 13960.87 | 108 s | 30 | 13960.88 | 121 s | 58 | 13960.88 | 122 s | 59 | |||||
21 | 22345.40 | 720 s | 23208.50 | 103 s | 5 | 22659.13 | 142 s | 44 | 22345.38 | 157 s | 45 | 22445.37 | 217 s | 145 | |||||
22 | 29961.80 | 1800 s | 37861.75 | 107 s | 7 | 30061.75 | 111 s | 20 | 29911.75 | 123 s | 24 | 29911.75 | 180 s | 93 | |||||
23 | 39030.30 | 1800 s | 47525.75 | 85 s | 6 | 39608.87 | 100 s | 21 | 39509.25 | 123 s | 46 | 39180.24 | 152 s | 71 | |||||
24 | 16223.30 | 1800 s | 25611.50 | 102 s | 4 | 17571.50 | 112 s | 30 | 16473.87 | 137 s | 35 | 16223.24 | 165 s | 87 | |||||
25 | 8436.00 | 35 s | 10938.00 | 101 s | 3 | 8636.00 | 105 s | 18 | 8736.00 | 115 s | 38 | 8435.99 | 116 s | 53 | |||||
26 | 8741.13 | 273 s | 17349.13 | 102 s | 5 | 16237.38 | 121 s | 31 | 8991.13 | 124 s | 39 | 8741.13 | 151 s | 123 | |||||
27 | 19510.63 | 1800 s | 51356.99 | 103 s | 5 | 19710.63 | 124 s | 24 | 19610.63 | 152 s | 42 | 19510.63 | 180 s | 70 | |||||
28 | 34204.00 | 1800 s | 36959.62 | 107 s | 5 | 37209.63 | 113 s | 14 | 34204.00 | 141 s | 38 | 34204.00 | 252 s | 57 | |||||
29 | 22248.75 | 310 s | 26831.63 | 104 s | 5 | 22460.75 | 136 s | 54 | 22598.75 | 125 s | 26 | 22248.75 | 173 s | 111 | |||||
30 | 55401.50 | 1800 s | 76742.25 | 115 s | 4 | 55012.00 | 123 s | 31 | 55451.50 | 192 s | 78 | 55201.49 | 198 s | 117 | |||||
31 | 36470.38 | 1503 s | 57020.25 | 108 s | 4 | 37525.25 | 128 s | 29 | 37374.88 | 155 s | 54 | 36470.37 | 175 s | 100 | |||||
32 | 31585.25 | 1800 s | 33886.37 | 106 s | 9 | 31862.63 | 137 s | 24 | 31585.25 | 169 s | 57 | 31585.24 | 163 s | 74 | |||||
33 | 17730.25 | 1612 s | 22179.75 | 101 s | 4 | 17730.25 | 116 s | 40 | 18030.25 | 123 s | 40 | 17730.25 | 150 s | 98 | |||||
34 | 38211.63 | 1800 s | 38782.00 | 104 s | 4 | 38458.63 | 132 s | 38 | 38382.00 | 133 s | 24 | 38408.63 | 265 s | 78 | |||||
35 | 23770.88 | 827 s | 31775.13 | 101 s | 3 | 23870.87 | 115 s | 33 | 23920.87 | 115 s | 29 | 23770.87 | 174 s | 65 | |||||
36 | 18219.50 | 1800 s | 19472.50 | 103 s | 8 | 18669.50 | 120 s | 38 | 18453.50 | 135 s | 34 | 18219.50 | 168 s | 99 | |||||
37 | 45210.25 | 1800 s | 46334.25 | 113 s | 7 | 48069.50 | 127 s | 27 | 44249.75 | 162 s | 56 | 44278.75 | 211 s | 80 | |||||
38 | 16696.50 | 1363 s | 16945.88 | 104 s | 7 | 16995.88 | 116 s | 27 | 16845.88 | 125 s | 52 | 16696.50 | 182 s | 133 | |||||
39 | 38395.13 | 1800 s | 39751.75 | 106 s | 5 | 40036.88 | 126 s | 24 | 38295.13 | 137 s | 37 | 38245.13 | 166 s | 64 | |||||
40 | 5876.00 | 186 s | 8229.25 | 101 s | 5 | 6240.50 | 110 s | 22 | 6240.50 | 117 s | 42 | 5976.00 | 163 s | 73 | |||||
41 | 23764.38 | 1800 s | 35347.63 | 105 s | 5 | 24364.38 | 116 s | 25 | 24071.00 | 138 s | 39 | 23871.00 | 170 s | 88 | |||||
42 | 38450.13 | 1800 s | 53822.38 | 103 s | 4 | 38700.12 | 138 s | 31 | 38550.13 | 170 s | 45 | 38650.13 | 308 s | 132 | |||||
