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Dreamlight Valley Collection.png

A hearty veggie that you can grow yourself!

Type: Menu Icon Ingredients.png Ingredient
Ingredient Type: Vegetables.png Vegetable
Placement: 1x1 (Surfaces)
Seed: Carrot Seed
Growth Time: Gardening.png 15 min
Gardening Bonus.png 13½ min Peaceful Meadow.png
Costs: Star Coin icon.png 66
Sells for: Star Coin icon.png 44
Energy: Energy.png+57
Gift Reward: Friendship.png 50
Found: Peaceful Meadow
From: Goofy's Stall


Carrot is a vegetable type ingredient used in cooking. It can be grown from Carrot Seeds, which are purchased from Goofy's Stall in the Peaceful Meadow.

The seeds are unlocked for sale after the initial repair of Goofy's Stall in the Peaceful Meadow, and the stall also has a chance to sell Carrot directly. After planting it takes 15 minutes to grow, and 1 watering until it can be harvested.

It can be consumed to regain energy, or used as an ingredient in cooked meals. Once collected it will be added to the Dreamlight Valley Ingredients Collection.

Ingredients can be placed in the world by highlighting them inside the Inventory window and selecting Drop. After removing from inventory, they can be positioned using furniture placement mode.

Ingredient Specific Recipes

Carrot is specifically required in the following recipes, and other ingredients of the same type can't be substituted.

Image Name Stars Energy Sell Price Ingredients
Carrot Cake.png
Carrot Cake ★★★★ Energy.png+908 Star Coin icon.png 427 Carrot
Coleslaw ★★☆☆☆ Energy.png+387 Star Coin icon.png 389 Cabbage
Vegetarian Stew.png
Vegetarian Stew ★★★☆☆ Energy.png+617 Star Coin icon.png 475 Potato

Crafting Recipes

Carrot is a required material in the following crafting recipes.

Image Name Crafting Recipe
Classic Snowman.png
Classic Snowman

Snowball (10)
Fabric (2)
Pebbles (3)

Gardening Training Manual.png
Gardening Training Manual

Corn (40)
Tomato (60)
Carrot (20)
Dreamlight (5000)

Snow Kid.png
Snow Kid

Snowball (8)
Fabric (2)
Pebbles (3)

Snow Lady.png
Snow Lady

Snowball (10)
Fabric (2)
Pebbles (3)

Quest Objectives

Carrot is an objective during the following quests.

Quest Required Use
Menu Icon Quests.png A Daily Regime Mulan.pngFriendship 2.png 2 Use to cook 2 Vegetarian Pizza
Menu Icon Quests.png A Restaurant Makeover Remy.png 15 Deliver to Remy
Menu Icon Quests.png Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Anna.pngFriendship 10.png 4 Use to craft Snow Family
Menu Icon Quests.png Leaving The Woods Behind Kristoff.png 20 Use to craft Carrot Soap
Menu Icon Quests.png The Ice Cavern Mystery Elsa.pngFriendship 10.png 1 Place on pedestal in the Ice Cavern
Menu Icon Quests.png The Great Gathering Simba.pngFriendship 4.png 9 Plant and grow
Menu Icon Quests.png Training Games: The Shapeshifter Maui.png 2 Use to cook Maui's Flag
Menu Icon Quests.png Trouble in Paradise Daisy.pngFriendship 2.png 6 Deliver to Daisy
Menu Icon Quests.png Villager of the Month: Mike Mike Wazowski.png 2 Use to cook 2 Hodgepodge à la Monstropolis
Menu Icon Quests.png You Have Mail! Mickey Mouse.png 5 Use to craft Wonderland Amplification Elixir

Quest Recipes

Carrot is a required material in the following quest specific crafting recipes.

Image Name Crafting Recipe Quest
Carrot Soap.png
Carrot Soap

Carrot (20)
Coconut (12)

Menu Icon Quests.png Leaving The Woods Behind Kristoff.png
Hodgepodge à la Monstropolis.png
Hodgepodge à la Monstropolis

Bell Pepper
Fresh Compost

Menu Icon Quests.png Villager of the Month: Mike Mike Wazowski.png
Maui's Flag.png
Maui's Flag

Maui's Frozen Flag
Carrot (2)

Menu Icon Quests.png Training Games: The Shapeshifter Maui.png
Snow Family.png
Snow Family

Snowball (40)
Pebbles (12)
Fabric (8)
Dry Wood (8)
Carrot (4)

Menu Icon Quests.png Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? Anna.pngFriendship 10.png
Wonderland Amplification Elixir.png
Wonderland Amplification Elixir

Dream Shard (3)
Carrot (5)
Topaz (3)
White Daisy (3)

Menu Icon Quests.png You Have Mail! Mickey Mouse.png

Code Distribution

Carrot can be collected from the mailbox after redeeming a code in the Settings menu. After entering the code 3 Carrot can be collected from the mailbox.

The code is shared in-game in a dialogue balloon from Hades during the quest Your Own Personal Hades.