43 | 49706.63 | 1800 s | 53004.37 | 106 s | 4 | 52854.38 | 140 s | 32 | 50056.38 | 128 s | 34 | 49706.63 | 204 s | 84 | |||||
44 | 31453.00 | 1800 s | 31956.50 | 106 s | 4 | 31553.00 | 125 s | 18 | 31953.00 | 124 s | 31 | 31553.00 | 199 s | 86 | |||||
45 | 22222.75 | 1800 s | 23462.13 | 105 s | 4 | 22774.75 | 118 s | 17 | 22672.75 | 161 s | 46 | 22222.75 | 172 s | 71 | |||||
46 | 47763.75 | 1800 s | 48213.75 | 105 s | 6 | 48113.75 | 122 s | 22 | 47963.75 | 116 s | 23 | 47763.75 | 180 s | 73 | |||||
47 | 29746.13 | 1800 s | 29996.13 | 99 s | 4 | 29952.75 | 119 s | 20 | 30008.25 | 145 s | 41 | 29701.25 | 271 s | 171 | |||||
48 | 47663.50 | 1800 s | 49409.88 | 101 s | 5 | 49409.88 | 109 s | 13 | 48163.63 | 128 s | 33 | 47663.50 | 173 s | 75 | |||||
49 | 52298.00 | 1800 s | 65293.49 | 105 s | 9 | 56111.87 | 138 s | 34 | 55961.87 | 162 s | 67 | 55961.88 | 187 s | 75 | |||||
50 | 19509.25 | 1800 s | 20109.25 | 108 s | 6 | 20570.75 | 129 s | 42 | 19759.25 | 162 s | 55 | 19509.25 | 185 s | 68 | |||||
avg. | 31287.84 | 1354.48 s | 39223.06 | 104.26 s | 5.26 | 32443.94 | 121.56 s | 27.84 | 31532.42 | 139.34 s | 46.10 | 31335.30 | 182.06 s | 96.30 | |||||
Gap to CPLEX (in %) | +25.4% | −92.3% | - | +3.7% | −91.0% | - | +0.8% | −89.7% | - | +0.2% | −86.6% | - | |||||||
# of better sol. found* | 0 | 6 | 12 | 40 |
CPLEX | LAHCM () | ||||
Instance | Objective | Time | Objective | Time | Iterations |
Class A | |||||
21 | 5355.57 | 1800 s | 5355.57 | 843 s | 141 |
37 | 6487.71 | 1800 s | 6387.71 | 1017 s | 140 |
Class B | |||||
30 | 2552.00 | 144 s | 2552.00 | 209 s | 113 |
40 | 2297.83 | 39 s | 2297.83 | 189 s | 202 |
Class C | |||||
13 | 57,119.40 | 1800 s | 57,119.40 | 313 s | 253 |
14 | 36,329.90 | 1800 s | 36,329.90 | 233 s | 191 |
21 | 22,345.40 | 720 s | 22,345.40 | 240 s | 169 |
23 | 39,030.30 | 1800 s | 39,180.24 | 225 s | 190 |
34 | 38,211.63 | 1800 s | 38,211.63 | 220 s | 120 |
40 | 5876.00 | 186 s | 5876.00 | 142 s | 132 |
41 | 23,764.38 | 1800 s | 23,871.00 | 241 s | 256 |
42 | 38,450.13 | 1800 s | 38,450.13 | 233 s | 121 |
44 | 31,453.00 | 1800 s | 31,453.00 | 253 s | 173 |
49 | 52,298.00 | 1800 s | 52,298.00 | 260 s | 224 |
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Goerler, A.; Lalla-Ruiz, E.; Voß, S. Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Rich Constraints. Algorithms 2020, 13, 138.
Goerler A, Lalla-Ruiz E, Voß S. Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Rich Constraints. Algorithms. 2020; 13(6):138.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoerler, Andreas, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, and Stefan Voß. 2020. "Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Rich Constraints" Algorithms 13, no. 6: 138.
APA StyleGoerler, A., Lalla-Ruiz, E., & Voß, S. (2020). Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing Matheuristic for the General Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Rich Constraints. Algorithms, 13(6), 138.